Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1102 Puppet Excellence

Zhuo Bufan cultivated the most powerful ten-aperture exquisite heart in the puppet world. Even Zhou Peng was dumbfounded and could not match it.

Zhou Peng always thought that he was a peerless genius since he had perfected the Seven Skills Exquisite Heart.

But now, he was frightened by the exquisite ten-aperture heart that Zhuo Bufan had refined.

If you say you are a genius, then what is Zhuo Bufan? That is a genius!

"Pengpeng, should we go down and congratulate him?"

Nana looked at Zhou Peng and said.

Zhou Peng snorted after hearing this.

"There is nothing worthy of congratulations, hum!"

"Let's go. I know you must be very happy at times. You want to see it too, right?"

Nana pulled Zhou Peng and went to the basement.

When they opened the basement door, an extremely pure energy wave began to ripple out.

Zhou Peng felt a little excited in his heart as he felt the energy fluctuations coming from the Exquisite Heart of the Ten Apertures.

This exquisite heart is the heart of the puppet. They also vibrate like the human heart.

Every time it vibrates, an extremely powerful energy will vibrate, which is extremely shocking.

"You are here!"

Zhuo Bufan held the exquisite heart in his hands and looked at Zhou Peng and Nana who came to the basement.

On the contrary, he was not as excited as he expected, and just asked calmly.

"Is this what the book says is the puppet core of the Ten Apertures?"

Zhuo Bufan asked, holding the exquisite heart with ten orifices.

In his hand, there was a white ball of light the size of a man's fist.

It exudes holy and pure energy.

Around the light ball, there are ten small light balls about the size of a finger.

Zhuo Bufan had read in a book that this was the clone produced after the core of the puppet was refined, that is, the aperture.

Every small orifice is actually a small clone of the core.

The more such holes, the stronger the core processing and computing capabilities.

The book said that the core of the puppet has at most ten orifices, and the one with ten orifices is called the Sacred Heart.

Among the countless puppets in Daluotian, there are only twelve puppets made with the Sacred Heart.

And now Zhuo Bufan has made the thirteenth Sacred Heart.

Zhou Peng looked at the Sacred Heart in Zhuo Bufan's hand, could no longer contain the joy in his heart, and rushed over.

"how did you do it?"

"It's impossible. With the same material, why can you make ten orifices? But I can only make seven orifices?"

Zhou Peng became a little excited.

He looked at the Sacred Heart in Zhuo Bufan's hand, his eyes filled with incomparable fondness.

Zhuo Bufan felt Zhou Peng's overzealous excitement, so he quickly put the Sacred Heart away.

"Just follow what you wrote in your notes!"

Zhuo Bufan took out a book with his backhand. That book was Zhou Peng's notebook, which recorded a lot of Zhou Peng's previous experimental data.

Among them is the method of making the puppet core.

"It's just that I made a slight change. The combination of the Exquisite Curse Seal and the Devouring Curse Seal is certainly a very mainstream combination, but this will result in the Linglong Heart being unable to enter and exit, and its endurance is limited."

"So I replaced the Devouring Curse Seal with the Breathing Curse Seal."

"Take the curse seal?"

Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan blankly and said in disbelief.

"That's right, it's the Breathing Curse Seal, which is also commonly known as the Breathing Curse Seal."

"Breathing is also a kind of power. Although the core of this puppet is artificial, in a certain way, it also has its own life and can breathe."

"I just gave it the most basic ability to breathe, and the rest is up to him."

"I didn't expect that it would evolve into the Ten-Aperture Exquisite Heart."

Zhou Peng was extremely reluctant to believe what Zhuo Bufan said.

It was hard for him to imagine that Zhuo Bufan actually changed his production method and developed another production method on his own.

No wonder when I observed him on the surveillance camera, I found that his behavior was a little weird.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan was making the puppet core according to his own ideas.

"You are simply, simply too bold. If you don't pay attention to the production of the puppet core, all your previous efforts will be wasted. You are so reckless."

Zhou Peng was originally very angry, but looking at the puppet core in Zhuo Bufan's hand, he couldn't get angry.

"What are you going to do next?"

Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Of course, make my own puppet."

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Peng continued to ask, he was obviously more interested than before.

Zhou Peng before had refused directly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"I haven't planned this yet. I'm thinking of stealing a puppet's body from outside and then replacing the core."

Now that he has the puppet core, Zhuo Bufan still needs a puppet body.

There are so many puppets in the outside world, so he can just find any puppet sweeping the streets.

However, Zhou Peng shouted after hearing this.

"No, I won't allow you to be so hasty."

"This is your Sacred Heart, how can it be placed in the body of an ordinary puppet?"

"You need to make the most powerful puppet body yourself."

Zhou Peng was afraid that Zhuo Bufan would ruin such a sacred heart.

Although it is the most powerful Ten-aperture Exquisite Heart, it must be placed in the best body to exert its power.

If you use just any puppet, you won't be able to exert its power at all.

As the saying goes, a good horse goes with a good saddle, and a good sword goes with a good scabbard.

Zhou Peng would never allow Zhuo Bufan to deal with this ten-aperture exquisite heart so hastily.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to, but he didn't have the ability to make a puppet body now.

To know the puppet body, it also requires considerable knowledge of puppets to make.

And it also requires a lot of precious materials.

Zhuo Bufan has nothing now. Even this puppet core is made of Zhou Peng's materials.

So it's not that Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to do it, but that he can't do it.

Therefore, if Zhuo Bufan planned to just go outside and get an ordinary puppet body, it should be fine.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan using the Sacred Heart so casually, Zhou Peng felt very uncomfortable.

"No, I won't allow you to use it so casually. The best exquisite heart should be placed in the most powerful body."

"You come with me."

Zhou Peng has a paranoid love for puppets.

This may be related to his childhood experience.

He was born on the street and had no father or mother since he was a child. He was raised by a few cleaning puppets.

Later, all these puppets were destroyed, and Zhou Peng once again lived on the streets.

Later, he decided to learn puppetry and create his own puppets.

After a hundred years, Zhou Peng relied on his own efforts to finally make the core of his puppet and create the puppet Nana.

It can be said that Zhou Peng has been dealing with puppets all his life. In his heart, puppets are not ruthless machines, but have their own feelings like human beings.

Just like Nana.

After many years of study in the Soul Yuan Realm, Nana is now able to distinguish right from wrong and know good and evil.

Although she obtained these through data analysis, rather than relying on her own feelings like humans.

But in Zhou Peng's view, Nana just has her own feelings.

For example, she will care about her own well-being, and will go out to work to make money and distribute leaflets because she wants to help herself.

Many things Nana did were her own actions, and Zhou Peng rarely gave her orders.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what Zhou Peng was going to do, but since Zhou Peng asked him to follow him, he didn't refuse.

Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng with the puppet core to a stone wall directly opposite.

It was a blue stone wall with words engraved on it.

Zhou Peng stretched out his fingers and gathered vitality at his fingertips.

Then he clicked towards the stone wall, and after clicking on several words in succession, the stone wall began to slowly open from the middle to both sides.

Zhou Peng's home can be said to be full of institutions.

After the wall opened, another underground passage appeared in front of them.

This is already Zhuo Bufan's third basement.

Seeing Zhou Peng and Nana walking away, Zhuo Bufan quickly followed them.

When he followed Zhou Peng to the basement, he saw a mechanical bed in the center of the room. There was a person lying on the bed. To be precise, it was a body.

Its body is silver-white, and its body is covered with blades. Its sharp edges are clearly visible, and it looks like a powerful blade warrior.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the body, his eyes shining.

Zhou Peng turned around and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"This is a battle puppet that I spent a whole hundred years collecting all kinds of rare materials in the world to create."

"Its skeleton is Dao bone mithril, made from the bones of a Dao Yuan realm saint, the Great Sage Baitian. For this skeleton, I went deep into the forbidden area of ​​​​life and narrowly escaped death to get it."

"The three broken swords behind it are the divine swords used by the legendary sword god Duan Fei, the Heaven-devouring Sword, the God-killing Sword, and the World-Destroying Sword! For these three broken swords, I have spent ten years planning everything."

"Originally I planned to make a battle puppet, but I already have Nana. Every puppet master can only have one puppet in his life. So this puppet body that took me a hundred years to build has never been used. "

"Today, I give it to you."

When Zhou Peng said that he would give Zhuo Bufan the puppet body that he had spent a hundred years building, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He didn't expect Zhou Peng to be so generous.

"Did I hear you correctly? Why?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

"I said, I already have Nana, that's enough."

Zhou Peng created Nana entirely to commemorate the girl he loved deeply.

In the first half of Zhou Peng's life, there was only one and only human friend, and that was Nana.

It was that girl who accompanied him during the most difficult time in his life.

It was that girl who traveled far away from home for him.

It was that girl who saved him regardless of life or death when she faced death several times.

It was that girl who sacrificed herself to save him.

Zhou Peng couldn't forget that girl, so he gave up the battle puppet he had prepared for a hundred years and created a female puppet exactly like her, which is now Nana.

This is also the reason why Zhou Peng told Zhuo Bufan that Nana is his woman.

Because in his mind, Nana is not just a puppet.

About the story of Zhou Peng and Nana, another book can be written.

And Zhuo Bufan finally got to know this affectionate man again.

Although the fat man in red was dressed in red, he was actually quite lonely inside.

No friends, no partners, no confidants.

The only thing that stayed with him was a cold puppet.

For Zhou Peng, the combat puppet on the bed was no longer useful, and its only function might be as a memorial.

Rather than keeping it as a memorial, it was better to give it to Zhuo Bufan.

Because for Zhou Peng, only his puppet body was worthy of Zhuo Bufan's exquisite heart.

As a puppeteer, he naturally wanted to see the puppet he had worked hard to make for a hundred years come alive.

And now was the best opportunity.

As long as he gave it to Zhuo Bufan, a man he had never met, his puppet would come alive.

The best puppet core, with the strongest puppet body.

Everything was the best.

This was also a great honor for a puppeteer.

"Give it to me!"

"I want to wake up this body that has been sleeping for a hundred years."

Finally, Zhou Peng reached out to Zhuo Bufan and asked for Zhuo Bufan's puppet core.

He wanted to help Zhuo Bufan install it himself, and then wake up the combat puppet himself.

This was his unfulfilled dream.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took out his puppet core.

This puppet core was made with his own heart blood, so Zhuo Bufan was not worried about what Zhou Peng would do to it.

The reason for using his own heart blood to make the puppet core is that the puppet made in this way will only obey the puppet master.

After Zhou Peng saw Zhuo Bufan hand over the puppet core, he stretched out his hands tremblingly, and then carefully took Zhuo Bufan's puppet core in his hands.

It was like holding a newborn baby, fearing that something might go wrong.

"Pengpeng, don't be nervous."

Nana on the side saw Zhou Peng's nervousness at the moment and quickly comforted him.

Zhou Peng excitedly held the puppet core and walked to his puppet body.

Then he opened the chest of the puppet body, and a mechanism groove for placing the core appeared.

Then, Zhou Peng carefully put the puppet core in.


When the Holy Heart was completely put in, a ray of light bloomed from the puppet's body and instantly filled the entire room.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan finally felt an anticipation in his heart.

It was like waiting for a child to be born.

His puppet was about to be born, how could Zhuo Bufan not be excited?

When the light slowly converged, the puppet's eyes suddenly opened, and then emitted a golden light.

Then, it sat up directly.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul had an invisible bond and was born at the same time.

It was like the clone of his soul appeared on the puppet.

"Inject personality into him. Do you want him to be male or female, good or bad?"

Zhou Peng made way for Zhuo Bufan to set his own personality for his puppet.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"This is your puppet body and my puppet core. It is a joint work of the two of us. So, I hope he is more like my brother."

When Zhuo Bufan said his request, Zhou Peng was excited.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to treat him as a friend. Zhuo Bufan was also the first man to treat him as a friend.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan walked in front of the puppet and said.

"From now on, your name is Zhuo Bufan, the best brother of Zhuo Bufan, and the brother who fights side by side with me."

Zhuo Bufan named his puppet Zhuo Zhuo after his own surname.

His strongest partner was born.


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