Excellent, extraordinary puppet.

It is composed of the ten-aperture exquisite heart made by Zhuo Bufan and the puppet body that Zhou Peng spent a hundred years making.

"The body I built can withstand up to the ninth energy level, so you can feel free to increase the level of the Sacred Heart."

"As the Exquisite Heart with Ten Apertures, its ability to absorb energy is much faster than ordinary puppets."

"Next I will teach you how to upgrade the puppet."

Unknowingly, Zhou Peng had become Zhuo Bufan's teacher and taught him a lot of puppet knowledge.

And Zhuo Bufan also learned from Zhou Peng very seriously.

It's rare for Zhou Peng to be so generous.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhou Peng wants to see Zhuo Zhuo become stronger.

After all, the birth of excellence was half of his hard work.

So he is actually not helping Zhuo Bufan, but helping Zhuo Fang.

In order to upgrade Excellence, Zhou Peng used almost all the materials he could use on Excellence.

Next, the two of them joined forces and spent another month, finally raising the level of excellence to the fourth energy level, which is the same as Nana now.

However, Nana's excellence as a combat puppet is definitely not comparable to that of Nana in combat at the same level.

Although he is also a fourth-level puppet, Zhuo Zhuo can kill Nana instantly.

"Okay, the upgrade to the fourth energy level of Excellence has been completed. Now he can fight even if he faces a strong man in the Yuan Dan realm."

Zhou Peng raised the level to the fourth energy level for Excellence.

The current excellence is stronger than the four of them combined.

And such a powerful excellence is only controlled by Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhuo Bufan was very touched by Zhou Peng's help.

However, after Zhou Peng heard this, he just said calmly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it for you. I just don't want my things to be ruined."

Zhou Peng spent almost all his efforts on Zhuo Yue, so for Zhou Peng, the sacrifice this time was indeed quite large.

"I know, that's why I want to thank you even more."

"You gave your best to Zhibo. Such dedication is worthy of my admiration."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he bowed to Zhou Peng in front of him.

Zhou Peng saw this and quickly shook his head.

"Okay, if you really want to thank me, please treat Excellence well in the future."

"The puppet is not your toy, he is your friend, your family."

Zhou Peng's feelings for puppets are naturally different from ordinary people.

Zhuo Bufan also knew this, so he said.

"Don't worry, from now on, Zhuangzhi is my brother. He and I will treat each other as brothers."

"Xiao Yue, call me big brother!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhuo Zhuo who was wearing a black cloak and said.

Wearing the cloak, Zhizhi looks quite handsome and dashing.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Zhuo Zhuo shouted blankly.


"Hey, call him second brother!"

Zhuo Bufan asked Zhuo Zhuo to call Zhou Peng second brother.

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo quickly shouted to Zhou Peng: "Hello, second brother!"

Zhou Peng was stunned after hearing this!

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would ask Zhuo Zhuo to call him second brother. Are they considered brothers?

"Okay, from now on, we are brothers."

Zhuo Bufan's approach surprised Zhou Peng.

But it also made Zhou Peng look at Zhuo Bufan with admiration.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would really become like brothers to Zhuo Zhibo.

"By the way, there is also this one, called Second Sister-in-law."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten Nana beside him. Zhou Peng can help him, and Nana also deserves a lot of credit.

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo looked at Nana beside him, nodded quickly and shouted.

"Hello, second sister-in-law."

Upon hearing this, Nana walked up to Zhuo Zhibo, then reached out to hold his face and said.

"Pengpeng, look, this child is so cute. Does this mean that I will have a younger brother in the future?"

Nana asked simply and happily.

After Zhou Peng heard this, a smile appeared on his stiff face.

Finally he just said.

"Why am I the second brother?"

Zhou Peng is much better than Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said, "Because I like being the boss, hahaha!"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's proud laugh, Zhou Peng didn't say anything more.

"Then what do you plan to do next?"

Zhou Peng knew that Zhuo Bufan would leave sooner or later.

But now he suddenly found that he was a little reluctant to give up.

Because after two months of getting along, Zhou Peng discovered that he had become friends with Zhuo Bufan without even knowing it.

The most important thing is that now they have a common bond, which is excellence.

Previously, Zhou Peng wanted to drive Zhuo Bufan away.

But now, he is a little reluctant to let go. This feeling is very complicated.

Facing Zhou Peng's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Since we are all friends, I'd better tell you the truth!"

"I am not a madman or a liar as you think. I do know Ni Shen Ni Qiong."

When Zhuo Bufan said that he knew Ni Cangqiong, Zhou Peng frowned.

Who is Ni Qianqiong? He is a peerless figure in the Saint Yuan Realm. With just one thought, he can destroy the entire Jiang Mi City.

With one breath, they can be wiped out.

I didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to know such a mythical figure.

And Zhou Peng could see that Zhuo Bufan was serious and he really knew Ni Cangqiong.

"What is your relationship?"

Zhou Peng couldn't help but ask.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"I don't know what our relationship is. Friends are not friends, enemies are not enemies. But now, I need his power. And he will definitely help me. This is the relationship."

There is a lot of grievances between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong about their love for you.

For a while, he didn't know how to explain it clearly to Zhou Peng.

He just said that he must find Ni Qiong now.

"Will Ni God really help you?"

Zhou Peng couldn't believe it.

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Don't worry, as long as I ask, this guy will definitely come."

"This is also the reason why I dare to announce the news in the Soul Yuan Realm."

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Nana on the side was surprised.

"Then have you really defeated Ni God? According to my information, Ni God is very powerful!"

Facing Nana's words, Zhuo Bufan smiled calmly.

"It's not like I really defeated him, I just barely surpassed 20% of his strength."

"Don't worry, we are friends now, and I can't lie to you."

"Next I will continue to look for Ni God. Only by finding him can I continue what I should do."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Zhou Peng was silent for a while.

After silence, he nodded.

"I believe you."

"It's just that if you publish a missing person notice in the Soul Yuan Realm like this, it's impossible to find Nishen."

"Because you are a soft-spoken person, not many people pay attention to what you say."

"And people of Niishen's level will basically never go to the Soul Yuan Realm again. Even if they want to inquire about any information, they will ask their servants to inquire."

"So I believe that Nishen has not seen your news so far."

"You want to find Ni Shen, unless you have a certain influence in the soul world."

After listening to Zhou Peng's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Influence? What influence can I have?"

Zhuo Bufan had just come to this world and was unfamiliar with the place. Not to mention his influence, not many people knew him.

"By the way, you must be influential, how about you help me again?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted Zhou Peng to help him find Nishen.

However, Zhou Peng shook his head.

"I have no influence either. Just like you, I am also a humble person."

"How is it possible? Aren't you a genius as a puppet master? I see that you also have national-level awards. You must be very famous in Jingguo."

When Zhou Peng heard this, he smiled helplessly.

"It's just a small Jingguo!

"The world is so big, and Jingguo is just the tip of the iceberg."

"I only have a certain reputation in the puppet world, but I haven't achieved much influence yet."

"Besides, I haven't screamed in a similar game for many years. Maybe I have been forgotten."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said.

“Influence does not necessarily require good influence, but negative influence as well.”

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhou Peng immediately frowned.

"No, you want to spread rumors? Do you know that if you spread rumors, even if Nishen doesn't trouble you, his followers won't be able to spare you."

"It doesn't matter. Just take me to the Soul Yuan Realm! As long as I get to that place, I will naturally be able to find the Nishen."

Zhuo Bufan plans to go to the Soul Yuan Realm.

The Soul Yuan Realm is equivalent to the Internet on Earth, and special props are required to enter.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng hesitated for a moment.

Then he took a black helmet from the shelf nearby and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the helmet and said.

"Is this the tool to enter the Soul Yuan Realm?"

"That's right, you can enter the soul realm by wearing it."

"The Soul Yuan Realm is actually more like a virtual world. It is the fusion world of the souls of all living things in Da Luotian."

"Here, people can communicate with each other even if they are far apart."

In fact, there is no need for Zhou Peng to explain, Zhuo Bufan also knows what the Soul Yuan Realm is, just like the Internet.

"Can Xiao Yue go in too?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Okay, he has a cursed seal device in his body that connects to the Soul Realm."

"Then let's go in and take a look!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he put on his helmet and silently closed his eyes.

After he pressed a button next to his helmet, a bolt of electricity penetrated his mind.

The next second, the world in front of Zhuo Bufan began to change.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still at Zhou Peng's home.

"What's going on? Why am I the only one?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

At this time, three other figures slowly appeared in the room, namely Zhou Peng, Nana, and Zhuo Zhuo.

Among them, Zhou Peng said as soon as he came up.

"This is the Soul Yuan Realm, a world exactly like our real world."

"But everything in the Soul Yuan Realm is false. This is the only difference between it and the real Da Luotian."

"Because it is so real, many people will become addicted to this world."

"There are even some people who will live in the soul world all their lives, so that in the end they don't know whether they are living in a real or a false world."

"There is still a difference between the Soul Realm and the Daluotian World."

"In the Soul Realm, we will use something called a Soul Card, which is this!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he raised his hand, and he pinched it in the air, and a white card appeared between his fingers.

There was a pattern on the card, with a sharp sword drawn on it.

Zhou Peng injected his Yuan power into the card, and the next second the card turned into a sword and appeared in his hand.

"White item card - sword! It can be transformed into an ordinary war sword."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he grabbed it in the air again, and a blue Soul Card appeared in his hand.

There was a ball of flame drawn on the card.

Zhou Peng injected his Yuan power into the card.


With a rumble, a ball of fire flew out of Zhou Peng's palm and flew around the whole room.

"Blue energy card - fire! It can be transformed into a blazing fire."

After that, Zhou Peng no longer kept it a secret, but raised his right hand and unfolded a whole fan of cards like a playing card.

Zhuo Bufan took a quick look and found that there were five colors of cards: white, blue, purple, gold, and color.

"There are five levels and five categories of soul cards."

"The five levels are arranged according to white, blue, purple, gold, and color."

"And the five categories are: item cards, energy cards, information cards, shared cards, and special cards!"

"Everything you see in this world is transformed by these soul cards."

"Including food, clothing, daily necessities, and housing, all are transformed by the power of this soul card."

"So the soul world is also called the soul card world!"

"For example, if you want to know the news about Dao Ni Shen, then you can use this information card - information search!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a blue soul card in the air.

On the soul card, there was a blank horizontal bar.

Zhou Peng said to the soul card.

"Search, the latest news about Ni Shen!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soul card instantly emitted a dazzling blue light, and then the light was released instantly, and then a projection was cast in the air.

On the projection, there are all the latest news about Nishen.

It's like using a search engine on a computer, you can search for any information you want.

And these soul cards are like magical websites.

This is too high-tech, or black technology.

Zhuo Bufan is full of a sense of familiarity and surprise for this world full of high technology.

"Look, there is news about Nishen."

Just as Zhuo Bufan was lost in thought, Zhou Peng pointed to the first message on the projection and said.

After Zhuo Bufan heard it, he looked up and saw that the message showed -

Shocking news! Nishen Ni Cangqiong went to Futian Mountain a month ago to apologize to Fuhuang!

When Zhuo Bufan saw this news, he was stunned.

"Futian Mountain? This guy went to apologize?"

Zhuo Bufan could hardly imagine that the arrogant and arrogant Ni Cangqiong would actually apologize to others.

And it was in front of the whole world.

You know, he is Nishen!

Everything he did should be against the world.

And now, this rebellious god has actually given in and admitted his mistakes. What happened?

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