Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1107 Dream Cicada Clothes

Meng Chanyi, the best master under Emperor Wa's throne, invites Yu Qiu, the best master under Emperor Fu's throne.

Zi Yang, the number one master under Panhuang, left the battlefield with Ni Qiong and Meng Wuqing.

"Sister, be careful!"

Meng Qingqing was a little worried.

"Elder brother, is it okay?" Ni Cangqiong looked at Zi Yang and said.

Ziyang just smiled.

"Don't underestimate your Senior Sister Chanyi, Senior Brother, I am ashamed of myself too!"

Ziyang personally admitted here that he could not beat Meng Chanyi.

"I also believe in senior sister's strength."

Meng Qingqing said from the side.

“Almost all our senior and junior sisters’ lessons are taught by our senior sisters.”

"Senior Sister is equivalent to our other master."

Meng Qingqing is also outspoken.

Emperor Wa sat down with twelve saints, all named Meng.

As the number one dream, Meng Chanyi obviously has an extraordinary status among the senior sisters.

Although Emperor Wa has accepted these disciples, she still has more important missions to do during the day, so the discipline and guidance of these disciples have always been done by the eldest disciple Meng Chanyi.

It can be said that all the twelve saints of Mazu Mountain, except Meng Chanyi herself, were personally passed down from Emperor Wa.

The other saints were all taught by her Meng Chanyi.

This woman is called the embodiment of perfection, beauty and strength.

She embodies the best in the world, the most beautiful in the world, and the most powerful in the world. She is called the successor of the next Emperor Wa.

Of course, what Meng Chanyi is most famous for is her heart to protect the calf.

She cares more about her junior sisters than anyone else.

After all, they were junior sisters who were taught by herself, and some of them were even brought up by her.

In her eyes, these junior sisters are her most important people.

He is also the person she wants to protect no matter what.

So Meng Chanyi is known as a calf protector.

Yu Qiu severely injures Meng Qingqing, even forcing Meng Chanyi to use the Sky Mending Technique to save her.

Although she looked expressionless on the surface, in fact, Meng Chanyi was filled with anger inside at this moment, quite furious.

She wanted to vent her anger.

But she couldn't show it on her face, so she asked Yuqiu to fight.

Yu Qiu naturally knew very well that this battle was inevitable.

But even if he faced the legendary Meng Chanyi, he would not be afraid.

Ni Qiong was flying in the air, looking at Meng Chanyi on the top of Futian Mountain, silent for a long time.

This was actually the first time he met Meng Chanyi in person, but he had already heard about the legend about Meng Chanyi.

Legend has it that Meng Chanyi rarely went down the mountain, and would only stay in Butian Que to copy the Butian Sutra.

She copied the Heaven-Mending Sutra for three thousand years in the Mending Temple before she realized the true meaning of the Heaven-Mending Technique.

The most famous legend about Meng Chanyi is that when she entered the Daoyuan realm, she was blocked by heaven.

Tiandao believed that Meng Chanyi would become its biggest enemy in the future, so he blocked Meng Chanyi's promotion path.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chanyi cut off a corner of the Heavenly Dao at the last moment and obtained a glimmer of secrets from the Heavenly Dao.

And it was this secret that could not be leaked that allowed Meng Chanyi to successfully advance to the Dao Yuan realm.

Meng Chanyi is also known as the strongest Dao Yuan realm.

All of her abilities are imbued with the power of heaven, making them incredibly powerful.

When Ni Qianqiong first heard the legend of Meng Dieyi, he couldn't believe that there was such a powerful woman in the world.

Even God can be cut off by her.

Later, Ni Qianqiong was even more affected by this incident and wanted to imitate Meng Chanyi's method of attacking the Daoyuan realm.

He foolishly ran to fight Cang Tian. He thought that he was no weaker than Meng Chanyi and could cut off a corner of Cang Tian and gain secrets from Heaven to advance to Dao Yuan realm.

As a result, he was instantly killed by Cang Tian and was almost wiped out.

Facing the sky, he had no power to fight back. Not to mention cutting off a corner of the way of heaven.

Only after that did he realize what a fantasy Meng Chanyi had done.

The gap between him and Meng Chanyi is the gap between the sky and the smelly ditch.

In the Soul Yuan Realm, everyone was staring at the screen in the sky.

It was broadcasting the battle that was about to start on the top of Futian Mountain.

At the top of Futian Mountain at this moment, two figures, one golden and one white, were peerless and independent.

There was a lot of commotion in the crowd, and the legend of Meng Chanyi and Yu Qiu was being told everywhere.

Zhuo Bufan also learned about the legendary story of Meng Chanyi from Liu Chengfei on the side, and he was fascinated and longing for it.

"Cut off a corner of the Heavenly Dao. Is this done by humans?"

Zhuo Bufan believes that no one in Daluotian today, except the Three Emperors, can cut through the sky.

"So, she is the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world. I don't know how many people are fascinated by the goddess."

"She is gentle, kind, virtuous and capable. The most important thing is that she is not aloof. Our Saint in Chan Yi is quite down-to-earth."

Liu Chengfei said with a look of infatuation.

Zhuo Bufan had a basic understanding of Meng Chanyi.

"But her opponent Yu Qiu shouldn't be simple either. After all, he is Fu Huang's eldest disciple."

At this time, Zhou Peng beside him seemed to have known what Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask. He used the information card to search for Yu Qiu's information.

"Let's take a look, this is the information about Master Yuqiu."

For Yu Qiu, Zhou Peng also regarded him as a great god.

After all, Yu Qiu is not a simple person. He is the first disciple accepted by Emperor Fu!

This was also the only disciple that Emperor Fu personally accepted.

Yuqiu is called the evangelist.

He has been the most devout follower of Emperor Fu for hundreds of years in the world.

Fuhuang is called the emperor of the earth. He gave countless lives to the earth.

Yuqiu was already a saint in the world when he was still a mortal.

He created and compiled countless classics, and his disciples were countless.

When he was dying, he met Fuhuang, and was instructed by Fuhuang to ride a cow to the north to Hanguan.

He practiced in the hungry and cold wilderness in the north for ten years. When he came out again, he was already a cultivator.

Yuqiu was not very talented in cultivation, but every time his life was about to end, he would temporarily break through and gain a thousand years of life.

He practiced in the world for three thousand years, suffered countless hardships, and finally created his own unique swordsmanship - infinite swordsmanship.

At this point, Yuqiu's cultivation path began to advance by leaps and bounds, and he reached the Saint Yuan realm in less than a hundred years.

He finally attracted the attention of Fuhuang, who instructed him that day. Fuhuang appeared again and accepted him as a disciple.

After becoming Fuhuang's disciple, Yuqiu listened to the scriptures under Fuhuang's seat for a thousand years, and finally got the opportunity to be promoted to Daoyuan realm.

With the help of Emperor Fu, he was promoted to Daoyuan Realm and became a peerless god in Daoyuan Realm.

The most famous legend about Yuqiu is that he once accepted a disciple, Sword God Duan Fei.

People may not know much about Yuqiu, but Sword God Duan Fei is a well-known existence.

In the mortal world of Daluotian, the fame of Sword God Duan Fei is even stronger than that of Ni Cangqiong.

Because the life of Sword God Duan Fei is too legendary.

Thousands of years ago, a sword spirit was born from Yuqiu's sword world.

This sword spirit realized the ultimate sword and ascended to Daluotian.

After arriving in Daluotian, he did not choose to become a virtual body, but chose to become a human.

The sword spirit who obtained a physical body gave himself a name, Duan Fei.

Duan Fei was a human being transformed from a sword spirit, so he was like a new life in Daluotian.

He is a young man full of justice, and an amazing and peerless genius.

He turned the falling leaves into swords, the stars into swords, the tides into swords, and the separations of life and death into swords.

He practiced seeing to the extreme, so that wherever he saw, his sword went.

In less than a thousand years, he reached the Saint Yuan Realm, and his talent was not inferior to that of Ni Cangqiong.

However, the reason why Duan Fei is so famous is not because of his talent.

But because he is a great hero of mankind.

Duan Fei never entered the three holy places in his life, but has always been active among mortals.

He is chivalrous and a sin nemesis, so in people's hearts, he is the most down-to-earth god.

And in the end, he sacrificed for mankind and became a famous hero among mankind.

Unlike Ni Cangqiong's extreme personality, Duan Fei is a sword god who likes humans very much.

He is proud of mankind and is more willing to sacrifice for mankind.

When he died, Fu Huang even saw him off in person and told his legend to every corner of the earth.

And this most famous hero in the world is the disciple of the great god Yu Qiu, which is surprising.

Therefore, whether it is Meng Chanyi who cut through the sky, or Yu Qiu who is the supreme swordsman.

The battle between the two is absolutely earth-shattering.

This is a battle that everyone in the world has to hold their breath.

On the top of the mountain, the cool breeze blew Meng Chanyi's long skirt and long hair, fluttering in the air.

Even Zi Yang took a deep breath at this moment.

"It's about to start, you stand behind me."

Zi Yang protected Ni Cangqiong and Meng Wuqing behind him.

The next second-


I saw a loud bang in the sky, exploding in the clear sky.

Endless air waves rolled in, blowing away all the people around.

The next second, Meng Chanyi and Yu Qiu disappeared at the same time.

"Where did you go?"

Ni Cangqiong asked.

"It should be to Yu Qiu's Infinite Sword Realm."

"Ah? Senior Sister Chanyi, are you going to fight Senior Brother Yu Qiu in the Infinite Sword Realm?"

Ni Cangqiong asked in surprise.

The Infinite Sword Realm is Yu Qiu's world, which is equivalent to his home court.

He knew very well how important the home advantage was.

The reason why he lost to Zhuo Bufan was because he went to Zhuo Bufan's home court.

The home court can at least increase one's advantage tenfold.

In other words, unless Meng Chanyi has absolute strength, she is definitely not Yu Qiu's opponent in the Infinite Sword Realm.

"Junior brother, do you want to see it?"

Zi Yang suddenly turned back and looked at Ni Cang Qiong.

Ni Cang Qiong nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Of course I want to see the battle between two amazing masters."

"Okay, I'll show you!"

After Zi Yang finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and wiped it in the air, and a huge light curtain appeared on the sky of Futian Mountain in the real world.

At the same time, this scene was also transmitted to the light curtain of the Soul Yuan Realm.

Thanks to the great god Zi Yang, everyone was able to see the battle that they would never see in their lifetime.

In that light curtain, a world full of flying swords appeared.

In that world, whether it was the earth or the sky, countless swords were suspended.

The mountain is a sword mountain, the sea is a sword sea, the beast is a sword beast, and the tree is a sword tree.

In this world full of swords, even time can be refined into the sword of time.

This is Zi Yang's world, the infinite sword world.

As long as he has a thought, all the sword energy in this world will bombard Meng Chanyi.

"Junior sister Chanyi, I really didn't expect that you would dare to follow me to my world. Do you look down on me so much?"

The battle had not yet begun, and Yu Qiu did not expect Meng Chanyi to take the initiative to enter his sword world.

In response, Meng Chanyi said.

"I have long wanted to learn about my brother's infinite sword world, so let's take action!"

"Well, today I will also learn about my sister's sky-repairing technique."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Qiu disappeared into the air.

Then, countless sword energies between heaven and earth attacked Meng Chanyi.

Facing the sword energies flying from all directions without dead ends, Meng Chanyi pointed in the air, and a golden flying cicada appeared in the air, and then formed a golden shield to protect her.

However, these sword energies were obviously like surging rivers, continuous.

They had no intention of stopping at all, and countless sword energies attacked without stopping.

Like a drop of water wearing away a stone, they invaded Meng Chanyi's Golden Cicada Escape.

Facing this attack that could not be stopped at all, the Golden Cicada Shield around Meng Chanyi began to expand to the surroundings.

Finally, she formed a huge space, blocking all the sword energy outside the space, and there was no trace of sword energy in the space she created.

"Eternal Thousand Years One Finger Cicada! Junior sister, with just this move, Yu Qiu may not be able to break it!"

This battle that outsiders cannot understand, only a few people can understand the wonderfulness of it.

When both sides made a move, it was not earth-shattering and destructive.

It was a simple attack and defense battle.

However, Zi Yang, who was watching the battle, sighed.

"Senior sister's Eternal Thousand Years One Finger Cicada is known as the strongest defense, and it can even withstand the nine-fold heavenly tribulation of the heavenly way. Although Senior Brother Yu Qiu's infinite sword energy is infinite, it is absolutely impossible to break Senior Sister's move."

Meng Wuqing said confidently.

But soon, Zi Yang shook his head.

"Not necessarily, don't forget that they are in the infinite sword world. In Yu Qiu's world, there is a sword that can penetrate the Eternal Thousand Years One Finger Cicada."

"What sword?" Meng Wuqing said in disbelief.

As soon as he finished asking, a golden holy sword suddenly flew into Meng Chanyi's absolute defense space.

"It appears, Fu Huang's Futian Sword!"

The golden holy sword directly pierced through Meng Chanyi's Eternal Thousand Years One Finger Cicada.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan in the Soul Realm was stunned when he saw the sword.

"Is it that holy sword?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered his experience in the save space.

A black hand appeared in the save space.

The moment he was almost caught, it was this golden holy sword that cut off the black hand and gave him a chance to escape.

"Could it be that the one who saved me was God Yuqiu? Or Fu Huang?"

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful to the owner of the golden holy sword.

If it weren't for the owner of the golden holy sword, he might have failed to read the file and died in the end.


"Fu Huang Sword?"

Seeing the golden holy sword penetrate his Eternal Thousand Years One Finger Cicada's absolute defense, Meng Chanyi finally began to fight back.

At the moment when the Fuhuang Sword flew towards her, Meng Chanyi stretched out her finger and drew horizontally and vertically.

"Dream world, open!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the space in front of Meng Chanyi was torn like paper.

And the Fuhuang Sword went straight in and disappeared in the air.

But just when she thought she could use the space swallowing method to send the Fuhuang Sword to her own world.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the sword went straight through her chest.

"Senior sister!"

Seeing this scene, Meng Wuqing couldn't help but exclaimed.

The rumored magical Meng Chanyi was actually injured!

The battle was beyond everyone's expectations.

You know, that was the person who cut through the sky!


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