Meng Chanyi, the legendary woman who cut through the sky.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the battle began, she encountered an unprecedented crisis.

The Great God Yu Qiu penetrated Meng Chanyi's chest with Fuhuang Sword.

The blood instantly dyed her clothes red, and infinite energy began to leak from her body.


Seeing this scene, Meng Wuqing cried out.

And everyone watching the battle was even more worried.

Even Zhuo Bufan felt a little distressed. He could imagine how terrifying that sword was.

This sword obviously poured out a lot of Meng Chanyi's power.

"Junior sister, Fuhuang Sword is not bound by space. So it is impossible for you to send it to your dream world."

Yu Qiu could tell from the beginning that Meng Chanyi wanted to send his Fuhuang Sword to her dream world.

But Fuhuang Sword is the holy sword held by Fuhuang. Even if his sword is just a copy, it still has the power of consecration.

How could the ordinary world restrain the sacred power of Fuhuang Sword?

So Meng Chanyi's move was in vain after all.

She failed to block Fuhuang Sword, causing herself to be injured by Fuhuang Sword instead.

Seeing her bloody appearance, everyone felt pity for her.

Just when everyone thought Meng Chanyi would be defeated here.

Suddenly Meng Chanyi's body began to release a mysterious white light.

The light enveloped her, and she was filled with a divine aura.

The injuries on her body began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's Junior Sister Chanyi's Heaven-Mending Technique!"

Zi Yang looked at the light emitted from Meng Chanyi and couldn't help but say.

Seeing this, Meng Qingwu breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great. Senior sister has the Heaven-Mending Technique. She will be fine."

Seeing Meng Chanyi using the Sky Mending Technique, Meng Qingqing obviously no longer worried.

The technique of mending the sky is Emperor Wa's magical skill. This technique can not repair the defects of the sky.

Not to mention small injuries, even if the sky is missing, it can be repaired.

The most important thing is that Meng Chanyi is also the second woman in the world who can mend the sky.

The Heaven-Mending Technique is more like a law of heaven that can make up for the imperfections of all things in the world.

Meng Chanyi used the Heaven-Mending Technique to instantly recover from the injury pierced by Ben Fuhuang's sword.

Yu Qiu also frowned.

"As expected of the number one peerless magical power, junior sister can obtain the true inheritance of Emperor Wa and master the Heaven-Mending Technique. It looks like it will be a fierce battle!"

Yu Qiu looked at Meng Chanyi who quickly recovered from her injuries and knew that this battle would not be easy.

Meng Chanyi said after hearing this.

"It's a pity that Senior Brother's Fuhuang Sword is not the real Fuhuang Sword after all. Otherwise, Chanyi would have been wiped out with that sword just now."

Meng Chanyi's words also revealed that the Fuhuang Sword mastered by Yu Qiu was not a real artifact.

It's just a Fu Huang Sword that he copied using his Infinite Sword Realm.

But even so, the power of this sword still exceeded Meng Chanyi's imagination.

He didn't expect that his Eternal Qianqiu Yi Finger Cicada would be broken by the fake Fuhuang Sword.

"It seems that the person who saved me that day was really Emperor Fu."

"The man who cut off the black hand must have used the real Fuhuang Sword."

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful to those who helped him in the archive space that day.

Now it seems that the person he wants to be grateful to is none other than Emperor Fu.

"If I guessed correctly, the black hand should be the incorporeal Luo Tian. It seems that my return has been discovered by these big guys."

Zhuo Bufan knew that both Da Luo Tiantian Dao and the Three Supreme Emperors already knew about his return to Da Luo Tian.

However, they have not taken the initiative to approach Zhuo Bufan until now.

But they will protect him secretly.

For example, Emperor Fu has already taken action.

Back on the battlefield, the battle between Meng Chanyi and Master Yuqiu continues.

Because Meng Chanyi has the Heaven-Mending Technique, it is not that easy to defeat her.

The Heaven-Mending Technique can keep her at her peak state forever, so even in Yu Qiu's Infinite Sword World, she is still invincible.

And all Yu Qiu can rely on is his imitation of the Fuhuang Sword.

Although the Fuhuang Sword was powerful, it was unable to cause effective damage to Meng Chanyi.

"Senior brother, the most important people in Chanyi's life are master and junior sisters."

"Chanyi once swore that whoever dares to bully my junior sister, Chanyi Chanyi will definitely make him regret it."

"Senior brother must also know about little Lao Ba's matter."

"Futianshan has not yet given an answer to what happened to Xiao Lao Ba."

"The damage suffered so far has been borne by Xiao Laoba alone."

"If Master hadn't stopped me back then, I would have definitely gone to Mount Futian to ask Emperor Fu for an explanation."

"Now, instead of apologizing to my junior sister, Futianshan, represented by my senior brother, has hurt my junior sister again."

"Even if I, Chanyi, die in battle today, I still want an apology from Futian Mountain."

Meng Chanyi's domineering words made Yu Qiu in front of him feel deeply pressured.

Meng Wuqing, who was watching the battle, couldn't help crying.

She had endured all the grievances she had suffered for so many years.

But now that Meng Chanyi mentioned it again, she finally couldn't bear the grievance and sadness in her heart.

Back then, a scumbag Qitian appeared in Futian Mountain, which hurt her and caused her unforgettable pain.

Although not many people know about this matter, Yu Qiu, as the senior brother of Futian Mountain, must be aware of it.

Yu Qiu has not apologized to Meng Wuqing on behalf of Futian Mountain until now.

Now, Ni Cangqiong has to bear the torture of Futian Mountain.

The one who really needs to atone is not Ni Cangqiong, but Futian Mountain.

As the supreme emperor, Fuhuang usually doesn't care about the affairs of the sect.

So Yu Qiu, as the eldest senior brother, is to blame for this matter.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry!"

Meng Chanyi said so much and finally decided to take action again.

She raised her hand, and the time of the entire Infinite Sword Realm began to solidify.

"What kind of heavenly means is this?"

Yu Qiu frowned.

This is in his world, and the rules of this world are decided by him.

But now, the time power of his world is controlled by Meng Chanyi.

"It appears, a ray of heavenly secret that Chanyi got from the Heavenly Dao."

Zi Yang's eyes lit up. He saw the means used by Meng Chanyi, and the whole person became energetic.

Ni Cangqiong asked from the side.

"A ray of heavenly secret? Did Senior Sister Chanyi really get a ray of heavenly secret from the Heavenly Dao?"

At this time, Meng Wuqing also nodded.

"It is said that when Senior Sister was promoted to Daoyuan Realm, she cut off a corner of the Heavenly Dao and deprived it of part of the power of the Heavenly Dao. This is what people call a ray of heavenly secret."

"But Senior Sister has never shown this ray of heavenly secret power in front of us, but Master once said that Senior Sister is ridiculously strong when she is serious."

Meng Wuqing is called Xiao Lao Ba in Meng Chanyi's mouth. The Senior Sister that Xiao Lao Ba knows has always been the synonym of the strongest.

Because she has obtained part of the power of the Heavenly Dao, even God has to be afraid of her.

No one knows how strong Meng Chanyi is when she is serious.

But today, people all over the world will see how terrible Meng Chanyi, the strongest female cultivator in history, is.

"Senior Brother, do you remember what I said before?"

"I order you to cut off one arm!"

Meng Chanyi stopped time and space, staring at Yu Qiu in front of her.

Finally, she issued an order to Yu Qiu.

As soon as the words fell, Yu Qiu raised his hand uncontrollably.

In his eyes, there was an extremely frightened and incredible look.

"Is this the power of a thread of heaven? I can't control myself."

Yu Qiu found that he could not control his power at all, as if his body was no longer his.

The moment he raised his hand, the Fuhuang Sword appeared on his right hand.

Then, he held the Fuhuang Sword tightly and slowly moved it towards his left hand.

"The name of the Heavenly Dao cannot be violated!"

Zi Yang, who saw this scene, could not help but sigh.

At this moment, Meng Chanyi represented the Heavenly Dao, another heaven.

The power of a thread of heaven is equivalent to the power of the Heavenly Dao.

In front of the Heavenly Dao, no one can violate it.


In the eyes of everyone in the world, they only saw Yu Qiu raise the Fuhuang Sword in his hand, and then slash it fiercely.

The left hand was cut off in the air.

Blood splashed in the air.

That was the left hand cut off by the Fuhuang Sword, and the wound could not be healed.

And there was the power of the Line of Heaven, which meant that Yuqiu's left hand would never be restored.

Unless Meng Chanyi was willing to help him with the Heaven-Repairing Technique, no one in the world could repair Yuqiu's arm except the Heaven-Repairing Technique.

"Big Brother!"

Seeing Yuqiu cut off his hand, all the disciples of Futian Mountain exclaimed.

And Yuqiu himself closed his eyes silently.

"I lost!"

Yuqiu himself seemed the calmest.

Because he knew very well that he was suppressed by absolute power.

In front of the power of the Line of Heaven, he had no power to fight back.

His hand was not wrongly cut off.

"This arm is the price you pay for bullying my junior sister."

"Brother Yuqiu, I hope you remember this humiliation, and remember that the women of my Mazu Mountain are not so easy to bully."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she disappeared in Yuqiu's infinite sword world.

The next second, she returned to the top of Futian Mountain in the real world.

She came to Futian Mountain today to establish her authority.

She used her absolute repressive power to teach all the disciples of Futian Mountain how to behave.

From now on, the status of Mazu Mountain in this world will be even stronger.

At this time, Yu Qiu also returned from the Infinite Sword Realm, and his left hand had been completely cut off.


"Big Brother!"

"Are you okay, Big Brother?"

The disciples of Futian Mountain saw their Big Brother returning with a broken arm, and they all stepped forward and asked with concern.

At this time, Yu Qiu shouted.

"All disciples of Futian Mountain, kneel down!"

Yu Qiu suddenly asked everyone to kneel down, which naturally caused a moment of confusion.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"I asked you all to kneel down, did you hear me?"

Facing Yu Qiu's anger, everyone had to kneel down.

At this time, Yu Qiu also took the lead and knelt on one knee towards Meng Chanyi, but his fists were clenched and raised above his head.

"Thank you for your wake-up call, Junior Sister. Yu Qiu will apologize to Junior Sister Chan Yi, Junior Sister Wu Qing, and the entire Mazu Mountain on behalf of Futian Mountain."

To everyone's surprise.

Yu Qiu, whose left hand was cut off, did not become hysterical. Instead, he led all the Futian Mountain disciples to apologize to Meng Wu Qing.

What was originally Ni Cang Qiong's journey to the mountain to apologize for his sins, but he didn't expect that in the end, it would turn into an apology for all the disciples of Futian Mountain.

Seeing this, Meng Chanyi nodded slightly towards Yu Qiu.

"Get up, senior brother, the matter between us is settled."

Meng Chanyi cut off one of his arms, which put an end to Meng Wuqing's affairs.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Seeing Meng Chanyi's return, Meng Qingwu hurriedly greeted her and threw herself into Meng Chanyi's arms.

Meng Chanyi hugged the little old man with a happy smile on her face.

"It's okay, little fool, are you going home with senior sister?"

Meng Chanyi held Meng Qingqing in her arms and said.

She is like a warm big sister, comforting the little old man.

Now it's all over and it's time to go home.

At this time, Ni Cangqiong also followed Ziyang to Meng Chanyi.

"Ni Qiangqiong has met Senior Sister Chanyi."

Ni Qiong, who had always been arrogant, became extremely docile at this moment.

Only then did he realize that in front of Meng Chanyi, he was just an insignificant role.

Thanks to him claiming to be a counter-god, in this world where there are people outside of humans and there is heaven outside of heaven, he is not the protagonist in this world.

Meng Chanyi glanced at him, first smiled, then she suddenly noticed something and frowned.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Chanyi walked up to Ni Qiongqiong.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister Chanyi?"

When Ni Qiangqiong saw Meng Chanyi approaching him, he seemed a little cautious.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes how powerful this woman was.

One word can make the difference between life and death.

"do not move!"

Meng Chanyi suddenly spoke, with a hint of command in her tone.

For a moment, Ni Cangqiong felt that his body really couldn't move.

This kind of power of words and actions is really terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Chanyi did something that no one present could have imagined.

I saw her circling Ni Qiong in a circle, and then sniffed Ni Qiong's body.

The small nose seemed to be searching for something on Ni Qiongqiong.

Finally, Meng Chanyi raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Where have you been?"

"Have you seen anyone?"

Meng Chanyi asked Ni Qiangqiong two questions in succession.

Ni Qianqiong was stunned.

And at this moment, an extremely majestic voice suddenly came from the sky of Futian Mountain.

"Little girl, your secret is really extraordinary! Did that young man leave it behind?"

This sudden great sound made everyone in Futian Mountain kneel down, including the powerful Meng Chanyi.

"Chanyi, I have met Emperor Fu!"

"Disciple, welcome Master!"

"Zi Yang, I have met Emperor Fu!"

Meng Chanyi, Yu Qiu, and Zi Yang each led their own people to kneel down.

The voice that suddenly spread in the sky was none other than Fuhuang himself.

"Fu Huang appears, one of the three Supreme Emperors, the legendary Emperor of the Earth."

"Fu Huang, Fu Huang, make a wish quickly, make a wish to Fu Huang."

"Fu Huang Fu Huang, let me be your disciple!"

Everyone in the Soul Yuan Realm was already climaxing because of Fu Huang's appearance.

Everyone present knelt down. The admiration that came from the depths of their souls made them involuntarily bend their legs. Even Zhuo Bufan also knelt down.

Zhuo Bufan was startled when he heard Fu Huang's voice.

The aura of the legendary emperor alone can shock the virtual world of Soul Yuan Realm.

The appearance of Emperor Fu signaled that this farce was finally going to stop.

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