Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1121: The Final Meeting

The sudden appearance of the ghost child made Zhuo Bufan and his group, who were originally in a passive position, feel relieved.

The appearance of the ghost child indeed made Feng Lao Mo and his group on the other side dumbfounded.

"Ghost child, what are you doing?"

Feng Lao Mo immediately stopped attacking Zhuo Bufan and Nana, and turned back to look at the ghost child who rushed out.

The ghost child did not explain, but shouted at Zhuo Bufan and his group.

"You three, join forces and kill him!"

"His puppet is now in the front yard."

After the ghost child finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng, and Nana immediately reacted, and then the three of them rushed towards Feng Lao Mo at the same time.

Feng Lao Mo panicked on the spot.

"Damn it, Giant God Soldier, come and save me."

Feng Lao Mo summoned his puppet to save him.

However, Zhou Yi and Nana did not give him a chance to call for help.

Nana instantly moved behind Feng Lao Mo and kicked Feng Lao Mo on the back.

Zhou Peng took this opportunity to rush forward and punched Feng Lao Mo in the chest.

Zhuo Bufan didn't even have a chance to fight. Zhou Peng and Nana teamed up to kill Feng Lao Mo.

On the other side, Zhuo Yue was originally retreating step by step in the face of the attack of the puppet killing ghost and could only defend.

But at the critical moment, the puppet "mother" of the ghost boy arrived.

"Mother", who has been promoted to the seventh energy level, has extremely strong combat power.

"You dared to attack Tongtong before, it is unforgivable."

This killing ghost almost killed the ghost boy before.

"Mother" still remembers this incident.

And "Mother", who has a personality, obviously began to act emotionally.

So she was merciless to the killing ghost.

Her hand turned into a thin long sword, and cut off the waist of the killing ghost at a speed as fast as lightning.

At the same time, Zhuo Yue also saw an opportunity to counterattack.

When "Mother" cut off the waist of the killing ghost, Zhuo Yue suddenly hit the chest of the killing ghost.


The puppet heart of the Killing Ghost was smashed by Zhuoyue on the spot.

"Ahhh! You little beast, bastard!"

Seeing his puppet being killed, Ghost Face Shura went berserk.

But even if he went berserk now, it would be useless, because what greeted him was the joint attack of Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng, Ghost Child, Zhuoyue, Nana, and "Mom".

In the end, Zhuoyue found the right opportunity, and the three broken swords behind him directly pierced the chest of the Ghost Face Shura.

This battle, from the appearance of Ghost Child to the end, was almost in the blink of an eye.

Ghost Face Shura, Feng Lao Mo, Killing Ghost.

All three of them died in the room.

At this time, the only remaining member of the Rakshasa Group, Yu Raksha, rushed over.

When she arrived at the scene with her puppet, she found that Feng Lao Mo and the others were all dead.


Yu Raksha was so scared that she couldn't move.

It was still Ghost Child who stood up and said to her.

"Yu Luosha, Feng Lao Mo is dead. From now on, there is no Luosha Group."

"Now there are only two ways in front of you..."

"No need to say, I understand. From now on, I will no longer have anything to do with the Luosha Group. I will leave now."

Yu Luosha said, and turned away.

Seeing Yu Luosha leave, Gui Tong looked at Zhuo Bufan and others who were still a little confused.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng looked at Gui Tong vigilantly.

They clearly remembered that Gui Tong's puppet should have died.

But now she is not only alive, but also more terrifying.

Gui Tong looks very good, and can't feel the sadness before.

What did they go through?

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng looked at Gui Tong, full of doubts.

Faced with Zhou Peng and others' questions, Gui Tong did not explain.

"From now on, we owe each other nothing. I will deal with their bodies. See you later."

Gui Tong said, and left the hotel with Feng Lao Mo and others' bodies.

Zhuo Bufan and the others stared blankly at the ghost boy who left.

No one knew what happened to the ghost boy.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng had no idea whether this guy was an enemy or a friend.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were relieved when they knew that the ghost boy took the bodies of Feng Lao Mo and the others away.

Then, the two looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and replied after hearing this.

"Never mind, I'm tired, sleep."

Zhuo Bufan didn't care whether the ghost boy had ulterior motives.

They walked on the edge of life and death tonight, and their bodies and minds were quite tired.

Especially Zhuo Bufan, he didn't rest at all in the first half of the night.

So he followed Zhuo Yue to rest.

And what happened that night was as if it had never happened.

In the next few days, they were not attacked again.

They didn't see the ghost boy again.

They didn't know that the ghost boy had been guarding them silently in the dark.

According to the mission of the Saint Chan Yi, the ghost boy must protect Zhuo Bufan and his friends until they leave Kaitian City.

So until Zhuo Bufan and his friends leave, the ghost boy will protect them here.

Finally, three days later, Zhuo Bufan and his friends had an entrance exam.

This exam was not difficult at all. Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were admitted to Panhuang Academy in Kaitian City with the first and second positions.

After being admitted to the academy, they finally no longer had to live in the small hotel outside where they could be killed at any time.

Instead, he took Zhuo Zhuo and Nana into the academy.

There is a special puppet class in Panhuang Academy, so puppets are allowed to enter.

On the first day they entered the academy, they were given two sets of white student uniforms.

Then Zhuo Bufan immediately found the Xuanzhou teacher and signed up to enter the next issue of Tribulation Mountain.

After hearing this, the Xuanzhou teacher looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

"Are you really going to cross the Tribulation Mountain?"

"Of course, that's what I'm here for."

Zhuo Bufan said with certainty.

He joined Panhuang Academy not to learn any new knowledge, he just wanted to find Ni Cangqiong as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan now has no means of contacting Ni Qiong, so he can only take the initiative to find him.

Moreover, Ni Cangqiong is currently in retreat at Jie Tian Mountain. If Zhuo Bufan doesn't take the initiative to find him, he may never be able to see Ni Cangqiong.

So going to Dujie Mountain is Zhuo Bufan's only way now.

"You, a disciple in white, may have a narrow escape from death if you go to Cross Tribulation Mountain. Do you really want to go?"


Zhuo Bufan was very insistent.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's persistence, Xuanzhou said.

"Well, in order to test whether you are qualified to enter the Tribulation Mountain, I want to test you."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, what do you want to test me for?"

Zhuo Bufan was eager, so he couldn't wait to take part in this test.

After hearing this, Xuanzhou said.

"A hundred miles north of Kaitian City, there is a Fengyu Villa."

"There is a particularly delicious sweet-scented osmanthus brew in Fengyu Villa! If you go there and bring me a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus brew, I will let you go to the Tribulation Mountain."

Xuanzhou said this. In fact, this guy just wanted to take a sip of the sweet-scented osmanthus wine from Fengyu Villa.

Of course Zhuo Bufan also knew what Xuan Ark was thinking.

But as long as he can go to Crossing the Tribulation Mountain, it doesn't matter if he runs for a while.

So Zhuo Bufan set off to Fengyu Villa without hesitation.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was alone and didn't even call Zhuo Zhuo.

A hundred miles of road, for Zhuo Bufan's current journey, is only half a day.

One trip only lasts for one day at most.

So if he leaves first, he can still make it back before nightfall.

Zhuo Bufan obviously still doesn't know that the road he is going to take is more difficult than crossing Mount Jie——

On the other side, Meng Chanyi didn't pay so much attention to Zhuo Bufan in the past two days because of Bai Su and the others.

And she also sent a ghost boy to protect him secretly, so she believed that Zhuo Bufan would not encounter any danger next.

For the past two days, she had been sitting in the small courtyard of Fengyu Villa, drinking the most delicious sweet-scented osmanthus wine here, and all she could think about was what Zhuo Bufan said that night.

Zhuo Bufan already has a woman, and there are two women he loves deeply.

So Meng Chanyi didn't know whether she should continue to contact Zhuo Bufan.

Because in the end, it might just be a heartbreaking dream.

Meng Chanyi didn't know yet that Zhuo Bufan was rushing towards where she was.

Zhuo Bufan thought it was just an ordinary errand.

But after he walked ten miles north, he suddenly felt his heart cramping.

He had experienced this feeling once before in Butian City.

That time it just disappeared in an instant.

But this time, he felt more and more pain.

And that kind of communication never stops.

"Damn, how could this happen? Is this really a test for me?"

Zhuo Bufan thought this was a test arranged for him by the college.

He didn't care so much, gritted his teeth and continued to rush to Fengyu Villa.

This little pain was nothing to Zhuo Bufan.

After all, he is a man who has practiced the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death. He has tried his best to die countless times. How could he be afraid of such physical pain?

However, when he continued to walk another ten miles north, the pain had begun to penetrate deep into his bones.

"Damn it, this road is not easy to walk! It seems that the mountain at Dujie Mountain may be even harder to climb."

Zhuo Bufan now believes that the road to Fengyu Villa may be the test set by Xuanzhou and the others for him.

Let him retreat when faced with difficulties.

"I thought it was just for me to run an errand, but I didn't expect it was really a test."

"But I won't back down. If I can't even pass this level, how will I reach the top of Dujie Mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan believes that crossing Mount Jie is a hundred times more difficult than this road.

Therefore, he must not back down from the road to Fengyu Villa.

So, Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth once again and continued to move north.

This time, he advanced twenty miles.

That kind of pain has penetrated into my heart.

It was a heart-wrenching pain, as if someone was stabbing his heart with a screwdriver.


"I will not back down. I am going to cross the Tribulation Mountain. No one can stop me from crossing the Tribulation Mountain."

Zhuo Bufan fought hard.

He had no idea that the pain he was experiencing now was several times more difficult than crossing the mountain of calamity.

Even Futian Avenue is not as good as his Fengyu Villa road.

He just gritted his teeth, crawled forward step by step, and fainted several times.

It would only take half a day to reach Fengyu Villa, but he had already walked for almost a whole day.

When it was almost night, Zhuo Bufan finally walked 80 miles.

At this time, his heart had begun to stop beating.

His heart would suddenly stop beating.

Then he fell to the ground and began to twitch.

After twitching for a while, Zhuo Bufan would grit his teeth, stand up, and then his heartbeat would resume.

For Zhuo Bufan, this road was simply the road to hell.

He had never felt such pain before, even when he was practicing the most painful Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, he did not pass through like this.

He had never thought that the pain in the flesh could reach such a level.

"Ahhh! I'm almost dying. Is this the road to hell?"

"Why don't you die? If I die, I can reload the save file and start over."

"Reload the save file? No, there's a black hand waiting for me in the save file space. And the last save file was when I just ascended to this world. I can't reload the save file. I can't reload the save file."

"Go back? Isn't it too late to go back now? I should be almost at Fengyu Villa!"

"No matter what, climb! Even if I have to climb, I have to climb to Fengyu Villa. I should be able to do it!"

"I can do it. Believe in yourself, Zhuo Bufan, you can do it."

After Zhuo Bufan talked to himself for a while, he continued to endure the pain that ordinary people could not bear at all, and began to crawl towards Fengyu Villa little by little.


Meng Chanyi has been sitting in the garden of Fengyu Villa for a whole day.

She has been drinking wine all day.

The wine in the mortal world will not make you drunk.

But the wine does not make you drunk, but you make yourself drunk.

She had already bought all of Fengyu Villa, and no one disturbed her sleep or drinking.

She just lay quietly on the stone table, and when she woke up again, she found that it was completely dark.

"Let's go back to Mazu Mountain tomorrow! Queen Wa is right, I'm just looking for trouble."

Meng Chanyi slept and suddenly figured it out.

She wanted to go back to Mazu Mountain, maybe this is a good choice for both parties.

However, at this moment, a person suddenly crawled in on the ground outside the courtyard.

In the dark, he stretched out his hand and shouted to Meng Chanyi.

"Girl, save, save me!"

Meng Chanyi, who was intoxicated, looked up at the person who crawled into the courtyard.

The next second, she was stunned and stood up.

She clenched her mouth and looked at Zhuo Bufan who crawled in front of her in disbelief.

She was confused, she was at a loss, she was at a loss.

She never dreamed that Zhuo Bufan would come and appear in front of her.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable even for a woman who defies the heavens like her.

You know, she has the Queen Wa's anti-heart spell on her!

Once Zhuo Bufan gets close to her, he will die of a broken heart.

This is why Meng Chanyi is so terrified.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and saw Meng Chanyi.

When he saw Meng Chanyi, a touching smile appeared on his face.

"So, it's you!"

After saying this, Zhuo Bufan fell headfirst and fainted...

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