Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1122: Life and Death

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​Lord Luo Tian, ​​Lord Luo Tian..."

In a daze, Zhuo Bufan heard someone calling Lord Luo Tian.

He saw a little girl holding a man's hand.

The man only had a back, a tall and majestic back.

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​Yi Yi will give you a back massage."

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​Yi Yi will wash your hair."

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​Yi Yi will give you a bath."

"Lord Luo Tian..."

"Lord Luo Tian..."

"Lord Luo Tian..."


The little girl named Yi Yi's tender and lovely voice kept coming to his ears.

The words she said most were Lord Luo Tian.

It seemed that Lord Luo Tian was the most important person in her life.

She was a little follower beside Lord Luo Tian.

She was also a little maid beside Lord Luo Tian.

Her small shoulders helped Lord Luo Tian support a family.

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​they all say you are going to heaven, will you take Yi Yi with you?"

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​Yi Yi doesn't want to leave you."

In the picture, the little girl lies in Lord Luo Tian's arms.

Parting is always sad, and even Lord Luo Tian cannot avoid this.

"Yi Yi, do you like stars?"

Lord Luo Tian's voice is very gentle and warm.

Yi Yi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Well, Lord Luo Tian will give you the stars in the sky."

Lord Luo Tian finished speaking, stretched out his hand and waved his sleeves towards the night sky.

Then the dark clouds dispersed, and the sky was full of stars.

One by one, meteor showers streaked across the sky.

Yi Yi's eyes showed an unprecedented light.

That was the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen.

"Do you like this starry sky?"


After hearing this, Luo Tian stretched out his hand and looked up to the sky.

Then, the stars in the sky began to gather together, and finally formed a crystal ball, which appeared in Lord Luo Tian's hand.

Luo Tian held the crystal ball and gave it to Yi Yi.

Inside the crystal ball, there were brilliant nebulae, and in every bit of light, there was a wonderful world.

"With it accompanying you, you won't be bored."

Luo Tian picked a piece of starry sky for Yi Yi, as a reward for the little girl's following him for so many years.

That night, Yi Yi held the crystal ball, lay in Luo Tian's arms, and fell asleep quietly.

That was also the night when Luo Tian, ​​a generation of genius, flew away!

The next day, when Yi Yi woke up from her dream, she found herself lying on a piece of grass.

Her Lord Luo Tian disappeared.

From then on, Yi Yi embarked on the journey to find Lord Luo Tian.

She didn't believe that Lord Luo Tian would abandon her and fly away.

She began to walk through every place she had followed Lord Luo Tian.

Even if it was an extremely dangerous Jedi, she would pursue it without hesitation.

This time, without Lord Luo Tian by her side, Yi Yi suffered all kinds of torture and suffering.

But strangely, she was able to turn danger into safety every time.

In this way, Yi Yi walked for hundreds of years on the road to find Lord Luo Tian.

Until the naive child of that year became a graceful young girl.

She searched every corner of the world, but could not find her Lord Luo Tian.

Finally, the innocent and romantic little girl began to believe that her Lord Luo Tian had flown away.

In order to chase her Lord Luo Tian, ​​she began to practice hard.

As a result, accidentally, this little girl who had no cultivation became the strongest female cultivator in history.

When she ascended, no one even knew that there was such a powerful female cultivator in the world.

And she became the first person after Luo Tian ascended.

Later, Yi Yi flew to Daluotian.

In this world, she continued to look for her Lord Luo Tian.

I don’t know how long she searched, but she didn’t find Lord Luo Tian, ​​but met Queen Wa instead.

She followed the Queen Nuwa because she promised to help her find Lord Luo Tian.

Finally, with the help of the Queen Nuwa, she found her Lord Luo Tian.

However, when she saw Lord Luo Tian again,

her Lord Luo Tian had forgotten her.

Lord Luo Tian split himself into two, one became a virtual body, and the other became a human.

Lord Luo Tian, ​​who became a human, lost his memory of Yi Yi.

In order to let Lord Luo Tian recognize himself again, Yi Yi turned into a child again and followed her Lord Luo Tian again.

However, Lord Luo Tian in this life was not happy.

He lived in dire straits every day, and Yi Yi became his last support.

Until one day, Luo Tian suddenly recalled all his memories about Yi Yi.

But at this time, Luo Tian had been hunted down by the Heavenly Dao.

In order to avoid the Heavenly Dao's hunt, Luo Tian had to enter the reincarnation.

So far, he and Yi Yi parted for the second time.

And this time they parted for 800,000 years——



Yi Yi has been waiting all her life.

So much so that in the end, she no longer knew whether she was waiting for Lord Luo Tian or waiting for her inner loneliness.

"Have you decided?"

"I have decided!"

"Well, come back with me! I have used the stars to conceal the secrets of heaven. Don't worry, heaven has not discovered his existence."

"Yes! Thank you, my lady."

This was the last conversation Zhuo Bufan heard.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a bed.

The pain in his chest was gone, and there were no scars on his body.

There were only fragmented memories in his head.

He didn't know what happened. Anyway, after waking up, he seemed to have had a dream.

"I seem to have seen the Saint Chan Yi."

Zhuo Bufan still remembered that he seemed to have seen Meng Chan Yi before he fainted.

He had seen Meng Chan Yi's peerless demeanor in the Soul Realm, and he couldn't forget that stunning woman.

However, when he woke up, he found that his memory of Meng Chan Yi had become very vague.

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why, so he got up and walked out of the room.

After going downstairs, he saw the shopkeeper who was cleaning up the counter.

"Hey, guest, you're awake."

"You scared me to death last night. You suddenly appeared outside the villa. I thought you had met with something unexpected."

"Fortunately, after I brought you back to the villa, I found that you were still breathing. It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up!"

The shopkeeper was a little old man in a red dress.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan wake up, he was so happy to greet him.

Zhuo Bufan was confused.

"Did you save me last night?"

"Of course not. If it weren't for me last night, you might have died outside."

"Thank you very much for saving my life, shopkeeper. I have no way to repay you, but I will definitely remember this kindness in my heart. I will repay you when I have the chance in the future."

"You are too polite, little brother. Guests are guests. Helping guests is also helping yourself! Just remember this kindness, you don't have to pay it back."

I didn't expect that this boss was actually a straightforward person.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say polite to him and smiled.

"Well, I, Zhuo Bufan, will definitely remember this favor."

"But shopkeeper, I want to ask where the girl who was sitting in the yard yesterday is now?"

Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't believe that it was this boss who saved him.

Zhuo Bufan remembered very clearly that he heard the conversation between two women in a daze.

The shopkeeper laughed at Zhuo Bufan when he heard it.

"What? Are you thinking about women?"

"Little brother, don't think about it. There are no girls in this wilderness."

"No one has come to this villa for several months. You are the first person to come to our villa in the past two months."

"Impossible, I clearly saw a woman drinking in the yard last night. She looked like, like..."

"Who are you thinking about?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Like the Saint Maiden of Chanyi." Zhuo Bufan said.

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper laughed when he heard it.

"Hahaha, little brother, did I hear you right? Are you talking about the Saint of Chanyi? Is she the Saint of Chanyi, the first disciple of the Queen Nuwa in the legend?"

"That's a legendary figure. How could she appear in a remote place like ours? You're overthinking it, little brother."

"Maybe you're hallucinating. After all, you almost died. Isn't it said that when people are about to die, they will see the most beautiful things in the world?"

"The Saint of Chanyi is the most perfect saint in the legend. It's not surprising that you see her."

The boss didn't admit it, so Zhuo Bufan didn't ask too much.

Maybe he was right, it might be an illusion.

But what about that weird dream?

"The Saint of Chanyi, is that the little girl Yiyi?"

"So, she knew Luo Tian, ​​which is my first life!"

Zhuo Bufan is not stupid.

After a lot of association, he realized that he might have some connection with the Saint of Chanyi.

After all, he is Luo Tian's reincarnation, which is an indisputable fact.

If Meng Chanyi is really related to Luo Tian, ​​then she will definitely find herself.

"Young man, don't think too much. Here, I'll give you a pot of the best osmanthus wine in our villa."

"This wine, even gods love it."

The boss is a clever old man.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan was thinking about it, he took out a pot of wine and stuffed it into his pocket.

Zhuo Bufan took the wine pot and remembered the task Xuanzhou had given him.

"Boss, thank you for the wine, I'm leaving."

"Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, I'm leaving. But I won't forget your kindness."

"Then go! Young man, you have something important to do, and I won't delay you."

Zhuo Bufan was leaving, and the boss didn't try to stop him.

This boss had obviously seen through everything.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan's back as he left, and smiled thoughtfully.

"Little bird, grow up quickly! Grow up into an eagle and fly proudly in the sky."

The old man is obviously not as simple as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

In fact, he is indeed not a simple character.

He couldn't have been unaware that the Saint Chan Yi came to his villa.

It can only mean that he already knew Meng Chan Yi and Queen Wa.


Meng Chan Yi left. Before leaving, she asked the old man to help take care of Zhuo Bufan.

Although Meng Chan Yi left, she was still worried about Zhuo Bufan.

She left not because she had given up on Zhuo Bufan, but because she was scared.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly came to Fengyu Villa, scaring Meng Chan Yi to the point of being at a loss.

When Queen Wa arrived, she was not shocked by Zhuo Bufan's behavior.

Emperor Wa knew very well how terrible the heart-reverse curse she had set on Meng Chanyi was.

If this spell was not aimed at Zhuo Bufan, but someone else, I believe that person would have died a long time ago.

However, Zhuo Bufan actually broke the power of her spell, which was simply incredible.

In order to protect Zhuo Bufan, and to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Meng Chanyi decided to stay away from Zhuo Bufan completely.

So she followed Emperor Wa back to Mazu Mountain.

This accident also sent a warning to Meng Chanyi.

Since you want to protect Zhuo Bufan, you shouldn't let him fall into such a dangerous situation.

Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know what earth-shattering move he made yesterday.

Even Emperor Wa was shocked by his behavior.

When he rushed back to the college with the sweet-scented osmanthus wine from Fengyu Villa, he saw Zhuo Zhuo and Zhou Peng at the gate of the college.

"It's eldest brother, it's eldest brother who's back."

When Zhuo Zhuo saw Zhuo Bufan's return, he was so excited that he stepped forward and hugged him.

Zhuo Bufan was startled by Zhan Zhan's behavior, which was already a bit out of character.

In fact, when Zhuo Bufan was going through the calamity yesterday, Zhiqiang, as a puppet, could deeply feel the pain that Zhuo Bufan was almost on the verge of death.

So Zhuo Zhuo and the others searched for Zhuo Bufan all day last night.

It was only this morning that I learned from Xuanzhou that Zhuo Bufan had gone to Fengyu Villa in the north.

They were planning to leave for Fengyu Villa early in the morning, but they didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to come back at this time.

"It's good that you're fine. Zhuo Zhuo said your life was in danger yesterday. We thought something happened to you."

Zhou Peng also expressed his concern.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

"I don't know what happened yesterday. Teacher Xuanzhou, was it a test given to me by the academy?"

When Xuanzhou heard this, he shook his head repeatedly.

"Sorry Zhuo Bufan, I just wanted you to run an errand for me yesterday. There was no test. What exactly did you go through yesterday? Why is your life still in danger?"

Xuanzhou also just heard Zhuo Bufan's puppet tell him that Zhuo Bufan might be in danger.

As the person in charge, he obviously cannot absolve himself of the blame, so he plans to follow Zhou Peng and the others to find Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan came back alive.

"It's okay, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus stuffed wine you asked for. You can do what you promised me now!"

Zhuo Bufan threw the sweet-scented osmanthus wine he got at Fengyu Villa to Xuanzhou.

Xuanzhou took the sweet-scented osmanthus wine and nodded.

"Okay! In ten days, our college will take people to Dujie Mountain to overcome the tribulation. Then you can come with me."

Xuanzhou agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

Zhou Peng on the side was stunned after hearing this.

"Are you really going to cross the Tribulation Mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said, "Yes, this is also a path I must take to prove myself."

Zhuo Bufan even endured the pain that was worse than death yesterday. He was just crossing the mountain, so what was he afraid of?

"In that case, I'll go with you. I also want to see how terrifying the legendary Dujie Mountain is."

Zhou Peng also plans to go to the Tribulation Mountain to overcome the calamity.

Facing the two ambitious young men, Xuanzhou did not embarrass them again this time.

"Good boy, ambitious."

"You can go with peace of mind! I have a hunch that you might actually succeed."

Xuanzhou saw a kind of hope in Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.

If they really succeed in overcoming the tribulation, they will become Xuanyi's disciples.

This is also a great honor for their college.

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