Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1123 Purple-robed Marquis

The news that Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were going to participate in the assessment of the Mountain of Tribulation soon spread throughout the academy.

You should know that no one in their academy has dared to participate in the assessment of the Mountain of Tribulation for many years.

Because their Kaitiancheng Panhuang Academy has been established for a thousand years, but no one has been able to pass the test of the Mountain of Tribulation.

So their academy has no Xuanyi disciples so far.

And the most important thing is that after the disciples who went to the Mountain of Tribulation came back, nine out of ten were useless.

The Mountain of Tribulation will test people's hearts.

Some people returned to the academy like a changed person after experiencing those disasters in the Mountain of Tribulation.

Their spirits suffered a serious blow, and the road of cultivation was even more difficult.

It can be said that the Mountain of Tribulation is like purgatory for the students of the Panhuang Academy.

So now basically no student goes to participate in the assessment of the Mountain of Tribulation.

For most people, becoming a Xuanyi disciple is nothing great.

Because even if you are a Xuanyi disciple, you only have the qualification to go to the Jietian Mountain, which does not mean that you can become a disciple of Panhuang. Everyone knows their own limitations, so this Dujie Mountain has become a decoration over time.

Now fewer and fewer disciples go to Dujie Mountain to pass the tribulation.

And Zhuo Bufan suddenly proposed to go to Dujie Mountain to pass the tribulation, how could it not cause a sensation!

And Zhuo Bufan, the newcomer, suddenly became a hot figure in the academy because of this incident.

“Hey, have you heard? The two new white-clothed disciples are actually going to the Tribulation Mountain?”

“I heard about it too. These two guys are really not afraid of death! It has been many years since I heard anyone mention going to the Tribulation Mountain.”

“Newcomers are like this, dreaming of becoming a Xuanyi disciple by climbing the Tribulation Mountain.”

“Hehe, it is not so easy to become a Xuanyi disciple. But it is not their fault, they are young. When we first entered the academy, didn’t we also think about becoming a Xuanyi disciple all day long?”

“That’s right, the academy has a strict hierarchy. When the white-clothed disciples first entered the academy, they had to do all the dirty and tiring work by themselves. Naturally, the white-clothed disciples felt unbalanced. If they become Xuanyi disciples, they are the best of the best. In the academy, they are people that even the dean has to respect.”

In the academy, the news that Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan were going to climb the Tribulation Mountain soon spread.

However, almost everyone was not optimistic about them, thinking that they were just daydreaming, thinking of becoming a Xuanyi disciple in one step and getting something for nothing.

In fact, many newcomers in the academy have this idea.

Because Xuanyi disciples are the only ones who do not need to pass the level assessment.

As long as you pass the test of the Mountain of Tribulation, you can become a Xuanyi disciple who is superior to others.

Everyone wants to be superior, and who wants to be bullied by others.

The hierarchy of the academy is bound to make many people feel unbalanced.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yi appeared, which was like giving those students who were oppressed on weekdays hope of fighting back.

So they argued about this topic one by one.

It is precisely because of this that some people like it and some people dislike it.

Some people think that Zhuo Bufan and others dare to fight, and some people think that they are overestimating their own abilities.

It is less than three days away from going to the Mountain of Tribulation in Panlong City.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng came to the puppet class as usual.

As soon as they sat down, several people came up and surrounded them.

"Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng?"

The leader was a man in blue clothes, who surrounded Zhuo Bufan and his friends with five yellow-clothed students.

"My name is Lan He, a blue-clothed disciple of the academy."

Blue-clothed disciples are the third-level disciples of the academy. Above blue-clothed disciples, there is a purple-clothed disciple.

And above purple-clothed disciples is the highest-level black-clothed disciple.

"We, the Purple-clothed Marquis, are looking for you two. Come with us!"

Zhuo Bufan asked with a smile when he heard it.

"Purple-clothed Marquis? I haven't heard of him. And why should I go with you? I have classes, so I'm sorry I can't keep you company."

Zhuo Bufan knew that these guys were looking for trouble. He was not afraid of trouble, but he didn't want to be involved in these troubles.

After all, he had three days to go to the Tribulation Mountain. During these three days, he needed to adjust his state and prepare for the tribulation.

The more Zhuo Bufan ignored them, the more these guys would not stop.

"Boy, don't refuse a toast and then drink a forfeit. As long as you are in this academy, you are just a little white-clothed person. White-clothed people should put your white-clothed position in the right place."

"You're not going? That's fine, you just stand and listen to the class! Give us your seat."

White-clothed disciples are the lowest-ranking disciples in the academy, and the rights they enjoy are naturally the lowest.

For example, in the classroom, if the class is full, then the white-clothed disciples can only stand and listen to the class, and give up their seats to higher-ranking disciples.

This is the hierarchy of the academy.

"I told you to get out of the way, didn't you hear? Do you understand the rules of the academy? People who don't follow the rules will be expelled from the academy. At that time, you can't even dream of going to the Tribulation Mountain."

Faced with this group of people who are looking for trouble, Zhou Peng immediately got angry.

But just when Zhou Peng was about to take action, Zhuo Bufan stopped him.

"Forget it, let's stand!"

Although Zhuo Bufan also hated these people.

But what they said was right, the academy is a place with rules, and those who don't follow the rules will be expelled.

Xuan Zhou told them this when they had just entered the academy.

It doesn't matter if they are expelled, but if they are expelled, they will not be able to go to Dujie Mountain.

How can I become a disciple of Xuanyi if I can't go to the Crossing Tribulation Mountain to cross the Tribulation Mountain?

How can Zhuo Bufan go to Mount Jie Tian without being able to become a disciple of Xuan Yi?

Without going to Jie Tian Mountain, how could Zhuo Bufan find Ni Cang Qiong?

Zhuo Bufan would not forget his purpose just because of a moment of anger.

So he could still tolerate this grievance.

There is no way, this is the rule of the academy.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't have the ability to break the rules yet.

When he has the ability to break this rule, he will also settle the score and let these bullies know how powerful he is.

"You're quite a wise boy. Since you're so wise, why don't you go with us later?"

"Don't worry, we won't eat you. Besides, this is Panhuang Academy, and everyone in the academy must act according to the rules. We won't do anything to you. It's just that we, the Purple Yihou, have something to say to you two."

The guy in blue was chattering to Zhuo Bufan.

The few people in yellow clothes beside them all crossed their arms and looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others expressionlessly.

"Sorry, we have no interest in that Ziyihou."

"Listen to this lesson! Zhou Peng, let's go."

Zhuo Bufan only needs to abide by the school's rules now. As for other people's rules, he doesn't need to abide by them.

Because of these guys, their puppet class is impossible to listen to.

But fortunately, Zhou Peng was originally a puppet master. Zhou Peng was an authoritative master in the field of puppet masters, not even as good as the teachers who gave lectures.

"Let's go to the cafeteria. You teach me about puppets and I'll teach you about binary."

Zhuo Bufan said to Zhou Peng.

When Zhou Peng heard this, he became interested.

"Sounds good, deal."

Zhou Peng was very interested in binary systems, so when Zhuo Bufan said this, he agreed without hesitation.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng leaving, Lan He immediately felt humiliated.

"Damn it, did this guy turn a deaf ear to my words?"

"Just two people in white clothes, what kind of cows are they?"

"Let's go to the cafeteria too!"

After Lan He finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the canteen.

"Brother Lan, are we not going to listen to the class?"

"Listen to your mother, are we here to listen to the class? Don't forget the task that the boss gave us. If we can't take these two people back, you will be the ones to look after us in the future."

Lan He stopped talking nonsense to those younger brothers, got up and chased after Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng came to the cafeteria to eat, and then they each took what they needed and learned from each other.

Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou Peng to learn his puppetry, and Zhou Peng learned his binary system from Zhuo Bufan.

However, before the two sides started learning, those followers from Blue River showed up.

"Boy, the rules of the academy are to be courteous to senior brothers. If senior brothers want to sit in your seats, please give way."

This Blue River talks about rules again.

After Zhou Peng heard this, he became furious.

"Forget it, these guys did it on purpose. They don't want to eat. Let's go!"

Can't afford to offend, can afford to hide.

He was going to cross Mount Jie in three days, and Zhuo Bufan didn't want to cause trouble.

After returning from Dujie Mountain, he must take care of these guys.

Zhou Peng also understood what Zhuo Bufan meant, so the two of them left the canteen again without saying anything and went directly back to the dormitory.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others leaving again, Lan He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.


He slammed his palm down on the table and shouted angrily.

"These two bastards simply don't take me seriously."

"Are you hiding from us? Let's see how long you can hide."

Next, this Lan He began to take revenge on Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng and the others.

Because fighting is not allowed in the academy, it is impossible for Lan He to blatantly lead people to fight with Zhuo Bufan and the others.

But this guy took advantage of the school's rules and started to go against Zhuo Bufan and the others everywhere.

For example, when Zhuo Bufan and the others were sweeping the floor, Lan He deliberately led a group of people to the place where they were sweeping the floor to eat melon seeds.

For example, when Zhuo Bufan and the others were cleaning the teaching aids, Lan He deliberately threw the entire school's teaching aids in front of them.

In short, this guy started to go against Zhuo Bufan and the others in every possible way.

As long as Zhuo Bufan and the others are unhappy, this guy will do it.

On the third day, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng finally became impatient with Lan He.

"Okay, I'll go with you to see that Ziyihou. I want to see what tricks this guy wants to play."

Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to find Lan He, and then asked Lan He to take him to find Zi Yihou.

When Lan He saw this, he smiled proudly.

"Boy, I thought you could hold on. I originally planned to kick you out of the academy today, since you are so honest. Okay, I'll take you to see Zi Yihou."

Zhuo Bufan was annoyed by this boring guy, so he decided to go and meet Zi Yihou for a while.

He followed Lan He to the purple-clothed disciples' dormitory, and then entered a separate courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a man in purple sitting in the courtyard.

"Boss, I finally brought this guy to you."

"Okay, I shouldn't have anything to do here, so I'll leave first."

After Lan He finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Zhuo Bufan looking at the purple-clothed Hou.

Zi Yihou is very handsome and handsome.

The way he drinks tea is also very elegant, and he doesn't look like the kind of overbearing and unreasonable person.

"I heard that you are going to cross the Tribulation Mountain?"

Zi Yihou did not look at Zhuo Bufan, but his words were obviously directed at Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"This shouldn't be a secret anymore!"

"I don't know what you call me, and why did you try so hard to find me?"

Zhuo Bufan came alone this time, without Zhuo Zhuo or Zhou Peng.

After hearing this, the Ziyi Hou replied.

"My surname is Xia. You can just call me Ziyihou like them."

"I came to you this time because I want you to help me find something."

"Looking for something?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned and said, he didn't understand what Zi Yihou meant.

"It's like this. Ten years ago, I went to Dujie Mountain once, and then I lost something in Dujie Mountain. That thing is very important to me. If you can help me find it, I will give you 100 million yuan. Refined."

"One hundred million yuan essence? It seems that what you lost is a treasure."

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

“What’s precious to me may be useless to someone else.”

Zi Yihou replied.

Zhuo Bufan looked at him in disbelief.

He didn't expect that the Purple Clothes Marquis went all out to find him in order to let him go to the Tribulation Mountain to hunt for treasure.

"I'm curious, why don't you find it yourself?"

Zi Yihou replied.

"The academy has rules. Those who have been there, no matter whether they succeed or not, cannot go back. This means that everyone has only one chance to enter the Tribulation Mountain."

"So I've been waiting for this day for ten years. I'm waiting for someone to go to the Tribulation Mountain again to entrust this matter."

It turned out that the Ziyihou had no ill intentions.

"Since you invited me here, why are all your men so vicious?"

"To be honest, I don't want to do this."

Zhuo Bufan was not targeting Zi Yihou. If this guy had respectfully invited him to come at the beginning, he might have agreed.

But this guy sent that bastard from Blue River to harass him, which made Zhuo Bufan very unhappy.

After hearing this, Hou Ziyi still spoke unhurriedly.

"Blue River has always done things this way. I can apologize to you here on his behalf."

"Of course, I didn't force you. If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say it."

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that he did not expect that this Ziyihou was actually a young man of Buddhist origin.

His acting style is really completely different from that of Lan He.

That Blue River will not stop at any means until he achieves his goal.

But this Zi Yihou would help him if he wanted to, and pull him down if he didn't.

"It's interesting!"

"Then I want to ask, what is it that you want me to find?"

Zhuo Bufan had a strong interest in this Buddhist young man.

After hearing this, Zi Yihou replied.

"A book, a wordless book!"

"Wordless book?"

"Yes, a wordless book!"

"Okay, I'll remember it. I can help you keep an eye on it, but I can't guarantee whether I can find it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense with the Ziyi Hou.

Turn around and leave!

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