Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1124: Overcoming the Tribulation

Finally, the day that everyone was looking forward to arrived.

Early in the morning of that day, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng followed Xuan Zhou to the Yuanli rail station in Kaitian City.

Nana and Zhuo Yue naturally followed along the way.

Before leaving, many students from the academy came out to watch the excitement, and Zhuo Bufan saw a purple figure.

It was obviously the Purple-Robed Marquis, and he was actually very concerned about it.

He didn't say what the wordless book was, but Zhuo Bufan could feel that the book should not be simple.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others leave, Gui Tong finally completed his mission.

"Mom, let's go home."

Gui Tong watched Zhuo Bufan and his Yuanli rail car leave Kaitian City.

In addition to Teacher Xuan Zhou, the team leader this time was also the vice president of the academy, named Zhong He!

This vice president had a long white beard and was relatively taciturn. He basically didn't speak much along the way and kept his eyes closed.

Later, Zhuo Bufan and his team learned from Xuan Zhou that Vice Dean Zhong He was a quiet person but a kind person.

In addition, Vice Dean Zhong He had the experience of leading a team into the Dujie Mountain before, so he was quite familiar with the situation in the Dujie Mountain.

"I need to explain to you that there is a barrier set up by Panhuang on the Cross Tribulation Mountain. No matter how high your cultivation is, once you enter the Cross Tribulation Mountain, your cultivation will be reduced to that of an ordinary person."

"So, if you want to climb the Cross Tribulation Mountain, you can only rely on your willpower."

"And no one can tell what is inside the Cross Tribulation Mountain. Because everyone who returns from the Cross Tribulation Mountain has lost their memory of the Cross Tribulation Mountain."

"They only know that they went to the Cross Tribulation Mountain, but they don't know what happened there. So no one can give you experience."

"We only know now that in the process of climbing, you will enter one mysterious realm after another. These mysterious realms, true and false, real and fake, will cause great harm to your spirit."

"You may stop here, or you may be addicted forever, or your Tao heart may be covered in dust, or even make you doubt your life. This will greatly damage your future path of cultivation."

Xuan Zhou told Zhuo Bufan and the others about some possible dangerous situations.

Regarding this, Zhuo Bufan and the others had already carefully understood it before entering the academy.

The reason why the Tribulation Mountain is called the Tribulation Mountain is because there are many dangers in this mountain.

And more importantly, there are restrictions left by Pan Huang in the Tribulation Mountain.

In this restriction, no matter who it is, they will be weakened into mortals.

So many people dare not enter the Tribulation Mountain because they are afraid of becoming mortals.

In their eyes, mortals are synonymous with weakness. They are born, grow old, get sick and die, and are fragile.

How can a mortal pass the test of Pan Huang?

So, this alone discourages many people.

And all those who went to the Tribulation Mountain lost their memories of the Tribulation Mountain after coming out.

They only know that they went to the Tribulation Mountain, but no one knows what they experienced in the Tribulation Mountain.

Just like Zi Yi Hou, he only knew that he had lost a wordless book in the Tribulation Mountain, but he didn't know how he lost it.

He brought the wordless book into the Tribulation Mountain, but after coming out, the book disappeared.

So he suspected that the wordless book was lost in the Tribulation Mountain.

That's why he asked Zhuo Bufan to help find it.

He didn't say anything else, because he didn't know it himself.


Xuan Zhou told Zhuo Bufan and the others everything he knew about the matter of the Tribulation Mountain, and also asked them to be mentally prepared.

Two days later, they finally arrived in Panlong City.

At this time, led by the Vice Dean Zhong He, they came to a small town 20 miles outside the city.

The town is called Tribulation Town, which is dedicated to receiving students who come from all over the world to participate in the Tribulation Mountain Trial.

When they entered the Tribulation Town, they found the inn they had booked in advance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the inn, they met students from other colleges.

"Oh, it's Zhong He! You Kaitian City actually signed up for the Tribulation Examination this year?"

The speaker was an elder with white hair and a childlike face. Behind him, there were also two disciples, a man and a woman.

But the two disciples were wearing purple clothes.

"White clothes? Haha, Zhong He, your academy is really in decline. Now even white-clothed disciples dare to trick them into participating in the Tribulation Mountain Assessment?"

The elder with white hair and a youthful face laughed at Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Zhong He heard it and said coldly.

"Du Changming, who stipulated that only purple-clothed disciples can participate in the Tribulation Mountain Assessment?"

"Also, our academy never tricks the students in the academy into participating in the Tribulation Mountain Assessment. It's all voluntary."

Vice Dean Zhong He rarely spoke, but he didn't expect to quarrel with the vice dean of another academy.

"It's embarrassing. White-clothed disciples also want to participate in the Tribulation Mountain Assessment. It's just a pipe dream."

Du Changming began to mock Zhuo Bufan and the others.

The two purple-clothed disciples behind him also sat down with disdain.

"Du Changming, where does your sense of superiority come from? There haven't been any black-clothed disciples in your Xiyang City for almost a thousand years! Do you think you can climb the Tribulation Mountain with two purple-clothed disciples this time?"

"When Lord Panhuang arranged this Tribulation Mountain, he wanted to treat everyone equally, so that even mortals would be qualified to enter the Tribulation Mountain to tribulate."

"I think your two purple-clothed people are just so-so. They may not be as good as the two white-clothed people I brought."

Zhong He refused to admit defeat and insisted on competing with Du Changming.

At this time, another person from the academy came to the inn.

"Hey, Brother Zhong and Brother Du are still so lively! Are you ready to compete as soon as you meet?"

As he spoke, a woman in a white robe entered the store with two purple-clothed people.

"Sister Su, you are here!"

Seeing the lady coming, Du Changming was obviously very eager, and quickly asked his two disciples to stand up and make room for the woman.

"Thank you, Brother Du San"

"Sister Su is polite. Did you bring two more disciples to tribulate this year? Last year, Sister Su successfully discovered a black-clothed disciple!"

No wonder Du Changming was so eager to the old woman.

It turned out that one of the two disciples led by this woman last year successfully climbed the Dujie Mountain and became a Xuanyi disciple.

So this woman is very popular among many college teachers.

However, Zhong He did not show too much enthusiasm, just looked at Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng and Xuan Zhou and said.

"Let's go, let's go directly to Dujie Mountain."

Zhong He did not want to talk nonsense with Du Changming, he just wanted to finish the work as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible.

Seeing Zhong He and the others leave, Du Changming couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, he fled in a hurry!"

"Sister Su, we won't talk about him. Come, have a cup of tea first, let's talk about the past."

After Du Changming finished speaking, he called for a pot of tea.

Unexpectedly, Su Yun stood up with the two disciples behind her and said.

"No need, Third Brother Du, let's go to Dujie Mountain first."

Everyone came for Dujie Mountain, so they didn't want to waste time.

Seeing Su Yun leave, Du Changming snorted coldly.

"Hmph! You two are so ungrateful."

"Don't drink anymore, both of you. Come with me to Dujie Mountain. The sooner you die, the sooner you will be reborn."

Du Changming was so angry because he was not welcomed that he vented his anger on two students under his command.


On this side, Zhong He brought Zhuo Bufan and the others to a huge altar.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the altar, his eyes lit up.

This altar was very similar to the altar where he ascended to Daluo Heaven.

"You two will climb the altar later, and the altar will teleport you to Dujie Mountain. The road ahead depends on you. Whether you live or die, succeed or fail, reach the top or be eliminated, we can't help you, we can only rely on you."

Zhong He looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others and said.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng nodded after hearing this.

"I understand. Thank you for the reminder from Dean Zhong. We will be careful."

Zhong He nodded after hearing this.

"Go ahead, don't feel pressured. This mountain of tribulation actually relies more on one's own will. As long as your willpower is strong enough, you will naturally be able to pass the test of this mountain of tribulation."

"Remember, don't be distracted, otherwise you may lose all your previous efforts and fall into the abyss of no return."

Zhong He patted Zhuo Bufan and his friends on the shoulders and gave them a burst of encouragement.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng climbed onto the altar.

"Pengpeng, Fanfan, come on!"

"Brother, come on."

Nana brought Zhuo Yue and also cheered Zhuo Bufan and his friends below.

"Zhuo Yue, take good care of your second sister-in-law. I, your brother, will definitely succeed."

Zhuo Bufan was full of confidence.

After they climbed onto the altar, Zhuo Bufan chose to save the game immediately.

"Save the game!"

He covered the first save door that had not been moved for a long time.

This time, Zhuo Bufan came with the belief that he would definitely pass.

If he failed, he would reload the game.

But Zhuo Bufan believed that he didn't need to reload the game this time. After all, he had even endured the anti-heart curse of Queen Nuwa before.

Soon, more and more students came to the altar.

Almost all of them were dressed in purple, and Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, who were dressed in white, stood out among them.

There were also many criticisms from the crowd.

"The newcomers nowadays are really getting more and more fearless! Even the little white-robed disciples dare to come to the Tribulation Mountain to undergo the tribulation."

"That's right. Although there is no explicit rule in the Tribulation Mountain that only purple-robed disciples are allowed to come to undergo the tribulation. But since the existence of the Tribulation Mountain, basically all those who can come to participate in the assessment are purple-robed disciples, and even blue-robed disciples rarely appear."

"After all, our purple-robed disciples are the best disciples. Only those who can become black-robed disciples are born among the purple-robed disciples."

"It seems that since the existence of the Tribulation Mountain, there has been no precedent for white-robed disciples to directly become black-robed disciples! There have been cases where yellow-robed disciples were directly promoted to black-robed disciples."

"Forget it, let's not talk about them. Let's take care of our own business. This Tribulation Mountain is not a joke!"

"Yes, I hope I can pass. I want to enter the Jietian Mountain."

The criticism in the crowd also gradually weakened.

Because these people found that it was too early to mock Zhuo Bufan and the others. If they can't climb the Tribulation Mountain, then what is the difference between them and the two white-robed disciples?

Therefore, those criticisms gradually shut up, and everyone began to calm down and prepare to overcome the disaster.

At this time, the messengers responsible for activating the altar began to prepare to activate the altar.

As they murmured incantations, circles of golden light began to fill the entire altar.

Then, the altar rotated, and rays of divine light shot into the sky.

Hoo ho ho ho!

As a gust of wind tornado was born in the altar, the people in the altar began to disappear one by one.


Zhuo Bufan frowned, then took a deep breath.

The next second, he felt himself being pulled by a huge force, and then disappeared.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he was no longer on the altar.

He was in a vast fog, the kind of fog where he couldn't see his fingers.

"Zhou Peng? Zhou Peng?"

Zhuo Bufan tried shouting twice, but didn't hear any response.

Not to mention Zhou Peng, there seemed to be no one near him.

"Has the test of crossing the Tribulation Mountain begun? How should I go now?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that he had indeed lost all his abilities.

He can't use Yuan Power or the power of his soul, just like ordinary people.

The most important thing is that, facing the vast fog, he found that he could only see less than one meter at most.

There was no direction in sight for the road under my feet.

Under his feet were shallow puddles.

Zhuo Bufan knew which direction to go, but since he was mountaineering, he believed that there should be a slope of the hillside, so Zhuo Bufan thought about walking higher.

However, after walking for a few minutes, he found that there was still a shallow pool of water under his feet, with no slope at all.

"What's going on? Where's the mountain?"

After walking for a long time, Zhuo Bufan had never seen a hillside, let alone a mountain.

“How can I climb a mountain if there are no mountains?”

Zhuo Bufan was confused. He had come to climb Dujie Mountain, but so far, he had not found even a small stone, let alone a mountain.

"Is there anyone there? Zhou Peng? Where are you?"

Zhuo Bufan tried calling, hoping to get some response.

But what responded to him was his own echo.

"Damn it, crossing the Tribulation Mountain is really not fun!"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he might encounter lightning disasters or something like that in Dujie Mountain.

But so far, nothing has appeared.

He didn't know what to do, so he simply sat down and sat cross-legged in the puddle.

Just after Zhuo Bufan sat down, he suddenly felt something moving in the thick fog around him.


It was a huge black shadow, whizzing past him from his left side.


Then, another huge black shadow flew past his right side.

Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of kicking and tapping.


Ho ho ho ho...

Rate rate rate rate...

Two more inexplicable sounds came.

"Horse braying?"

"Ape Roar?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He heard the roar of horses and apes.

"What does it mean?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused, a black shadow more than ten meters high suddenly came out of the thick fog in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but raise his head and look up.

It turned out to be a giant ape!

Da da da da——

Immediately afterwards, horse hooves came from behind.

Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw a snow-white white horse.

"What does this mean? Heart ape, mind horse?"

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