Looking at the giant ape in front of him and the white horse behind him, Zhuo Bufan began to get nervous.

Giant ape, white horse, fog!

He didn't know what this meant, but Zhuo Bufan was not afraid, but went to meet the giant ape in front of him.

Roar, roar...

The giant ape roared, and the roar was like thunder, which made people excited.

When Zhuo Bufan approached the giant ape, he suddenly heard a familiar call from behind.

"Zhuo Lang! Zhuo Lang, Zhuo Lang!"

When Zhuo Bufan turned around, he saw that the white horse behind him had turned into Bai Su.

"Su Su?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and Bai Su behind him was returning to him, and then he quickly ran towards Bai Su.

However, at this time, another familiar call suddenly came from behind.

"Husband, husband."

Zhuo Bufan looked back again and found that the black ape had turned into Xuan Su after a hundred years, and also called him.

"Xuan Su?"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan looked back and forth again and again, Bai Su and Xuan Su were constantly calling him.

"Could it be that this is really my mind and soul?"

"What do you mean, they are my beloved, how could they be my mind and soul?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the difficulty in front of him in confusion.

In his heart, he loved Bai Su and Xuan Su deeply.

So Bai Su and Xuan Su are both an inseparable part of his heart.

But now, they appeared in front of him.

At this time, the fog began to gather again.

Bai Su and Xuan Su began to slowly lead their figures in the fog.

"What should I do? Bai Su, Xuan Su!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two women who kept disappearing, and his heart began to be extremely anxious.


At this moment in Mazu Mountain, in the Wahuang Temple.

Meng Chanyi looked at a mysterious mirror in front of her, and what Zhuo Bufan saw in front of her appeared in the mirror.

"The so-called restless mind is the things that one cannot give up in one's heart."

"Are they the people that you cannot give up in your heart?"

Meng Chanyi finally met Zhuo Bufan's two wives.

Zhuo Bufan is currently facing only the first tribulation of the Tribulation Mountain.

"You don't have to be like this. The two women are his inseparable love in this life and the previous life. And you are the person that he cannot give up in his first life."

At this time, the voice of the evil Wahuang came from the Wahuang statue behind him.

Wahuang knew what Meng Chanyi was thinking.

"This level is a test of his mind. When he thinks it through, the road to heaven will naturally appear in front of him."

"This level is not difficult. The difficult part is whether he can take back what belongs to him."

Meng Chanyi nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, when he left, he planned for his next life. He left everything in his Haotian God Realm. I really don't know if he can get the recognition of his previous two lives in this life?"

It turned out that all the roads Zhuo Bufan had taken since he came to Daluotian were in accordance with the layout of his previous life.

This trip to the Crossing Tribulation Mountain was also arranged by his previous life.


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was already lost in his mind.

He watched Bai Su and Xuan Su disappear, but he did not make any choice.

Because he didn't know what choice he should make.

Choosing Bai Su means betraying Xuan Su.

Choosing Xuan Su means giving up Bai Su.

He never thought about what he should do if this problem happened to him.

Zhuo Bufan knew that what he saw was an illusion, but if such a situation really happened one day, what choice should he make?

Because of this self-inflicted problem, Zhuo Bufan was lost.

This is the real role of the mind.

The mind is not an illusion, it just stimulates the greatest fear in the trapped person.

Let the trapped person fall into the vortex of his own entanglement.

"Sure enough, in the end I chose to do nothing?"

"Watching them both disappear in front of me, but I can't do anything?"

Zhuo Bufan was bound by his own heart, and he couldn't take a step forward.

He let his mind wander, making himself not know what to do.

"This is an unsolvable problem. It is impossible for me to choose only one of them, let alone neither of them. However, there is no answer to choose both."

"In this case, the only solution is to make this problem not exist at all."

"So, I have to become strong enough to make this problem impossible. As long as I am strong enough, no one can force me to make a choice."

Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking hard, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said the answer in his heart.

At the same time, the fog surrounding him began to retreat to all sides.

And under Zhuo Bufan's feet, a bright road appeared, leading directly to the depths of darkness.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

"So that's it, is this the answer in my heart?"

"Then I will follow my heart, I want to become stronger, and become able to completely protect everyone I love."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took a step and rushed towards the Bright Avenue.

Wahuang and Meng Chanyi smiled when they saw this scene.

"Sure enough, this level is not difficult for him at all."

"Only after he understands his own feelings can he enter the final test. I hope he can succeed!"

Wuhuang and Meng Chanyi can only watch the test that Zhuo Bufan is about to face.

Because this test was not set by Panhuang, but by Zhuo Bufan's previous life Ji Xuanhao.


After passing the test of his mind and mind, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the fog.

Here, he followed the bright road and came to the end of the road.

Here, he saw a pyramid-like mountain.

It was extremely magnificent and towering into the clouds.

The entire mountain was stacked up layer by layer.

"Is this the Tribulation Mountain?"

After wandering in the fog for most of the day, Zhuo Bufan finally saw the so-called Tribulation Mountain.

This Tribulation Mountain is more like someone's tomb!

When Zhuo Bufan approached this Tribulation Mountain, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated inexplicably.

"What's going on? Why do I feel that this mountain is very familiar?"

I don't know if it was an illusion in my heart, but Zhuo Bufan found that he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the mountain in front of him.

The feeling is indescribable, just like going home.

Facing the incredible feeling, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate too much, but took a step and climbed to the top of the pyramid.

This pyramid mountain is stacked up, at least more than a hundred layers.

And each layer is more than ten meters high.

It is almost a vertical rock wall. Zhuo Bufan has no other way to go, he can only climb these cliffs and go to the top.

When he climbed to the first floor with all his efforts.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan felt that the gravity on his body suddenly doubled.

"Is it gravity boost again?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. This is not the first time he has encountered such a test.

However, since this Tribulation Mountain is a Tribulation Mountain, it is obviously not as simple as Zhuo Bufan thought.

Just when he was about to climb the second step, a few lines of words suddenly appeared on the rock wall in front of him.

Question: Life and death, who is easier?

At the same time, two doors appeared on the rock wall.

One door says life, the other says death!

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two doors that suddenly appeared in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"Which is easier, life or death? Let me choose?"

"Of course it's easier to die! Living is very difficult."

Zhuo Bufan recalled that he had experienced countless life and death along the way.

Perhaps, Zhuo Bufan's view on life and death is clearer than anyone else.

He entered the death door without hesitation.

After he entered the death door, he took two steps into the darkness, and suddenly a light appeared in front of him.

He walked out of the death door and found that he had come to the mountainside of the Pyramid Mountain.

There were nearly fifty steps under his feet.

Unexpectedly, entering a death door, Zhuo Bufan was spared from the usual pain.

"So that's it. If you make the right choice, you can successfully reach the top. So it's not difficult!"

Zhuo Bufan thought that this was a test left by Pan Huang to test the wisdom and ability of each contestant.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan turned around and found that the door on the rock wall had disappeared, replaced by another multiple-choice question.

Question: Good or evil, who suffers?

Below this question, there are still two doors, the door of good and the door of evil.

"Good or evil, who suffers? What kind of question is this? Can kind people still suffer? It is said that helping others is a pleasure, how can a kind person feel pain? Of course, he will choose evil."

Zhuo Bufan thought this question was a bit strange. This time, he entered the door of evil without hesitation.

But just after he entered the door of evil, a terrifying energy suddenly poured into Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Then, he saw a battlefield. His eyes were full of blood and killing, and his feet were full of corpses and remains.

This is a cruel battlefield, and it is also the source of sin. However, Zhuo Bufan stared at all this blankly, but he could not feel any pain.

There was only numbness and coldness in his mind, and even an inexplicable excitement.

"How is it possible? Did I choose the wrong one?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

At this time, a ray of light appeared in front of him again. When he ran out of the passage, he found that he had actually descended to the eighth step.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after falling directly from the 50th floor to the 8th floor.

"Can't evil people feel pain? Are kind people suffering?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand where he was wrong.

He sat on the ground, thinking hard.

Kind people treat others with kindness and treat the world with kindness.

Then who will treat them kindly?

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand why kind people are more painful.

Kind people would rather suffer themselves than help others, so kind people are more likely to be hurt and more likely to suffer.

Kind people treat the world with kindness. However, the world may not treat kind people with sincerity.


Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, and he was convinced of this mistake.

Looking back at the pyramid behind him, he gritted his teeth and prepared to continue climbing again.

But just as he turned around and prepared to climb the rock wall, he felt something under his feet.

He looked down and found a book.

Then he picked up the book and opened it, and he was shocked.

"A book without words?"

This book actually has no words.

"Could it be that this is the wordless book that Marquis Zi Yi asked me to find?"

Zhuo Bufan flipped through it carefully and found that this wordless book really did not have any words.

"Keep it first! If it is really his wordless book, then it can be regarded as returning the property to its original owner."

Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of greedy person. If it is not his thing, he will not want it.

He put the wordless book in his arms and walked to the rock wall.

At this time, the third question appeared on the cliff.

Question: Who is brave, advancing or retreating?

The third question made Zhuo Bufan even more confused.

"According to normal thinking, those who advance are brave. But according to the nature of this question, retreat should be chosen."

Zhuo Bufan had learned from the previous lesson, and he stepped into the door of retreat.

But just as he was about to step in, he hesitated again.

"I think all the questions here are prepared to make me doubt my life."

"At the beginning, I might have been pulled into a vortex by these questions."

"There is no right or wrong in these questions."

"I just subconsciously think that going up means I got the answer right, and going down means I got it wrong. But in fact, there are no correct answers to these questions."

"I am kidnapped by my own self-proclaimed cognition! So, no matter how I answer the question in front of me, there is no correct answer. These answers are just my own answers."

When Zhuo Bufan realized that he was trapped in the vortex of knowledge, he began to understand.

And when he understood, suddenly, the third door appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

There was nothing written on the third door. But it was completely different from the other two black doors.

This door was actually golden.

There were endless golden vortices in the door.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but step forward.

Just as he stepped into the door, a voice suddenly came from his mind.

"The confused people suddenly realize the truth."

"Welcome to my world."

This sudden voice made Zhuo Bufan jump.

"What do you mean? Your world?"

When Zhuo Bufan's sight was restored again, he found himself in a magnificent palace.

This palace was very gorgeous, full of solemn and sacred atmosphere.

This should be the world inside the pyramid.

No one thought that there was such a bright world inside this huge pyramid.

And in the center of the palace, there is a huge and strange building.

This building is composed of nine golden dragons, each of which is lifelike, as if it is a real thing.

They are like nine dragons holding a pearl, holding it together.

And on the heads of the nine golden dragons, there is a huge sphere with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

It was a blue sphere, quietly rotating above the heads of the nine dragons.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the sphere, his pupils shrank suddenly and he was stunned.

Then he let out an incredible cry——



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