Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 113 It's time to show off [Please recommend]

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan abandoned his research on electromagnetic waves and lay outside the window every day, staring at the octagonal pavilion outside the dormitory building.

He found that every afternoon around three o'clock, the girl he met for the first time would come to the octagonal pavilion with a tea set.

Then Zhuo Bufan would pretend to be passing by and "accidentally meet" him at the Bajiao Pavilion.

The two of them have a tacit understanding of not saying anything, Chu Jian is responsible for making tea, and Zhuo Bufan is responsible for tasting tea.

During these two days alone with Chu Jian, Zhuo Bufan had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

I feel that as long as I sit with Chu Jian, even if I don't do anything or say anything, Zhuo Bufan can sit there forever.

There was a kind of peace and comfort in his heart, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a little desireless.

He almost forgot that the messenger from the Talisman Temple would soon bring the Black Lord to Huoyun City to crown him.

Zhuo Bufan's abnormal behavior made even Xiaomei see that there was something wrong.

After returning to the room, Xiaomei flew out of the plum blossom brand, then looked at Zhuo Bufan and laughed.

"Smelly, you look at that mute girl every day and look like a nymphomaniac. Don't you like that mute?"

Xiaomei calls Chu Jian mute, because Chu Jian really hasn't said a word in the past few days.

Only Zhuo Bufan regarded the first meeting as important, while Xiaomei simply regarded the first meeting as nothing.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan glared at Xiaomei and said.

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak. Don't you think that as a lady, you should pay attention to your words?"

"But that woman didn't speak, so I thought she was mute!"

"You guys, have you been seduced by that woman?"

Xiaomei didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would still defend his first meeting. There was only one possibility. Zhuo Bufan had a different kind of feeling for that first meeting.

"Don't talk nonsense. I just think it's easier to stay with her."

Zhuo Bufan was unwilling to admit it.

"It's easier to be with her, but what about being with my aunt?" Xiaomei asked.

"Tremendous stress!"

Zhuo Bufan replied unceremoniously.

"How dare you dislike my aunt?" Xiaomei said suddenly angrily.

Although she didn't know what "stressed" meant, she could hear the disgust in Zhuo Bufan's tone.

"Don't dare, don't dare, how dare I dislike you, my aunt."

"By the way, it's already the Great Cold, and the annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountain and River is coming soon. How much plum wine should I ask you to brew for me?"

"Two pots!"

"Two pots, well done." Zhang Fan praised, "Try them here to try."

Zhuo Bufan was already looking forward to the plum wine brewed by Xiaomei.

"Are you stupid? Wine needs to ferment. The pot of plum wine you drank before took a hundred years of fermentation to have such a good effect."

As soon as he said this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Xiaomei in confusion.

"What? A hundred years, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhuo Bufan always thought that the brewing period of plum wine was very short, but he didn't know that this thing would have such a long fermentation period.

"Isn't this nonsense? Do you think my aunt just spits a few spits and it's magic wine? Then why do you need my aunt to brew it? Just open your mouth and I'll spit it in your mouth."

Xiaomei's words made Zhuo Bufan's internal organs tremble and make him feel sick.

"This requires my aunt's demonic energy and plum saliva jade liquid to brew and settle for a long time before it can have the magical effect of transforming the body. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to rely on plum wine to improve his skills again, but now it seems that this idea is impossible to realize for the time being.

"Forget it, you really can't be relied on. It seems I can only rely on myself for the annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers."

Zhuo Bufan is preparing to shine at the annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers. It's just that his current physique is unable to go any further for the time being.

As for the soul, he has just entered the Yang realm. The soul needs a period of time to settle in this realm. He cannot enter the fourth level too hastily.

Now, there is only one thing that can enhance Zhuo Bufan's strength, and that is a spell.

Zhuo Bufan carefully considered the spells he now mastered.

"The talismans I have mastered now include four talismans: glare, gravity, entropy, and light and shadow. Except for the entropy talisman, which has a certain combat effectiveness, the other three are more functional."

"No, it seems I must master a powerful spell."

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, he didn't know if it was a sudden idea, but he picked up the charcoal pen and wrote a formula on the white paper on the table.


Xiaomei stood by the desk and frowned after seeing the formula written down by Zhuo Bufan.

"Smelly, are you drawing peach charms again?"

In order to facilitate his understanding of the true meaning of gravity or entropy change, Zhuo Bufan used formulas to help him strengthen his understanding.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has written down this famous mass-energy equation, its purpose is clear.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Xiaomei, then said with a smile.

"If I can understand this formula into a spell, boom!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his right paw and made an explosive movement, which made Xiaomei stunned for a moment.

"What a fool!"

Xiaomei rolled her eyes at Zhuo Bufan and got into the Plum Blossom Brand.

Zhuo Bufan retracted his paw in embarrassment, and then focused on the formula on the white paper.

"If the truth of this world is presented in the form of a spell, then the truth of the earth world is presented in the form of a formula."

"The mass-energy equation, the formula of mass and energy. It can definitely give me a mysterious and powerful spell."

Zhuo Bufan's idea is very interesting. He regards the spell of this world as a manifestation similar to a scientific formula.

In fact, he did comprehend the "gravity spell" through the gravity formula G=mg.

The spell is a special manifestation of the truth of this world.

And the formula is no different from a calculation formula of truth on Earth.

There is a connection between the two, no problem!

So the purpose of Zhuo Bufan writing this mass-energy equation is clear at a glance. He wants to reverse the truth of the spell through the physical formula!

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to verify his guess, suddenly, a loud voice broadcast came from outside the window!

"Attention, apprentice Zhuo Bufan of the Light Talisman Academy, please go to the fortress lord's office immediately. The envoy from the Talisman Temple is waiting for you with the Black Lord you asked for."

"Repeat, Attention, Apprentice Zhuo Bufan of the Light Talisman Academy..."

The voice of the new fortress lord Meng Nu rang over the entire Talisman Castle. For a moment, Zhuo Bufan got the news of Black Lord of the Talisman Temple, and a chain of explosions began in the entire Talisman Castle like firecrackers.


"Zhuo Bufan, Talisman Temple, Black Lord? Oh, did I hear it right?"

"Apprentice, Black Lord? The position of the Lord? Are you kidding?"

"What's going on? Black Lord, Black Lord appeared in our Huoyun City Talisman Castle?"

"Ah, it's unbelievable, go and see, go and see, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"Honorable Lord, is there going to be a Lord in our Huoyun City Talisman Castle? Black Lord, the legendary Black Lord, what does he look like?"


At this moment, the Talisman Castle was completely in an uproar. Thousands of apprentices and lecturers listened to this sudden news in disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan, the person involved, suddenly sat up straight, dressed properly, and smiled after hearing the announcement.

"Are you here? It's my turn!"

He then stood up, took his thesis, opened the door, and walked down the dormitory very calmly.

It's time to show off...

Next week, three updates every day! Come on!

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