Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 114 Messenger [Please recommend]

At this moment, the Fu Fort was already being blown up by the continuous broadcast of reports by the fortress owner Meng Nu.

The messenger of the Talisman Temple came to the Fire Cloud City Talisman Castle with the Black Lord, who symbolized the highest honor of the Talisman Temple.

For the Fu Castle in the far west of the world, this is the most glorious moment in its history since its establishment.

The Fire Cloud City Talisman Castle has been established for less than a hundred years. It can be said that it is one of the least qualified among the 18,000 talisman castles in the Talisman Temple all over the world.

After all, it is a talisman in the westernmost part of the world. The Talisman Temple did not radiate its power to Huoyun City until a hundred years ago and established this young and beautiful talisman.

However, in less than a hundred years, a distinguished person was born in Huoyun City.

This is more powerful than many talismans that have been built for thousands of years. After all, the position of respecting others is rare.

Such a major event naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Fubao.

They all walked out of the door one after another and poked their heads around. At this moment, the voice of Meng Nu, the owner of Fu Bao, was heard in the air again.

"Attention everyone in the castle, please go to the lobby of the castle to gather immediately. The Lord of the castle has something important to announce."

"Repeat it, everyone in the talisman must pay attention..."

After Meng Nu finished speaking, everyone rushed to the Fubao lobby with inexplicable excitement, which is the lobby that can accommodate five to six thousand people and has eight statues of gods.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was the only one who came to the Lord's office alone.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhuo Bufan knocked on the door politely.

"Come in!" After Meng Nu agreed, Zhuo Bufan opened the door.

In the castle master's office, besides Meng Nu dressed in black, there was also an old man with white hair standing there.

He was wearing a gray-white robe and was very tall, even taller than Zhuo Bufan. His hands were hidden in the robe, making him look extremely burly.

His face is not old-fashioned, but he has two deep nasolabial folds. With a Chinese character face and a pair of wise eyes, he looks a bit solemn.

People with nasolabial folds generally give people a very serious impression, because the corners of their mouths naturally turn downwards, giving them a naturally unhappy face.

However, after seeing Zhuo Bufan, the old man opened his mouth and showed a hearty smile.

"Are you the Zhuo Bufan I'm looking for?"

The old man walked up to Zhuo Bufan and asked.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He nodded and said, "I have met the envoy, and I am Zhuo Bufan."

"Are you really the Zhuo Bufan who discovered the light and shadow spell?"

The messenger didn't seem to believe it yet and continued to ask.

Zhuo Bufan could only take the trouble to answer again and said.

"Yes, Lord Messenger, I am Zhuo Bufan. I am the Zhuo Bufan who discovered the new talisman. I am also the Zhuo Bufan you are looking for. The real Zhuo Bufan."

After Zhuo Bufan repeatedly reassured herself, the old man in gray robe suddenly stretched out a pair of hands with black fur gloves from her robe and tightly grasped Zhuo Bufan's shoulders.

"Hahaha, it's true that heroes emerge from youth! When the old man Lan Shi told me, I couldn't believe it. A young man in his twenties could actually discover a brand new spell."

"If this is true, he will be the youngest venerable person in the history of my Talisman Temple!"

"I have to confirm it myself before I can believe it. I didn't expect it to be true, it's true, hahahaha!"

The old man suddenly became excited. The scary thing was that as soon as he became excited, a wave of violent and violent emotions seemed to surge throughout the entire fort lord's office.

The feeling is like standing on a cliff by the sea, facing the roaring wind, facing lightning and thunder, and the waves crashing on the shore, and I feel extremely excited inside.

The old man's excitement inexplicably affected Zhuo Bufan and Meng Nu who were present.

"This old man is not simple!"

Zhuo Bufan was horrified in his heart. He found that at this moment his heart was ups and downs, his blood was surging, and he wanted to go out and have a fight.

This reminded him of the Guangzun he saw on the top of the Talisman Tower. Guangzun also had the ability to influence the emotions of others.

He cried, and Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry too. He laughed, and Zhuo Bufan wanted to laugh too.

Such a big man can actually influence the world with his emotions, which shows how powerful they are.

"Mr. Lou, please don't get too excited."

Meng Nu was obviously also affected by the emotions of this mysterious messenger, so she quickly stopped him.

After hearing this, the old man known as Mr. Lou slowly calmed down, then withdrew his left hand, and patted Zhuo Bufan's shoulder with his right hand, nodding with satisfaction.

"Let me introduce you to Lou Gai, the deputy master of the Light Talisman Palace, who also holds the title of Reverend, and is titled Reverend Aurora. You can just call him Mr. Lou."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly shouted respectfully.

"I've met Mr. Lou."

He didn't expect that the messenger sent by Guangzun would be so heavyweight. The other party is the second in command of the Light Talisman Palace, second only to Guang Zun.

No wonder, no wonder he is so strong. The cultivation of this old man is definitely that of a powerful person in the second stage of cultivation.

After hearing this, Mr. Lou still looked left and right at Zhuo Bufan, nodding while looking.

He seemed to be looking at a treasure, a beauty, which made Zhuo Feifan feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, that's right. Such an outstanding and outstanding young man is rare. I admire him very much!"

After Mr. Lou finished speaking, he flicked his wrist, and a black light flashed from his ring.

Then, a palm-sized black cauldron appeared in his palm.

It is better to call it an incense burner than a small cauldron.

The cauldron was only as big as a fist, with three legs and two ears, and its whole body was black and round.

On the tripod, micro-carving techniques are used to engrave flowers, birds, fish and insects, the sun, moon and stars, trees and herbs, and beast totems. It looks extremely primitive, full of aura from ancient times.

On the small tripod, there was still a faint flash of black light.

But when Mr. Lou slowly let go of his hand, the small black cauldron floated in the air, right in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"This is the reward given to you by my Talisman Temple, the Infinite Black Lord."

When Mr. Lou personally said that this was the Black Lord, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but straighten his body and faced the little Black Lord with awe.

Even the Meng girl stood up suddenly. It was also the first time that she saw the existence of Black Lord at such a close range.

The Black Lord is the status symbol of a respected person and the highest honor of the Talisman Temple.

It represents a kind of holiness.

"The Infinite Black Lord, in addition to being a symbol of your status, is also an amazing talisman in itself."

"Here, there are three talismans that can be activated passively."

"The first one is the six-fold talisman - King Kong. It can be activated when you receive fatal damage, and can withstand a fatal blow from a silver or even golden elixir expert."

"The second type is the six-fold spell - the speed of sound. It can also be activated passively when you are fatally injured, making you as light as a swallow and able to instantly reach the speed of sound and escape from the battlefield."

"The third type is the eighth level talisman - Yu Dun. This is the strongest means of escape. When you can't escape the opponent's pursuit with the first two talismans, Yu Dun will allow you to instantly transfer to other lords who have the Black Lord. around."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a while, listening to Mr. Lou talking about the three talismans cast in the Black Lord, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Why are they all running for their lives?"

When it comes to escaping, does Zhuo Bufan need it? He doesn't need it at all, okay? He has a gear-loading door. At worst, he dies and starts over.

When he thought of loading the file, Zhuo Bufan subconsciously saved it!


The archives are completed, and now Zhuo Bufan's archives are: Fu Fort Gate, Fort Master's Office, and Mass Grave!

Next week, Sanjiang will have three chapters every day. I hope everyone can continue to support and vote for it.

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