Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 115: Respected Person [Please Recommend]

The small black cauldron in front of him was casting three mysterious and powerful spells.

However, all three spells were used to escape, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a little redundant.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's complaints, the old man laughed.

"Why, are you not satisfied with these three spells? I personally selected them for you. Among them, Yu Dun was not easy to come by. I asked the current Yu Zun hard for it."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously embarrassed when he heard that it was Lou Lao who asked hard for it.

"Thank you for your trouble, old man, but I am only in the realm of Yang now. I am afraid that I can't use these three spells?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that many high-level spells could not be used if the soul level was not high enough.

After hearing this, the old man smiled and replied: "You don't need to use your soul to activate these spells."

"No, how to activate it?" Zhuo Bufan said in a daze.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's puzzled look, the old man smiled with a little complacency.

"This is the magic of the 'Black Lord'. In fact, this small Black Lord can store the power of the soul."

"When Yu Zun melted the Yu Dun Talisman on the Black Lord, he also left part of his soul power in the Black Lord, which is equivalent to leaving a small mechanism."

"If you encounter an emergency, you only need to use your soul to contact the soul left by Yu Zun, and then the remaining soul of Yu Zun will help you activate the Yu Dun Talisman."

"The same principle applies to the other two talismans."

"In other words, these three talismans do not require your soul power to activate, at most you only need to light the fuse."

"Of course, these three talismans can only be used once. If you use them, please return to the Talisman Temple as soon as possible to replenish them."

Zhuo Bufan roughly understood that these three talismans are actually equivalent to a talisman left by the three talisman masters. Zhuo Bufan can use his soul to activate the remaining souls of the three talisman masters.

The remaining souls of the three talisman masters then activate the three talismans.

It sounds a bit complicated, but it is actually very easy to understand.

It is equivalent to a person who cannot throw a cannonball directly to the target, but he can accurately hit the target with a cannon. And what people have to do is to light the fuse.

Of course, these are all disposable. After use, you have to return to the Talisman Temple to replenish the energy of the soul.

"Is this the ability of the 'Black Lord'?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

So far, he has a certain understanding of talismans. This is the first time I heard that talismans can be so practical.

After listening, Mr. Lou nodded.

"That's right, only Black Lord has this ability to store souls. So, Black Lord can become the symbol of the master of my Talisman Temple."

"Because the materials for making Black Lord are only available in my Talisman Temple in the world."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were burning with fire.

The Black Lord he got this time obviously brought him more than just status and honor.

"I have heard that your cultivation is not very high. I think you don't need high-intensity killing spells. After all, saving your life is important, so I took the initiative to choose these three spells for you."

"It can save your life at a critical moment."

Although Zhuo Bufan hoped for a high-intensity killing spell, he stopped complaining when he thought that Mr. Lou was doing it for his own good.

"I understand. Thank you, Mr. Lou, for thinking so carefully for me."

Zhuo Bufan slowly stretched out his hands and held the small black statue in his hands.

Feeling the ancient and heavy breath emanating from the small black statue, and feeling the heavy weight, Zhuo Bufan's heart slowly became excited.

He used his soul to sense the small black statue, and indeed found that there were three slightly complicated spell mechanisms in the small black statue.

Although his soul level was not enough, he could activate the three spells through the spell mechanism.

"Now, engrave your soul in this black statue, and your name will be lit up on the list of the venerables in my talisman temple."

Lou Lao said to Zhuo Bufan excitedly.


"Yes, hurry up, there will be unexpected gains."


Zhuo Bufan didn't know what it was, he just saw him holding the small black statue, and then engraved his soul on the black statue.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan felt that the soul seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, shuttling through the blue sky and sea, flying into a towering palace, and finally landing on a wall in the palace.

On the wall, a name engraved with Zhuo Bufan suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that a circle of faint light was lit up around him.

With the light on his body, he felt extremely sacred, which gave Zhuo Bufan an illusion, that illusion was.

I am a god!

Only gods can be glorious and have holy light.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan's soul gradually became stronger and heavier, as if he was blessed by the gods and blessed by the holy light.

He felt that he could enter the fourth level of soul cultivation soon.

It was less than a month since he entered the third level of soul cultivation. This was incredible.

You should know that the soul sedimentation period in the Yang realm takes at least a year and a half. After a year and a half, it will take several more years of growth until the soul power is strong enough to travel the world, and then you can enter the fourth level of cultivation.

But now, after Zhuo Bufan lit up his name on the Honored Person List of the Talisman Temple, his soul can completely practice the fourth level.

This Honored Person position has brought more and more surprises to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan finally knew what the surprise that Lou Lao said was. This is a surprise, this is unexpected.

"Xiao Zhuo, congratulations! Now, you are the 3,667th Honored Person since the establishment of my Talisman Temple."

"Your title is, Honored Person of Light and Shadow."

When Lou Lao said in person that Zhuo Bufan was "Honored Person of Light and Shadow", Zhuo Bufan's excited little heart almost jumped to his throat.

It's done, it's done!

Zhuo Bufan has finally become the Honored Person of the Talisman Temple.

The peak of life pursued by countless talisman masters. Zhuo Bufan has finally reached it.

"Honored Person? Am I the Honored Person of the Talisman Temple?"

Zhuo Bufan still couldn't believe it, and the holy light on his body slowly disappeared a lot.

All this was both real and dreamlike! Seeing Zhuo Bufan's face full of disbelief, Mr. Lou patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said. "That's right, from now on, you are a venerable person on an equal footing with me. So, can you now share your light and shadow spell with the more than 1.3 billion apprentices of my Talisman Temple?" At the same time as becoming a venerable person, it means that Zhuo Bufan must make the truth of the light and shadow spell public to the world and promote the development of the spell. This is the reason why the Talisman Temple can stand firm. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not hold back. He took out the paper he had written in advance and handed it to Mr. Lou in person. "This is the report I wrote on the discovery of the light and shadow spell, which details the process and results of the discovery of the light and shadow spell. I think you will understand it after reading it." After hearing this, Mr. Lou took the paper written by Zhuo Bufan. When he saw the title of Zhuo Bufan's paper, he froze in place instantly. "Research report on the particle and wave properties of light!"

Lou Lao began to read Zhuo Bufan's paper in a fascinated manner. The more he read, the more surprised he was. The more he read, the more incredible he felt.

"Great, really great! Xiao Zhuo, what you wrote is so perfect. After reading it once, I feel that I am about to touch the spell."

"Yes, you are worthy of the title of Venerable. The wave of light, this discovery is so shocking. I must report it to that old ghost Lan Shi immediately."

"He has gone crazy these days because of studying your light and shadow spell, hahahaha!"

Zhuo Bufan also smiled with satisfaction when he saw that Lou Lao gave such a high evaluation of his paper.

"You two, let's go to the lobby of Fubao now! Our Huoyun City Fubao has given birth to the first Venerable in the hundred years since its establishment. This will be the pride of our Fubao."

The owner of the Fubao, Meng Nu, stood up and looked at Zhuo Bufan, saying very proudly.


Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt extremely proud. He never thought that one day he would become the pride of others. And this day came so quickly...

It's a little late, sorry!

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