Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 116 I, Your Excellency【Please Recommend】

When Zhuo Bufan followed Meng Nu and the others to the lobby of Fubao, he saw that the lobby was already crowded with people and discussions.

"Here he comes, it's really the senior brother, the senior brother of our Guang Fuzhu Academy."

"Look, the big man behind him, is that the messenger who came specially from the Fuzhu Temple?"

"Today's senior brother is so impressive that even the master of the castle can only stand on his right."

"Of course, he is the focus of today."

After seeing Zhuo Bufan standing on the podium, the people in the hall were even more enthusiastic. It caused a lot of heated discussions.

Today, all the people in Fubao rushed to the lobby of Fubao to witness this historic moment together.

Lan Miaoren also came, and she even released Huang Haotian for this purpose.

But now Huang Haotian can be renamed Hei Haotian. Quan Quanzi was tanned into a black man in the Dayi torture room.

"Is he the Zhuo Bufan who has obtained the title of Venerable? He looks so young."

"If it is true, then he will be the youngest Venerable in the history of the Talisman Temple."

"At such a young age, has he reached the peak of his life?"

"He is so handsome and powerful."


The appearance of Zhuo Bufan caused a wave of discussion. Fortunately, the castle owner Meng Nu calmed the scene.

"I won't say much. I'm sure you have guessed it. The one standing next to me was just a talisman apprentice like you an hour ago."

"And now, he has the highest honor in my Talisman Temple."

"His title is, Venerable of Light and Shadow."

When Meng Nu said in person that Zhuo Bufan had become the Venerable of the Talisman Temple, the excitement that had been suppressed in the hall finally broke out.

Bursts of uproar sounded in the crowd.

"It's really a Venerable, the Light and Shadow Venerable, the youngest Venerable in history, so amazing."

"Who can tell me that I'm not dreaming? Our Fire Cloud City Fubao actually has its own Venerable?"

"I thought Venerables were born noble mythical figures, but I didn't expect that he was just like us, rising from obscurity and ascending to heaven in one step!"

"Ah, the blood in my body is boiling and burning. So, we also have the opportunity to become Venerables and receive the highest honor of the Fuyin Temple."

The news that Zhuo Bufan became a Venerable caused everyone to cheer. It even became an incentive, inspiring other apprentices to actively explore a new and unknown world of talismans.

"Please be quiet again."

The owner of the Fubao, Meng Nu, continued. Today she is not the protagonist, she is more like a host.

"Next, please invite Deputy Hall Master Lou from the Light Fuyin Temple to give a speech. The Light Fuyin Temple attaches great importance to the Venerable born in my Fubao this time, and specially invited the Deputy Hall Master."

After Meng Nu finished speaking, she made way for Lou Lao.

"Deputy Hall Master? No way, such a big shot would actually come to our Huoyun City Talisman Fortress?"

"It seems that the Talisman Temple really attaches great importance to this Venerable. I heard that the Talisman Temple has not produced a new Venerable for nearly 30 years."

"So, this Venerable of our Huoyun City Talisman Fortress will rise to prominence in the future?"

"That's right, Huoyun City can no longer accommodate such a great god. He will go to the Talisman Temple immediately. From now on, he will rise to the ninth heaven and reach the peak of his life."

There are not many people in the hall who are jealous of Zhuo Bufan becoming a Venerable.

On the contrary, more apprentices are envious and feel a sense of honor.

In any case, Zhuo Bufan is an apprentice of their Huoyun City Talisman Fortress. After he becomes a Venerable, Huoyun City Talisman Fortress will also receive great honor.

As Mr. Lou walked onto the podium, everyone was quiet.

The aura of majesty on him made people dare not speak loudly.

Standing on the podium more than ten meters high, Mr. Lou looked down at the apprentices gathered below the hall, and then said calmly.

"I am very excited, especially when I heard that a new Venerable was born. I took the initiative to ask to go there, just to crown the new Venerable in person."

"Our Talisman Temple has been established since the distant ancient times. Since its establishment, we have been adhering to a belief, that is, to continuously discover more talismans and open doors to the truth."

"Talismans are just a kind of power for fighting for many people. But for us talisman masters, it is the only way to explore and study the truth of this world, the key to the truth."

"There are some things that you cannot know now, and it is not appropriate to know. But I am here to call on everyone to work hard to explore this The truth of the world! One day, the more you understand this world, the more you will find out how fascinating the infinite mysteries in it are. "

"The world needs you, and needs more people like Xiao Zhuo."

"I don't want to call myself this word, but here, I, no, I hereby announce that Zhuo Bufan, an apprentice of the Light Talisman Academy of Huoyun City, will officially become the 3,667th Venerable of my Talisman Temple from now on."

"Title, Light and Shadow. He will be blessed by my Talisman Temple throughout his life."

If it is not certain enough from the mouth of the fortress owner Mengnu, then what comes from the mouth of the deputy hall master Lou Gai is almost a set in stone, an ironclad fact.

Zhuo Bufan, from now on, is the Venerable with the highest honor in the Talisman Temple.

For a moment, everyone in the hall applauded and cheered.

"Xiao Zhuo, come up and speak." Lou Lao personally made way for Zhuo Bufan.

After Lou Gai finished speaking, it was finally the turn of today's protagonist, the youngest venerable in history, Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took a step forward and stood on the edge of the podium, looking down at everyone present.

On him, there was also the faint holy light blessing. This was the most pretentious moment in his history, and he felt that he was already a little ecstatic.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan come on stage, the audience instantly quieted down.

Everyone looked up and stared blankly at the man in a white robe with gold edges.

He was dressed in white and extremely dazzling. There was also a circle of faint holy light surrounding him, and he looked as bright and handsome as the sun.

"Is this the peak of my life?"

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the people in the audience. The position of a venerable can be said to be the peak in the minds of many people.

However, Zhuo Bufan asked himself, is it his peak?

He thought for a long time, and the hall was quiet for a long time.

So long that everyone in the hall stared at him blankly, feeling a little puzzled.

"Why don't you speak?"

"Are you so excited that you are dumb?"

"I think so. If it were me, I wouldn't know what to say now. Thousands of words can't express the excitement in my heart."

Just when everyone thought that Zhuo Bufan would remain silent. Zhuo Bufan raised his eyes and saw a familiar figure in the last crowd in the hall.

"Is it her?"

The person Zhuo Bufan saw was Chu Jian.

She was wearing a peach blossom dress, standing on the edge, looking up, and smiling at Zhuo Bufan.

She seemed to be saying something.

"Congratulations, to you?" Zhuo Bufan looked at the lip language and translated it himself.

After receiving the congratulations from Chu Jian, Zhuo Bufan was ecstatic. He flicked his wrist, and a black light flew out of the ring and landed in his palm.

Zhuo Bufan took out the black urn and held it high. For a moment, everyone in the hall stood in awe.

That was the black urn, the sacred object of the Talisman Temple. Everyone in the Talisman Temple would be in awe when they saw the urn.

But when Zhuo Bufan held the black urn high, he blurted out and shouted.

"I, the lord!"


[This week's Sanjiang, please recommend! 】

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