Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 117 Lord of Fire Cloud City [Please recommend]

When Zhuo Bufan yelled out in an awesome voice, "I, Zun Ren!"

In the lobby, men and women climaxed instantly.

At that moment, an inexplicable domineering energy surged out of Zhuo Bufan.

Many women couldn't bear Zhuo Bufan's handsome aura at all, and they had already made up no less than a hundred plans in their hearts to seduce Zhuo Bufan and become a Taoist companion.

Everyone looked at the proud man on the podium with eager eyes.

However, Zhuo Bufan's gaze remained fascinated on the quiet woman outside the edge of the crowd.

The meeting is over!

The information about the birth of Zunren in the Fuyun Castle of Fire Cloud City was quickly spread through various underground intelligence organizations.

For a time, it caused shock to many major sects and other Guocheng Fu Forts.

More than ten miles away from Huoyun City, there is Huoyun Mountain covered with red leaves.

On Huoyun Mountain, clusters of vermilion buildings are scattered in an orderly manner.

Here is the location of the Fire Cloud Sect, one of the thirty-six sects of the righteous path in the western world of immortality.

Huoyun Sect is ranked below the middle level among the thirty-six sects of the Righteous Path.

As a famous authentic sect and the sect closest to Huoyun City, Huoyun Sect naturally got this information immediately.

After learning that the venerable person was born in the Talisman Castle of Fire Cloud City, the leader of the Fire Cloud Sect, Yan Yangzi, immediately decided to bring congratulatory gifts and go to Fire Cloud City in person to pay homage to the venerable person.

Honorable people, although they may not necessarily hold important positions in the Talisman Temple.

However, this honorary title is enough to be officially treated by various sects.

You must know that the Talisman Temple is the most powerful casual cultivator in the world, with 1.3 billion disciples. This data itself is frightening and awe-inspiring.

In addition to Huoyun Sect, there is also Qixia Sect, which is also one of the thirty-six righteous sects. The most prestigious elder in the sect was also sent to Huoyun City in person.

In addition, there are several Guochengs near Huoyun City.

What Twilight City, Luoxia City, Dusk City. It was also the first time I got the news.

The owners of the Talisman Forts located in these three castles rushed to Huoyun City non-stop after learning that a distinguished person had been born in the Talisman Fort of Fire Cloud City.

If we don't establish a good relationship with your lord now, then when will we wait?

Moreover, they also found out that the envoy sent by the Talisman Temple this time was actually the deputy hall master of the Light Talisman Temple. Obviously they couldn't miss the opportunity to meet him.

Of course, in addition to the three castle lords, the city lords of these three cities were not indifferent.

The status of the city lord is similar to that of the head of a sect.

The city lord is the person who makes the rules in Guo City. They are often famous. But now, people are coming in droves to see the venerable people of Huoyun City.

As for the person involved, Zhuo Bufan didn't know it at all.

In the dark, the big guys near Huoyun City have already arrived, and they just want to see him.

In the final analysis, it is because the status of the respected person is too noble.

Zhuo Bufan before had no identity, no status, no background, and was no different from the weeds and rocks on the roadside.

But things are different now. He is the venerable person of the Talisman Temple, and he has the entire Talisman Temple as support behind him. Reach the sky in one step and turn the fish into a dragon!

Although not everyone is attracted by this venerable person, most people are willing to get to know him.

In the next two days, Zhuo Bufan finally realized what it means to be too popular.

From the moment he opened the door, people were running up to him asking for autographs.

After walking out of the dormitory, a woman would come over and perform a "if you don't marry me, I'll die for you" drama for him.

After arriving in the classroom, Lan Miaoren kicked him out directly, fearing that his presence would disrupt the order of the class.

The helpless Zhuo Bufan could only go to the library to stay for a while, but there was a peeping tom secretly peeping in the library.

Because he was too welcoming, Zhuo Bufan found that "Chu Jian" had never been to the octagonal pavilion again.

It seems that since that meeting in heaven, he has not seen Chu Jian, not even in the classroom.

"Hey, it seems that the study of the mass-energy equation can only come to an end."

"Research on electromagnetic waves is also impossible. It's so popular that I feel helpless!"

It was precisely because of his obscurity that Zhuo Bufan had enough time to research spells.

But now, he felt like he was being watched all the time, which made it somewhat impossible for him to conduct research on spells.

In addition, Lou Lao did not return to the Talisman Temple.

After he read Zhuo Bufan's paper, he realized the light and shadow spell the next day.

As expected of the deputy palace master, a triple talisman cannot stop him at all.

The reason why he stayed was because Fu Bao decided to hold a grand banquet to congratulate Zhuo Bufan on becoming an honorable person.

As a distinguished guest, Mr. Lou was naturally a guest at the table, so he tried his best to persuade him to stay.

At the same time, Mr. Lou also wanted to invite Zhuo Bufan to the Talisman Temple, but Zhuo Bufan was still considering it.

Because the annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers is about to begin. Zhuo Bufan is likely to disappear suddenly on the way to the Talisman Temple.

Moreover, since yesterday, some inexplicable characters have appeared in Fu Bao. They named Zhuo Feifan, and the whole Fu Bao was notified.

"Announcement, announcement, Lord Light and Shadow, please go to the Lord's Office. The Lord of Fire Cloud City invites you to a night banquet in the Holy City."

"Repeat, please go to the Lord of Light and Shadow's office..."

After being followed for a day, Zhuo Bufan finally returned to the dormitory. Before he could sit down, he heard the rough voice of the castle owner Meng Nu again ringing in the sky above the Fu Fort.

"The Lord of Fire Cloud City?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the lord of Huoyun City would actually come to invite him in person.

"It's amazing. Our little lord has really made rapid progress. I didn't expect that even the city lord, who usually only retreats in the Holy City, would actually come down to the Holy City and personally invite him to participate in the Holy City night banquet. "

"I heard that our Huoyun City Lord, Fu Hongchen, is a golden elixir master in the second stage of cultivating immortality. He is also a master of spells. He can also be regarded as a small figure."

"Of course. In the last war between good and evil, the Lord of Huoyun City made great achievements. I heard that he killed a demon island owner. He was praised by many righteous monks and received many awards. He became the city lord of this term because of the appreciation of the previous lord of Huoyun City.”

"The last war between good and evil? Wasn't that a hundred years ago? How old was our city lord at that time!"

"I don't know here. Heroes come from young people. At that time, Fu Hongchen was already a young hero."

"Speaking of young heroes, our venerable man should be counted among them!" someone questioned.

"Isn't this nonsense, Zunren, do you know the meaning of the word Zunren? Now he is already a pioneer of light and shadow spells. And I secretly heard the castle master say that the light and shadow spell he discovered is very unusual. Simple, maybe it will change the future of light spells.”

"In short, his discovery is epoch-making. In the world of spells, he has become a hero."

Conversations like this are everywhere these days.

It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan didn't hear it with his own ears, otherwise, he would have been extremely proud.

After hearing the report, Zhuo Bufan immediately came to the fort master's office.

When he opened the door, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a black fur coat, with a face as hard as stone, looking at him coldly.

The cold-faced face of the King of Hell made Zhuo Bufan shudder.

"Is this guy the Lord of Huoyun City?"

[There is one more chapter, please wait a moment! 】

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