Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 118 The Call from the Holy Lord (Part 1) [Thank you, Captain]

The city lord of Huoyun City, the big shot who makes the rules of Huoyun City.

He decided that the East Street would be in decline and the West Street would be prosperous, while the South Street would sell salt and the north would sell grain.

Everything in Huoyun City is under his rule. Even in Fu Bao, he can come and go freely.

This is the power of the city lord, just like the power of the leader of the sect.

However, even such a big shot had to go there in person to meet Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, he could send someone to Fu Bao to invite Zhuo Bufan.

But today is different from the past. Zhuo Bufan has become a young lord. He can reject the city lord without hesitation, but the city lord does not dare to do anything to him.

In order to show his sincerity, Fu Hongchen came to Fu Bao in person.

He came alone without any bodyguards. Wearing a black leather coat, the leather coat is very thick and has sharp edges. It should be sewn from the skin of a black python monster. It looks like it is full of a savage iron-blooded atmosphere.

In his square face, his facial features seemed somewhat unique and square. Just looking at the face, it gives the impression that he is great and upright!

However, for Zhuo Bufan, there was an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"Are you the Master of Light and Shadow, the one who discovered the light spell?" Fu Hongchen also looked a little surprised when he saw Zhuo Bufan.

Although it is rumored that the new lord is not very old, he did not expect that he is so young. To him, he is just a child!

However, facing Fu Hongchen's powerful aura, Zhuo Bufan showed no sign of weakness.

After all, he is an honorable man now, how can he show weakness in front of a mere city lord?

"Yes, I am the Zhuo Bufan you are looking for. I wonder why the city lord invited me to attend the Holy City Night Banquet?"

Fu Hongchen saw this and nodded slightly. He has no problem with the idea of ​​a hero becoming a boy. After all, he was just a boy when he became famous.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, he answered.

"It's like this. The story of the young master has spread far and wide. Now all the major city lords, castle lords and sect leaders near Huoyun City have come to Huoyun City."

"They all came here for the young lord. But they couldn't talk to each other directly, for fear of being rejected by you, the young lord, so they had no choice but to ask me to play a role and arrange a night banquet, inviting you to meet the master of Fu Bao and the servant Fu Shu. The deputy hall masters from the temple will go there together."

Fu Hongchen told all the reasons and purposes in one breath, showing his sincerity.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Why do you guys think that I will refuse to meet them? The leader of a sect, the king of a city, and the master of the Fu Castle are all famous figures. How dare I neglect you?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little bit dumbfounded, and he was not a big-name figure.

Although he has become an honorable person now, in the final analysis, he is just a rise from a humble family. Once he becomes a dragon, he is not a noble person at heart.

He wished that these big guys would use money and wealth to corrupt him and let him be as corrupt as he wanted.

After Fu Hongchen heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this young gentleman was so easy to talk to.

He thought that young men like Zhuo Bufan were geniuses descended from heaven. They thought they were high-minded and it was difficult for them to be quiet.

After all, he discovered a brand new talisman at a young age and became a respected person. He will definitely have a bright future in the future. He can completely look down on them, the city lords of small cities and the heads of small sects.

"Haha, maybe they are afraid of being rejected. After all, they are also respectable people from the nearby mountain gate. If they come to the Fu Castle with a heavy gift but are rejected, they will lose face."

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. He didn't expect that he, as a respected person, could have such energy. Even the leader of the sect is afraid of being rejected when he talks to him.

"It seems that I have to get used to such a cool and awesome status as soon as possible, otherwise I will lose the value of your status!"

Zhuo Bufan still has no idea what respecting others means in this world. He just thinks this identity is awesome, but he doesn't have a particularly clear idea of ​​how awesome it is.

However, seeing that the city lord of Huoyun City came to invite him to the night banquet in person, it seems that this status can at least make these city lords awe.

Since everyone else had stooped to come and invite him in person, if Zhuo Bufan didn't go, it would be too pretentious in addition to being disrespectful to others.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan agreed!

However, Zhuo Bufan secretly saved a file before agreeing.

The current archives are: Castle Master's Office 2, Castle Master's Office, and Mass Grave.

"Well, thanks to the favor of all the city lords, you think highly of me, Mr. Zhuo. Then I, Mr. Zhuo, am not a pretentious person, so I will ask the city lords to lead the way."

After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan agreed to Fu Hongchen.

After hearing this, Fu Hongchen looked behind him at the Fu Bao owner Meng Nu and the most noble Mr. Lou.

Lou Lao obviously didn't care about Fu Hongchen's invitation at all. After Fu Hongchen finished speaking, Lou Lao pulled Zhuo Bufan aside and discussed some issues about the new spell.

Although Mr. Lou did not agree, he did not refuse either.

Fu Hongchen sighed helplessly when he saw this, and then said.

"Master of the Hall, Master Zhuo, Master of Fort Meng, please!"

After saying that, Fu Hongchen led the way, leading Zhuo Bufan and the others towards the Holy City.

Zhuo Bufan followed closely behind.

Soon, they arrived under the Holy City.

The Holy City of Fire Cloud City is an inverted pyramid-shaped suspended city. Needless to say, the city itself is a talisman and is related to the gravity talisman.

At the center of the floating city, there is a stepped circular stone platform guarded by guards.

There are three peculiarly shaped blue stone pillars around the stone platform, on which various spells are cast.

"Please, all three!"

Fu Hongchen led Zhuo Bufan and the others to stand on the stepped stone platform.

Then he used his own spirit to inject it into the three stone pillars around him.

In an instant, the three stone pillars and the stone platform under their feet produced an energy chain reaction, and then the stone platform under Zhuo Bufan and the others' feet actually flew up automatically.

Like an elevator, it took Zhuo Bufan and the others to slowly fly up to the floating city above their heads.

"This should be a spell of weightlessness, right?" Zhuo Bufan guessed in his heart.

After a while, they had climbed above the holy city.

The platform under their feet coincided with the circular hole in the center of the holy city, and then with a bang, it stabilized.

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the platform, he was stunned by the magnificent palace in front of him.

On the holy city, gorgeous white jade spirit stones were laid flat.

A red carpet avenue connected the entrance of the lift platform and the palace gate.

On both sides of the avenue, there stood a number of heroic statues. The statues held long swords and crossed them above their heads, majestic and solemn.

At the end of the avenue, climbing half a hundred steps of jade stairs, there is a towering vermilion palace.

"What a magnificent sky city, no wonder it is called the Holy City of Fire Cloud City."

Zhuo Bufan came to the Holy City of the Sky in Fire Cloud City for the first time and was shocked by the majesty of this holy city.

However, just as Zhuo Bufan was sighing, Lou Lao on the side sneered.

"Is this considered magnificent? It's not even as good as a toilet in my talisman temple."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but blush when he heard it! Lou Lao is indeed a big man who has seen the world.

"Please excuse me, Master Lou. Our remote and poor place naturally dares not compare with the Talisman Temple. Please, all three of you!"

Fu Hongchen politely responded to Master Lou's ridicule. Seeing that Fu Hongchen was neither humble nor arrogant, Master Lou did not make things difficult for him.

Afterwards, the three of them entered the Holy City Hall, which was already full of VIPs!

This book finally has its first helmsman. Thanks to the helmsman [Falling Flowers Follow the Stream]. You are the first batch of readers of this book. Over the past month, new people have come and old people have left, but you have been able to support us until now. Thank you very much.

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