Meng Chanyi went to the Heaven Beyond Heaven alone to help Zhuo Bufan find the Lord of Time.

According to Ji Xuanhao's message, the Lord of Time can merge the three generations of reincarnation bodies of Luo Tian, ​​Ji Xuanhao, and Zhuo Bufan.

Once they merge, Zhuo Bufan will have the power to compete with the sky.

And at that time, the ultimate battle will also begin.

"Beyond the Heaven Beyond Heaven, the Lord of Time! Three generations merge?"

Zhuo Bufan quietly recalled Ji Xuanhao's words.

"What did I discover in my previous life? Why did I build a new world?"

"Becoming the enemy of the entire heaven, this is too messy."

Zhuo Bufan has some answers about the reincarnation of the two lives.

He also knows that his life is actually arranged by his previous life.

From his arrival on Earth, then crossing to the world of cultivation, and then step by step to the present.

His life has been arranged properly.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan doesn't like this feeling.

He should make his own decisions in his life, instead of living according to the path arranged by others.

But this other person is not someone else, but his own past life.

His past life arranged his life for himself, in the final analysis, it is the life he arranged for himself.

It sounds a bit strange, and this sense of disharmony makes Zhuo Bufan a little confused.

"Since it was arranged by my past life, I should not pit myself."

"No matter, let's do what the past life said first!"

"Next, we will go to the outside of the sky."

Zhuo Bufan inherited Ji Xuanhao's mantle and possessed the cultivation of the Yuanshen realm. This realm is already qualified to enter the outside of the sky.

But now there is a problem, that is, once Zhuo Bufan passes through the world wall of Daluotian, he will inevitably be discovered by Daluo Tiandao.

If Daluo Tiandao discovers him, then with Zhuo Bufan's power, he will definitely not be able to escape.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must think of a trick to deceive the world.

A way to deceive Daluo Tiandao's perception.

"The higher the level of cultivation, the weaker the restraint of the Heavenly Dao. If I can reach the Saint Yuan Realm, then I should be able to reach the outer world before the Heavenly Dao notices it."

"Then I must change my plan now. The matter of Ni Cang Qiong can be put aside for the time being."

"Now that I have the Reincarnation Breathing Method, I can cultivate to the Hongmeng Yuan Qi outside the sky without the help of Ni Cang Qiong."

"But I can still go to Jie Tian Mountain."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he moved his mind and walked out of the Dujie Mountain automatically.

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the Dujie Mountain, he found that there were already many other students climbing the pyramid.

It seems that most people have walked out of the foggy world and come to this Dujie Mountain.

"Look, someone is about to reach the top of the mountain."

At this time, Zhuo Bufan heard someone exclaiming.

It seems that someone is about to reach the top of the Dujie Mountain.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a fat man in white clothes on the 99th floor of Dujie Mountain, trying to climb the last step.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Is it Zhou Peng? This guy can really pass the test of the Mountain of Tribulation."

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised. He didn't expect Zhou Peng to really reach the top of the Mountain of Tribulation.

"It's actually a white-clothed disciple. How is this possible?"

"White-clothed disciples? Could it be the two white-clothed disciples from Kaitian City?"

In this test of the Mountain of Tribulation, there were only two white-clothed disciples, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng from Kaitian City.

So when he saw the white-clothed disciples, he naturally didn't have to think about it. It must be Zhou Peng.

Zhuo Bufan was sincerely happy for Zhou Peng's upcoming climb to the top of the Mountain of Tribulation.

Zhou Peng is a talent, not only in puppetry, but also in cultivation.

"It seems that I have to work hard too."

Since Zhou Peng is about to reach the Mountain of Tribulation, Zhuo Bufan can't fall behind.

Zhuo Bufan jumped with his life, and the whole person was not restrained by any force, and fell to the top of the Mountain of Tribulation with a bang.

This is what Zhuo Bufan meant by hard work. This guy was cheating and didn't give Dujie Mountain any face.

"Hey, do you need a hand?"

When Zhuo Bufan stood on the top of Dujie Mountain, he reached out to Zhou Peng who was climbing the last step.

Zhou Peng was stunned at first, and then he grabbed Zhuo Bufan's hand without being polite.

Zhuo Bufan pulled hard and took Zhou Yi to the top.

At this moment, those who were trying to climb the mountain were crazy.

"That guy, how did that guy get up there?"

"It's impossible, did he fly up there? Everyone's cultivation in Dujie Mountain should be wiped out."

"Two white clothes? Incredible, there are actually two white clothes."

"When did the white clothes become so powerful? Two white clothes climbed Dujie Mountain at the same time, what are you playing?"

Seeing two white clothes standing on the top of the mountain, naturally everyone present was very unconvinced.

However, the following scene, they couldn't help but be unconvinced.

At this time, two black divine lights fell from the sky.

Two black divine lights fell on Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng respectively.

The next second, the black divine lights turned into two cloaks.

The recognition from Pan Huang, the proof of reaching the top of Dujie Mountain, the Xuanyi disciple who has the qualifications to enter Jietian Mountain.

"Black-robed disciples! How is it possible? These two guys have become Black-robed disciples."

At the foot of the Tribulation Mountain, the guys who had been laughing at Zhuo Bufan and the others were shocked by Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng's performance.

Before they could react, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng had disappeared on the top of the tower.


At this moment, Zhong He and others who were waiting for the disciples to return from the trial outside the altar were anxious.

"Dean Zhong, do you think they can succeed?"

Xuan Zhou clenched his fists and paced back and forth.

Although he was more optimistic about Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.

But it is not easy to become a Black-robed disciple.

It is not easy to pass ten assessments every year.

In response, Zhong He just shook his head.

"Participation is important. After returning this time, they are eligible to be promoted to Yellow-robed disciples."

Zhong He actually did not hold any hope for Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, because they were White-robed disciples after all.

At this time, the old man Du Changming with white hair and a youthful face smiled.

"Zhong He, you are self-aware! You know what kind of disciples you have."

"You thought of letting two white-clothed disciples come to participate in the assessment of the Crossing Tribulation Mountain. Are you crazy?"

"In your Kaitian City, only the purple-clothed marquis had the opportunity to become a black-clothed disciple. Unfortunately, that kid didn't become a black-clothed disciple in the end. This is destined to make it impossible for your Kaitian City to produce a black-clothed disciple in your lifetime."

Du Changming kept provoking Zhong He.

However, Zhong He ignored him. At that time, Xuan Zhou on the side quickly tied up the dean and said.

"Two students from our academy have not been eliminated yet, don't be too happy too early."

So far, many students have been eliminated from Crossing Tribulation Mountain.

On the altar, the gray purple figures returned to the altar with blank memories.

When Du Changming heard this, he laughed.

"Boy, why are you so proud? Didn't the disciples of our academy come out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two more disciples suddenly walked out of the altar.

They were still wearing the purple clothes.

Du Changming stared at them.

"Xu Chuan, Xu Cheng! Why did you two come out?"

"Hahaha, they were eliminated! No black clothes, which means they were eliminated."

Xuan Zhou laughed happily.

Anyone who returned to the altar, if they did not return wearing black clothes, was eliminated.

On the altar, Xu Chuan and Xu Cheng stood there stupidly.

Their minds were blank, and all the memories about the assessment of the Tribulation Mountain were cleared.

"Dean Du, what happened?"

The two looked at Du Changming like two novices.

Du Changming sighed heavily when he saw this.

"Ah, waste."

He did not expect that the two most promising disciples in his academy this year would fail.

This made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Zhong He, who saw this scene, laughed.

"Du Changming, it seems that your academy is not going to do well this year!"

Zhong He's words angered Du Changming.

Du Changming turned and shouted at Zhong He.

"What are you so proud of? Are you so proud? Do you think that you two white-clothed students can pass the assessment? The disciples of your academy will also be eliminated."

Zhong He said: "At least the two white-clothed students of our academy were eliminated after the two purple-clothed students of your academy. If this gets out, it will be enough to suppress your academy."

Du Changming was furious.

"Bah, they were all eliminated, what's the difference between before and after, don't flatter your academy. At least so far, our academy still has a black-clothed student in charge. What about your academy? There hasn't been a black-clothed student in a thousand years!"

Du Changming began to be proud again. Their academy had a black-clothed disciple thirty years ago.

Now that black-clothed disciple is already the dean of their academy.

Zhong He listened and looked cold, and did not answer.

Seeing Zhong He's cold face, Du Changming became even more proud.

"Hahaha, Zhong He, come on, why don't you compete with me?"

"You will become the biggest joke in history if you bring two white-clothed people to participate in the assessment at the Crossing Tribulation Mountain."

Just when Du Changming was feeling proud, two people suddenly walked out of the altar again.

When they appeared on the altar, everyone's eyes were focused on them.

Because they returned wearing a set of black clothes.

The uniform of the black-clothed disciples was given by Pan Huang himself.

This dress cannot be copied, let alone faked.

When everyone saw the black clothes, they were dumbfounded.

"Look, it's Xuanyi, it's Xuanyi, someone has reached the top of the Tribulation Mountain!"

"Xuanyi, and there are two of them. Finally, a Xuanyi disciple was born."

"It seems to be true, my god, aren't these two white-clothed disciples?"

"Did the two white-clothed disciples pass the test of the Tribulation Mountain?"

"Incredible, how is it possible? Can white-clothed disciples pass the test of the Tribulation Mountain?"

The disciples who were eliminated before were filled with a sense of frustration when they saw that the two white-clothed disciples had passed the test of the Tribulation Mountain and became Xuanyi disciples.

"Dean Zhong, look, it's Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, they actually became Xuanyi disciples!"

Xuan Zhou looked at Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng standing on the altar, his jaw dropped in surprise.

Zhong He was even more stunned.

"Mysterious disciples? Hahahahaha, we finally have Xuanyi disciples in Kaitian City."

"That's right, and there are two of them, two Xuanyi."

Zhong He had been speechless in response to Du Changming's ridicule, but now she jumped up excitedly when she saw Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng promoted to Xuanyi at the same time.

Du Changming was confused.

"Impossible, how could it be possible? Two white-clothed people became Xuanyi disciples. This has never happened in the history of Dujie Mountain."

"This must be fake, I don't believe it."

Du Changming couldn't believe it and kept shaking his head.

But facts speak louder than words.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, wearing the Xuanyi cloaks that Pan Huang personally put on them, walked down the altar.

"Big brother, second brother!"

"Pengpeng, Fanfan!"

Zhuoyue and Nana rushed over excitedly.

Zhou Peng was confused, because he had lost his memory of the Tribulation Mountain, so he had no idea how he put on the black clothes.

But Zhuo Bufan found that he still remembered these memories.

It seems that Panhuang did not delete his memory, but kept this memory.

After all, what Zhuo Bufan experienced in the Tribulation Mountain could not be forgotten.

"You two boys, this is too amazing. How did you do it?"

Xuanzhou also surrounded them, looking at Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, and even had tears of excitement in his eyes.

"Great, our Kaitiancheng Academy finally has its own black clothes disciples."

For an academy, black clothes disciples are treasures.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng have now become the treasures of their Kaitiancheng Panhuang Academy.

Not only a treasure, it is simply a legend.

Directly promoted from a white-clothed disciple to a black-clothed disciple, this is a legend.

"How is this possible? I don't believe it!"

"Zhong He, you must have deliberately changed the purple-clothed disciples into white-clothed disciples. What a sinister trick."

Du Changming was very dissatisfied when he saw Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng both became black-clothed disciples.

But now he had no right to question Zhuo Bufan and the others.

The status of black-clothed disciples was higher than that of all the people in the academy, including the dean.

After all, black-clothed disciples were qualified to enter Jietian Mountain and listen to Pan Huang's teachings.

"Okay, Du Changming, you don't have to be hysterical."

"Now we have our own black-clothed disciples in Kaitiancheng Academy. Where is your arrogant attitude just now?"

Dean Zhong He, who didn't like to talk, couldn't help but start to mock Du Changming at this moment.

Du Changming felt ashamed and turned away angrily.

Seeing Du Changming and the others leave, Zhong He laughed.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back. This year, our academy has gained two Xuanyi disciples, which is great news."

"When we get back to the academy, let the dean hold a grand ceremony to celebrate our two Xuanyi disciples."

Zhong He was rarely so happy.

Afterwards, he took Zhuo Bufan, who was promoted to Xuanyi disciples, and Zhou Peng and the others back to Kaitian City.


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