Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1128: Genealogy without words

The news that Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng became Xuanyi disciples blew into Kaitian City like a storm.

The whole Kaitian City was boiling. This was the most exciting event in Kaitian City in a thousand years.

Even the city lord came to the platform to greet them in person.

The red carpet for welcoming them was laid directly from the academy to the station.

"Wow, this is too exaggerated! I'm afraid that even the dean doesn't have this kind of treatment!"

Lan He was ordered to wait on the platform with a group of younger brothers.

When he learned that Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng had become Xuanyi disciples, he was so scared that he didn't dare to show up in the academy.

But it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided.

After all, he is a blue-clothed disciple in the academy, and he can't hide.

With a nervous mood, he called all his younger brothers to welcome Zhuo Bufan and his return.

At the same time, he was ready to apologize to Zhuo Bufan and his friends.

"Boss, do you think they will bear a grudge?"

"We harassed him so much before, if they bear a grudge, then we won't be able to survive in the academy in the future."

"Yes, Lan He, how can the two white-clothed disciples become Xuanyi? Has the assessment of the Crossing Tribulation Mountain become easier this year?"

Hearing the gossip of his younger brothers, Lan He was also very uneasy.

"Don't guess blindly, what's theirs, now it's Master Xuanyi, do you understand?"

"It takes a thousand years for our academy to produce a Xuanyi, but now two have been produced directly."

"It can be said that the whole Kaitian City has benefited from it."

"Be smart later, don't mention those useless things."

"If you don't mention it, maybe the two Master Xuanyi will forget it."

Lan He is now looking forward to Yu Zhuo Bufan and the others forgetting what happened before.

After all, they were just following orders before.

"You are here!"

At this time, a purple figure appeared in Lan He's team.

Seeing this, Lan He excitedly grabbed the hand of the Purple-clothed Marquis and said.

"Marquis, why are you here?"

"Don't you always dislike this kind of scene?"

The real name of the Purple-Robed Marquis is not the Purple-Robed Marquis, but he likes purple clothes, and his own title is a marquis, so Lan and the others call him the Purple-Robed Marquis.

However, the real name of the Purple-Robed Marquis is Hai Xiaoyun!

He doesn't like others calling him by his real name, because it feels like a woman's name.

So he acquiesced to the name of the Purple-Robed Marquis.

However, Hai Xiaoyun is Hai Xiaoyun, and he will never erase this name in his lifetime.

Hai Xiaoyun came to the team, looked at Lan He and the others, and said.

"Let me see, how long will it take?"

Hai Xiaoyun actually cares about Zhuo Bufan and the others' situation. Of course, he doesn't care whether Zhuo Bufan and the others have become Xuanyi disciples.

But he cares whether Zhuo Bufan has taken back his wordless book.

That wordless book is very important to Hai Xiaoyun.

"It should be about an hour away. Just now, there was news from Fengxue City that they arrived in Fengxue City."

"It takes about an hour from Fengxue City to here."

"You see, my lord, there is still an hour, but now the platform is full of people. The style of this Xuanyi disciple is really different."

Lan He said to Hai Xiaoyun with a smile. He was scared in his heart, but he actually wanted Hai Xiaoyun to help him say something.

Hai Xiaoyun saw the meaning of Lan He's words, so he said.

"Okay, don't be so scared. They won't eat you."

"They are both good and easy to talk to. Being able to become a Xuanyi disciple is the pride of our academy."

"Our academy has not produced a Xuanyi disciple for nearly a thousand years. This time, two Xuanyi were born at the same time. In the future, our academy will be ranked higher among the Panhuang academies in the world."

Hai Xiaoyun was happy and looked very calm.

Although he only met Zhuo Bufan once, he could feel that Zhuo Bufan was a good person.

Such a person would not be fussy about previous things.

"I hope he brings the book back. That thing can't be lost!"

Hai Xiaoyun is more concerned about whether Zhuo Bufan has brought back the wordless book.


Time flies by.

There is still more than an hour left, but more and more people are coming.

Everyone came to watch the Xuanyi disciples of Kaitian City. This honor is worthy of the admiration of all people.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng obviously haven't realized that they have become celebrities in Kaitian City.

Along the way, Xuan Zhou kept talking to Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, asking them if they still remember how they passed the test.

However, Zhou Peng said that he had completely lost his memory in the Dujie Mountain, and he had no idea what happened in the Dujie Mountain.

Zhuo Bufan also said so.

But in fact, Zhuo Bufan's memory was not deleted. He knew what happened in the Dujie Mountain.

It's just that there are some things he can't say, so he had to pretend to have lost his memory.

At this time, Zhong He, who went to contact the academy, came back.

The usually taciturn vice president was particularly talkative today.

After all, today was an unusual day.

"You two should be prepared. The academy and the city lord have organized a welcoming team waiting at the station."

"When we arrive, we may receive cheers from the front desk."

Zhong He's words made Zhou Peng nervous.

Zhou Peng was used to being alone and couldn't handle this kind of situation.

But fortunately there was Zhuo Bufan.

"Welcome team? It sounds good. I didn't expect that the treatment of Xuanyi disciples was a little different."

Zhong He said after hearing this.

"Of course, Xuanyi disciples are popular in the entire Panhuang area, not to mention in our Kaitian City."

"Not everyone is qualified to wear the Xuanyi you wear."

"You have become Xuanyi disciples because you have been recognized by Lord Panhuang."

"In the future, you will enter Jietian Mountain to listen to Panhuang's preaching."

"Maybe there will be a chance to become Panhuang's disciples in the future."

"Among the eighteen heroes under Panhuang, half of the disciples were promoted from Xuanyi disciples. So you two also have a chance."

Becoming a Xuanyi disciple means having the opportunity to become Panhuang's direct disciple.

So Zhong He's expectation for Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng now is that they both can become Panhuang's direct disciples, even if only one of them is fine.

If they could become Pan Huang's disciple, then their Kaitian City Pan Huang Academy would become the most famous academy in the world.

The future is promising!

"Haha, we'll try our best."

Zhuo Bufan just laughed politely at Zhong He's expectation.

It's not that easy to become Pan Huang's disciple.

For so many years, Pan Huang has only accepted 18 disciples, which shows that it's not easy to become Pan Huang's disciple.

Some opportunities are hard to come by.

To become Pan Huang's disciple, you must at least be a person of Ni Cang Qiong's level.

Ni Cang Qiong, that's a god in the eyes of ordinary people, can ordinary people reach that level?


In the evening, the Yuanli rail car that Zhuo Bufan and his friends were riding finally arrived in Kaitian City.

From a distance, Zhuo Bufan and his friends saw that the platform was already crowded with people.

They even heard the sound of gongs and drums, which was a roar of gongs and drums and firecrackers.

When they got off the Yuanli rail car, groups of people began to shout the title of Xuanyi Master.

"Xuanyi Master! Xuanyi Master! Xuanyi Master."

Xuanyi disciples have another title in the folk, that is Xuanyi Master.

The so-called master is the one who is above others.

Xuanyi disciples are the ones who are above others in the eyes of ordinary people.

So they call Zhuo Bufan, that's what they should do.

But it was the first time that Zhuo Bufan was called like this, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Welcome the two Xuanyi Masters back to Kaitian City."

At this time, a man wearing a black gold-threaded robe and a gold-woven official hat came up.

Beside him, there was a group of fully armed guards.

Obviously, this person's identity is not simple.

He is the mayor of Kaitian City, Gao Li!

And next to Gao Li, there is a white-bearded old man with a cane in his hand. He is the dean whom Zhuo Bufan and his friends have never met before - Mu Lao!

"Dean, we are back."

After seeing Dean Mu Lao, Xuan Zhou and Zhong He excitedly informed the dean of their good news.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng wearing black robes, the dean and his friends were already in tears.

"Pan Huang is above, Wuliang Tianzun!"

"Pan Huang is above, Wuliang Tianzun!"

"Pan Huang is above, Wuliang Tianzun!"

Dean Mu Lao shouted "Pan Huang is above, Wuliang Tianzun" three times in a row.

He was so moved that he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

At this moment, the only way to express his feelings was to kowtow to Pan Huang.

"Two masters, congratulations on becoming Pan Huang's black robe disciples. I have prepared some wine in the City Lord's Mansion. Please go to the City Lord's Mansion for a chat."

Under the leadership of City Lord Gao Li, Zhuo Bufan and his friends had no chance to return to the Taoist Academy and were taken directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

That night, they got drunk in the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhuo Bufan and his friends had a rare chance to relax.

Of course, with Zhuo Bufan's current cultivation in the Yuanshen realm, it is almost impossible for him to get drunk.

So after returning to the academy at night, he was still energetic and went outside to get some fresh air.

As a result, when Zhuo Bufan walked out of the house, he saw a man wandering outside the courtyard.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that it was actually an acquaintance.

"Zi Yi Hou?"

The guy standing outside the courtyard of Zhuo Bufan and his white-clothed disciples was Zi Yi Hou.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but reach out and touch the book in his arms.

He took out the wordless book again and read it carefully.

He found that there was nothing special about this book. With his cultivation in the Yuanshen realm, he didn't feel that there was any mechanism in this book.

This is just an ordinary book. Perhaps the only ordinary thing is that some of the words on it may be hidden by some potion.

Zhuo Bufan believes that this is definitely not a book without any words.

There must be something recorded on it, but only people who know the mechanism can open it.

"Forget it, give it back to him! It's useless to me anyway."

Zhuo Bufan didn't covet the things of the Purple Marquis.

Some things are useless if they are not yours.

So Zhuo Bufan took the wordless book, went downstairs, and then walked out of their Baiyi Courtyard.

At this time, the Purple Marquis Hai Xiaoyun saw Zhuo Bufan, and he hurried up.

"Ziyihou, I have met Master Xuanyi."

Now that Zhuo Bufan is Master Xuanyi, his identity is obviously different.

Even the Marquis of Ziyi had to step forward and salute respectfully after seeing him.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled.

"Why should Marquis Ziyi be so polite? I still like the Marquis Ziyi who speaks with a pretentious air."

"Okay, I've fulfilled my mission, take this!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the wordless book and handed it to Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun burst into tears after taking the wordless book.

"Great, I'm back, I'm back!"

"Thank you, Master Xuanyi. This book is very important to our family. It's really great to have it back."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but laugh when he saw Hai Xiaoyun being so nervous about this book.

"It seems that this book is very important to you! Don't mind my curiosity. I really want to know what is written in this book? There is obviously nothing in it."

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun held the wordless book and said excitedly.

"To be honest, this book is not a treasure, it is the genealogy of our Hai family!"

When Hai Xiaoyun told the truth about this wordless book, even Zhuo Bufan himself couldn't laugh or cry.

"What? Genealogy?"

"Hahaha, that's interesting. I didn't expect it to be a family tree. I thought it was your family's unique magical power."

"It's just one genealogy, are you too nervous? Is this the only genealogy your family has?"

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun replied: "Of course not, it's just that this genealogy is very important to our family."

"It has been passed down for almost two hundred thousand years!"

"Two hundred thousand years? It's amazing that the family tree can be passed down for such a long time!"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed!

A family tree that has been passed down for 200,000 years is indeed not simple.

"Want to take a look?"

Hai Xiaoyun said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled and said, "Can I do that?"


After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun opened the wordless genealogy in his hand.

"This genealogy can only be opened by the blood of our family, so even if it is taken away, it will have no effect."

After Hai Xiaoyun finished speaking, he bit his finger and then dropped a drop of blood on the cover of the wordless genealogy.

Immediately afterwards, the wordless family tree burst out with billowing divine light.

Then, golden characters flew out one by one, and then swirled in the air, forming a golden starry sky.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the golden starry sky and secretly marveled.

It is simply unbelievable that a genealogy can reach this level.

The golden starry sky slowly began to be sorted according to the pyramid rows.

Each and every bright name lights up the night sky.

Some of these names are infinitely bright, while others are dim.

Among them, the name at the top is the brightest.

Zhuo Bufan had to get closer before he could barely see the name clearly.

However, when Zhuo Bufan saw the name on the top of the pyramid, he couldn't help but be startled.

He opened his mouth wide and his face was full of astonishment!

"Ji Xuanhao?"

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