Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1148 Emperor's Qualifications [Happy New Year]

Zhuo Bufan's arrival gave Hai Xiaoyun more confidence.

After all, in addition to being a Xuanyi disciple, Zhuo Bufan was also a strong man in the Yuanshen realm.

Such ability was enough to stir up the world.

If Zhuo Bufan really became his helper, then Hai Xiaoyun's fight for the throne would obviously have a few more chances of success.

However, Zhuo Bufan told Hai Xiaoyun at this time that he would not take action.

Because once he took action, then Ni Cangqiong would definitely take action.

In this way, a shocking battle of gods was inevitable.

"Hai Xiaoyun, as far as I know, in your Dahai Dynasty, the family tree of the country has a very important position. It is said that whoever gets the family tree is the king."

"Since the family tree is in your hands now, you are naturally the king in name and in reason. How did you fall into such a situation?"

Zhuo Bufan sneered.

Because in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, Hai Xiaoyun had the most powerful trump card, but he played it like this, which was really stupid.

However, Hai Xiaoyun explained after hearing this.

"Brother Zhuo is right. In our Hai family, there is indeed an unwritten rule. Whoever gets the family tree is the emperor. However, the current situation is far from as simple as Brother Zhuo imagined."

"Since Brother Zhuo has some knowledge, he must know why I am wanted. Because the crime that Emperor Hai Tu accused me of was the crime of stealing the country. He told the world that the family tree in my hand was stolen and would not be recognized by the world."

Hai Xiaoyun explained.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"It seems that the emperor is not stupid. He used the crime of stealing the country to make this family tree useless."

"But, aren't you the son of the former emperor? Since you have the bloodline of the Hai family and the family tree is in your possession, how can there be a crime of stealing the country?"

In Zhuo Bufan's view, if Hai Xiaoyun is a direct descendant of the Hai family, and the former emperor only needs to explain that the family tree was passed on to Hai Xiaoyun, then Hai Xiaoyun's throne is legitimate.

However, Hai Xiaoyun shook his head.

"Brother Zhuo, do you know how Emperor Hai Tu took the throne?"

"In order to take the throne, he betrayed my father and told the world that my father had no family tree. In the Golden Palace, in front of all the civil and military officials, he forced my father to give up the throne."

"Such an ambitious person turned around and told me that the family tree was stolen during my father's reign."

"If this family tree was passed down to me by my father himself, then I am naturally justified."

"And there is another most important reason. Although it is difficult to say, I have to tell Brother Zhuo the truth at this time."

Hai Xiaoyun said hesitantly.

"What truth?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"The truth is, I am just my father's illegitimate son. No one knew my identity before."

"And now, my father is under house arrest by the emperor, and he can't come forward to prove my identity. It is even more impossible for Emperor Hai Tu to admit that I am a descendant of the Hai family. In short, in order to make his throne secure, he cut off all my escape routes."

Hai Xiaoyun told Zhuo Bufan the reason for the matter.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Not bad, really good. If it is really as you said, then I have to admit that this guy seems to be a good candidate for the emperor."

What Hai Xiaoyun didn't expect was that Zhuo Bufan suddenly showed his appreciation for Emperor Hai Tu.

This surprised Hai Xiaoyun, and even made him confused.

"Brother Zhuo..."

Zhuo Bufan knew what Hai Xiaoyun was going to say, and he raised his hand.

"Don't worry, this doesn't mean that I will support him. That guy is indeed qualified to be an emperor. He is ruthless, scheming, and will do anything to achieve his goals."

"But he offended me, so he is not the emperor in my mind."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he was now betting against Ni Cangqiong, and he could not afford to be picky.

Since he had chosen Hai Xiaoyun, he could only assist this guy.

However, whether Hai Xiaoyun was really suitable to be an emperor, Zhuo Bufan still needed to investigate.

"Then Brother Zhuo, what good plan do you have next?"

Hai Xiaoyun asked.

But Zhuo Bufan asked back.

"I want to know your plan."

Zhuo Bufan actually came here more as a consultant.

For Hai Xiaoyun's help, he certainly could not do it himself. Due to restrictions, he could not do many things.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment, and then answered.

"The imperial power is now in the hands of Emperor Hai Tu. I have discussed with my subordinates that my only chance now is to rescue the imprisoned former emperor first, and then restore my identity and reputation."

"Then, summon the princes of the world, gain their support, and finally attack Haomiao City and regain the throne."

Hai Xiaoyun told Zhuo Bufan their plan without hesitation.

This can be regarded as his trust in Zhuo Bufan.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan thought: "According to your plan, how long will it take?"

After listening to Hai Xiaoyun and their plan, Zhuo Bufan felt that it was a waste of time.

Hai Xiaoyun replied: "According to our plan, it will take at least ten years and at most a hundred years."

"No, it's too long."

Sure enough, after hearing Hai Xiaoyun's answer, Zhuo Bufan immediately raised his objection.

Hai Xiaoyun frowned and said: "According to the plan, it may take at least ten years. After all, summoning the princes' forces is not something that can be completed in one or two days."

"In addition, if a war really breaks out, the war may last for many years. Moreover, we must also consider whether the empire will be attacked by other countries during the civil war."

"In short, according to the plan of my staff, it will be difficult to accomplish it in a short while."

Hai Xiaoyun also wanted to ascend the throne as soon as possible.

But now, they are a rebel party, and they must be fully prepared before they can take action.

The most important thing is that the war between Hai Xiaoyun and Haitu may trigger a civil war across the country.

Then once a civil war breaks out, several surrounding countries may take the opportunity to launch war against their sea dynasty.

By then, even if the civil war for the throne is successful, the Dahai Dynasty may be destroyed.

Therefore, Hai Xiaoyun needs to consider many situations. He cannot let the Hai family's 200,000-year-old empire be destroyed by their generation.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled knowingly and said.

"Yes, you can consider so much, which proves that you still have some qualifications as an emperor."

"But what you just said reminded me. Why don't you use outside power to help you achieve your goals?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Hai Xiaoyun slowly shook his head and said.

"It's not that we haven't thought about this, but asking for help from other countries is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Maybe in the end, we will be the ones who suffer."

"And if you want to ask for help, you must give enough benefits."

"The territory of our Sea Dynasty may still be divided by then, so how can that be done?"

Hai Xiaoyun's words made Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

It can be seen that Hai Xiaoyun has thought about it. At least the person he is assisting is not a fool or an idiot.

"I don't have that long to wait for you to cause trouble. If this is the case, then we can only find another way."

The time Zhuo Bufan set for himself was one month at the latest.

In a month, he will enter the Royal Cemetery. After getting back the Sealing Seal, he will set off to rush back to the Emperor Wa's territory, then destroy the Jieyin Gate, and then enter Mazu Mountain to look for Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan's plan cannot encounter obstacles here, so he must speed up the process.

Hai Xiaoyun heard this and said.

"Brother Zhuo, what do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan responded.

"As the saying goes, let me ask you, do you have the qualifications to be the emperor?"

When Zhuo Bufan asked this question, Hai Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment.

"Well, I'll give you a day to think about it. After you think about it, give me the answer! There's no need to rush to answer me now."

After Zhuo Bufan posed this question to Hai Xiaoyun, Hai Xiaoyun left in anger.

After Hai Xiaoyun left, Zhuo Bufan began to think about what to do next.

At this time, Zhuo Zhibo asked.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Zhuo Zhuo knew that entering the royal garden was very important for his brother Zhuo Bufan.

"Why don't we sneak into the tomb secretly?"

Excellence suggested.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and replied.

"No, Ni Qiong is guarding the palace now, I don't have any chance."

"Now is not the time to fight that guy. I did this to avoid fighting with him."

Although Zhuo Bufan knew very well that sooner or later he would have to fight Ni Qiangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong wanted to kill him to break the curse of jealousy, while Zhuo Bufan killed Ni Cangqiong to avenge his sister.

Although Ni Cangqiong has the kindness to save the Yin and Yang world, Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten that Ni Cangqiong killed his sister Ji Ziyue.

In short, Zhuo Bufan will have to fight this guy sooner or later.

It's just now, not the time yet.

The previous battle in the Ziyang Realm made Zhuo Bufan aware of the gap between himself and Ni Qiong.

Zhuo Bufan needs to obtain the Sealing Seal before he can fight against Ni Qiong.

In addition to the Sealing Seal, the treasures from the Jie Yin Sect are also resources that can help Zhuo Bufan reach a higher level.

As long as his cultivation reaches the Saint Yuan realm, then Zhuo Bufan will be sure of victory when he fights Ni Cang Qiong.

Zhuo Bufan is a person who knows how to be patient. Before he is not strong enough, he knows how to lie dormant.

On the other side, after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, Hai Xiaoyun returned to his organization with a lot of worries.

Zhuo Bufan's words were undoubtedly a torture to Hai Xiaoyun's soul.

"Am I really suitable to be an emperor? More suitable than Tidal Flat?"

Hai Xiaoyun asked himself.

If he can't even compete with the sea flats, then why should he be the emperor of the Sea Dynasty?

If he was not a wise king, wouldn't the Hai family's 200,000-year-old foundation be destroyed in his hands?

Hai Xiaoyun fell deeply into thinking.

He summoned all senior cadres to gather in his room, and then threw the question Zhuo Bufan asked him to everyone present.

After hearing this, other people responded one after another.

"Compared to that faint king, my lord is naturally even worse."

"Yes, my lord, that foolish king deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, held the late emperor hostage, and set up his own court. It is simply unacceptable."

"And the most important thing is, isn't it that the genealogy of the throne is in the hands of the Lord? It is said that the genealogy of the throne can choose the emperor. Since the genealogy chooses the Lord, then the Lord is the most suitable emperor."

Hai Xiaoyun's subordinates naturally spoke well of him.

Hai Xiaoyun was stunned by what he heard, but he knew in his heart that these answers were not what Zhuo Bufan wanted.

He seemed to begin to understand the meaning of Zhuo Bufan's question.

"I ask you, if I become the emperor, will the people of the world accept it?"

"There is no need to ask the people of the world, the Lord is the one who petitions for the people of the world."

"Then let me change the question!" Hai Xiaoyun said.

"What virtues do you need to have as an emperor?"

Everyone present had their own opinions on Hai Xiaoyun's question.

"I personally think that as an emperor, you should be kind, loyal, righteous, polite, wise, brave, trustworthy, powerful, and strong!"

After the counselors discussed, they combined their answers and reported to Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun said after hearing this.

"Then let me ask again, compared to benevolence, how about me being better than Hai Tu?"

At this time, a counselor holding a feather fan stepped forward and answered.

"Your Majesty is kind and virtuous. When you were still the Purple-Robed Marquis, you were a well-known benevolent monarch. You never made things difficult for your subordinates, loved your people, and were praised by people. But the thief emperor Haitu, who betrayed his teacher and destroyed his ancestors, plotted to usurp the throne, is already an unkind and unjust person, and is not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath with your Majesty."

Hai Xiaoyun was very satisfied with this answer.

"Then let me ask again, in terms of wisdom, how do I compare to Haitu?"

Speaking of wit, the counselors present at this time could not easily evaluate.

After all, Emperor Haitu was also a person of extraordinary wisdom, otherwise he would not have been able to successfully usurp the throne.

But at this time, the red curtain in red stepped forward and said.

"Your Majesty is both wise and brave, and being able to become a purple-robed disciple of the Panhuang Academy is the best proof. Moreover, your Majesty's cultivation is already close to the Yuandan realm, and among the emperors of all dynasties, he is a superior person."

This red curtain did not evaluate Emperor Haitu, but praised Hai Xiaoyun.

At least it proves that Hai Xiaoyun is not incompetent.

"So, in your mind, I am suitable to be the emperor, right?"

After this, everyone present knelt down and answered.

"Of course, the Lord is the most suitable emperor in our hearts."

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun nodded with satisfaction and said.

"I know how to answer Brother Zhuo, everyone, follow me to answer Brother Zhuo's question!"

Hai Xiaoyun found a suitable answer for himself in the comments of his subordinates.

Afterwards, he brought everyone to Zhuo Bufan's hotel.

Zhuo Bufan saw them coming and smiled calmly.

"It seems that you have the answer."

Hai Xiaoyun answered after hearing this.

"Yes, Brother Zhuo asked me before, whether I am more qualified to be the emperor than Haitu."

"Now I can answer Brother Zhuo, I have the qualification."

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"Are you sure? Think about it before answering. If I know that you don't have the qualification, you will die."

Zhuo Bufan said with a threatening tone.

This time, Hai Xiaoyun was not frightened, but answered firmly.

"I am sure, I am the emperor!"

Seeing Hai Xiaoyun's firm look, Zhuo Bufan was very happy.

"Hahahaha, very good, very good!"

"In that case, then I know what to do."

"Remember your words, Hai Xiaoyun, if you ruin my business, I will really kill you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in the hotel.


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