Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1149 The True Emperor's Choice

After Zhuo Bufan left the East China Sea, he rushed back to Haomiao City with Zhuo Yue.

This time he took the initiative to find Ni Cangqiong.

When Ni Cangqiong saw Zhuo Bufan, he couldn't help but taunted: "Zhuo Bufan, are you here to admit defeat?"

The bet between Ni Cangqiong and Zhuo Bufan has not ended yet. To be honest, he really wants to know what method Zhuo Bufan will use to help his people get the throne.

After seeing Ni Cangqiong, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"Ni Cangqiong, I came here to declare war on you today."

"Declare war?"

Upon hearing the word "declare war", Ni Cangqiong's eyes naturally lit up.

"That's right, declare war! But it's not a battle between you and me, but a battle between your emperor and my emperor."

"Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Ni Cangqiong was a person who only cared about his own interests. And he was easily provoked.

So, as long as he used a little verbal stimulation, he could make this guy deal with him without any reservation.

In fact, Ni Cangqiong is a very conceited person. Because of his conceit, he doesn't care about traps at all.

"Zhuo Bufan, are you going to fight me? I'd love to."

Ni Cangqiong doesn't care about traps. He cares whether Zhuo Bufan will be cowardly and dare not fight him.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan is more direct and decisive than he imagined.

"How do you want to play?" Ni Cangqiong asked.

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing.

"One month, one month later, make an appointment to fight in the palace."

"I will bring my people to the outside of the palace and compete with the current emperor of the Hai Dynasty, Hai Tu."

"How about letting the two of them compete in front of the world and let the people of this country choose their emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait that long, so he had to use his own way to solve the current problem.

Then the best solution is to let Hai Xiaoyun and Hai Tu have a direct PK.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that doing so was completely unfair to Emperor Hai Tu.

They obviously seriously affected the struggle for imperial power in the secular world.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew better that Ni Cangqiong, as the executor, would unconditionally agree to this condition.

"Hahahaha, Zhuo Bufan, do you mean to let your apprentice compete with my apprentice?"

"You can say that. The emperor is yours now, and you have one month to make him the emperor in your mind. And I will also train the emperor in my mind."

"When the time comes, let them compete on their own, and let the people of the world be the judges, let them choose their own rulers, do you dare to agree?"

Ni Cangqiong heard it and shouted.

"Why not? Zhuo Bufan, you are getting more and more arrogant. Since you want to compete, then I will play with you."

"One month later, in the palace, on the top of the Forbidden City, I want to see if you can still be so arrogant at that time?"

Ni Cangqiong really agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

In response, Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

In this way, he shortened the eight-year battle for the throne to one month.

The outcome will be clear in a month.

"Then goodbye!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and turned around and left Haomiao City with Zhuo Yue.


When Zhuo Bufan returned to the East China Sea, he told Hai Xiaoyun and others about the news of his negotiation in the palace.

Hai Xiaoyun couldn't believe it after hearing it.

"This, this emperor agreed?"

Hai Xiaoyun really couldn't believe that the battle for the throne that originally affected the whole country would be decided by the two of them in the end, and it was an absolutely fair and just competition.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing it.

"It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not, the most important thing is that the person behind him agrees."

"You mean, Ni Shen?"

"That's right, if that guy Ni Cangqiong agrees, then Hai Tu will have no objection."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Hai Xiaoyun frowned in shock.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to do this, so that the entire fight for the throne would completely become a fight between Hai Xiaoyun and Hai Tu.

There would be no war lasting ten or even a hundred years, and no other countries would be eyeing it covetously.

It looks a bit childish, but for Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong, it is an important duel.

"Does it feel absurd? The most important throne of the Hai Dynasty has to be decided by such a childish means!"

"But, although it is childish, it is fair! Because the emperor should be the best person."

"Whether you are qualified to be the emperor is not up to you, nor is it up to the family tree in your hand, but the people of the Hai Dynasty."

"Only if they recognize you as the emperor, then you are qualified to ascend the throne. Otherwise, even if you hold the Hai family tree and the heirloom, you are still a thief who steals the country."

"Hai Xiaoyun, I gave you the best opportunity. Whether you can grasp it depends on you."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Hai Xiaoyun fall into deep thought.

Indeed, if Hai Xiaoyun wants to rebel, then he has no reason to rebel, and he can only be a thief forever.

Even if he has the Hai family tree, Emperor Hai Tu just needs to say that he stole it, then Hai Xiaoyun will not be able to turn back.

Hai Xiaoyun himself knew that he had no legitimate reason to do so, so his advisers kept advising him to lie low for ten years and then make a comeback.

But no one knows what will happen in ten years.

And now, Hai Xiaoyun has a great opportunity, an opportunity to get the throne within reach.

As long as he agrees to Zhuo Bufan's request and competes with Hai Tu in a month, he will have the opportunity to ascend the throne and become the king of a country, and he is the king of a country in name and in the name of justice.

If Hai Xiaoyun disagrees, then Zhuo Bufan will have to give up on him, and Hai Xiaoyun may never be able to ascend his throne.

In short, this is the best opportunity Zhuo Bufan can get.

"Brother Zhuo, let me go back and think about it carefully, and then give you an answer."

Hai Xiaoyun was not able to make a decision alone in the end.

After all, Hai Xiaoyun and his team have been planning for so long just to start a rebellion.

Now Zhuo Bufan tells them that this plan must be scrapped, so he needs to give an explanation to his subordinates.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not force Hai Xiaoyun, but replied.

"Okay, I'll wait for your reply."

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun left Zhuo Bufan and lived in a hotel.

Afterwards, he returned to the organization with a heavy heart, and then summoned his subordinates and informed them of the news.

After hearing this, his subordinates looked at Hai Xiaoyun in disbelief, and then asked.

"My Lord, this matter is too strange. The emperor has no reason to agree to such a request, because it is not of any benefit to him."

"Yes, my Lord, why would the emperor agree to such a request? This request is a trap no matter how you look at it. Unless the emperor is a fool, he will never agree. Even if the anti-god behind him guarantees it."

The subordinates first doubted the accuracy of the matter itself.

In this regard, Hai Xiaoyun had to explain.

"As far as I know, the duel between the emperor and I was originally caused by the bet between Brother Zhuo and Nishen. For them, it doesn't matter who is the emperor."

"The most important thing is that I represent Zhuo Bufan, and the emperor represents Ni Cangqiong."

"The win or loss between us determines the win or loss between the two of them."

"Obviously, they want to use the simplest way to decide the future of this empire."

"To be honest, I am actually quite resistant in my heart, but I know more clearly that if I reject Brother Zhuo's painting, then I can only blame being abandoned like a chess piece."

"So everyone, now it is not only about our survival, but also about the survival of this empire."

"I need your wisdom to guide me to make the right decision."

"What choice do you think I should make?"

Hai Xiaoyun is not a fool. He knows that this decision may be related to the fate of his life.

So he needs to seriously consider all possible consequences.

Just when everyone was thinking hard about how to answer Zhuo Bufan, they didn't expect Honglian to stand up and say.

"My Lord, I think we can agree to the conditions proposed by Master Zhuo."

Honglian's words surprised everyone present.

"Honglian, what do you mean? Knowing that this is a trap, do you want my Lord to jump into it?"

Other strategists obviously didn't understand.

At this time, Honglian continued.

"Everyone, I think this is the master's chance."

"In fact, everyone knows that we have no reason to fight now. Even if we are in the name of the late emperor, we are still a step behind."

"Now the emperor has taken the throne and has been recognized by all civil and military officials. We are rebels now, whether in the country or the people."

"Rebels are naturally unpopular. How can they win over the heroes of the world if they are unpopular?"

"Besides, are you really ready for a hundred years of fighting?"

"Honglian will naturally follow the master to death, but Honglian hopes that the master can become an emperor loved by all the people."

"Now this opportunity is in front of us. If the master can gain the recognition of the people and become the emperor, then he will be a truly legitimate emperor."

"This will be of great benefit to the master's future rule. I have a humble opinion, please consider it."

After speaking, Honglian knelt in front of Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun silently closed his eyes, frowned, and thought for a long time.

Finally, he nodded.

"Honglian has always been meticulous. If she says so, then I believe her."

"Thank you all for your trust in me all the time. Let me fight alone in the next battle!"

Hai Xiaoyun finally admitted Zhuo Bufan's proposal.

The future of the Hai Dynasty is in the hands of the two of them.

"My Lord, there is still a month before the competition. During this period, let us help you become an emperor!"

For Hai Xiaoyun's decision, the others did not say anything more but chose to support him.

So, their next task is to help Hai Xiaoyun become a truly respected emperor.

"Thank you all."

Hai Xiaoyun said with a bow when he saw the support of his friends.


"If that's the case, you should have made a decision!"

"Then let me confirm with you one last time. Are you sure you want to do this? In the next battle, there will be only you and no one else."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Hai Xiaoyun finally nodded.

"No problem, I'm enough."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan said again.

"If you lose, then you will ruin my plan. Whether you live or die in the future has nothing to do with me."

Hai Xiaoyun nodded again.

"I understand. Please rest assured, Brother Zhuo. I will not have any complaints."

"In that case, then okay! You still have a month. During this time, if you need anything, please tell me, and I will try my best to help you."

"After all, I really hope you win!"

Zhuo Bufan placed his bet on Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun said after hearing this.

"Brother Zhuo, rest assured. I am not only carrying your expectations, but also the expectations of thousands of people."

"I will not lose this battle! If I lose, I will die to apologize."

Hai Xiaoyun obviously came back here after he had made up his mind.

So far, Zhuo Bufan did not say anything more.

In the following time, Hai Xiaoyun began to deal with various tests related to the emperor under the training of his subordinates.

From food, clothing, housing and transportation to reviewing memorials. From cultural heritage to martial arts training, Hai Xiaoyun was being trained comprehensively.

You know, Hai Xiaoyun was going to be tested by the people of the whole country, so his every word and action could add or subtract points for the future election.

Two days later, Zhuo Bufan took Hai Xiaoyun to Haomiao City.

Before the two sides really decided to compete in the election, Zhuo Bufan planned to let Hai Xiaoyun and Hai Tu meet formally.

One was to declare war, and the other was to give Hai Xiaoyun proof of identity.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to make this election conference a completely fair and just conference.

Before Hai Xiaoyun decided to agree to Zhuo Bufan, he had already put his life and death aside.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all when Zhuo Bufan proposed to go to Haomiao City.

Along the way, he even brought only Honglian with him.

When they arrived in Haomiao City, they were ambushed several times, but they were all easily resolved by Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, the emperor did not want to agree to this election competition.

But he didn't dare to reject Ni Cangqiong openly, so he could only think of ways to get rid of his opponent Hai Xiaoyun in secret.

However, with Zhuo Bufan by his side, Hai Xiaoyun had no chance.

Emperor Hai Tu was ultimately unable to stop Zhuo Bufan from bringing Hai Xiaoyun to Haomiao City.

When Hai Xiaoyun entered Haomiao City again, the flag of the Purple-Robed Marquis was flying in the city.

Obviously, Hai Xiaoyun's people were not idle either, and they took this opportunity to build momentum for their new emperor.

The confused masses went out of the city to welcome the Purple-Robed Marquis when they learned that he had returned.

There were all kinds of welcoming teams beating gongs and drums, and leaflets distributed everywhere.

All of this showed that the return of the Purple-Robed Marquis would set off a revolution.

Finally, under the escort of Zhuo Bufan and the people of the city, Hai Xiaoyun walked into the palace hall.

And Ni Cangqiong had already been waiting on the Temple of Heaven with Emperor Hai Tu.

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