Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1154 Meeting an old friend

The assassination in Cuiwei City was quickly settled. After Zhou Peng’s practice in Jietian Mountain, his cultivation level not only increased to the Yuandan realm.

His fighting skills have also been honed to a state of perfection.

With the strength of the Yuandan realm, he can almost sweep the secular world undefeated. The assassin on the cloud was killed by Zhou Peng before he even had time to escape.

To be precise, Zhou Peng did not kill him. He saw that he had no way to escape and blew himself up.

Zhou Peng was also a little surprised about this. He did not expect that he would be so bold at this moment. It was obviously instructed by someone, and it was a death order.

After the assassin was solved, the incident spread all over the world at the fastest speed.

Now, everyone in the world knows that Hai Xiaoyun was assassinated.

The matter began to ferment rapidly and caused a sensation.

But after hearing this, the emperor laughed so hard that he could not help laughing.

"Hahaha, Hai Xiaoyun deserves it, deserves it, absolutely deserves it!"

"Old man, is Hai Xiaoyun dead? Did the assassin's arrow kill him?"

Jin Ziweng shook his head after hearing this.

"I heard that the arrow didn't kill Hai Xiaoyun, but Hai Xiaoyun was seriously injured."

The emperor sighed after hearing this.

"Alas, it's a pity that Hai Xiaoyun, the little beast, couldn't be killed."

"Old man, did you do this?"

The emperor looked at Jin Ziweng and asked. He thought that the assassination of Hai Xiaoyun was secretly done by the prime minister.

The prime minister shook his head after hearing this.

"It wasn't me, wasn't it sent by your majesty?"

The old prime minister thought that the emperor secretly sent someone to assassinate him.

The emperor was confused.

"No, I didn't send anyone to assassinate Hai Xiaoyun. Isn't there a guy named Zhuo next to that kid? The ones I sent before were all dealt with by him. What's the point of sending him again?"

After the emperor said this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Huh? Old man, how could the assassination succeed this time? Could it be that the guy named Zhuo next to Hai Xiaoyun is gone?"

The emperor speculated.

The old man frowned when he heard it.

"It's possible."

"Then doesn't it mean that we can also send someone to assassinate Hai Xiaoyun?"

"No, Your Majesty!" The emperor just had this idea, and the old man raised his hand to stop him.

"Your Majesty, we still don't know if the man surnamed Zhuo is with Hai Xiaoyun. If he is, we will send someone to assassinate Hai Xiaoyun, which is likely to anger him."

"Moreover, since Hai Xiaoyun was assassinated this time, more people will definitely be sent to protect him secretly in the future. It is almost impossible to kill him again."

"So I think we should keep our troops in place and observe secretly. I think Hai Xiaoyun may have aroused public anger, and some nobles in the society have begun to take action to kill him."

After the prime minister finished speaking, the emperor touched his chin and said.

"Old man, do you mean that this incident was done by the slave owners?"

"Yes, it is possible. I heard that Hai Xiaoyun still chose to declare the liberation of slaves in Cuiwei City, the second stop."

"This guy is so stubborn that he has obviously offended many people. He violated the interests of the slave owners. I believe that the slave owners will never let him go."

"So this assassination plan is most likely the behavior of the slave owners."

The emperor listened to the prime minister's words and felt that what he said made some sense.

"So it seems that we can just watch the fire from the other side and watch Hai Xiaoyun destroy himself?"

After the emperor finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha! Old man, you have to make a second speech next, and try to incite more slave owners. We must take advantage of the situation and deal him a heavy blow."

The emperor said.

After listening, the prime minister nodded in response.

"This is exactly what I am thinking. Your Majesty, rest assured. I have a plan for the second speech. We can gain the trust of most slaves in the name of rebelling against the gods. Then we can win over the slave owners and the power of the nobles in the name of the powerful."

"With these two powers, I believe that these two tricks alone will be enough to make Hai Xiaoyun destroy himself."

The prime minister and the emperor were happy. The two cunning guys were planning their sinister plans in the palace.

The assassination of Hai Xiaoyun was not only widely discussed in the court.

It was also a topic among the people.

Many taverns have already used this as a topic of conversation after dinner.

"Hey, who do you think wants to murder the Purple Marquis?"

Everyone expressed their opinions on this topic, and there were many different opinions.

Some people said that it was done by the nobles.

"It should be the slave owners and the nobles who sent people to do it. The Purple Marquis clamored to liberate the slaves, and the people who hated him the most were undoubtedly these slave owners."

Many people supported this statement.

However, some people also said that it was the emperor.

"Needless to say, I think it was most likely that the emperor sent someone to do it. After all, Hai Xiaoyun is the emperor's biggest enemy. The emperor can only sit on the throne if he kills him."

This statement also received responses from many people.

"It is possible. The person who hates the Purple Marquis the most in this world is the emperor."

"After all, the emperor was sitting on his throne safely, but he didn't know that a Purple Marquis would suddenly appear halfway, and he was also arranged by the gods to pull an election law. The emperor was naturally unwilling to accept this at this stage. So the emperor is very likely."

As for the driving force behind the assassin, in the end it was basically locked on the slave owner and the emperor.

And this result soon spread throughout the world and began to develop in strange directions.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Zhou, we said goodbye to each other last time in the academy. I didn't expect that we will meet again soon. Come, let's have another drink."

In the Yiyuan of Cuiwei City, Ziyi Hou Hai Xiaoyun held a banquet to welcome Zhou Peng and the others.

If it were Zhou Peng in the past, he might not pay attention to Hai Xiaoyun at all.

But after Jie Tianshan and his party, Zhou Peng is now used to getting along with others.

Moreover, this trip to the Dahai Dynasty to help Hai Xiaoyun was also entrusted by Zhuo Bufan.

This time, not only Zhou Peng came, but Nana and Ling Shuang also came.

What's interesting is that the current relationship between Nana, Ling Shuang and Zhou Peng is very ambiguous.

This is mainly because Nana suddenly turned into a human.

Before, Nana was just a puppet with no humanity, so she wanted to bring Ling Shuang and Zhou Peng together.

But now, Nana has human nature, and she also has the selfishness in human nature.

Nana also fell in love with Zhou Peng.

So this time, the love triangle between the three people is more awkward.

But even so, Zhou Peng still brought their two daughters to the Sea Dynasty.

"I heard that Zhuo Bufan has left. Do you know where he went?"

Zhou Peng originally came to see Zhuo Bufan, but he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan had left.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun quickly explained.

"Brother Zhuo seems to have something very important to do, so he left beforehand."

Hai Xiaoyun didn't know where Zhuo Bufan had gone.

But after listening to Hai Xiaoyun's explanation, Zhou Peng didn't ask any more questions.

"According to Zhuo Bufan's request, I will try my best to ensure your safety. But if the opponent is Nishen, I can't guarantee it."

Zhuo Bufan had already told Zhou Peng about the situation here in advance.

When Zhou Peng learned that the battle for the throne of the Dahai Dynasty was actually a battle between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong, he himself was still a little worried.

After all, that was Ni Shen Ni Cang Qiong. From a certain perspective, Zhou Peng and Ni Cang Qiong might still be brothers in the future.

Zhou Peng will naturally not be Ni Cangqiong's opponent, so if Ni Cangqiong really chooses to take action, then Zhou Peng can only give up Hai Xiaoyun.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry. Nishen and Brother Zhuo have made an agreement, and they will not take action. This war belongs to Emperor Haitu and me. They only need the result."

"Do you know the origin of today's assassin? Was he sent by the emperor?"

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun slowly shook his head and said.

"I'm not sure, but it's possible. After all, my declaration of emancipating slaves has offended the interests of many people."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Zhou Peng asked again.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun twisted his shoulders and said.

"Maybe I won't be able to give a speech in person in the near future, so I can only leave this matter to Yafu. But I will go deep into the slave house and understand the lives of the slaves."

"Brother Zhuo called me on demand and said that only by becoming the hero of the slaves can I win this battle. I firmly believe this."

After hearing this, Zhou Peng nodded.

"Okay, then I will try my best to help you. Until that person comes back."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he looked up at the stars and moon in the sky.

But at this moment, it is at the leading gate millions of miles away.

Under the arrangement of Shangguan Ziyi, Zhuo Bufan was assigned to Linzi Peak, one of the nine companion peaks, and became Hongdieyi's disciple.

Zhuo Bufan naturally views Hongdieyi in a different light now.

This woman seems to be wild, but she actually has a sense of justice.

The reason why she makes things difficult for her disciples is actually to protect them in some aspects.

After all, once these ascendants reach the Tianyuan realm, they will be sent to the laboratory for experiments.

According to the words of Emperor Yongye of the Void Clan, the Ascended Ones are the most outstanding geniuses in each world.

Each of them is the most perfect carrier.

The people of the Void Clan have no bodies. In order to break through the Dao Dao Yuan realm, they must absorb the pure energy of chaos outside Daluotian.

The method of absorption is to use the bodies of these flying people as a container.

Zhuo Bufan naturally did not forget this information.

After all, this is important information he collected using a chance to be reborn.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's return this time is not just for revenge, he also has more important things to do.

So in the next period of time, he may be undercover in this reception gate.

Zhuo Bufan no longer resisted Hongdieyi's teasing in front of him, but instead faced the difficulties.

"Little brother, you are really handsome. Do you want to be my sister's face?"

The man in front of him is the male slave raised by the woman!

Zhuo Bufan had refused forcefully before, but after seeing Hongdieyi's true face, Zhuo Bufan became calm this time.

"Haha, my sister is so beautiful and beautiful, she is just like a fairy on earth. Yifei is unforgettable and feels relaxed and happy when she sees her."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's counterattack, Hongdieyi was stunned for a moment.

"You, please hear me clearly, you are my face, my male slave!"

Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"Aren't you just a pretty boy? Why not? My sister doesn't know that this is what I did in the previous world."

"Sister Dieyi, do you need Yifei to sleep with you tonight?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he walked towards Hongdieyi.

Hongdieyi saw Zhuo Bufan coming towards him and quickly dodged aside.

"Hmph, shameless!"

"I thought I looked up to you, but I didn't expect you to be such a shameless man."

"Get out of here!"

Facing Zhuo Bufan's attack, Hongdieyi's beauty turned pale.

After all, this woman was just pretending. If she really acted like a shameless person, she would not dare to be so arrogant.

It was like the lion suddenly turned into a kitten, and his momentum weakened.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan shrugged and smiled.

"Then Yifei will take his leave first. If sister needs Yifei to sleep with her, she will be on call. Yifei's skills in the room are even superb."

Zhuo Bufan continued shamelessly.

When he heard the red butterfly clothes again, Xiafei's cheeks were already flushed.

"Stop talking and get out of here."

Hongdie Yi finally lost to Zhuo Bufan's shamelessness.

Seeing that Hongdie Yi was already a little angry, Zhuo Bufan stopped teasing her and turned around to leave the hall.

The attendants on the side took Zhuo Bufan to Qinglianju, a small courtyard.

As soon as he arrived at Qinglian Residence, Zhuo Bufan saw a man dancing a sword in the courtyard nearby.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the man and his eyes lit up.

“Caviar season?”

Perhaps the other party heard Zhuo Bufan's voice and suddenly stopped the sword in his hand and turned to look at Zhuo Bufan.

The two looked at each other, and Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and accidentally said something incomprehensible.

"Did you just call me?"

Yu Zhiji, the man who once helped Zhuo Bufan at the reception gate.

Although he is Hongdieyi's face, he has been secretly helping Zhuo Bufan leave the reception gate.

However, in the end, he was torn to pieces by Shangguan Ziyi.

In some respects, Yu Ziji was the first friend Zhuo Bufan made after coming to Daluotian.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan will never forget this name.

However, after rebirth, it was impossible for Yu Zhiji to recognize Zhuo Bufan.

So when Zhuo Bufan called out the other party's name, Yu Zhiji was obviously stunned for a moment.

Under the moonlight, Yu Zhiji looked at Zhuo Bufan with some inexplicable sadness in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly stepped forward and then bowed his hands.

"My Excellency Zhuo Yifei, I just came from Linzi Palace. Peak Master Hong Dieyi told me about you. You should be my classmate, Yu Zhiji!"

After hearing this, Yu Zhiji chuckled.

"I see, how do you know me?"

"That's right, I am Caviar Ji. Could it be that you are the newly arrived Ascended One?"

Yao Ji is white and tender, gentle and elegant, and is a very handsome man.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Yes, I was led here as soon as I ascended to this world."

"Oh, we haven't had a newcomer come to our welcome gate for a long time. By the way, Brother Zhuo, how about we have a drink?"

"I wish I could have it!"

Maybe Yu Zhiji simply wanted to get to know Zhuo Bufan.

But in Zhuo Bufan's heart, there was a feeling of meeting an old friend.

Soon, Yu Zhiji set up a bottle of wine in the courtyard pavilion, and then started drinking with Zhuo Bufan in the courtyard.

The two chatted, as if they were old friends reunited after a long separation. They raised their glasses to look at the moon, drank and had fun.

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