Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1155: Establishing prestige with one sword

On the third day after arriving at the Jieying Gate, Zhuo Bufan had completely reestablished a bridge of friendship with Yu Ziji.

As Hong Dieyi's mistress, Yu Ziji actually had no status among the students.

Many people regarded him as a gigolo and humiliated him. Only with Zhuo Bufan could he find something to say.

What surprised Yu Ziji was that Zhuo Bufan did not seem to have any discomfort in being Hong Dieyi's mistress.

On the contrary, he enjoyed his current identity.

In Zhuo Bufan's view, the identity of mistress was tantamount to a pass.

He could walk freely anywhere in Linzi Peak.

Zhuo Bufan also needed this new identity to conduct his secret investigation.


"Have you heard? There is a new student in our Linzi Peak, named Zhuo Yifei or something. This guy is even more shameless than that pretty boy Yu Ziji. I heard that he just came to our Linzi Peak and fawned on our peak master."

"I heard that guy shamelessly wanted to be the peak master's concubine. This is the first time I have seen such a weirdo, a pretty boy is vying for it."

"Besides, there is no point in saying more about such a person. He is just a pretty boy. What's the use of fawning on women to get to the top? Incompetent men are simply a shame for men."

Zhuo Bufan just laughed at these words.

How could these ignorant guys know how great what he did was.

All that Zhuo Bufan is doing now is just to save these fools.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan followed Yu Ziji to the square. As soon as he entered the square, many people's eyes came from all around.

"Look, it's the new guy. He's with Yu Ziji."

"Really? These two gigolos are so brave!"

"Don't get close to them, they're dirty."


When Zhuo Bufan entered the square, many people saw him and looked at him.

Zhuo Bufan looked at everyone around him and sneered.

At this time, Yu Ziji began to introduce some basic information about Linzi Peak to Zhuo Bufan.

"We have 96 people in Linzi Peak, including the peak master Hong Dieyi and five deacons. Among them, there are 90 students, and among these 90 people, 32 are in the Earth Yuan Realm and 58 are in the Human Yuan Realm. Everyone has a radius of eight taels, and the strong ones are not much stronger, and the weak ones are not very weak."

Zhuo Bufan actually knew what Yu Ziji said, after all, it was not the first time he came to the Jieying Gate.

"Drink, drink, drink, drink!"

At this time, a man's low roar suddenly came from the side.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw a man practicing boxing against a black stone tablet not far away.

Yu Ziji saw this and quickly introduced:

"His name is Nanhe, he is in the late stage of the Earthly Yuan Realm, and he ranks fifth among the top ten masters of Linzi Peak. He practices the fifth-grade breathing method, and at the same time practices the Eight Extremes Destruction Fist and the Great Vertical and Horizontal Strength! In our Linzi Peak, he is a master of horizontal training. I heard that he came from a world that specializes in training strength."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Nanhe who was practicing.

He slammed his palms on the stone tablet, shaking the ground to buzz.

The black stone tablet is called the Mountain-Suppressing Tablet, and it is not as simple as a stone tablet on the surface.

Even a strong man in the Yuantai Realm may not be able to break the Mountain-Suppressing Tablet.

But every punch of Nanhe can make the Mountain-Suppressing Tablet tremble slightly.

After seeing how powerful Nanhe is, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

Such a master must be absorbed into his own Ascendant Alliance in the future.

At this time, Yu Ziji suddenly pointed to a blue-clothed man sitting under a tree on the other side and meditated.

"His name is Chao Li, late in the Earthly Origin Realm, and ranked seventh among the top ten masters of Linzi Peak. He practices the fifth-grade breathing method and the sea-viewing strategy, and is very brave! Chao Li has been in Jieyingmen for less than a hundred years, and he has made rapid progress. I believe that it won't be long before he can break through to the Heavenly Origin Realm and leave our Jieyingmen."

When Yu Ziji looked at Chao Li, his eyes showed envy.

Chao Li had a handsome appearance, extraordinary temperament, and the aura of a hermit.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see an old friend, Xuanyuan Hao, in him.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

At this time, there was a sound of someone dancing with a sword not far away.

The sound of sword energy startled the sky, and the sharp cries made people look sideways.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw that many people surrounded the man dancing with a sword.

Seeing this, Yu Ziji said calmly.

"His name is Zhu Zhiping, he is in the middle stage of the human Yuan realm, and he practices the fifth-grade breathing method and Tianyi sword method! He is also the male favorite of the peak master!"

Yu Ziji said this, his eyes subconsciously lowered.

Speaking of the word male favorite, he felt it was an insult.

But now, he can only accept such a fate.

After all, Yu Ziji can get to where he is now, all thanks to the peak master Hong Dieyi.

Zhuo Bufan did not comfort Yu Ziji, but looked at Zhu Zhiping.

He recognized this guy, arrogant and conceited.

If Zhuo Bufan pretended to be so shameless, then Yu Ziji was indeed a real shameless and vulgar person.

Hong Dieyi had kicked him out of her male favorite for this reason.

However, Zhu Zhiping has always claimed to be Hong Dieyi's male favorite.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhu Zhiping in the crowd. He was indeed slick and handsome, and he was comparable to Yu Ziji.

The other party seemed to be very comfortable with the identity of Hong Dieyi's concubine, and was very proud of himself in front of others. The degree of shamelessness was even inferior to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and walked towards the crowd.

Perhaps seeing Zhuo Bufan's arrival, many people in the crowd avoided him as if they were avoiding the plague god.

Zhuo Bufan was very calm when he saw this situation.

He walked to the place where Zhu Zhiping was reluctant, but at this moment Zhu Zhiping faced Zhuo Bufan with an ugly face.

Because he only learned in the past two days that Zhuo Bufan had become Hong Dieyi's new male favorite.

And it was because of Zhuo Bufan's arrival that his status as a male favorite was completely gone.

Zhu Zhiping blamed Zhuo Bufan for the weakening of his status, so he had a lot of resentment towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Humph, who am I? It turned out to be Yu Ziji and this guy?"

"No matter who you are, I advise you to leave here. No one will welcome you here now."

Zhu Zhiping's words were obviously sarcastic.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan himself was very calm. He smiled at Zhu Zhiping in front of him and said with a wry smile.

"Just a little pet who has fallen out of favor. You are not qualified to say anything about me."

Zhuo Bufan was not willing to be outdone and also mocked back.

As a result, his words completely angered Zhu Zhiping in front of him.

"Little bastard, what did you say?"

Zhu Zhiping's fall from favor made him faceless. He was like a concubine who had fallen out of favor in the deep palace, full of resentment in the boudoir.

In response, Zhuo Bufan still mocked without any hesitation.

"Why, do you dare to touch me? I am the most valued male pet of the peak master now. If you touch me, you are dead."

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about his face. Anyway, Hong Dieyi was also using him, and he was using Hong Dieyi in return.

After hearing this, Zhu Zhiping was completely enraged and furious.

"You are looking for death!"

He attacked Zhuo Bufan with a sword, and the speed was very fast.

But just as he made a move, Yu Ziji beside Zhuo Bufan suddenly slapped back his sword with a palm.

Then the two sides fought for dozens of rounds at lightning speed.

Bang bang bang bang!

The two sides fought back and forth, and Yu Ziji suppressed Zhu Zhiping.

Because Yu Ziji's cultivation was originally higher than Zhu Zhiping, it was no problem to suppress him.

After thirty rounds, Zhu Zhiping was already exhausted.

"Yu Ziji, you bastard, what does it have to do with you? Get out of here!"

Zhu Zhiping was angry. He wanted to make trouble for Zhuo Bufan, but Yu Ziji stopped him.

He was already furious about this.

But Yu Ziji mocked him.

"Zhu Zhiping, if you want to touch him, you have to get past me first. I heard that you are an unparalleled swordsman, I would like to ask you for advice. Do you dare to fight?"

Yu Ziji challenged Zhu Zhiping.

Zhu Zhiping gritted his teeth when he heard this: "Why are you so arrogant? You want to fight? Come on!"

After Zhu Zhiping finished speaking, the sword in his hand drew sword flowers in the air and pressed towards Yu Ziji.

After Yu Ziji felt the opponent's sharp swordsmanship, he did not dodge, but kicked the ground, rushed forward, and pressed back towards Zhu Zhiping.

At some point, a fast sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The sword was as powerful as a rainbow, and it went straight to Zhu Zhiping's vital point.

Zhu Zhiping was beaten back by Yu Ziji's sudden counterattack.

Here, the others on the side were already stunned.

No one could have imagined that Yu Ziji, who had always lived in seclusion, was so powerful.

"This Yu Ziji, I'm afraid he has reached the middle stage of the Earthly Realm!"

"This boy is really scary, no wonder the peak master thinks so highly of him."

"It seems that we can't talk about him casually in the future, maybe one day he will end up like Zhu Zhiping."

In the eyes of everyone, Zhu Zhiping was defeated this time, and fell into the hands of Yu Ziji.

All along, everyone thought that Yu Ziji was just a weak pretty boy, who knew that Yu Ziji actually had such strength and cultivation.

"Asshole, Yu Ziji, don't be so arrogant."

Zhu Zhiping was completely enraged, and his skills were a bit more vicious.

He attacked more fiercely and viciously.

Bang bang bang!

A few more swords came down, slashing heavily at the sharp sword in Yu Ziji's hand.

Immediately love you, which was infused with Yuanli, was full of explosive power.

But his opponent was extraordinary.

The sharp sword in Yu Ziji's hand, like his other hand, swung in the air with ease, creating a series of gorgeous sword flowers.

With a swing of the long sword, Zhu Zhiping was thrown out directly.


Zhu Zhiping was thrown out directly by this sword, fell heavily to the ground, and then vomited blood, his internal organs were burning.

Yu Ziji did not stop there, but raised the sword again and chopped towards Zhu Zhiping's head.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sword chopped down, and the wind and clouds moved.

The powerful sword energy directly cut a series of terrifying gullies on the ground.


The sword rose again, flying sand and rocks, and rocks pierced the air, shocking the whole audience.

Zhu Zhiping was beaten and could only roll on the ground, in a miserable state.


Zhu Zhiping was crazy, and he seemed to be about to burst out the last of his peerless power.


Zhu Zhiping shouted in the air, pointing to the sky for the sword.

Suddenly, a stunning streak of light broke through the clouds and fell from the sky with a sky full of purple clouds.


The purple divine sword fell in front of Zhu Zhiping.

Then, Zhu Zhiping drew his sword.

"Tianyi Sword Technique, leveling mountains and rivers, shaking the sun and the moon!"

This sword is different from the previous swords. This sword is full of Yuanli and extremely powerful.

Zhu Zhiping shouted angrily, and the divine sword in his hand broke through the space restriction and attacked Yu Ziji with a sword.

"Ten Absolute Sword Qi, Ice Sealing the World Style!"

Seeing Zhu Zhiping use his strongest skills, Yu Ziji no longer held back.

How could he lose to him in the small human Yuan realm.

Yu Ziji shouted in a low voice, and the Yuanqi in his body soared wildly. When the Yuanqi in his hand was raised, he had the momentum of holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars.

He absorbed Yuanli, and a cold breath began to rise from his body.

For a moment, the surrounding air began to cool down rapidly, and even frost began to condense on the ground.

The icy air swept the whole place.

"Ice Sealing the World Style!"


As soon as the sword was drawn, snowflakes flew everywhere, and ice was frozen rapidly.

This sword shook the heavens and the earth, and directly shattered the Purple Magpie Sword in Zhu Zhiping's hand! The powerful ice storm directly swept Zhu Zhiping into it, and instantly condensed into an indestructible ice.

For a moment, everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Ten Absolute Sword Qi, isn't that the practice of the peak master?"

"That is an extremely powerful set of top-grade swordsmanship. I didn't expect that the peak master would pass it on to Yu Ziji."

"Yu Ziji, it turns out that he is favored by the peak master."

Seeing that Yu Ziji used the Ten Absolute Sword Qi practiced by the peak master Hong Dieyi, everyone present was stunned.

Seeing that Zhu Zhiping was completely frozen, Yu Ziji used his last resort and chopped him with a sword.

"Oh no, he is going to kill Zhu Zhiping."

Seeing that Yu Ziji decisively took action and was ready to kill Zhu Zhiping, everyone present was stunned.

No one expected that Yu Ziji, who was always quiet, would be so vicious.

He wanted to kill his classmate without explanation.

Yu Ziji's move was so fast, as fast as a meteor. The people around him didn't react at all, and saw that the sword in Yu Ziji's hand had already slashed on the ice.

At this critical moment, a red light pierced through the air and hit the hilt of the sword in Yu Ziji's hand heavily.


At that moment, the sword in Yu Ziji's hand was shaken away, and his knuckles were shaken to bleed.

Zhu Zhiping saved his life because of this.

But Yu Ziji looked at the visitor with red eyes and roared: "Who!"

At this time, the fragrance came with the wind, and everyone looked back and saw a pair of jade feet faintly alternating from the red skirt, coming slowly.

Seeing this, everyone knelt down one after another.

"Yu Ziji, are you going to kill him?"

The person who came was none other than the head of Linzi Peak, Hong Dieyi.

Yu Ziji knelt down immediately upon seeing this, and instantly became calm.

"Ziji dare not, please forgive me, head of the peak."

"Forgive me? Well, go to the Heavenly Prison to confess your sin! Zhuo Yifei, you go too!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"I want to go too?"



"No reason, I just can't stand you."

After saying this, Hong Dieyi turned into a red butterfly and disappeared from the spot.

Zhuo Bufan shrugged helplessly upon seeing this.

Although it was a little inexplicable, Zhuo Bufan knew very well that Hong Dieyi definitely didn't simply dislike him. As for the reason, Zhuo Bufan would only know it after he went to the Heavenly Prison.

"Brother Ziji, let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't complain, and turned around and left.


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