Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1156 The Way of Heaven

Dafeng City, the largest slave city in the Hai Dynasty.

This is also one of the sites where Hai Xiaoyun gave a speech.

However, this time, Hai Xiaoyun did not start speaking immediately after arriving in Dafeng City.

Because of the previous assassination incident, he is still under protection.

As for the speech, Hai Xiaoyun almost handed it over to his father-in-law.

What Hai Xiaoyun is going to do next is to go deep into the slave house and experience the life of slaves firsthand.

This is actually the enlightenment given to him by Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan made him the hope within reach of the slaves, rather than the unattainable dream like Ni Cangqiong.

Although Ni Cangqiong is the hope of the slaves, Ni Cangqiong is too far away.

At most, he can only represent a rebellious spirit, but Ni Cangqiong will never come to rescue these slaves who are like ants.

So Ni Cangqiong is at most just a belief, and he cannot be the hope for the slaves to be redeemed.

And this is also Hai Xiaoyun's only chance.

Since Ni Cangqiong can't work, let Hai Xiaoyun become the new hope of these slaves.

So, Hai Xiaoyun came to the slave house, and he wanted to experience the life of the slaves firsthand.

Only in this way can he empathize with them, truly feel the difficulties of the slaves, and find a way to rescue them.

Of course, Hai Xiaoyun could not take the initiative to play the role of a slave and mix in with these slaves. After all, he is now of noble status, and his subordinates will not let him take risks.

So the most Hai Xiaoyun can do is to come here specially to comfort these slaves.

During this process, Zhou Peng and Zhuoyue acted as guards.

"My lord, in front is the largest slave market in Dafeng City, and also the largest slave exchange in our empire, Tianwang Mansion!"

"The shopkeeper behind Tianwang Mansion is the eighth prince of our empire, Haiwen! Do you need me to say hello first?"

Li Yun beside him said, looking at a huge bunker in front of him.

This bunker is the so-called Tianwang Mansion, and it is also one of the forces of the eighth prince.

Obviously, Li Yun did not dare to provoke the Eighth Prince. You know, the Eighth Prince has monopolized many commercial markets in the empire, and the slave market is monopolized by the Eighth Prince.

If Hai Xiaoyun wants to liberate the slaves, he must pass the Eighth Prince.

But the Eighth Prince is arrogant and greedy.

He is the one who cannot suffer any loss in any issue related to interests.

Now Hai Xiaoyun wants to liberate the slaves, so the first person he offends is undoubtedly the Eighth Prince.

"No, I don't get along with the Eighth Prince. If he knows I'm here, he will definitely not open the door for me."

Hai Xiaoyun knows that his road to liberating slaves will encounter many obstacles, so he avoids these obstacles as much as possible.

"But if we don't say hello to the Eighth Prince, maybe he will make things difficult for us!"

Li Yun is still a little worried. What he is actually worried about is that the last assassination incident may have been done by the Eighth Prince and his men.

If this is true, then Hai Xiaoyun is undoubtedly falling into a trap today.

It's better to make a big fanfare, so that everyone knows that Hai Xiaoyun has come to the Heavenly King's Palace.

In this way, the Eighth Prince and other people with ulterior motives will not dare to act recklessly.

After all, if Hai Xiaoyun gets into trouble with Hai Wen, then Hai Wen will be blamed.

Now Hai Xiaoyun is not just a simple purple-robed marquis, he also represents the thousands of slaves behind him.

Regarding Li Yun's proposal, Hai Xiaoyun thought for a moment, and then said.

"It's better not to do it. If it's too ostentatious, it will only make people think that my motives are impure."

"If the Eighth Prince really wants to do something to me, then I can only stop him. With you here, no problem."

Hai Xiaoyun is now determined to carry out the cause of liberating slaves to the end.

In this regard, the others did not say anything more. They had to follow Hai Xiaoyun into the bunker.

The bunker is simply a behemoth. When you look at it from the outside, you can only see the tip of the iceberg.

The real power of the bunker lies in its underground, with nearly eighteen floors of underground palaces.

This place is also called the Eighteen Hells.

Perhaps for the slaves, this is hell.

The lower you go, the higher the quality of the slaves.

Here, there are even slaves of the Void Clan.

It is hard to imagine that humans can keep the high and mighty Void Clan creatures in captivity as their slaves.

It has to be said that these humans are indeed a bit scary.

At least in some aspects, they are more terrifying than the Void Clan creatures.

Hai Xiaoyun will naturally not criticize what humans do, after all, he was once a slave owner.

There used to be many domestic slaves in his Purple Marquis Mansion.

Although domestic slaves are different from slaves, they can get monthly wages.

But those domestic slaves also came step by step from slaves, and they have no human rights to speak of.

Let them live and die as they please.

Therefore, Hai Xiaoyun must change this situation now.

After arriving at the bunker, Hai Xiaoyun did not want to alarm the Eighth Prince.

However, the entire bunker belongs to the Eighth Prince, and his spies are everywhere. It is impossible for Hai Xiaoyun to keep a low profile.

As expected, not long after entering the bunker, a slave owner who came to greet him recognized Hai Xiaoyun at a glance.

"Is it you?"

The slave owners were obviously not interested in Hai Xiaoyun, and even felt a little disgusted with him.

Hai Xiaoyun's declaration of freedom violated the rights of all slave owners.

Therefore, the other party did not give Hai Xiaoyun any face, but just snorted coldly.

"Purple-robed Marquis, right? I advise you not to do anything that will make you regret. Slavery has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and slave revolutions have been launched thousands of times. Which one has succeeded? This is already a deeply rooted rule of the entire dynasty. How can a little kid like you change it?"

"Be sensible and leave the slave market now. Otherwise, you will die in this market later. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

After the other party left a hostile and threatening tone, he turned around and left.

Leaving behind Hai Xiaoyun and others, they felt more and more hostile eyes.

"Look, that guy is here."

"I didn't expect him to dare to come here. This is the territory of the Eighth Prince."

"This guy threatened to liberate the slaves, which is simply wishful thinking. I think that since he came here, we should not let him go back alive."

"Go and inform the Eighth Prince quickly. We will make him come but never come back today."

One by one, the slave owners began to plan to attack Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun was now in a tiger's mouth.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan, who was far away in the Jieying Gate of the Wahuang Territory, was imprisoned in the Tianlao by Hong Dieyi.

The Tianlao is a place dedicated to imprisoning students who have made mistakes.

Because Yu Ziji beat Zhu Zhiping to a pulp, Yu Ziji and Zhuo Bufan were now imprisoned.

Zhuo Bufan was fine. For him, being imprisoned in the Tianlao was no different from being imprisoned in Linzi Peak.

After all, the entire Jieying Gate was a huge cage.

But Yu Ziji felt deeply sorry.

"I'm sorry, Brother Zhuo, I didn't expect to implicate you."

Yu Ziji simply felt a little guilty.

But Zhuo Bufan was very calm and smiled.

"Brother Ziji, don't feel guilty. By the way, Brother Ziji, do you know who is imprisoned in this prison?"

Zhuo Bufan just found out that this prison was not big, and there were five people imprisoned in it.

One of them was imprisoned alone in a secret room at the corner.

Zhuo Bufan and his friends kept hearing that person saying some inexplicable words in a sneaky way since they came in.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and they treat all things as flattering dogs!"

"All things are unjust, and they treat heaven and earth as fish!"

"The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and the lack of strength. The way of all things is to reduce the surplus of heaven and earth for self-interest. Therefore, when heaven declines, all things are born. When heaven declines, all things perish!"


Zhuo Bufan listened to these mysterious words and fell into deep thought.

But as these words like chanting continued to enter Zhuo Bufan's ears, Zhuo Bufan seemed to find some wonderful meaning in them.

He suddenly understood the meaning of these words.

"Heaven and earth do not care about mercy and sin, so all things in the world are like straw dogs in its eyes. The real meaning is that for the way of heaven, all beings are equal."

"All things are unjust, and they treat heaven and earth as fish and meat. All things in the world are ruthless and unrighteous, treating heaven and earth as fish and meat, and only know how to take."

"The law of nature of heaven and earth is to reduce the surplus to supplement the deficiency. The law of all living things is to harm the surplus of heaven and earth to obtain their own interests. So the way of heaven declines and all things grow. However, if the way of heaven declines, what awaits all things is also destruction."

"What a good decline of heaven, all things live. The decline of heaven, all things perish."

"Yes, if the sky declines, there is no need for this world to exist. All things will also perish."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan inexplicably began to doubt his mission in his heart.

Zhuo Bufan's mission is to defy heaven!

After all, the heavens would not tolerate him, so he had to go against the heavens.

But these twelve short words made Zhuo Bufan have another association.

Why did he go against the heavens? Just because the heavens could not tolerate him?

This is ridiculous!

In the final analysis, this is just a kind of selfish desire in his heart!

The heavens and the earth are not kind, and the way of heaven is ruthless. In the eyes of the way of heaven, all things are equal. Will his existence really make the way of heaven look at him differently?

"In the eyes of God, I am just a straw dog! Although the current carrier of the way of heaven is the virtual Luotian, it does not mean that the virtual Luotian is targeting me."

"Then, what is the purpose of everything I have done now?"

Zhuo Bufan began to feel a little confused. Why did he come to Daluotian?

Is it really necessary to follow the arrangement of the previous life, integrate the power of the three lives, and fight against the heaven?

In the final analysis, this is just the wish of his previous two lives, not the wish of Zhuo Bufan now.

Zhuo Bufan actually just wants a warm home!

If he could choose, Zhuo Bufan really didn't want to come to Daluotian. He just wanted to stay in the Yin-Yang world.

But somehow, he was burdened by his past life, and followed the guidance of his past life to come to the present step by step.

The more Zhuo Bufan thought, the more complicated his heart became.

"Tell me, who is the person imprisoned in there?"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to know who was the person who said that when the sky declines, all things will be born, and when the sky declines, all things will be destroyed.

But after hearing this, Yu Ziji shook his head.

"I don't know about this either. It may be a disciple from another companion peak!"

"Maybe the peak master knows."

Yu Zhiji doesn't come to this prison very often, so he doesn't know much about the situation in the prison.

"It seems that we need to find Hongdieyi."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he could find a collaborator in this entrance door.

Apart from Caviar Ji, the most suitable candidate for this collaborator is Hong Dieyi.

Hongdieyi probably wasn't from the Jingyin Sect, or in other words, she wasn't as ruthless as Shangguan Ziyi in her heart.

"Brother Zhuo, for some reason, I always feel that you are not that simple. Ordinary people come to Jieyin Sect and practice honestly, but I have never seen you practice seriously. Even when you come to this heavenly prison, , you are still calm and calm."

"If Brother Zhuo is not a fool, then you are a strange person."

Yu Zhi Ji is not a fool, he has long seen that Zhuo Bufan is not simple.

Zhuo Bufan did not deny this, but smiled calmly.

"Brother Ziji is too worried. I'm just too lazy to practice!"

When Yu Zhiji heard this, he knew that Zhuo Bufan was deliberately hiding it, so he had to smile bitterly.

"Brother Zhuo doesn't say anything, there must be a reason not to say it, but I believe that Brother Zhuo is a good person."

Yu Zhiji no longer asked about the origin of Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he took a new look at Caviar Ji.

"Hehehe, thank you Brother Ziji for your trust. Since Brother Ziji has said so, I won't say more."

"Brother Ziji, if you really believe in me, then please believe in me as always. Maybe I will do something that you can't understand next, but please trust me."

After hearing this, Yuroji was stunned.

"It's something you can't understand. Brother Zhuo, what do you mean by this?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled.

"Just like this!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly waved his hand, and an invisible energy enveloped the entire cage.

For a moment, this cage seemed to be isolated from the entire world and became a separate space.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan clicked on Yu Zi Ji's body. Yu Zi Ji found that his body began to become transparent for a hundred years, and then disappeared from the same place.

"Brother Zhuo, what are you doing?"

Yu Zhiji was frightened by Zhuo Bufan's sudden move.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan was really no ordinary person and could actually display such terrifying magical powers.

But he clearly couldn't feel any Yuan Power from Zhuo Bufan.

"let's go!"

Yu Zhiji was stunned for a moment.


"Why are you standing there, come with me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed Yu Zhiji, and then took him directly through the restrictions of the sky prison.

You know, that is a restriction placed by the sect leader Shangguan Ziyi himself. It is impossible for monks under the Yuan Dan realm to escape.

However, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the prison with ease, as if he was entering and exiting a deserted place.

From that moment on, Yu Zhiji confirmed his guess, extraordinary, truly extraordinary!

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