Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1157: Revisiting the old place

After Zhuo Bufan left the Tianlao with Yu Ziji, he headed straight towards the dungeon where the sound came from before.

But when they turned the corner and came to the dungeon where they were kept alone, they found that there was no one in the dungeon.

However, those words still echoed in the air——

"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as a target!"

"All things are unjust and treat heaven and earth as flesh and blood!"

"The way of heaven is to do more damage than to be powerful. The way of all things is to do more harm to heaven and earth than to benefit oneself. Therefore, when heaven declines, all things will come into existence. When heaven declines, all things will perish!"

When Yu Zhiji saw this scene, he was stunned.

"Where does this sound come from?"

Yu Ziji was stunned. There was obviously nothing in the prison, but his voice was still in the air.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to grab the restraints of the prison, and then silently closed his eyes.

After a moment, he said.

"There was an expert who was imprisoned here, and then he used his great power to carve his voice here."

Zhuo Bufan revealed the secret.

It turned out that someone left this sound on purpose.

Like a gramophone, he kept repeating.

However, the person who left these words may have perished long ago.

This voice has not disappeared to this day, which shows how powerful the person who left this voice was and how obsessed he was.

"I don't know who left these words. I feel like it means something else."

Zhuo Bufan touched his chin, and he could feel that the other party deliberately left these words for the people behind him.

I don’t know how many years these words have been circulating, but now that Zhuo Bufan heard them, a wonderful seed was planted deep in Zhuo Bufan’s heart.

"Brother Zhuo, I won't ask anything else. I just want to know, where are we going next?"

Yu Zhiji said yes. Although he was full of doubts now, he didn't ask any more questions.

Why does Zhuo Bufan use Yuan Qi, why can Zhuo Bufan break the restrictions, and why can Zhuo Bufan freely enter and exit such a place.

There were many questions that Yuzhi Ji wanted to ask, but he didn't ask any of them because he knew very well that even if he asked Zhuo Bufan, he might not be able to tell him.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has revealed these secrets to himself, it means that Zhuo Bufan trusts him.

And I couldn't betray his trust.

Yu Ziji believes that when the time comes, Zhuo Bufan will naturally tell him everything.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan looked at the empty prison and once again fell into thinking.

The other party's stirring voice kept coming from the air, and every word pierced into Zhuo Bufan's soul like iron.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses, then showed a smile and said.

"Next, I'll take you to a place! When you get there, no matter what you see, don't have any excited reaction."

Zhuo Bufan decided to take Caviar Ji with him to investigate!

Anyway, when the time comes, these things will be revealed to the world, and sooner or later, Yu Zhiji and the others will know about it.

After hearing this, Yu Zhiji was a little confused.

He still doesn't understand what Zhuo Bufan wants to do.

"Come with me~!"

Zhuo Bufan took Caviar Ji and left the prison without much explanation.

Their bodies at this moment were completely insubstantial. They could escape through walls and escape from the earth. They could come and go freely without any control.

Next, Yu Zhi Ji followed Zhuo Bufan, and they disappeared under the cloud of white light released by Zhuo Bufan.

Blah blah blah!

The sound of falling waterfalls could be heard in his ears. Yuziji opened his eyes and found that they were no longer in the prison.

There is a thin waterfall and a deep pool around.

The environment is beautiful, very quiet, and full of mystery.

"What is this place?"

Caviar Ji asked.

Yu Zi Ji has stayed at the Yin Yinmen for so many years, but to be honest, he has never left Linzi Peak at all, so he is very unfamiliar with the world outside Linzi Peak.

"Brother Ziji, don't panic, you have done a good job so far. Trust me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he reached out and reached into the water pool in front of him, and then the water pool began to rotate, creating a black vortex.

In the whirlpool, undercurrents surged, slowly opening up a huge passage.

At this moment, Yu Zhiji's eyes were full of disbelief, but he was still calm.

"let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to answer Yu Zhiji's questions, so he rushed into the deep pool with Yu Zhiji.

Soon after jumping into the deep pool, they came to a passage glowing with purple light.

Passing through the passage, they came to a spherical cave.

In that cave, there are crystal coffins erected one after another.

And in the crystal coffin, there were naked people lying.

There are men and women.

Some black mysterious crystal stones were inserted into their bodies, and each of them had a happy smile on their face.

Roe Ji looked at the people in the crystal coffins with an incredible look in his eyes.

"Lin Zhiyi! Hasn't she already reached the Tianyuan realm and left the reception gate?"

Caviar Ji looked at a black-haired woman in the crystal coffin and frowned.

Then he looked at the man on the other side and frowned again.

"Xu Du! Why is he here too? Hasn't he already reached the Tianyuan realm and left the Yinyin Gate?"

Yu Zhiji was completely confused at this moment and didn't know what was happening here.

There are also Gao Neng, Zhou Yi, Feng Chenglang...

"Oh my God, why is everyone here? What the hell is going on?"

Caviar Ji looked at the acquaintances one after another in the crystal coffin, his heart was shocked, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Unexpectedly, all of these people who should have left the reception gate appeared here.

"Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!"

Yu Zhi Ji suddenly pounced on one of the women and let out a series of calls through the crystal glass.

Obviously, Yu Zhiji recognized the blue-haired woman in the crystal coffin.

"who is she?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Caviar Ji and said.

After hearing this, Yu Zhiji kept shaking his head.

"Xiao Ling, my leader. It was she who led me in the beginning and practiced step by step, so that I was able to reach my current state."

A fierce light suddenly appeared in Yu Zhiji's eyes.

"Who is it? Who turned Xiao Ling into this?"

Yu Zhiji was so angry that he wanted to eat alive the person who hurt Xiao Ling.

It can be seen that this woman has a high status in Yu Zhiji's heart.

"She should have left the reception gate, why is she here?"

"Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling!"

Yu Zhiji kept calling Xiao Ling, but the person inside was completely unaware.

"Damn, damn!"

Yu Zhiji kept beating the crystal, wailing in his heart.

Seeing Yu Zhiji's heartbroken look, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

"What you see is the truth behind the Jie Yin Sect!"

"The Receiving Gate has never been a welcoming place for ascended people! It is a hell on earth for ascended people."

"This Jieyinmen is just a complete conspiracy!"

Zhuo Bufan's words shocked Yu Zhiji deeply.

All along, Yuzi Ji had no doubts about Jie Yinmen. He thought Jie Yinmen was the paradise for their ascendants.

But now it seems that the Jie Yin Sect is definitely not as simple as I thought.

"Damn it, what on earth is the reception door?"

Caviar Ji asked Zhuo Bufan frantically.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"After my investigation, I found that the Yin Yin Sect is just a slaughterhouse for the ascended people! In name, they help the ascended people to practice. In fact, once the ascended people reach the Tianyuan realm, they will bring these ascended people here. , and then use their bodies to conduct experiments.”

"And behind the Yin Yin Sect, the biggest mastermind is a Void Emperor of the Void Clan named Emperor Yongye."

Zhuo Bufan had no reservations about Caviar Ji. On the contrary, he told Caviar Ji everything he knew.

"Xu Clan? Slaughterhouse? What is going on? Why do you do this? Why did you choose us?"

At this moment, Caviar Ji seemed to be very unstable.

Zhuo Bufan had to calm him down and shook his head.

"Because the ascended ones are the most outstanding figures in each world."

"The Jie Yin Sect needs such talented people to help their Xu Emperor break through to the Dao Yuan realm."

"Now that I've let you know all this, what are you going to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Caviar Ji and asked.

After hearing this, Yu Zhiji frowned.

"Of course, of course it's revenge! Of course it's to destroy this slaughterhouse, this hell on earth."

"I want to tell all my disciples this secret! Brother Zhuo, can you record the situation here?"

Yu Zhiji finally decided to stand on the same front as Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.


Zhuo Bufan took out a crystal ball from the ring, and then recorded all the scenes in the cave.

With these records, Yuziji can inform the world and expose the evil deeds of Jie Yingmen to the world.

"What should we do next?"

After recording these evidences, Caviar Ji looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Next, I really need you to do something for me! And it's a very important thing. Have you really decided?"

Zhuo Bufan already has a plan.

Caviar Ji nodded in response.

"Brother Zhuo, please believe me. This place is a hell on earth and everyone must be rescued."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he replied.

"Well, take this crystal ball with you and return to Linzi Peak to spread the news! If you encounter any obstacles, go find Hongdie Yi. He should be able to help you."

"When Yu Zhiji heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Looking for the peak master? Isn't she the one who welcomes the Yinmen?"

"Although she is the one who answers the door, she should be trustworthy. Trust my judgment."

"I will attract the attention of Emperor Yongye here and lead all the main forces of the Yingyin Sect here. Whether you can escape or not depends on you."

Zhuo Bufan's plan is very simple, it is a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

He asked Yu Ziji to return to Jieyinmen Linzi Peak with evidence.

And he focused all the vision of the major peak masters and others in the Jie Yin Sect here.

Zhuo Bufan also secretly investigated in the past two days and found that there were not many secrets in the Jie Yin Sect. Apart from Emperor Yongye, there is no other powerful person behind Jie Yin Sect.

So, Zhuo Bufan didn't plan to wait, he decided to take action immediately and make a big fuss at Jieyingmen.

Yu Ziji was a little worried after hearing Zhuo Bufan's plan.

"Peak Master, can you really trust me?"

But Zhuo Bufan said again and again.

"Don't worry! That woman has a rare sense of justice! I believe in him, so please believe me too."

Zhuo Bufan chose to believe Hong Dieyi, not to let Yu Ziji take risks, but because he was sure that Hong Die was trustworthy.

After hearing this, Yu Ziji was still a little nervous.

But since Zhuo Bufan said so, he didn't ask any more questions.

He would also choose to believe Hong Dieyi.

"Well, brother Zhuo, I will return to Linzi Peak now, and the next thing will be left to you."

Trust, this is Yu Ziji's attitude towards Zhuo Bufan now.

Only with absolute trust can both sides complete this plan.

Yu Ziji believes that Zhuo Bufan can hold back the Jieyingmen.

And Zhuo Bufan believes that Yu Ziji can lead everyone to overthrow the conspiracy of Jieyingmen.

So, when Zhuo Bufan watched Yu Ziji leave, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Zhuo Bufan looked around and looked at the crystal coffins around him!

"These Hunyuan crystals are good things!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the black crystals on the crystal coffins, and then his eyes showed an expectant look.

He had learned from the old woman before that this kind of black crystal was called Hunyuan crystal.

These Hunyuan crystals contain very precious Chaos Pure Yuan!

Chaos Pure Yuan, also called Hongmeng Yuanqi, comes from outside the sky and is the original Yuanqi outside the Daluo Heaven.

If you want to break through the Daoyuan realm, you must absorb this Chaos Pure Yuan.

And the Ultimate Reincarnation Breathing Method that Zhuo Bufan is practicing now is to absorb the outer heavenly Yuanqi.

But the Chaos Pure Yuan obtained by this breathing is extremely thin.

Because in the Daluo Heaven where Zhuo Bufan is now, there is only Luotian Yuanqi.

Daluotian transforms the Chaos Pure Yuan from the outside world into Luotian Qi, and Zhuo Bufan's Ultimate Reincarnation Breathing Method actually extracts the original Chaos Pure Yuan from the Luotian Qi in the air.

However, the extracted Chaos Pure Yuan is very little, so one of the most important purposes of Zhuo Bufan's coming to Jieyingmen this time is for these Chaos Pure Yuan.

Zhuo Bufan walked to one of the crystal coffins, then stretched out his hand and grabbed one of the Hunyuan crystals.

At the moment of his appearance, Zhuo Bufan felt a stream of energy transferred into his body.

The next second, the blue world hidden in his body began to frantically absorb the Hunyuan crystals absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

However, the wind of spiritual revival swept the world in his body.


"Who dares to break into the night jail?"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was feeling the nourishment of the Chaos Pure Yuan, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears.

The voice was slightly old, but extremely harsh.

When Zhuo Bufan heard the voice, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Old woman, we meet again."

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and looked at the familiar old woman.

It was this old woman who tortured him to death.

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