Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1158: Battle with the Void Emperor

Zhuo Bufan turned to look at the person who came, it was the old woman guarding the cave.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

In order to gain the power of eternal life, this old woman was willing to become the lackey of the Void Emperor Yongye, and harmed the ascendants in the lower world.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could be said to hate this old woman deeply.

Another purpose of returning to Jie Yinmen this time is revenge!

Therefore, when Zhuo Bufan saw the old woman, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The old woman felt baffled. She had never seen Zhuo Bufan before, and she didn't know why the boy in front of her was so hostile to her.

"Hehehe, old woman, it doesn't matter if you don't remember me, as long as I remember you."

"Evil people like you should die early and be reborn."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and collected all the Hunyuan Crystals in the entire cave.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan taking away all the Hunyuan Crystals, the old woman became anxious.

"You little beast, you dare to come here and run wild. Grandma, I will definitely cut you into pieces."

After the old woman finished speaking, she grabbed an iron pestle with her backhand and attacked Zhuo Bufan.

This old woman's cultivation level is not weak, at least she has the cultivation level of the Yuan Dan realm. This kind of cultivation level is already considered an incredible master in the secular world.

However, the old woman is willing to become the lackey of the Xu clan. She has fallen to this level and is not worthy of being a human being.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan could be said to be merciless towards this old woman.

Seeing the old woman coming to kill him, Zhuo Bufan struck out with a backhand palm.

"Death! This palm directly penetrated the entire cave and knocked the old woman flying into the sky."

Then, Zhuo Bufan broke through the dome, stretched out his hand and struck out again at the old woman above the sky.


This palm was earth-shattering and extremely powerful, beating the old woman half to death.

The old woman was slapped into the ground by Zhuo Bufan, causing the entire suspended mountain to shatter.

Suddenly, the earth collapsed and the mountain fell, alarming the entire Jieyin Gate.

Zhuo Bufan obviously deliberately made the noise exaggerated, because only in this way could he attract all the large crowds on Jie Yin Peak.

As Zhuo Bufan expected, not long after Zhuo Bufan knocked the old woman into the mountain.

A large, dark and unpredictable fog drifted towards where Zhuo Bufan was.

The black mist was filled with a strange atmosphere, as if it was drifting from under the Nine Netherworld.

What's even more terrifying is that the energy in the mist is billowing, filled with an aura of violence, and it feels like something will come out of it at any time.


Only a loud noise was heard, and then the entire sky shattered, and endless thunder roared and fell.


It was a black lightning that fell on the top of the mountain.

On the spot, the entire mountain was reduced to ashes and powder.

The terrifying thunder and lightning has the peerless power to destroy everything in the world instantly.

It seemed to be demonstrating to Zhuo Bufan, showing its unrivaled power.

Soon, the second black lightning gathered strength in the dark.

This time, the energy gathered seems to be greater than before.

Zhuo Bufan felt a hint of death from the mist.

It felt like someone was strangling my throat, and even breathing became a little difficult.

However, in the face of this terrifying thunder, Zhuo Bufan remained motionless.

Zhuo Bufan obviously had the confidence to resist this disaster, so he calmly watched the thunderclouds in the sky slowly gather strength.


After a while, there was only an explosion in the sky.

This roar could be said to be earth-shattering and shook the whole world.

Immediately afterwards, there was a black snake scurrying in the thunder sea.

The black snake squeaked, igniting the sky and burning for eight hundred miles.

Then the accumulated energy is released by the driver, shaking the world.


This time, the thunder struck Zhuo Bufan directly.

That energy is comparable to the power of Heaven.

That mountain was a lesson learned from the past. It was blasted into powder by the divine thunder, and its power was extremely terrifying.

However, the moment the black divine thunder fell, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his right hand and grasped it in the air.

A black wooden sword appeared out of nowhere and was held in his hand.

"Sword of Compassion! Destroy!"

Zhuo Bufan took out his divine weapon, the Mercy Sword.

The terrifying thunder fell on the Mercy Sword, but it was like raindrops falling on the vast ocean, without causing any ripples.

The Mercy Sword, an artifact forged from the heaven-defying wood, possesses the ability to fear no thunder and lightning in the world.

Not to mention this black divine thunder, even if the peerless calamity falls, the Mercy Sword will easily follow it.

After Zhuo Bufan used the Compassion Sword to catch the thunderous thunder from the sky, for a moment, the heaven and the earth were extinguished, and all things were awakened!

Zhuo Bufan's move of shattering the sky and the divine thunder obviously shocked the people behind the scenes.

At this time, other people at Jie Yinmen rushed over quickly after feeling the earth-shattering change.

Among them, the sect leader Shangguan Ziyi personally led the team and led a group of peak masters and protectors to the mysterious Yunzhong Mountain.

When they rushed to the battlefield, they happened to see the scene of Zhuo Bufan resisting the divine calamity.

At that moment, everyone present was shocked by Zhuo Bufan's shocking move.

Zhuo Bufan single-handedly withstood the divine catastrophe that could easily destroy a mountain. What kind of strength is this.

"Ziyi, please show your Majesty quickly. This son has taken all the Hunyuan Crystals!"

When the dying old woman saw Shangguan Ziyi arriving, she quickly shouted to Shangguan Ziyi.


Shangguan Ziyi saw the mother-in-law who was only breathing on the ground and shouted.

At the same time, Shangguan Ziyi showed an incredible expression when she saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Is it you, Zhuo Yifei?"

"You are actually a practitioner!"

Shangguan Ziyi was obviously a little shocked, because he always thought that Zhuo Bufan was just an ascended person who had just arrived in Daluotian.

But how could the newly arrived ascendants have such great strength?

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan concealed his cultivation.

But since he is a Yuantai realm monk, it is impossible not to feel the other party's cultivation level.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Zhuo Bufan's cultivation is far higher than his own.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Ziyi was confused.

But when Zhuo Bufan saw Shangguan Ziyi, he chuckled.

"Shangguan Ziyi, you guys came too late! I've been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised the Mercy Sword in his hand, and then slashed it down from the sky.


This sword swept across everything! The peak masters who followed Shangguan Ziyi were killed on the spot.

Shangguan Ziyi's eyes widened when he saw this scene!

She was shocked and could not describe the shock in her heart.

Zhuo Bufan's sword killed everyone except Shangguan Ziyi.

Shangguan Ziyi could only look numbly at the peak masters around him who fell one by one.

You must know that those peak masters themselves have strong strength, and they are all masters of the Yuan Dan realm.

But in Zhuo Bufan's hands, he couldn't even catch a single move.

Zhuo Bufan's sword is like the hand of death, if it touches it, it will die.

"Your Majesty the Xu Emperor, show up quickly!"

In despair, Shangguan Ziyi began to ask Emperor Xu to appear.

Shangguan Ziyi took out a black crystal ball from the ring and crushed it on the spot.

The next second, a beam of black light fell from the sky and struck the center of the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, black light condensed into a black vortex door in the air.

And from the whirlpool door, a black figure slowly walked out.

That black figure looked a little weird. He only had a human form, but no human body. He was just a black mist.

It is the real boss behind the Jie Yin Sect, the Xu Emperor and the Yong Ye Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Emperor Yongye who had emerged from the sky, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Finally we meet again."

Zhuo Bufan smiled. He knew that this battle was inevitable, so this time, he had no intention of escaping.

This time, he came here to kill Emperor Yongye.

The Yongye Emperor looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment.

"Even the Chaos Thunder Tribulation that can kill you in the Saint Yuan realm can't kill you. Who are you anyway?"

After Emperor Yong Ye finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the terrifying fog in the sky was absorbed into his body.

This terrifying fog is a protective formation specially arranged by Emperor Yongye to protect this secret testing base.

This is no ordinary protective formation. It can be said to be Emperor Yongye's most proud achievement and the most amazing killing move.

Even if a Saint Yuan realm powerhouse like Ni Qianqiong comes, he will be severely injured.

However, Zhuo Bufan was able to resolve it with great ease, which shocked Emperor Yongye extremely.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Seeing the Xu Emperor Yong Ye appearing, Shangguan Ziyi on the side couldn't wait to greet him.

"My loyal servants, don't be panic. Now that the emperor has arrived, this son will definitely die a bad death!"

After the Void Emperor finished speaking, a black light suddenly shot out from it and flew into the sky.

The black light was like black water. After pouring into the sky, it dyed the entire world black.

Immediately afterwards, the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan finally understood why this Xu Emperor was called the Yongye Emperor.

At this moment, isn’t it the case that heaven and earth are forever dark?

Zhuo Bufan was blinded by the black sky. At that moment, he felt that he had entered the world of Emperor Yongye.

"Boy, welcome to the world of eternal night!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan heard the voice of Emperor Yongye.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard this.

"Eternal Night World, am I really absorbed into this guy's world?"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he was playing away from home and was very passive.

"You really think highly of me, did you use your trump card from the beginning?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Emperor Yongye would use his trump card when he took action.

After hearing this, Emperor Yongye sneered.

"Don't think too highly of yourself. The emperor did this just to prevent being discovered by the three deities."

"Furthermore, you are not an easy boy. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. I will give you a good time."

"Inspiration deprivation!"

As soon as Emperor Yongye finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that all his senses such as vision, hearing, smell, and touch had disappeared instantly.

Instead, a terrible and unknown terror invaded his soul.

In this eternal night world, all rules are decided by Emperor Yongye.

So generally speaking, unless you have absolutely crushing strength, you will fall into deep passivity if you fight in other people's world.

Of course, playing away from home is not without its advantages.

Because once this world is destroyed, it will be a disaster for the Emperor of Eternal Night himself.

Therefore, facing the unknown world of the Emperor of Eternal Night, Zhuo Bufan did not feel fear.

Instead, he developed a kind of confidence in a Jedi counterattack.

Because he lost all his senses, Zhuo Bufan could not even feel the pain.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan was bearing all kinds of crazy attacks from the Emperor of Eternal Night.

There was a chaos dragon constantly tearing Zhuo Bufan's body.

There were countless evil ghosts gnawing at Zhuo Bufan's body.

However, Zhuo Bufan could not feel all this.

He just found that his body energy was constantly being consumed and his Yuanli was constantly losing.

If this continued, he would die inexplicably in this dark world sooner or later.

"Heaven Repairing Technique!"

Zhuo Bufan quietly used the Heaven Repairing Technique to start repairing his constantly injured body.

At the same time, he began to turn defense into offense.

Although he could not feel the existence of the opponent, the momentum of the Minsheng Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand did not diminish.

The Hunyuan sword energy swung in all directions, killing countless little ghosts around.

Zhuo Bufan was like a peerless Shura in the world of Eternal Night, devouring the world with blood.

At this moment, on the other side!

The leader of the Hesitant Sect and the leaders of each peak left the Jieying Gate.

Yu Ziji rushed back to Linzi Peak with the recording crystal ball.

Then, Yu Ziji immediately found Hong Dieyi, who had not left Linzi Peak.

Hong Dieyi was originally planning to follow the Sect Leader to check the situation, but Yu Ziji suddenly appeared.

At that time, Hong Dieyi was also frightened by the sudden appearance of Yu Ziji.

"Shouldn't you be in the Heavenly Prison?"

Yu Ziji shook his head after hearing this.

"Peak Master, Brother Zhuo told me that you are a trustworthy person."

"So, I need your help!"

After Yu Ziji finished speaking, he took out the recording crystal ball and handed it to Hong Dieyi.

When Hong Dieyi took the crystal ball and saw the pictures recorded in it, he was stunned.

"You, where did you come from?"

Hong Dieyi seemed a little surprised.

In fact, she didn't know about this secret laboratory.

She just knew that there was such a laboratory, but she didn't know where it was.

Because the only one who was qualified to know these things was the sect master.

But now, Yu Ziji came to find her with a crystal ball, which surprised Hong Dieyi.

"What a joke, they really did it!"

Hong Dieyi obviously didn't know about the things that Jieyingmen did.

After hearing this, Yu Ziji asked in surprise.

"Didn't the peak master know before? They used all the cultivators in Tianyuan Realm as experimental subjects. We are just the experimental subjects of Jieyingmen."

Faced with Yu Ziji's questioning, Hong Dieyi shook her head repeatedly.

"No, I really don't know! I only know that they didn't let those flying people go, but I don't know what they did."

"It seems that Brother Zhuo didn't lie to me. Master Feng, you are trustworthy! Master Feng, now I beg you to save us!"

"Brother Zhuo is fighting with the sect master and others! We don't have much time, we must lead everyone away from here, away from this hell."

Faced with Yu Ziji's request, Hong Dieyi bit her lower lip.

Finally, she replied: "Okay, come with me!"

"It seems that there is indeed a problem with this place, and I must take action!"

After saying this, Hong Dieyi took Yu Ziji out of the hall...


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