Hong Dieyi summoned all the disciples of Linzi Peak, and she decided to trust Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ziji once.

The Linzi Peak Square was full of people.

These ascenders from various worlds were all confused at the moment, and had no idea what was going on.

In the center of the square, Hong Dieyi stood on the stage, looking at the people around him, and then took out the memory crystal that Yu Ziji gave him.

"Everyone, I have something very important to tell you next."

"This matter concerns your survival, so I hope you can think it through."

After Hong Dieyi finished speaking, she projected the picture in the memory crystal into the air.

Soon, everyone saw the picture recorded in the memory crystal.

In the picture, the crystal coffins were shocking, and people couldn't help but exclaim.

"What is that?"

"Isn't that person He Gu? He just broke through to the Tianyuan realm last month. Shouldn't he leave the Jieying Gate?"

"Not only He Gu, you see Xiao Ling and the others."

"What's going on? Why are they all trapped in that coffin?"

"Peak Master, what's going on?"

For a moment, everyone looked at the Peak Master Hong Dieyi.

Hong Dieyi shook her head when she saw this.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I can't give you an explanation now. Because I don't know anything about these things."

Hong Dieyi didn't lie to them. She really didn't know about these things.

"Let Yu Ziji explain it to you!"

Hong Dieyi handed the stage to Yu Ziji.

Yu Ziji picked up the memory crystal and said in front of everyone.

"Everyone, everything you see now is what I and Brother Zhuo Bufan saw in the mysterious laboratory of the Jieying Gate."

When Yu Ziji finished speaking, everyone present began to boil again.

"Laboratory? What's going on?"

"Why does Jieyingmen have a laboratory? Are all these people experimental subjects?"

Even the dumbest people understand what is happening in front of them.

What's more, these people are all geniuses, all of them are geniuses.

With a little knowledge from Yu Ziji, they all understood everything.

"So that's it. Jieyingmen has been keeping us like animals?"

"It's so abominable. What's the purpose of Jieyingmen doing this?"

"I have long suspected that there is something strange about Jieyingmen. Now it seems that we have really been deceived."

"So, Jieyingmen is not a holy place for ascenders to practice. It is more like a hell for us ascenders."

"It seems that Jieyingmen is specifically targeting us ascenders. If so, then haven't we fallen into their trap from the beginning?"

"Why is Jieyingmen making all of us ascenders anxious?"

For a while, there were more and more speculations about Jieyingmen in the crowd, and everyone suspected that Jieyingmen had ulterior motives.

Seeing that everyone's emotions were mobilized.

Yu Ziji continued to mobilize.

"Everyone should have understood your situation. Your guesses are not wrong. We are indeed kept in captivity by the Jieying Gate like animals."

"Although I don't know their purpose yet, the Jieying Gate has had bad intentions from the beginning. They just want to use us as test subjects. So everyone, now you should know clearly that if we continue to stay here, we will die here sooner or later."

After Yu Ziji finished speaking, everyone present agreed.

"That's right. Until now, these people are still deceiving us. So we can't sit and wait for death! Let's escape from the Jieying Gate! Escape from this hell."

"Yes, escape from here. We shouldn't die in this hell. Our fate should be left to ourselves."

"But it's easy to say. Don't forget that we are now 10,000 meters above the sky. We don't have the cultivation of the Tianyuan Realm. It's impossible for us to leave here!"

These people's faces were full of despair.

In this world, only cultivators in the Tianyuan Realm can fly in the air.

They can't fly now, so it's impossible for them to leave this hellhole.

Fortunately, in the midst of despair, they still have a glimmer of hope, that is Hong Dieyi.

When Hong Dieyi saw that everyone was at a loss, she took out a compass from her ring.

The compass began to deform in the air, and then turned into a huge spaceship at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fortunately, I have prepared it. You can get on board!"

Hong Dieyi is obviously not a member of the Jieying Gate. What she is doing now is betraying the Jieying Gate.

However, other people don't seem to believe her, but look at her with suspicion.

After all, Hong Dieyi is the peak master of the Linzi Peak of the Jieying Gate. Her position is so high that no one would have thought that she would betray the Jieying Gate. Seeing that everyone was hesitant, Hong Dieyi smiled bitterly.

"Little ghosts, I'm saving you now, don't be ungrateful!"

"Don't worry, I'm not in the same group with those bad guys. I'm the general of Jingguo. A few years ago, I discovered a mysterious force in Kaitian City, so I followed the Queen's order and lurked in the Jieying Gate to secretly investigate and collect evidence of the Jieying Gate's crimes."

"In recent years, I have discovered that this Jie Yin Sect is secretly hiding evil and evil, but I never expected that this Jie Yin Sect has been doing such vicious things secretly."

"This time, thanks to Yu Zhiji and Zhuo Bufan, they helped me find the incriminating evidence of Jie Yinmen."

"You can follow me to repair Tiancheng. I will report it to the Queen immediately, and then ask her to send troops to attack this dirty place and wipe out the gang of evil people in Jie Yin Sect."

Faced with Hongdieyi's frank confession, everyone gradually began to believe what she said.

What Hongdieyi said was correct, she was indeed an undercover agent sent by the Queen of Butian City.

This is why she has been secretly helping Zhuo Bufan and the others.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the reception door, Hongdieyi felt the unusual aura of Zhuo Bufan.

Other flying beings just came to this world and couldn't wait to practice.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't care about these cultivation matters at all. He seemed to have been investigating something secretly.

Hongdieyi naturally saw Zhuo Bufan's actions in her eyes, so she asked Zhuo Bufan to go to the prison.

The sound that kept echoing in the sky prison made Hongdieyi think that it might be something Zhuo Bufan was investigating.

She didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan's final investigation results would shock her even more.

Zhuo Bufan helped her investigate the secret behind the reception door.

Next, led by Hongdieyi and Yuziji, they took everyone from the nine peaks away from the reception gate.

On the other side, Shangguan Ziyi, who discovered that the Ascended Ones had been picked up, chased after Hongdie Yi and the others.

"Hongdieyi, how dare you betray me?"

Zhuo Bufan was handed over to Xuhuang, and the remaining Hongdieyi and others were naturally handed over to Shangguan Ziyi to deal with.

Seeing Shangguan Ziyi chasing after him, Hongdieyi said quickly.

"You guys go away quickly, I'll stop her!"

Hongdieyi said, took out a golden token and handed it to Caviar Ji.

"Take it and go to the palace to meet the Queen and ask her to send troops to support you. I won't be able to hold you back for long, so I wish you good luck!"

Seeing the furious Shangguan Ziyi approaching, Hongdieyi rushed forward without hesitation.

At this time, it was too late for everyone to say goodbye.

That Shangguan Ziyi was a strong man in the Yuan Fei Realm. His wave of hands shook the sky, and he was definitely not comparable to the weak ascendants like them.

Therefore, Yu Zhiji did not look back and drove the spaceship towards Butian City.

Seeing the spaceship fly away, Hongdieyi looked back at Shangguan Ziyi who was chasing him.

Shangguan Ziyi looked at Hongdieyi with eyes full of anger.

"You damn little bitch, I didn't expect you to be an undercover agent and dare to ruin my good deeds and seek death!"

After Shangguan Ziyi finished speaking, he took out a long golden whip and whipped it towards Hongdie Yi.

Here, the battle between Hongdieyi and Shangguan Ziyi is about to begin.

On the other side, the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang has entered a fierce stage.

In Xuhuang's world, Zhuo Bufan was completely deprived of all perception.

This is simply a disaster for Zhuo Bufan.

However, no matter how Xu Huang destroyed Zhuo Bufan's body and soul, Zhuo Bufan was always able to use the Sky Mending Technique in time to repair the body and soul in his hand at the critical moment.

One is constantly wasting away, while the other is constantly recovering.

The two sides were in a tug-of-war, going back and forth, deadlocking each other, and completely falling into a stalemate.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's body continuing to recover, the Void Emperor Yongye had begun to panic.

"What's going on with this guy?"

"What kind of evil kung fu has he practiced? Damn it!"

Emperor Yongye struck Zhuo Bufan with terrifying blows over and over again.

But no matter how much he destroyed Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan's body would be able to recover as quickly as possible.

"It's a very evil method. If this continues, I will become more passive and must kill him in one fell swoop!"

Emperor Yong Ye felt the seriousness of the matter. If this continued, he might not be able to use up Zhuo Bufan.

So he began to prepare a terrifying trump card.

"The bite of destruction!"

Emperor Yongye spit out a black bead from his mouth, and from the bead, countless incorporeal beings flew out.

These virtual bodies began to penetrate into Zhuo Bufan's body, trying to occupy Zhuo Bufan's body.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt a strong sense of crisis.

He found that his body had begun to dry up, and the speed of his energy became very slow.

"What's going on? The sky-repairing technique should have completed my body!"

"That's not good! Other means must have been used."

"I was still careless and underestimated his world. I sealed all my inspirations and completely lost even the perception of my soul. Now I am like a leaf of duckweed in the chaos."

"If this continues, it will really end!"

Because he didn't know what attack method the opponent used, Zhuo Bufan now just passively took the beating.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if this continued, he would probably choose to load the file and start over again.

Loading files was his last resort, but Zhuo Bufan made so many preparations and still lost to Xu Huang in the end, which was really embarrassing.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was dead, suddenly, his eyes lit up.

The vision that had been lost was restored.

Not only vision was restored, hearing, smell, all senses were restored at once.

Then, Zhuo Bufan saw that his body was being torn apart by countless virtual lives.

Zhuo Bufan immediately condensed his vitality and shook off all the virtual lives.

Then Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven Repairing Technique to restore his body as soon as possible.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan found that he had escaped from the time of Emperor Yongye.

For some reason, Emperor Yongye inexplicably screamed after death.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan found that there was one more person present.

And it was an acquaintance.

"Zhuo Bufan, you kid are here to cause trouble, how come you forgot about me?"

This guy who suddenly appeared was Ni Cangqiong.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the person who saved him was Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong appeared immediately and severely injured Emperor Yongye, which gave Zhuo Bufan a glimmer of hope.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhuo Bufan was not a hypocritical person. Facing Ni Cangqiong's life-saving grace, he also expressed his gratitude.

"Little thing, you just like to perfunctory me. We agreed to take down the Jieying Gate together, but you dare to fight alone."

"If you die, who can I challenge?"

After learning that Zhuo Bufan had left the Sea Dynasty, Ni Cangqiong immediately discovered that Zhuo Bufan might have come to the Jieying Gate.

So Ni Cangqiong rushed to Butian City as soon as possible. As expected, as soon as he arrived at Butian City, he felt that a big battle was breaking out over Butian City.

Ni Cangqiong joined the battlefield as soon as possible, and then took the opportunity to save Zhuo Bufan who was in a difficult battle.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong, and there was nothing else to say except gratitude.

"Since we are here, let's join forces to kill him!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong and said.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong looked at the Emperor Yongye not far away, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Boy, I won't join forces with you. Only weaklings will join forces. I want to fight him alone!"

As the god of rebellion, Ni Cangqiong is the proudest person in the world. How could he allow himself to join forces with Zhuo Bufan to fight against the enemy!

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said.

"Are you sure? He is not simple, he is very powerful!"

Ni Cangqiong laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, if that's the case, then we have to fight alone. The person that you, Zhuo Bufan, can't beat was killed by me. That means you, Zhuo Bufan, are not as good as me. After this battle, you, Zhuo Bufan, will commit suicide to thank me!"

Ni Cangqiong laughed triumphantly.

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

"Keep showing off, since you are so awesome. Okay, I'll watch you show off."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stepped aside and quietly watched Ni Cangqiong fight with the Emperor of Eternal Night.

And Ni Cangqiong attacked the Emperor of Eternal Night without saying a word.

In an instant, Ni Cangqiong and the Emperor Yongye disappeared in the air.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Have you entered Ni Cangqiong's world? This guy really plans to fight alone?"

Zhuo Bufan underestimated Ni Cangqiong. As a rebellious god, he would always fight alone!


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