Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1160: Danger in the Reverse World

Ni Qingqiong involved the body of Emperor Yong Ye into his own reverse realm.

Nijie is the world cultivated by Ni Cangqiong.

In this world, the universe is reversed, yin and yang are reversed, the sun and the moon are reversed, and the sea water flows backwards. Everything we are familiar with has completely become the opposite force here.

This is the weirdest place in the world, the counter-world.

Ni World is a world that belongs to Ni Cangqiong. All the power in this world is controlled by Niqiang Qiong.

And the kingly law of the world that goes against it is the law of inverseness!

The so-called reverse rule means that all the forces used here are opposite.

The stronger the person, the weaker he is here.

The weaker the person, the stronger he will be here. Those who hurt others must hurt themselves first. When you gather strength, you must lose strength.

This is the kingly law of the reverse world, the reverse rule.

This world represents Ni Qiong’s absolute rebellion and pride.

In this world, he is the supreme god.

Entering the counter world of Ni Cang Qiong, even the aura on his body became a little scary.

The body began to be shrouded in a black mist.

And within the mist, there are chains of laws everywhere.

"Welcome to my world!"

Ni Qingqiong opened his hands and looked at the black shadow body hidden under the cloak in front of him.

The Emperor Yongye in front of him was obviously aware of the weirdness of this world.

He hid all his power, and then stared at the counter-sky in front of him like a torch.

"Nishen! I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

To Ni Qianqiong's expectation, Emperor Yongye in front of him actually recognized him.

And not only did he recognize him, but from the meaning of his words, it seemed as if they had met him before.

Ni Qingqiong looked at Emperor Yongye in front of him, with a trace of doubt on his face.

"What, we know each other?"

After hearing this, Emperor Xu smiled.

"Maybe you don't recognize me anymore, but I will recognize you even if you turn into ashes."

"Ni God Ni Qiong, you are on my must-kill list, ranking first."

Ni Qingqiong was stunned when he heard this.

"Huh? It seems that he really hates me. In that case, we should be mortal enemies. So stop talking nonsense and let's start the war!"

Ni Qiangqiong didn't care what grudges the other party had against him, since he was going to die, he didn't want to listen to other people's last words.


Ni Qianqiong snapped his fingers in the air, and countless black chains appeared out of thin air and attacked Yongye Emperor.

"Since you monsters can't be killed, I have no choice but to seal you."

Ni Qianqiong is very clear that virtual bodies are immortal existences. This is why many humans yearn to become incorporeal.

Because becoming a virtual body means endless lifespan.

They will live as long as heaven and earth. As long as the sky is not extinct, they will not die.

Therefore, if you want to destroy the virtual body, the simplest and most direct way is to seal it.

After all, this kind of thing will continue to be reborn as long as there is a ray of consciousness.

This is not the first time that Ni Qiangqiong has fought against the incorporeal body. He may be the most experienced person in the world fighting against the incorporeal body.

He has sealed countless virtual bodies, which is why Ni Qianqiong is so hated by the virtual bodies.

Ni Qingqiong believed that the Xu Emperor in front of him might have such a reason, which caused him to hate himself so much.

The move used by Ni Cang Qiong is called Heaven Defying Lock, a unique move specifically used to seal incorporeal bodies.

However, just when Ni Cangqiong thought that he could easily seal the Void Emperor this time.

Suddenly, dozens of black shadows rushed out from the Void Emperor's body.

They each faced the flying Heaven-defying Lock, and took the initiative to let the Heaven-defying Lock seal them up.

Subsequently, those black bodies began to separate from the Void Emperor's body, forming individual virtual bodies. I saw that each of the Heavenly Locks was blocking a virtual life, but only the Void Emperor was unscathed.

Ni Qingqiong couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

"You guy, do you have so many similar people hiding in your body?"

"Let them be your scapegoats?"

Ni Qingqiong was greatly surprised. He did not expect that the other party had such means.

This Void Emperor actually let his own kind act as scapegoats. In this way, no matter how many heaven-defying chains Ni Qianqiong had, he could not withstand such consumption by the opponent.

"Hehehe, Ni Qiong, do you know how much preparation I have made to deal with you?"

"I know every move and every method you use."

The Xu Emperor smiled at Ni Qiong, a very proud smile.

When Ni Qingqiong heard this, he was a little surprised at first, and then he sneered.

"Hahahaha, you really think highly of me. It seems that you have made a lot of preparations to deal with me."

"In that case, let me see if you are really capable of defeating me!"

As soon as Ni Qiong finished speaking, the Ni Shenqiong in his hand pierced the sky.

"Reverse Divine Spear, break it!"

Ni Qiong held the Ni Divine Spear in his hand, and his energy was so powerful that it was released instantly.

There was a roar that shook the heaven and the earth.

Ni Qiong is firing on all cylinders and no longer resorting to sneaky tactics. A head-on battle is what he wants.

He held the divine spear in his hand, and the spear shot out like a dragon, its energy flowing through the mountains and rivers, and his expression changed in horror when he saw it.

Countless energy penetrated the ground and hit the Yongye Emperor directly.

Seeing the destructive energy coming from the opposite side of the sky, the opponent remained motionless.

Let Ni Cangqiong's attack come, and he remained motionless even when it penetrated his body.

Seeing this, Ni Cangqiong raised his 120% Yuanli and blasted directly at the opponent.

The Emperor Yongye on the opposite side was obviously experienced in many battles and remained unmoved. Facing Ni Cangqiong's continuous attack, he coped with it with ease and his means were cunning.

As he said, he had studied all of Ni Cangqiong's moves thoroughly, and he seemed to be able to find a way to deal with each of Ni Cangqiong's moves.

For a while, the two sides fell into a back-and-forth struggle, and no one took the lead.

Ni Cangqiong never thought that he would also fall into a bitter battle.


At this time, Zhuo Bufan seemed a little anxious in the outside world.

While he supported Ni Cangqiong and fought with Xuhuang, he used the Tianbushu technique to recover from his injuries.

After his state reached its peak, Zhuo Bufan began to look for a way to enter the reverse world.

It is not easy to enter someone else's world. If Ni Cangqiong did not open up a world wall channel for Zhuo Bufan, then Zhuo Bufan would not be able to enter it anyway.

Then the only way is to open a world wall by yourself.

Zhuo Bufan, who has fought with Xu Huang, knows that Xu Huang is not simple at all. Ni Cangqiong is stubborn and will obviously suffer.

So in this battle, Ni Cangqiong alone can never deal with Xu Huang.

You know, Xu Huang's cultivation has reached the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm and is striving for the Dao Yuan Realm.

Ni Cangqiong's current cultivation has fallen to the middle stage of the Saint Yuan Realm.

There is already a gap in cultivation, and now Xu Huang has studied Ni Cangqiong very well.

In this way, Ni Cangqiong will definitely not be Xu Huang's opponent.

"Damn, this guy is too arrogant. Ni Cangqiong, you guys, why don't you open the world wall for me!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted into the air, he knew Ni Cangqiong could hear it.

"You are looking for death, you know? Let me in quickly, you and I will definitely kill him with our combined strength!"

"After we kill him, we can have a decisive battle!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted at Ni Cangqiong.


At this moment, the battle in the Ni World was already so intense that the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dim.

The mountains and rivers were completely shattered. Ni Cangqiong could be said to be fighting with all his strength, but the opponent was still able to cope with it as usual.

Zhuo Bufan was right about one thing, the current Xu Huang was definitely not something that Ni Cangqiong could defeat alone.

Ni Cangqiong had already felt that he might not be Xu Huang's opponent.

But he would not admit defeat.

"Boy, do you know that I not only studied your means of attack. I also studied your Ni World!"

"The most foolish thing you did was to attract me into your Ni World!"

"Today is the day of your death!"

After the Xu Huang finished speaking, a lot of dark energy suddenly emerged from his body.

However, these energies began to pour into Ni Cangqiong's reverse world.

Soon, the reverse world began to collapse as if it had been injected with a virus.

The black energy polluted the entire land, and Ni Cangqiong felt that his power in the reverse world was constantly being deprived.

"Not good! This guy is destroying my world."

Although Ni Cangqiong didn't know what means Xu Huang used, his world was indeed beginning to collapse.

The black liquid made Ni Cangqiong very uncomfortable. Ni Cangqiong only felt that his own Yuanli was extremely disappearing, his strength was degenerating, and his ability was lost.

Seeing Ni Cangqiong's helpless appearance, Xu Huang laughed.

"Little beast, when you swallowed Yushu, I swore that one day, I would make you fall into eternal damnation."

"This chaotic turbid water is a divine object I obtained from the outer world. It can easily destroy the world that you people have worked so hard to build."

"Today, this emperor will let you die here, cut open your stomach, and rescue Yushu and the others."

After listening to the words of the Void Emperor, Ni Cangqiong finally understood.

With his current strength, the other party can be said to have prepared everything to deal with him.

"Hehe, you guys, you want to see your kind so much, right?"

"You must have been waiting impatiently for a long time! Waiting for me to use the Devouring of Taotie!"

"In that case, I will fulfill your wish."

Ni Cangqiong decided to use his big move. In his current state, he can only use the Devouring of Taotie once.

The Devouring of Taotie is one of Ni Cangqiong's ultimate moves, and it is a trick he developed specifically to deal with the virtual body.

He used his stomach as a prison and swallowed these virtual bodies alive.

Seal them forever in his stomach.

This stomach is different from his reverse world. This is a place that Ni Cangqiong uses to seal virtual bodies.

There is no concept of time and space in it.

Once swallowed, no one can release them except Ni Cangqiong.

When Ni Cangqiong opened his mouth, a huge gluttonous beast appeared behind him.

The gluttonous beast had a hideous face, fangs, and a hateful face.

A dark green bead appeared from Ni Cangqiong's mouth.

The bead rotated in his mouth, creating a huge chaotic vortex.

"Chew you up!!"

Ni Cangqiong shouted, and a huge black light was cast at Xu Huang, and then completely enveloped Xu Huang.

The next second, the Void Emperor felt his body being torn apart again, and his strength was constantly weakened.

His whole body flew towards Ni Cang Qiong involuntarily.

"God-killing Thorn!"

At the moment when the Void Emperor flew towards Ni Cang Qiong, a black spike suddenly came out of his mouth.

The spike was as black as ink and extremely sharp, like a needle.

At the moment of flying towards Ni Cang Qiong, a strange murderous intent emerged.

"Not good!"

Ni Cang Qiong felt the existence of the black spike at the first time, and he could also feel that the black spike was attacking the dark green gem on his throat.

The gem was Ni Cang Qiong's Taotie Qiankun.

Once pierced by the spike, Ni Cang Qiong would not only be severely injured, but all the virtual gods he had sealed for so many years would escape.


Ni Cang Qiong did not expect that the other party could even break his Taotie Devouring.

This guy obviously made extremely detailed preparations for him.



In a flash, Xu Huang's God-killing Thorn directly pierced the orb on Ni Cang Qiong's throat.

For a moment, the orb began to burst out with amazing defensive power to resist the impact of the God-killing Thorn.

However, the God-killing Thorn was obviously not an ordinary thing. Even in the face of the powerful defense of the Taotie Orb, it was still unstoppable, breaking through several defenses of the Taotie Orb and finally hitting the body of the Taotie Orb.


A crack appeared on the Taotie Orb.

At that moment, Ni Cang Qiong felt that the Taotie Orb was in danger.

Seeing that the Taotie Orb was about to break, once it broke, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this critical moment, a black light fell from the sky and slashed on the top of Xu Huang's head.


The next second, the head of the Void Emperor was chopped off and his body fell into the abyss. The savior who suddenly appeared was Zhuo Bufan, who came out with the Minsheng Sword in his hand.

"Ni Cangqiong, we are even!"

Before, Ni Cangqiong saved Zhuo Bufan, and now Zhuo Bufan saved Ni Cangqiong.

The two sides are even, and neither owes the other.

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan and showed a look of great regret.

"How did you break through my world wall?"

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan and gasped.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to really break through his world wall and come to his reverse world.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took out the Minsheng Sword in his hand and said.

"This sword is quite sharp."

Zhuo Bufan used the Minsheng Sword in his hand to break through the world wall of Ni Cangqiong.

Seeing this, Ni Cangqiong said no more.

"Forget it, let's just treat it as if we didn't owe each other anything. Let's join forces next!"

"Wait a minute."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand towards Ni Cangqiong and said.

"Open your mouth!"

After speaking, Zhuo Bufan's palm emitted golden light, which then merged into Ni Cangqiong's broken Taotie Orb.

Soon, Ni Cangqiong's Taotie Orb began to recover as before, and the cracks completely disappeared.

Ni Cangqiong was stunned when he saw this.

"You are using the Heaven Repairing Technique?"


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