Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1161 Heavenly Tribulation (Part 1)

When Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven-Mending Technique to repair and restore Ni Cangqiong's Taotie Orb, Ni Cangqiong looked at the intact Taotie Orb in disbelief.

"Is this the Sky-Mending Technique?"

Ni Qianqiong had seen Meng Chanyi use the Heaven-Mending Technique, so he still had some understanding of the Heaven-Mending Technique.

The Heaven-Mending Technique is the number one magical power in the world. Of course, this does not mean that the Heaven-Mending Technique is the most powerful magical power in the world.

Because the Heaven-Mending Technique does not have any combat effectiveness, its main function is to complete the avenue of heaven and earth.

The power of the Sky Mending Technique is that it can mend anything.

Even if the sky falls, it can make up for it.

The Sky-Mending Technique can not only mend the sky, but also give life, and can open up one's orifices with stones.

Therefore, the art of patching the sky is synonymous with miracles, which is why the whole world regards the art of patching the sky as the number one magical power.

Maybe the Heaven-Mending Technique is not the most powerful, but it must be the most capable.

However, as the number one magical power in the world, not everyone can learn the Sky Mending Technique.

So far, apart from the founder, Emperor Wa, only Meng Chanyi, the eldest disciple of Emperor Wa, has learned the art of mending the sky.

In other words, in the entire Daluotian Society, only Wahuang and Meng Chanyi are capable of mending the sky.

However, now that Zhuo Bufan has used the Heaven-Mending Technique, Ni Qiangqiong is naturally surprised and shocked.

Mengchanyi's sky-repairing technique was inherited from Emperor Wa.

So who has the extraordinary Heaven-Mending Technique been passed down to?

Ni Qingqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan as if he were looking at a monster.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan just smiled faintly.

"Don't be so surprised. It was originally going to be my trump card and give you a desperate counterattack in the next battle."

"It's a pity that I don't like to take advantage of others. This bead is very important to you, right?"

Zhuo Bufan saved Ni Cangqiong in time and repaired his broken Taotie Orb.

Ni Qingqiong saw this and smiled.

"It doesn't matter if it breaks. It's just that there are thousands of incorporeal bodies sealed inside. Once broken, they will break the seal again and escape."

Ni Cangqiong said it didn't matter, but Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if those incorporeal bodies really escaped, all life would be devastated.

"I didn't expect your kid to even learn the art of mending the sky. No wonder you are so confident and dare to accept my challenge!"

Zhuo Bufan chuckled and replied.

"Before accepting your challenge, I did not learn the art of mending the sky."

"Now is not the time to talk nonsense, focus on facing the enemy in front of you!"

Zhuo Bufan stopped talking nonsense to Ni Qiong and turned to look at Xu Huang beside him.

Because Zhuo Bufan's sudden appearance interrupted Xu Huang's plan.

At this moment, Xu Huang was already furious.

"You two little beasts! You will die a good death if you ruin my plan!"

"Especially you, Ni Qiong, you are the most damned, damned, damned, damned!"

After the Xu Emperor finished speaking, he exposed himself on the spot with a bang.

Of course, this does not mean that it was exploded, but that after it exploded, countless clones were produced, densely covering the entire counter-world.

Then, these clones began to destroy the world crazily.

Bang bang bang bang...

For a time, the mountains shattered, the sea surged, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the sun and the moon sank.

When Ni Qiangqiong saw this, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Damn it, this guy wants to destroy my world!"

Although Ni Cangqiong can control the laws of the counter world and constantly rebuild.

But his enemy is the Void Emperor who is at the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm. In this world, the Void Emperor has limited influence from the laws.

It is impossible for Ni Qiong to use his own world development to kill the Void Emperor.

In this way, not only will it waste strength, but it will also fall into the rhythm of the Void Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said quickly.

"It seems that there is only one way now! Then you can only kill him before he destroys your world!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xu Huang in front of him seriously.

After Ni Qiangqiong heard this, he shook his head.

"No, this guy knows my methods very well. He can even break my most powerful sealing method. It is almost impossible to seal him."

Ni Qingqiong already knew how powerful the guy in front of him was, so he no longer dared to act rashly.

"It's a pity. If I can get the Heaven Sealing Seal, it shouldn't be a problem."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the Sealing Heaven Seal hidden in the Hai family's ancestral land.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about the Sealing Seal, but just by hearing the name, he felt that it should be a very powerful sealing artifact.

If you use the Sealing Seal, you might be able to seal the Void Emperor in front of you.

"It's a pity that there is no if."

Ni Qingqiong said on the side.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"If it weren't for you, I would have obtained the Sealing Seal long ago. Forget it, I won't talk nonsense to you, let me ask you, can you seal him by breaking the black thorn in his hand?"

Zhuo Bufan knew what Ni Cangqiong was afraid of, and it was nothing more than the God-killing thorn in Emperor Xu's hand.

After Ni Qiong heard this, he shook his head.

"Not only that, I can only seal beings who are weaker than me. And now my condition is no match for him, unless we can weaken his power."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the Mercy Sword in his hand and said.

"no problem!"

"Isn't it just to weaken his power? Since this is no longer his world, then leave it to me!"

"You are responsible for using the power of the world to trap his movements and clones. I will deal with him!"

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking simply, without giving Ni Qianqiong time to react, then he raised the Mercy Sword in his hand and killed the Emperor Xu.

"The Sword of Reincarnation of Life and Death!"

Zhuo Bufan swept across with his sword, and a sword energy that was thousands of miles long flew away, sweeping thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, shattering the universe, the sun and the moon.

"Zhuo Bufan, your uncle, be gentle!"

Ni Cang Qiong Jian Zhuo Bufan's attack was so powerful that he couldn't help but curse.

While he was repairing the world destroyed by Zhuo Bufan, he also had to trap the Xu Emperor's actions.

The Void Emperor had no time to dodge, or even if he dodge, he couldn't escape at all.

It had no choice but to withstand Zhuo Bufan's move.

However, he thought Zhuo Bufan's attack was not terrible, but when Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation sword energy cut off his body, it felt that its power was declining rapidly.

"How is it possible? How can ordinary sword energy destroy my power?"

The incorporeal body is unaffected by the power of the sword.

But Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation sword energy is no ordinary power.

Under the power of reincarnation and the powerful defense capabilities, they will be torn apart and strangled.

Emperor Xu completely underestimated Zhuo Bufan's strength. Although Zhuo Bufan was only a small Yuan Shen realm, his strength was something that even Ni Kongqiong of the Saint Yuan realm did not dare to underestimate.

The reincarnation sword energy was devastating, causing the Void Emperor's power to begin to decline crazily.

Emperor Xu watched helplessly as his strength declined and he was helpless.

The most important thing is that he has nothing to do with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan possesses the Heaven-Mending Technique and can recover immediately no matter what damage he receives.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's recovery ability is even more abnormal than their incorporeal bodies.

The Xu Emperor didn't know that Zhuo Bufan used the Sky-Mending Technique, so he even doubted whether Zhuo Bufan was some special Xu creature.

"This guy, drag him into my world again?"

"No, with Ni Qiongqiong here, I can't deal with this kid wholeheartedly. And I've already done it once before, but it didn't have much effect."

Xuhuang fell into anxiety due to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is like an unkillable cockroach. No matter how many times he kills him, he can recover quickly.

The most terrifying enemy is not the enemy who is stronger than himself, but the enemy who can still stand up no matter how many times he is defeated.

Now, Emperor Xu is facing Zhuo Bufan, who is such an enemy.

No matter how many times he beats Zhuo Bufan down, Zhuo Bufan can stand up again in his best condition.

This is the scariest part of the Sky Mending Technique.

Next, Zhuo Bufan began to attack Xuhuang crazily, without giving Xuhuang any chance to breathe.

Although Emperor Xu was far superior to Zhuo Bufan in terms of cultivation, he could seriously injure Zhuo Bufan with just a raise of his hand.

However, Zhuo Bufan kept using the Heaven-Mending Technique to heal himself, so that Xu Huang was repeatedly chased and suppressed by Zhuo Bufan.

On this side, Ni Cangqiong also had a chance to breathe because Emperor Xu was suppressed by Zhuo Bufan.

He quickly dealt with the virtual clones released by the Void Emperor, and then carried out a heavy space blockade on the Void Emperor.

Although the Xu Emperor could easily break Ni Qiong's world rules, under Ni Qiong's constant obstruction, the Xu Emperor was forced to do nothing by Zhuo Bufan.

Next, Ni Qiangqiong only saw that Xu Huang was like a street rat that everyone shouted to beat, being constantly chased and beaten by Zhuo Bufan.

Ni Qianqiong himself was completely unbelievable.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan dumbfounded. As a counter-god, he couldn't believe that Zhuo Bufan, who was in the Yuan Shen realm, could actually chase after a being in the Saint Yuan realm.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhuo Bufan has the ability to challenge Xu Huang alone.

But because this is the counter world of Ni Cang Qiong. The original rule of the counter world is that weak is strong and strong is weak.

Zhuo Feifan's strength is constantly amplified in the reverse world.

And Xu Huang's strength was continuously weakened in the reverse world.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan's crazy behavior was already breathtaking.

"This guy, seriously, is he so powerful?"

Ni Qingqiong's heart trembled. He found that the current Zhuo Bufan was more powerful than the Zhuo Bufan he had fought against at Jie Tian Mountain.

Zhuo Bufan's strength is completely soaring.

It can be said that Ni Qiangqiong witnessed Zhuo Bufan's cultivation step by step until now.

From the moment Ni Cangqiong went to the Yin and Yang world and met Zhuo Bufan many years ago, he was destined to meet such a destined enemy.

At first, he thought Zhuo Bufan would be his old enemy.

But now when he saw Zhuo Bufan, he realized that he had overestimated himself.

The strength displayed by Zhuo Bufan was beyond his reach.

Although now, he is still qualified to fight Zhuo Bufan.

But, what about another ten years, or a hundred years?

A hundred years of time is just a blink of an eye in Daluotian, and many people may not see any improvement in their cultivation in a hundred years.

But Zhuo Bufan was different.

For Zhuo Bufan, one hundred years has meant earth-shaking changes.

Ni Qingqiong couldn't believe how powerful Zhuo Bufan would be in a hundred years. He might only be able to match it.

Ni Qianqiong really didn't dare to think about it. The more he thought about it, the deeper he got into.

His cultivation level will gradually decline.

"No, I can't wait that long. I am probably at my peak now. After this battle, I will fight Zhuo Bufan no matter what, even if I die, it doesn't matter."

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's vigorous posture fighting on the battlefield.

Ni Cangqiong made the most important decision in his heart.

After this battle, he will fight Zhuo Bufan to the death.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know that Ni Cangqiong had so many psychological activities.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan has adjusted his state to the limit.

Now he is just like a crazy killing machine.

All means are for killing.

Every sword can shake the world.

"It should be enough, this state, it should be enough!"

Zhuo Bufan kept shouting in his heart, he seemed to have a plan.

And the Xuhuang on the other side was suppressed by Zhuo Bufan and was about to explode.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! I'm going to kill you, I must smash you into pieces!"

Xu Huang released all the power he had originally used to deal with Ni Cang Qiong.

This time, he did not hold back at all.

Because he had been forced into a desperate situation by Zhuo Bufan.

He no longer cared whether he had the power to deal with Ni Cang Qiong. He only wanted to cut Zhuo Bufan into pieces.


The sky suddenly thundered, and the world began to be turbulent. The entire Ni world had begun to collapse under the full power of Xu Huang.

Ni Cang Qiong screamed in his heart that it was not good. If this continued, his world might really be destroyed.

The chains of the world's rules had begun to collapse one by one, and the world had begun to slowly disintegrate.

"Ni Cang Qiong, let us out."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly shouted at Ni Cang Qiong.

Ni Cang Qiong was stunned after hearing this.

"Are you stupid? If I let you out, the heavens will explode! If the world-destroying catastrophe is triggered, can you bear it?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

After hearing this, Ni Cangqiong looked at the Sword of Compassion in Zhuo Bufan's hand and suddenly understood something.

"I understand, I'll do what you say!"

After understanding Zhuo Bufan's intention, Ni Cangqiong waited until the Void Emperor had condensed a huge wireless black hole in the air.

Ni Cangqiong suddenly liberated his world and threw Zhuo Bufan and Void Emperor out at the same time.

The moment they were released, the huge black hole appeared above the Wahuang territory.

The energy of the earth-shattering sky caused the whole earth to roar, and Butian City fell into chaos like the end of the world.

What's more terrifying is that they can only watch the power of destruction coming, and they can't escape.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly shook.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Boom, boom!"

The entire sky of Daluo Heaven began to undergo a drastic change. It was obvious that the Heavenly Dao sensed the energy of destroying the heavens and the earth.

"Here it comes, the real heavenly calamity, it comes!"

Ni Cangqiong looked up and saw that the wrath of the heavens was roaring above the sky.


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