Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1162 Heavenly Tribulation (Part 2)

Heaven is ruthless and all living beings are equal.

In the eyes of God, everything in this world needs balance in order to continue to develop and evolve.

Therefore, when Heaven senses the birth of a force that it considers a threat, it will send down a catastrophe.

This is why many monks will suffer catastrophes from God when they break through to a higher level.

Because in the eyes of God, such people have broken the balance of heaven and earth and should be wiped out.

But similarly, the catastrophe is also a test.

God does not intend to use this method to kill the existence that breaks the balance.

On the contrary, the purpose of God setting up the heavenly tribulation is to see if these people have the strength to break the balance.

If they can survive the catastrophe, it means they can be superior to others.

They will not even be bombarded, but will become more powerful.

Therefore, in some aspects, the way of heaven also has feelings.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of heaven is also affectionate.

Heaven actually only exists for the existence of all living beings.

Zhuo Bufan versus Xu Huang was originally an unequal contest.

Although Zhuo Bufan suppressed the Xu Emperor on the surface, he did not have the strength to truly match the Xu Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't kill Xu Huang, so he had to use other powers. And in this world, the most powerful force is the way of heaven.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan planned to cause a catastrophe from the very beginning.

He believed that with the power of heaven, he could definitely kill the Xu Emperor.

It was precisely because Ni Cangqiong understood Zhuo Bufan's intentions that he released Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong from his own Ni World at the last moment.

The moment they came out of the reverse world, God became angry.

Waves of thunder struck beside Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang.

It was the anger from God, thunder and lightning, possessing earth-shattering power.

The two of them stood in the sea of ​​thunder, their bodies constantly being bombarded by thunder and lightning.

And above the sky above, endless thunderclouds were gathering. A huge black hole vortex covered the entire sky.

The power of this catastrophe is so powerful that it can be said to shock the past and the present.

If this calamity were to happen, it would definitely burn down a thousand miles around.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the sky above him, with a calm look on his face.

The Void Emperor on the opposite side was originally condensing an extremely terrifying ultimate move, but after feeling the brewing power of the Heavenly Tribulation, he gave up.

He immediately took back all his power.

"Damn it, you actually want to kill me with a catastrophe! You want to die with me!"

Emperor Xu also immediately understood Zhuo Bufan’s intention.

He thought Zhuo Bufan wanted to die with him, and the look on his face suddenly became extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan showed a proud smile.

"What, are you scared?"

"You madman! If you want to hold me back, it's impossible."

"You two little beasts are lucky today. I will remember this grudge. One day, you two will be cut into pieces."

Emperor Xu did not dare to challenge Tianwei, so he immediately gathered all his strength and prepared to escape.

He didn't want to be the target of the catastrophe.

But Zhuo Bufan finally managed to reach this point in his plan, how could he let Xu Huang go so easily?

Just when Emperor Xu was about to pack up and run away, suddenly the Mercy Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand burst out with soaring power, piercing the sky.

"Thunder and lightning are coming!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and the sword energy of the Reincarnation of Life and Death stirred up endless waves in the chaotic whirlpool in the sky.

In the chaotic whirlpool, there was already thunder like the sea, and the wind and thunder were violent.

Now Zhuo Bufan's sword energy was like dropping a bomb into a fuel tank that was about to explode.

"If you want to escape, where can you escape!"

Zhuo Bufan let out a loud shout, and then the catastrophe in the sky above his head began to intensify.


But after hearing a roar, the next moment, the first ray of catastrophe fell from the sky.


It was a blue beam of light that hit Zhuo Bufan directly.

Around the light pillar, nine black thunder dragons were entangled, roaring down with a shocking roar.


The thunder method was added to his body, and Zhuo Bufan raised the sharp sword in his hand.

The Mercy Sword withstood the terrifying catastrophe.

At the same time, the catastrophe was still going on, because the second thunder catastrophe fell towards the Xu Emperor who was about to escape.

The Void Emperor was about to open a space passage and escape, but with the speed of the Heavenly Tribulation, how could he escape?

The moment Emperor Xu opened the passage, nine thunder dragons carrying the catastrophe of destruction landed on top of his head.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The next second, the Void Emperor's soul was directly penetrated by the Heavenly Tribulation.

The space channel he just opened was directly shattered.

The miserable screams echoed throughout the sky.

The Void Emperor did not have the Mercy Sword, so he could only use his own virtual body to resist the catastrophe.

Although the virtual body is not afraid of any substantial harm, the Heavenly Tribulation is not an ordinary energy.

The Heavenly Tribulation belongs to the righteous law of heaven, and it is absolutely impossible for an incorporeal body to resist the power of the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Come again!"

Not waiting for the Xu Emperor to take a breath.

Zhuo Bufan on this side waved the Mercy Sword again.

The terrifying killing power poured into the sky.

The Chaos Tribulation Cloud was once again angered by this fearless guy.

Once again, the third thunder tribulation was even more shocking.

This time, countless thunder dragons appeared in the heavenly tribulation.

In the mouth of each thunder dragon, there was a ball of energy light that could destroy the world.

"Oh my god, it's the Ten Thousand Dragons Thunder Tribulation! This is the heavenly tribulation when the Yuanshen Realm is going through the tribulation!"

On the other side of the world, Ni Cangqiong looked at the ten thousand thunder dragons flying in the sky, and his heart trembled.

He was very familiar with the Ten Thousand Dragons Thunder Tribulation, because when he was promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm before, he went through the Ten Thousand Dragons Thunder Tribulation.

The real power of the Ten Thousand Dragons Thunder Tribulation lies in the continuous thunder tribulation bombardment.

Generally, after a thunder tribulation bombardment, although you are almost dead after enduring it, you only need to resist one thunder tribulation.

But the Ten Thousand Dragons Thunder Tribulation is equivalent to having ten thousand thunder dragons bombarding you. That kind of continuous heavenly tribulation bombardment, even if it is a person, would have been smashed into powder long ago.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid, because he had the Minsheng Sword, a divine weapon that was said to be immune to all the power of the heavenly tribulation.

The Minsheng Sword was the artifact that was least afraid of thunder and lightning in the world. With it, Zhuo Bufan was like holding an umbrella on a rainy day.

The heavenly tribulation was just a small raindrop for him, and it didn't get him wet.

The Minsheng Sword took on all the heavenly tribulations alone.


A thunder dragon roared, and the next second countless thunder and lightning began to explode in the air!

Then, thousands of thunder dragons in the sea of ​​thunder began to roar down from the sky.

"Ang ang ang ang ang!"

With the fall of the thunder dragon, the screams of the Void Emperor came again.

This time, he didn't even have the chance to open up a space channel.

Thousands of thunder dragons shuttled through him.

The body of the Void Emperor was getting dimmer and dimmer under the ravages of the thunder dragons.

One after another, thunder dragons ravaged his body and tore his body apart.

It can be clearly felt that the Void Emperor has begun to weaken.

Facing the heavenly tribulation, Xu Huang had no other means but to resist it head-on.

But Zhuo Bufan was different.

Zhuo Bufan held the Minsheng Sword in his hand, and was completely calm in the sea of ​​thunder.

No matter how crazy the thunder dragon roared, Zhuo Bufan was completely unmoved.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan found that the Minsheng Sword was actually charging under the heavenly tribulation.

That's right, the Minsheng Sword seemed to have regained its powerful vitality, and the sword body actually began to produce waves of energy ripples.

For a moment, the Minsheng Sword was shining brightly, as if it was activated.

Zhuo Bufan saw this scene and was even more fearless.

"Then come again!"

He raised the Minsheng Sword again, and this time, the power that burst out from the Minsheng Sword was so powerful that it could not be stopped.

The light swept across all the thunder dragons and bombarded the sea of ​​thunder above the sky.

All the thunder dragons in the sea of ​​tears were killed.

This time, the power of the Minsheng Sword was so powerful that it really caused the wrath of the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sky was really angry, and it was obvious that the heavens also hated the sword of compassion in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

It felt like the Heavenly Dao had killed Jianmu.

The Heavenly Dao was really angry, and the energy had covered the entire sky.

A voice sounded in Zhuo Bufan's mind--

"I found you."

Zhuo Bufan was excited!

"Not good, it's a big deal."

The voice was too familiar, and the black hand behind the scenes that he had seen in the save space at the beginning made such a voice.

Zhuo Bufan didn't need to guess that the person who made this voice was the virtual Luo Tian! That is, the current parasite of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan's behavior alarmed the heavens, and he exposed his identity.

For a moment, a huge black hand fell from the chaotic vortex in the sky.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned the moment he saw the black hand.

He was familiar with that black hand. He had seen that black hand in the save space at the beginning.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the black hand, and a sense of panic swept over him.

That kind of panic came from the depths of his soul, just like an ant seeing an elephant, feeling helpless and confused.

"What is that?"

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but also Ni Cangqiong, who was not far away, saw the black hand that covered the sky falling from the sky.

When Xu Huang saw the black hand, he was even more confused.

"How is it possible? It's the sky, it's the sky, the hand of the sky!"

Xu Huang was very familiar with the energy in the black hand.

Because it was the power of the virtual body.

That black hand was the hand of the virtual Luo Tian.

Under the black beast, no one could escape.

Xu Huang was like a frightened poor cat, with his hair standing on end.

He wanted to escape, but the space of the entire sky had been imprisoned, and no one could open a space door.

It was obviously impossible to escape, but Xu Huang would not sit and wait for death.

Xu Huang thought that the black hand was coming for him, so the first time he saw the black hand, Xu Huang's action was to resist.

Because running away was meaningless, Xu Huang rushed towards the Hand of Heaven.

The God-killing Thorn in his hand stabbed the black hand.

All the strength in his body was concentrated at the end of the God-killing Thorn, and then he blasted towards the Hand of Heaven without hesitation.

However, Xu Huang's behavior was no different from an ant trying to shake a tree.

That feeling was perhaps like a fly staring at the palm of your hand.

Although there was a slight pain, he would be slapped to death in the next second!

As expected, at the moment when Xu Huang used the God-killing Spear to stab the Hand of Heaven, the Hand of Heaven suddenly burst out with a terrible force that turned the world upside down.

Then a palm slammed into the body of Xu Huang.

The next second, Xu Huang's virtual body was knocked away by more than ten layers, leaving only the last trace of vitality, standing there like a wooden chicken.

Without any surprise, Xu Huang was killed instantly.

His cultivation level directly rushed to the Saint Yuan Realm and fell into an ordinary body.

Became one of the weakest virtual bodies.

This is the power of the Heavenly Dao. Even if you have thousands of changes, you can't resist the ruthlessness of my Heavenly Dao.

Xu Huang was killed by the Hand of Heaven, but even so, he at least fought.

Facing the Hand of Heaven as well, Zhuo Bufan didn't even have the strength to move.

He could only watch the Hand of Heaven fall and attack him.

"It's really a big deal. It seems that I have to reload the game again."

"I just don't know if I can escape this time."

Zhuo Bufan's heart can be said to be extremely miserable.

I thought I just wanted to use the heavenly tribulation to kill the Void Emperor, but I didn't expect that my power would attract the attention of the Heavenly Dao.

He is Luo Tian's reincarnation. Once he is discovered by the virtual Luo Tian, ​​what will happen is unimaginable.

So, Zhuo Bufan seems to have no choice but to wait for the fate of being caught by the virtual Luo Tian.

Otherwise, he can only choose to reload the game.

But if he reloads the game, the black hand can still catch up, which is also a great challenge for Zhuo Bufan.

However, what is feared is that Zhuo Bufan may be caught even if he reloads the game.

The last time, it was Fu Huang who saved Zhuo Bufan's life.

Now, will Fu Huang still help?

"Zhuo Bufan, run!"

Ni Cangqiong shouted at Zhuo Bufan, because he could feel that the real target of the black hand was Zhuo Bufan.

Once it caught him, Zhuo Bufan would be dead.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't resist the will of heaven. No matter how strong his Minsheng Sword was, it could only resist the heavenly tribulation.

And what was coming now was not just the heavenly tribulation, but the way of heaven itself!

Zhuo Bufan couldn't resist it, and neither could the Minsheng Sword.

He watched the hand of heaven fall from the sky and was about to grab Zhuo Bufan.


A white light suddenly appeared, covering the entire world and wrapping up Zhuo Bufan who was standing still.

The white light came quickly and directly penetrated the time and space seal of the way of heaven.

You should know that the entire world has been sealed by the power of the way of heaven.

Even the Void Emperor couldn't open up a space channel.

But the light of heaven could easily penetrate the ban and even wrapped up Zhuo Bufan.

The moment when the black hand was about to close and grab Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan disappeared from the spot, leaving the black hand empty.

At one point, the heavens roared with terror, and the entire sky was filled with thunder and lightning, crackling like an ocean falling.


Once again, Zhuo Bufan escaped from the hands of the heavens.

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