After Zhuo Bufan escaped, the Hand of Heaven quickly disappeared into the air.

The Hand of Heaven only targets Zhuo Bufan, so since Zhuo Bufan disappeared, he will not target anyone.

This world finally became silent.

After Ni Qiangqiong saw this situation, he flew back to the battlefield.

In the battlefield at this moment, only the Void Emperor, who had been wiped out and turned into a mortal, was left.

The Xu Emperor was destroyed by Heaven and turned into a ball of black energy the size of a fist.

Upon seeing this, Ni Qingqiong swallowed it up in one gulp and swallowed it into the Taotie Space.

In this way, Xu Huang was completely conquered by Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qiong.

After subduing the Xu Emperor, Ni Qianqiong raised his head and looked towards the distant east.

Zhuo Bufan disappeared from that direction.

"Did Emperor Wa save him?"

I'm afraid there are only three people in this world who can save Zhuo Bufan from God.

Those are the three supreme deities.

In fact, it was indeed Emperor Wa, one of the three great gods, who saved Zhuo Bufan.

After all, it was in the realm of Emperor Wa, and Zhuo Bufan was the person that Emperor Wa focused on.

The first time Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven-Mending Technique, Emperor Wa realized that Zhuo Bufan might cause a sudden change.

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan made so much noise that it attracted the hand of heaven.

Fortunately, Emperor Wa took action in time, otherwise Zhuo Bufan might really be captured by God.

Zhuo Bufan was wrapped in that white light and was taken to an unknown place.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was on a lake as calm as a mirror.

The environment here is beautiful and very quiet.

There are cranes flying around and fairy mist curling up.

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found that there was no one around, and that terrifying hand in the sky had long since disappeared.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan know that he had been saved.

So, he hid the sky and said with his hands.

"I'm Zhuo Bufan, may I ask which senior came to the rescue!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the person who saved him must have brought him to this place.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know who came to help, but he could basically guess it.

Those who can save him from the hands of heaven are none other than the three great gods.

After all, Zhuo Bufan had been favored by Emperor Fu before and was rescued by Emperor Fu from the hands of heaven.

So the person who saves him this time will still be one of the Three Emperors.

And Zhuo Bufan was in the territory of Emperor Wa at the moment, so there was no need to guess. Zhuo Bufan could think that he should have been rescued by the legendary Emperor Wa.

Sure enough, just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about who was his savior.

Suddenly, a melodious sound came from the sky.

That voice poured directly into Zhuo Bufan's soul, leaving Zhuo Bufan stunned.

"Zhuo Bufan, welcome to Mazu Mountain!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard that he was in Mazu Mountain, he was so excited that he was startled in his heart.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Wa, my disciple Zhuo Bufan would like to thank Emperor Wa for his kindness."

Zhuo Bufan knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Emperor Wa.

However, in the face of Zhuo Bufan's gratitude, Emperor Wa did not show up, but left a message -

"You stay in Mazu Mountain for now and don't come out!"

After Emperor Wa finished speaking, there was suddenly no sound.

"Empress Wa, Empress Wa!"

Zhuo Bufan tried shouting a few times, but could not hear any response from Emperor Wa.

Obviously, Emperor Wa has left.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know why Emperor Wa left suddenly, but what Emperor Wa had to do must be very important, so Zhuo Bufan naturally wouldn't ask more questions, let alone take care of it.

"Disciple, please obey Emperor Wa's orders!"

Zhuo Bufan's sky is empty and he cupped his hands.

Then, he looked at the clean and holy world deep inside himself.

"Is this the legendary Mazu Mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan still has a certain understanding of Mazu Mountain.

Legend has it that Mazu Mountain is the small world that Mazu transformed into after her death. It is a world independent of Daluotian.

In other words, everything in this world is not under the jurisdiction of Da Luotian.

Just like the earth world in Zhuo Bufan's body, it is completely independent from Da Luotian.

Mazu, as the biological mother of the Three Emperors, is also the most sacred existence of mankind.

Even if she dies, she will always live in people's hearts.

After Mazu died, Emperor Wa inherited the world and took charge of Mazu Mountain.

Although Mazu Mountain is not big, because it isolates heaven and earth, it is the only world that is not affected by Daluo Tiandao.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can completely avoid the pursuit of the incorporeal Luo Tian here.

This is also the reason why Emperor Wa wanted Zhuo Bufan to stay here.

Only by staying here can Zhuo Bufan settle down and live his life.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan had originally planned to visit Mazu Mountain to meet Meng Chanyi, whom he had always wanted to see.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan was very happy to be left by Emperor Wa on Mazu Mountain.

"I don't know if I can meet Meng Chanyi!"

Zhuo Bufan thought in his heart.

As soon as he came to Mazu Mountain, the first person he thought of was the most perfect woman in the world, Meng Chanyi.

Because Meng Chanyi was probably his first life, Luo Tian's lover.

If this is the case, then Zhuo Bufan came here not only to meet Meng Chanyi, but also to complete a relationship that has not yet had any results.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was not ready to face Meng Chanyi.

"Then let's go around first! If we meet her, what should we ask?"

Zhuo Bufan was thinking.

He walked aimlessly on the Mirror Lake, thinking about Meng Chanyi in his heart.

However, Zhuo Bufan was destined not to see the person he was thinking about on this trip.

Meng Chanyi had already left Daluotian. For Zhuo Bufan, she went to Tianwaitian alone to find the end of time and the Lord.

For Meng Chanyi, the current Zhuo Bufan was not the complete Zhuo Bufan.

The real complete Zhuo Bufan should be Luotian plus Ji Xuanhao plus Zhuo Bufan.

And the only one who can integrate Luotian, Ji Xuanhao and Zhuo Bufan into one is the Lord of Time.

What Meng Chanyi wants is the complete Zhuo Bufan, or Luotian.

So this time when she went to Tianwaitian, Meng Chanyi actually had her own selfish motives.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know this yet.

He just walked on the Mirror Lake, looking for any signs of human habitation.

Soon, he came to the edge of the Mirror Lake.

At this moment, he saw a woman in a snow-covered dress standing on the shore of a pavilion on the edge of the Mirror Lake, looking at her.

She seemed to be waiting for him.

"The second disciple of the Emperor Wa, Meng Xiyue. Meet Master Zhuo!"

The woman turned out to be the second disciple of the Emperor Wa, Meng Xiyue.

She was dressed in white clothes, just like the bright moonlight, clean and fresh, meticulous, giving people a very fresh and elegant feeling.

Needless to say, Meng Xiyue's appearance is naturally not as beautiful as Meng Chanyi, the most beautiful woman in the world, but Meng Xiyue is also a beauty in the world.

There is a crescent-shaped red inner mole under her left eye, so Meng Chanyi named her Meng Xiyue.

That's right, Meng Xiyue's name was actually given by Meng Chanyi. To be precise, the names of the twelve saints of Mazu Mountain, except Meng Chanyi herself, were all given by her.

Zhuo Bufan had learned about the twelve holy ladies of Mazu Mountain before.

Among them, there is naturally Meng Xiyue.

Meng Xiyue was picked up by Meng Chanyi from a pile of dead bodies on a full moon night.

At the beginning, the Queen of Wa had no intention of accepting a disciple, but just asked Meng Chanyi to give Meng Xiyue to a random family to raise.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi gave Meng Xiyue to a wealthy family.

However, Meng Xiyue lived a humble life like a slave in that rich family.

Meng Chanyi had been secretly paying attention to Meng Xiyue. Finally, once again, Meng Xiyue's adoptive father gave the teenage Meng Xiyue to the bandits as a concubine in order to seek peace.

When Meng Xiyue was sent to the bandit's stronghold, she jumped directly from the cliff.

Meng Chanyi rescued her again, and brought her to Mazu Mountain, and then begged the Queen of Wa to take Meng Xiyue in.

For Meng Chanyi's sake, the Queen of Wa finally accepted Meng Xiyue.

So far, Meng Xiyue is the first official disciple of the Wa Emperor.

Because strictly speaking, Meng Chanyi is not a disciple of the Wa Emperor. Their relationship is that of a teacher and a friend.

After Meng Xiyue became a disciple of the Wa Emperor, it was basically Meng Chanyi who taught her how to do things, how to be a person, and how to practice.

Therefore, in Meng Xiyue's eyes, Meng Chanyi's status is unparalleled, even surpassing the Wa Emperor.

For her, Meng Chanyi is like a master, a sister, and more like a mother.

From childhood to adulthood, Meng Xiyue has been following Meng Chanyi like a follower.

So she actually knows a little about Meng Chanyi's affairs.

She knows that the person in the back picture of Meng Chanyi is the man she misses the most.

She also knows that Meng Chanyi has been waiting for that man to come back.

At first, Meng Xiyue thought that the person Meng Chanyi was waiting for had died long ago.

But later Meng Xiyue discovered that the person Meng Chanyi was waiting for had actually been reincarnated.

Not long ago, Meng Chanyi went to Futian Mountain because of the matter of the eighth brother Meng Wuqing.

After returning from Futian Mountain, Meng Xiyue found that Meng Chanyi suddenly seemed to have changed.

She first went to the Wa Palace to question the Wa Emperor, and then rushed to the secular world.

Meng Xiyue followed secretly, and found that Meng Chanyi had been observing a man.

And this man was Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Xiyue understood from that moment that the person Meng Chanyi had been waiting for was Zhuo Bufan.

As expected, this time, in order to protect Zhuo Bufan, even the Wa Emperor took action.

In Meng Xiyue's view, the Wa Emperor must have protected Zhuo Bufan for the sake of the senior sister Meng Chanyi.

It can be said that Meng Xiyue relied on her own reasoning to figure out the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

And this time, she also went crazy at the order of the Wa Emperor and came to pick up Zhuo Bufan.

She really wanted to take a good look at what kind of man this Zhuo Bufan was, and why he made her most respected senior sister Chanyi think so much.

“I am Zhuo Bufan, meeting Senior Sister Xiyue!”

Zhuo Bufan immediately kept his distance from Meng Xiyue after seeing her.

Indeed, he did not expect that a chill suddenly appeared under Meng Xiyue’s feet.

Then the chill quickly spread from his feet to the surroundings, and finally radiated toward the lake surface.

Then, the mirror-like lake surface began to condense frost.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the frost coming towards him, and immediately felt Meng Xiyue’s murderous intent towards him.

“Senior Sister Xiyue, what are you doing…”

Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask more questions, but Meng Xiyue suddenly grabbed a moon-white long sword and attacked him.

"Junior Brother Zhuo, I'm sorry."

Meng Xiyue didn't say much, but rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately circulated the few Yuanli in his body, and then began to avoid Meng Xiyue's attack.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan found that his strength was at least weakened by a hundred times in Mazu Mountain.

His Yuanli could only exert less than one percent of the usual state.

Usually, he could easily jump hundreds of feet high, but now he could only barely avoid Meng Xiyue's attack.

"Is there a ban in Mazu Mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan understood at the first time that there should be a powerful ban in Mazu Mountain.

It is difficult to exert his true strength here.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to think too much.

Meng Xiyue's moon-breaking sword is cold and ruthless.

At the moment when Zhuo Bufan had no time to think, a sword pierced his shoulder.

Zhuo Bufan was forced to retreat a hundred steps.

Then he covered the bleeding wound with a fierce look on his face.

"Are you serious?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Meng Xiyue to be so decisive and ruthless.

And she showed no mercy. The ability of the Broken Moon Sword made it difficult for Zhuo Bufan to stop the wound easily.

Zhuo Bufan covered the wound and did not use the Heaven Repairing Technique to repair the injury.

Because he really wanted to know Meng Xiyue's attitude.

After hearing this, Meng Xiyue took back the Broken Moon Sword in her hand and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuo, Xiyue just offended you. I will treat your injury now."

After Meng Xiyue finished speaking, she suddenly appeared beside Zhuo Bufan.

That's right, it was teleportation, and it was the kind of teleportation that Zhuo Bufan couldn't feel at all.

This kind of teleportation is more advanced than ordinary teleportation, as if the door of space was opened in an instant.

Then, Meng Xiyue took out a small medicine bottle and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled when he saw this.

He had just attacked him so badly, but he stopped fighting the next second and treated his wounds.

"Is this guy a double personality?"

Zhuo Bufan felt very strange, so he directly rejected Meng Xiyue.

"No, this little injury is nothing."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly used the sky repairing technique, and then began to repair the wound on his chest caused by Meng Xiyue.

Meng Xiyue was stunned when she saw this.

"This is, the sky repairing technique?"

"You actually know the sky repairing technique of our Mazu Mountain?"

Meng Xiyue never thought that Zhuo Bufan would know the sky repairing technique.

You know, only the Wahuang and the senior sister Meng Chanyi of their Mazu Mountain know the sky repairing technique.

Even they are not qualified to learn it.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Meng Xiyue's incredible expression and smiled triumphantly.

"That's right, I am a humble person, but I learned this technique from a painting. I came here today to see the painter."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out a scroll from his ring.

When he opened the scroll, Meng Xiyue's eyes widened.

"The picture of the back of the senior sister?"


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