Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1166: Retreat and Practice

Zhuo Bufan's ultimate mission is to become the new host of the Heavenly Dao.

It can be said that he is the candidate chosen by the Three Emperors.

His reincarnation was actually secretly planned by the Three Emperors.

Because the current host of the Heavenly Dao is the virtual Luo Tian, ​​it only has virtual emotions.

If Zhuo Bufan merges with it and achieves completeness, it may be able to change the world.

Of course, all this is based on various speculations.

But no matter what, this is indeed a way.

And the Three Emperors are also working hard to preserve Zhuo Bufan for this method.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan's importance, he might have died countless times.

"Now do you know why the Heavenly Dao Black Hand will keep chasing you? Because it is also afraid of your appearance."

"Now in the whole world, only you are a threat to it."

When Chidi said this, Zhuo Bufan realized how important he was.

His existence is no longer as simple as Zhuo Bufan.

He is still Luo Tian, ​​and still Ji Xuanhao.

In the first two generations, he was working hard to change the world. So in this life, Zhuo Bufan's mission will be even more important.

"If you want to merge with the current Heavenly Dao, then the power you need must not be weak."

"Once merged, you must be the leader. You can't let your virtual body control you. So your three reincarnations are to combine the power of the three lives and merge into one. Only in this way can you be qualified to become the new host of the Heavenly Dao. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan may not have had much feeling about what Chidi said before.

But now, he seems to have understood the reason for his three reincarnations.

The purpose of the three reincarnations is to make himself the last qualified host.

"Become the new host of the Heavenly Dao?"

Zhuo Bufan looked up at the sky of Mazu Mountain.

He had never had such an idea of ​​overestimating his own abilities, but now, this has become his mission.

"How much time do I have?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Chidi shook his head.

"Not much, the situation of the Three Emperors and the Heavenly Dao opposing each other may be broken at any time. Before that, you must have the cultivation of the Dao Yuan Realm."

"Not only that, you must also merge the three bodies of the world. Only in this way can you be qualified to compete with the virtual Luo Tian."

The words of the Red Emperor made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

"So, before that, you must not expose yourself like before. Lest you be discovered by the virtual Luo Tian."

Zhuo Bufan naturally realized the seriousness of the matter after the Red Emperor's explanation.

Before, he did stupid things that shocked the Heavenly Dao because he didn't know his mission.

Now I still feel a little scared when I think about it.

"I understand, I will be careful in the future."

"Well, your affairs now belong to more than just you. This is more related to the future of all mankind. So in the future, you must think more about anything you do."

The Red Emperor did not mean to blame Zhuo Bufan. After all, it was his freedom to do whatever Zhuo Bufan wanted.

But Zhuo Bufan's safety now is indeed not just his own business.

"According to Queen Wa, you need to raise your realm to the Saint Yuan realm in Mazu Mountain before you can leave."

"So, you can't leave here before you reach the Saint Yuan realm."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Saint Yuan realm?"

"That's right. Only when you reach the Saint Yuan realm can you have enough self-protection. And under the Saint Yuan realm, your world will be more perfect. At that time, even if the second plan doesn't work, we can still implement the first plan."

"The first plan, collective migration to the new world?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

At this point, he has no choice.

God will give great responsibilities to this person. The mission that Zhuo Bufan is now shouldering is probably something that only he can bear.

"According to Queen Wa, you are only one step away from the Saint Yuan. I believe you will be able to break through in a few days. As for the opportunity to break through, you need to find it yourself."

Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"I will work hard."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan recently discovered that his cultivation has reached the peak of the Yuanshen realm, and he believes that he will be able to break through soon.

Moreover, he obtained a lot of Hunyuan crystals in Jieying Gate.

The Hunyuan crystals were of great help to his cultivation.

"Next, I will practice in seclusion, and I will never come out until I reach the Saint Yuan Realm."

"By the way, do you know where the Chanyi Fairy of Mazu Mountain went?"

Zhuo Bufan planned to see Meng Chanyi at least once before his retreat.

After hearing this, Chidi shook his head.

"I can't tell you the whereabouts of Chanyi Fairy, but I can tell you that everything Chanyi Fairy is doing now is for you."

"All for me? Can you tell me more about her?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he owed Meng Chanyi. Since he came to Mazu Mountain, he couldn't avoid this problem.

Instead of avoiding it, it's better to take the initiative.

After hearing this, Chidi sighed.

"Since you have already practiced the Heaven Repairing Technique in the Back Figure, don't you understand your relationship with Chanyi Fairy?"

Chidi obviously knew about the Heaven Repairing Technique that Zhuo Bufan practiced.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan should have felt Meng Chanyi's thoughts.

Zhuo Bufan also asked.

"Is she related to Luo Tian?"

After hearing this, Chidi nodded.

"She is Luo Tian's closest follower, and she also came from our world. In this world, she has been waiting for Luo Tian for more than one million years. Every bit of emotion you feel in the back picture is her longing for Luo Tian."

After hearing Chidi's words, Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought.

Now that Meng Chanyi is no longer in Mazu Mountain, it is obviously impossible for him to ask her face to face.

Therefore, he hopes to get to know this woman before that.

"I understand. Next, I will honestly retreat and strive to break through to the Shengyuan realm as soon as possible. Before the catastrophe comes, I hope everything goes well."

Next, Zhuo Bufan has to do is to retreat and practice, and break through to the Shengyuan realm.


"The practice of the Shengyuan realm will change the world in my body. Now the world in my body has already given birth to spiritual energy. The next practice may bring drastic changes to this world. Do you want to go and see it first?"

Zhuo Bufan did not forget the "Earth" in his body.

That "Earth" was created by Ji Xuanhao in his previous life. It is an independent world that is not affected by Daluotian.

Obviously, according to the plan of the Three Emperors, they need to build a new world and then transfer all the lives in Daluotian.

Unfortunately, the "Earth" in Zhuo Bufan's body is too small now.

This world can't accommodate all the people in Daluotian, and it can't even accommodate the people of a country.

Therefore, expanding this "Earth" has become what Zhuo Bufan needs to do next.

"The world under the Shengyuan Realm already has complete law power. And it will produce spiritual energy."

"The 'Earth' with spiritual energy may also usher in a new change!"

Zhuo Bufan decided to impact the Shengyuan Realm, first for himself, and second for the small world in his body.

"Then, absorb the chaotic energy first."

Zhuo Bufan took out the Hunyuan crystals he obtained from the Jieying Gate, and then absorbed all the chaotic energy in these crystals into his body.

For a time, his body was like a volcanic eruption, full of violent energy.

"The Chaos Qi comes from the outer world and belongs to the power of creation. If it merges with it, it will certainly be backlashed."

"It seems that I can't rush it. I can only absorb it slowly like a trickle of water."

Zhuo Bufan said that after finding the method of absorption, he absorbed the Chaos Qi in the Hunyuan Crystal into his body bit by bit.

This process is very slow. Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how long it will last, maybe a month, maybe a whole year.

In short, since he has chosen to retreat, Zhuo Bufan must calm down.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan completely entered the state of retreat.

And during Zhuo Bufan's retreat, the outside world was also undergoing vicissitudes.

First, it was the Butian City in the Wahuang Territory.

Because of the destruction of the Jieying Gate, Butian City rescued all the ascenders of the Jieying Gate.

Just when Queen Jingguo was struggling with how to place these ascenders, the twelfth saint Meng Jiangmi under the Wahuang suddenly arrived.

She followed the order of Queen Wa and, in the name of Zhuo Bufan, summoned all the ascenders and established a new sect called Feishengmen!

The sect master was Zhuo Bufan who was in seclusion.

This was something Zhuo Bufan himself didn't know at all.

Before Zhuo Bufan entered the storage tank, Feishengmen would be handed over to Meng Jiangmi to act as the sect master.

It must be said that the talents of these ascenders were very strong.

Under Meng Jiangmi's personal training, they made rapid progress, even faster than when they were in the Jieyingmen.

In fact, Queen Wa had always known about the Jieyingmen.

From the time things happened until now, it can be said that everything was within Queen Wa's expectations.

Queen Wa wanted Zhuo Bufan to be the savior of these ascenders.

Because Queen Wa knew very well that these ascenders were treasures and important beings to change the world in the future.

That's why Queen Wa asked Meng Jiangmi to establish Feishengmen in the name of Zhuo Bufan.

As long as Zhuo Bufan came out of seclusion, he would be able to be directly promoted to the sect master of Feishengmen.

In addition to the matter of the Ascension Gate, on the other side, in the distant Panhuang territory, in the Dahai Dynasty.

Although Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong, the two manipulators, are no longer there, the battle for the throne is not over.

Previously, Hai Xiaoyun took Zhou Peng and others to the Tianwang Palace, the largest slave market in the empire.

And in the end, there was a big fuss and many slaves in the Tianwang Palace were rescued.

Hai Xiaoyun proved his determination to liberate slaves with practical actions.

And the slaves also saw hope and began to support Hai Xiaoyun.

During the trip to the Tianwang Palace, Hai Xiaoyun directly became the new spiritual leader of the slaves and their new hope.

Hai Xiaoyun's support rate began to soar.

Of course, this was inseparable from the help of Zhou Peng and others.

After Zhuo Bufan left, Zhou Peng became Hai Xiaoyun's biggest support.

Zhou Peng is a quasi-Panhuang disciple. Before the practice of Jietian Mountain, Zhou Peng obtained the Panhuang's exceptional re-election qualification.

Zhou Peng's becoming a Panhuang disciple is basically a foregone conclusion.

So in some ways, Zhou Peng actually has more say than Zhuo Bufan.

Now that Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong are no longer around, Zhou Peng's decision will obviously change the fate of the entire country.

Of course, Zhou Peng cannot interfere in government affairs at will, he just wants to ensure that this election is absolutely fair.

It is unknown when the matter of the election for the throne of the Hai Dynasty reached Jietian Mountain.

Jietian Mountain's senior brother Ziyang actually sent Han Fei to personally preside over the fairness of this election meeting.

Han Fei's arrival undoubtedly represents Jietian Mountain's intention.

So far, Emperor Hai Tu has no way out.

He must win this election for the throne and become a real emperor.

However, Hai Xiaoyun's support rate is getting higher and higher, and Hai Tu has begun to get anxious.



In the hall, the emperor smashed the jade cup heavily on the Panlong Pillar, breaking it into pieces.

"Damn it, these lowly slaves, why are they qualified to vote? Why?"

The latest opinion poll shows that 90% of the slaves are willing to vote for Hai Xiaoyun.

90% of the slaves, this is a very strong base, basically accounting for three-tenths of the votes.

It is equivalent to saying that basically three-tenths of the votes are now firmly in the hands of Hai Xiaoyun.

"Old man, do we still have a chance to turn the situation around?"

The emperor calmed down and looked at Prime Minister Jin Ziweng.

After hearing this, Jin Ziweng frowned and stepped forward to report.

"Your Majesty, although Hai Xiaoyun has gained a lot of support from slaves, the slaves are not liberated now. They are still slaves."

"Since they are slaves, they must obey their masters."

"Hai Xiaoyun has the slaves, so we will strive to gain the support of the slave owners."

"Hai Xiaoyun and his men made a big fuss in the Eighth Prince's Tianwang Palace and rescued a lot of slaves. Hai Xiaoyun also became famous because of this and gained the support of the slaves."

"But at the same time, Hai Xiaoyun was also hated by all the nobles, especially the Eighth Prince and his men, who hated Hai Xiaoyun to the core."

"I think we should gather the Eighth Prince and other forces to fight against Hai Xiaoyun together."

"The current situation is obviously not just a struggle between your Majesty and Hai Xiaoyun. It is also a class struggle between slaves and nobles."

"I think the odds between us are 50-50!"

Prime Minister Jin Ziweng expressed his opinion, and the emperor frowned after hearing it.

"This is the only way to do it now."

"Old man, send someone to invite the Eighth Prince, the Seventh Prince, the Third Prince and others. I want to use their strength to fight Hai Xiaoyun with all my strength."

"Also, the speech is completely up to you. Old man, if you can help me to sit firmly on the throne, I will be grateful to you. From now on, you are my second father. I will treat you like my biological father."

In order to win over Jin Ziweng, Hai Tu can be said to have completely disregarded his own emperor's face.

And Jin Ziweng was also moved by the emperor's words and quickly knelt down in front of the emperor.

"I am so humbled that I am willing to bow my head and die for your majesty."

"Well, the next step is up to you. Go down and act!"

"Minister, obey your order."

After Jin Ziweng finished speaking, he turned and left the hall.

Looking at Jin Ziweng leaving, the emperor couldn't help but sigh.

"Is it reliable to hand over my throne to such an old man?"


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