Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1167 Playing the Pig to Eat the Tiger

Hai Xiaoyun has gained the support of the slaves, and now public opinion has risen sharply.

However, the emperor is not idle either.

After Hai Xiaoyun gained the support of the slaves, the emperor gathered the slave owners.

These slave owners now fully support the emperor and start brainwashing their slaves according to the emperor's wishes.

The slaves naturally dare not resist these slave owners, and they are also becoming more miserable under the oppression of the slave owners.

The whole society seems to be shrouded in a layer of war fog.

A social unrest is quietly gathering the power to explode.

It is actually the emperor's strategy to cause the slaves to fight.

Because in this way, even if Hai Xiaoyun wins the election and ascends the throne, a tragic class struggle will break out.

At that time, the whole country will fall into chaos, and the emperor can once again rise up and make a comeback.

After all, you have to know that the army is in the hands of the gentry. Although Hai Xiaoyun has the support of the people, he does not have the support of the military, and he is sitting on pins and needles as the emperor.

It can be said that Emperor Hai Tu has made all the calculations. Facing his counterattack, Hai Xiaoyun may suffer an unprecedented impact.


On Hai Xiaoyun's side, after receiving the news from the palace, the entire venue fell into contemplation.

"The current situation is that because we completely help the slaves, the relationship with the gentry has completely broken down."

"At present, there are already many slave owners who are suppressing the slaves. There are even many slave owners who have sold their slaves to other countries at a low price."

"If this continues, on the day of the vote, the number of slave votes we get may be reduced by at least half."

General Pu informed everyone present of the situation.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun said angrily.

"Don't these guys know that slaves also have the right to vote? What they did is a violation of human rights."

"Selling slaves at a low price abroad, it's a pity they can think of it."

"The emperor has violated the rules of the election. We must inform Han Shangren."

The Han Shangren mentioned by Hai Xiaoyun is naturally Han Fei who came from Jietian Mountain.

Han Fei followed the order of Senior Brother Zi Yang to come to the Hai Dynasty to supervise the fairness of this election for the throne.

Hai Xiaoyun thought that the emperor's practice of asking slave owners to sell slaves at a low price was unfair, so he planned to report it to Han Fei.

However, Zhou Peng, who was sitting next to him, said.

"The emperor's practice did not violate the regulations. He just won over the slave owners. Selling slaves is the personal behavior of the slave owners, so I don't think your report should have much effect."

"Instead of thinking about asking Senior Brother Han to punish the emperor, you might as well think about how to face the next situation."

"In my opinion, you are not aware enough."

Zhou Peng saw through the truth, and his words made Hai Xiaoyun a little confused.

"Awareness? What does Brother Zhou mean?"

Zhou Peng asked back after hearing it.

"Do you understand why the emperor did this? Or, do you feel the emperor Hai Tu's awareness?"

"The emperor's awareness?"

Hai Xiaoyun shook his head. He didn't think so much.

Zhou Peng couldn't help shaking his head.

"The emperor has already prepared for the failure of the election, so he came up with this desperate method."

"His purpose is that even if you succeed in the election and become the new emperor, you will have to face the war between the nobles. At that time, he may regain the throne under another name."

"This is the emperor's real purpose."

When Zhou Peng said the emperor's purpose, Hai Xiaoyun immediately realized it.

"So that's it, is this the emperor's awareness?"

"Yes, since you are now competing with the emperor for the throne, you should have the same awareness. Have you thought about the failure of the election?"

Hai Xiaoyun frowned after hearing this.

"Failure of the election?"

His words not only made Hai Xiaoyun fall into deep thought, but also made Hai Xiaoyun's subordinates present look embarrassed.

They never thought about what would happen if they failed in the election. Perhaps from the beginning, they were full of confidence.

But now, even Emperor Hai Tu is ready to fail, how can they continue to be so confident and proud?

"Since it is an election, there will be winners and losers."

"As a party in the election, you must be prepared to fail."

Zhou Peng's words were like a revelation, which made Hai Xiaoyun suddenly enlightened.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun quickly responded.

"Brother Zhou is right, and we must also be aware of it."

"Since the emperor is ready to fail in the election, we can't let the disaster happen."

"Besides, I must also be prepared to fail. I won't give up."

Hai Xiaoyun is also obsessed with the throne.

The reason why he is so persistent is that he must prove his true identity to the world.

Although Hai Xiaoyun is an illegitimate child, he does have the bloodline of the descendants of the Hai family.

After listening to what Hai Xiaoyun said, the father-in-law Pu Lao who was standing behind him stood up and said.

"My lord, at this point, I think we should also take action."

"Since the slave owners want to sell all the slaves at a low price now. Then we must take this opportunity to start building momentum and take the lead in launching your slave uprising. What do you think?"

Pu Lao came up with an idea. He planned to launch a slave uprising now.

Once a civil war breaks out, the emperor will certainly have nothing to do, and elections will continue.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun frowned and said.

"Did things finally come to this? In fact, I don't want to cause a war."

Zhuo Bufan made it clear before leaving.

War is not the purpose. War will only plunge the entire country into a long-lasting and consuming civil strife.

This is why Zhuo Bufan chose to use the electoral method from the beginning.

Zhuo Bufan's purpose is very clear, which is to use the election method to elect the true emperor of the Hai family.

It didn't matter to him whether the outcome was Tide or Hai Xiaoyun.

But people are all selfish, and so is Hai Xiaoyun.

For the sake of the throne, he is willing to do anything.

Hai Xiaoyun looked at Zhou Peng standing aside and frowned.

"Brother Zhou, do you think this is appropriate?"

In fact, Hai Xiaoyun wanted to ask what the attitude of Zhou Peng and Jie Tianshan behind him would be once a war started.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng replied coldly.

"The instruction I received is to ensure that the election conference in three months' time goes smoothly."

"In three months, this empire must elect a real emperor. As for whether this empire will prosper or perish in the future, it has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with Jie Tianshan."

"Whether you live or die is just your own destiny. If you plan to start a war before then, then I would also advise you. Are you really sure that you can deal with the emperor and his army?"

Zhou Peng is actually looking at this battle for the throne as an outsider.

After all, when he first received Zhuo Bufan's request, Zhuo Bufan made it clear to him not to help Hai Xiaoyun completely. This kid was not simple.

After hearing Zhou Peng's words, Hai Xiaoyun nodded and said.

"I understand. Brother Zhou, don't worry, I have my own plan."

After hearing this, Zhou Peng said no more and left the conference room with Nana and Zhuo Zhuo.

After leaving the conference room, Nana asked Zhou Peng and said.

"Pengpeng, why don't we stop him? If a war really breaks out, life will be devastated and many people will die!"

The superior on the side also asked himself.

"Yes, second brother. My elder brother said that he does not support the two sides fighting for the throne through war."

After hearing this, Zhou Peng shook his head.

"Xiao Yue can rest assured that this war will not start for a while. I will make sure that this election is successfully completed before then."

"But has your elder brother told you, when will he come back?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo shook his head.

"Brother didn't say anything, but he said he would definitely come back. To witness the final victory in this battle for the throne."

"For my brother, the Sea Dynasty is a very important memory."

Zhuo Zhuo had heard Zhuo Bufan say before that Dahai Dynasty had a deep connection with him.

The reason why he intervened in the struggle for the throne of the Dahai Dynasty was because he did not want the empire to be managed by an incompetent emperor.

Since he had to choose between Hai Xiaoyun and Haitu, Zhuo Bufan could only use this election method to choose a wise king.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng nodded slowly.

"Next, let's wait and see what happens! Zhuo Bufan is right, Hai Xiaoyun is not a simple guy."

"You still remember the previous assassination? I conducted a secret investigation and found that the assassin was Hai Xiaoyun's secret guard."

Zhou Peng's words stunned both Zhuo Zhuo and Nana.

"No way, Pengpeng, did Hai Xiaoyun's secret guard rebel?"

Nana asked in surprise.

After Zhou Peng heard this, he shook his head.

"Of course not. The assassination was just a drama directed and performed by Hai Xiaoyun. I have to say that the drama was so exquisite that even I was almost deceived."

Zhou Peng's words made Nana and Zhuo Zhuo even more confused.

"Pengpeng, are you saying that Hai Xiaoyun deliberately sent people to assassinate himself? Is he crazy?"

In Nana's opinion, only a madman would send someone to assassinate her.

You must know that those assassins have no eyesight. What if they take his life?

After hearing this, Zhou Peng smiled.

"He is indeed a little crazy, otherwise he would not be able to lay out such an exquisite plan."

"The reason why Hai Xiaoyun did this was just to frame the emperor."

Zhou Peng was a smart man. He only needed to use his brain a little to guess Hai Xiaoyun's purpose.

"Bringing blame to the emperor?" Zhuo Zhuo was not as smart as Zhou Peng, so he didn't react for a while.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng smiled.

"Yes, during the assassination, Hai Xiaoyun had just issued a declaration of freedom."

"At that time, Hai Xiaoyun needs to gain the approval of the slaves, so he must let the slaves know that he, Hai Xiaoyun, is really on the same side as them slaves."

"So for this reason, he planned this self-directed assassination. Do you think, who is most likely to want to assassinate Hai Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Peng greeted, and Nana immediately replied.


"There are also slave owners." Zhuangzhi on the side added.

"Yes, no matter whether this is successful or not, the object of suspicion will definitely be on the emperor and the slave owners."

"Think about it again, how would the slaves react if they knew the news?"

After hearing this, Nana continued.

"They will think that Hai Xiaoyun was assassinated for slaves like them. I understand Pengpeng. In this way, the slaves will trust Hai Xiaoyun even more. And not only that, they will also turn the suspects into Lock it on the emperor and the others."

"For other civilians, this approach is also very shameless. It will only leave a bad impression on the emperor in their hearts, right Pengpeng?"

Nana told Zhou Peng her analysis.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes Nana, you are getting smarter and smarter."

"Hai Xiaoyun's doing this is a bitter trick. And it's also a bitter trick that achieves multiple goals with one stone."

"And it turns out that after this incident happened, the topic of this matter became very popular. Basically everyone now thinks that it was Hai Xiaoyun who was sent by the emperor to assassinate him."

"It can be said that the current popular support rate for Hai Xiaoyun is much higher than that of the emperor."

"Later on, you also discovered what happened in the Heavenly King's Mansion. Hai Xiaoyun responded to his call and suddenly launched a campaign to liberate the slaves. He didn't even tell me about this matter."

"Later he said it was a spur-of-the-moment idea. He couldn't bear to see the slaves suffering, so he suddenly decided to launch the war to liberate the slaves."

"But the improvised war of liberation went so smoothly, it was as smooth as a liberation movement that had been prepared for a long time."

"If I'm not wrong, the Eighth Prince of Tianwang Mansion is probably Hai Xiaoyun's trump card in the palace."

When Zhou Peng told Nana and the others all his speculations, Nana and Zhuo Zhuo were stunned.

"No way, Pengpeng, are you saying that that annoying fat guy is Hai Xiaoyun's? He is the largest slave owner in this country. If Hai Xiaoyun wants to liberate the slaves, isn't it going to harm his interests?"

Nana was a little confused.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng replied.

"This is Hai Xiaoyun's method. Although I don't know how he made the Eighth Prince become his. But one thing is certain. Hai Xiaoyun must have been the one who carried out the liberation movement in Tianwang Mansion. It’s just a play for the emperor together with the Eighth Prince.”

"If I guess wrong, what Hai Xiaoyun said in the meeting just now was actually all meant for me."

"This guy is ready to really fight back. He wants me to continue to sit on the sidelines."

"This guy has calculated everything. I'm afraid we have been his pawns for a long time."

"Although I hate to admit it, in terms of strategy, Hai Xiaoyun is one step ahead of the Emperor."

"This guy looks like a pig on the outside, but he's actually a tiger at heart. The so-called pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, but that's it!"

Zhou Peng is not a fool, although Hai Xiaoyun has been doing shameful things behind his back.

But it has to be said that Hai Xiaoyun succeeded.

Regarding this throne, Hai Xiaoyun can be said to be cunning and calculating every step of the way.

Now, everyone has entered his chess game, and his dead game has come alive.

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