Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1168: The fate of the sky

Hai Xiaoyun's cultivation is not high, and he doesn't seem to have a strong opinion.

He has always relied on his father-in-law and advisers to come up with ideas step by step. It seems that Hai Xiaoyun has been able to reach this point with the help of others.

However, Zhou Peng saw through Hai Xiaoyun's true appearance under his smiling face.

This man is a pig on the surface, but he is actually a wolf and a tiger in his heart.

Facing the emperor's desperate counterattack, he seemed to have laid out the corresponding method at the beginning of the election.

Zhou Peng asked him before if he was prepared for failure.

Hai Xiaoyun replied that he had not thought about this question.

This is not because he did not have such awareness. But he thought that he could not lose this election.

It was after Zhou Peng saw that look in Hai Xiaoyun's eyes that he was sure how deep the scheming of Hai Xiaoyun, a guy who pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger, was.

In order to be able to blame the emperor and win the trust of the slaves at the same time, he did not hesitate to direct and act in a play that might accidentally cost him his life.

He went alone to rescue slaves from a dangerous place, but he didn't expect that the biggest slave owner behind him might be his own man.

Hai Xiaoyun is definitely a very cunning person.

Zhou Peng believes that the guy even deceived the people around him.

Hai Xiaoyun doesn't trust anyone, he only trusts himself.

"This guy is indeed qualified to be an emperor."

This is Zhou Peng's evaluation of Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun looks very kind, approachable, respectful, and trusts his subordinates.

But under his gentle face, there is another personality.

Another personality is that he doesn't trust anyone, he only trusts himself.

He treats all those who trust him as chess pieces, even peerless masters like Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong, he dares to manipulate and use them.

"If it is just to choose an emperor, then Hai Xiaoyun is indeed qualified."

"But next, where he will lead such a country is unknown."

In the end, Zhou Peng decided to sit on the sidelines.

He didn't want to be a pawn of Hai Xiaoyun.

Next, as long as Hai Xiaoyun didn't do anything too outrageous, he wouldn't intervene.

Just wait for the election to end and choose a real emperor for the empire.

At that time, Zhou Peng would be considered to have lived up to the mission given to him by Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhou Peng decided not to interfere in the behavior of both parties, the class contradiction between slaves and slave owners finally broke out.

An imperial civil strife was obviously inevitable.

But Hai Xiaoyun and the emperor couldn't openly start this war.

So they basically hid behind the scenes, manipulating this war that might determine the fate of the empire.

Obviously, because Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong were not there.

The Hai Dynasty had already begun to get a little messy. As for the two people in charge, they were already in the Wahuang Territory a million miles away.


After learning about his final mission, Zhuo Bufan was in seclusion in Mazu Mountain to impact the Saint Yuan Realm.

It was unknown how long this process would take. In short, Zhuo Bufan would not be able to leave Mazu Mountain for a while.

As for the other Ni Cangqiong, he was also in Mazu Mountain, but outside the mountain.

After being defeated by Meng Chuxue, Ni Cangqiong seemed to have suffered an inexplicable blow, and sat down outside the Tianguan of Mazu Mountain.

He let the wind and snow fall on him and froze him into an ice sculpture.

Ni Cangqiong sat in the wind and snow under Mazu Mountain for more than a month.

In this month, he was completely motionless.

It seems that Meng Chuxue hit him hard.

Although Ni Cangqiong knew very well that he was not the strongest person in Daluotian.

But he has always been invincible, and he can survive even in the hands of God.

It can be said that this is another huge frustration that Ni Cangqiong has suffered after Zhuo Bufan.

Ni Cangqiong's life is too smooth.

Although he is called Ni Cangqiong, there is no absolute adversity in his life.

And now, his adversity has come.

His adversity is the demon in his heart.

"Am I really too conceited?"

After three months, Ni Cangqiong, who had turned into an ice sculpture, finally spoke a word.

He thought about it for three months and finally figured it out. He had always been either too confident or too conceited.

Pride and complacency made him swell up inside and he completely believed that he was invincible.

Ni Cangqiong had such an idea in his heart all along.

No matter what kind of enemy he was, he could defeat him because he was the invincible Ni Shen.

Even if he was a stronger opponent than himself, he had the means to defeat him.

He was the chosen son of heaven and the peerless martial god who could turn the world upside down.

Such a mentality was a kind of strong self-confidence, and it was certainly a good thing to have self-confidence.

And Ni Cangqiong also relied on this self-confidence to constantly fight back and win against the odds.

It can be said that self-confidence made him strong.

However, once self-confidence bursts, it becomes conceited.

His self-confidence began to constantly think about the transformation of conceit and constantly overestimate his abilities.

Until he challenged God later, that was the peak of his conceit.

He had expanded to the point that he no longer cared about the world. His arrogance blinded his eyes, making him think that he was still the invincible Nishen.

However, Zhan Tian failed and his self-confidence was destroyed.

After that, he suffered an unprecedented blow from Zhuo Bufan in the Yin-Yang world.

When he first met Zhuo Bufan, he looked at him as an ant.

In his eyes, Zhuo Bufan was an ant from the lower world.

If he blew a breath, he would be wiped out.

However, Ni Cangqiong never thought that he would be defeated by this ant.

Zhuo Bufan used the means of the lower world to make him, the Nishen of Daluotian, self-destruct.

This was the most humiliating blow to Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong always thought that losing to Zhuo Bufan was just an accident.

He was so arrogant that he allowed himself to have an accident.

That's why he made an appointment with Zhuo Bufan. He wanted to make this accident disappear completely and make this stain on his life disappear.

However, after the battle with Xu Huang.

Ni Cangqiong saw the brilliance of Zhuo Bufan.

When he saw Zhuo Bufan using the method of inducing the heavenly tribulation to kill Xu Huang, Ni Cangqiong already understood.

He might never be able to defeat Zhuo Bufan again in this life.

After all, Zhuo Bufan could induce the heaven to kill Xu Huang, so he could induce the heavenly tribulation to kill him.

Ni Cangqiong believed that he could not resist such a heavenly tribulation.

So, Ni Cangqiong actually understood at that moment that he was definitely not Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

Not now, and not in the future.

Later, Ni Cangqiong returned to Mazu Mountain with Meng Wuqing.

As a result, in Mazu Mountain, his already frustrated heart suffered another blow.

Meng Chuxue, a saint under the seat of the Queen of Wa who had almost never taken action in front of others, actually killed him in seconds.

Ni Cangqiong would think it was natural to lose to Meng Chanyi.

After losing to Zhuo Bufan, Ni Cangqiong would think it was just an accident, because Zhuo Bufan was different.

But after losing to Meng Chuxue, Ni Cangqiong finally became arrogant and self-confident, and was completely wiped out.

He really overestimated himself!

"What a bullshit Ni Shen, what Ni Cangqiong. What a joke, what a big joke! Hahahaha."

Ni Cangqiong laughed at himself.

He was respected by the world as Ni Shen, the invincible Ni Shen.

But now it seems that he is just a poor man who has been flattered by the world.

"Forgot your original intention, forgot yourself. Ni Cangqiong, Ni Cangqiong, your name is a joke. You, can still be Ni Cangqiong?"

Ni Cangqiong laughed at his own name and his absurd life.

He found that he had lost even the last bit of pride.

Ni Cangqiong slowly raised his head, and the ice on his body was constantly breaking.

Finally, he looked towards the distant east and shouted.

"Master, what should I do? My disciple is confused!"

Ni Cangqiong knew that his master Pan Huang must be able to hear what he said.

Ni Cangqiong is not actually called Ni Cangqiong, his real name is Li Cangqiong!

When Pan Huang accepted Ni Cangqiong as his disciple, he gave him a word called Ni!

So Li Cangqiong changed his name to Ni Cangqiong from then on.

Ni Cangqiong believed that his master would not give him the word Ni for no reason.

This word must be the key to help him break through the difficulties.

He looked in the direction of Jietian Mountain, waiting for his master's response.

At the same time, in the Jietian Mountain Temple. Senior Brother Zi Yang stood with his hands behind his back in front of Pan Huang's portrait.

Zi Yang also heard Ni Cangqiong's call.

In response, Zi Yang couldn't help but sigh and said.

"Master, it seems that Junior Brother has really encountered the adversity of his life this time."

After hearing this, Pan Huang in the portrait laughed hahaha.

"Hahaha, Ziyang! Do you know why I gave Xiao Shiba the name Ni?"

"Master thought that my junior brother was born with a rebellious nature and had the ability to rebel. So I gave him the name Ni?"

Ziyang replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man holding the ruler in the portrait actually moved.

The ruler in his hand actually changed from a two-dimensional picture to a three-dimensional picture, hitting Ziyang on the head.


"Blockhead, blockhead! Ziyang, Ziyang, the "stupidity" that your master gave you is not to make you really stupid. It is to make you wise and foolish."

"Similarly, your master gave your junior brother the word "Ni" not to make him rebel against the world. It is to make him change his fate against the will of heaven. Your junior brother's fate is determined by heaven."

Faced with Pan Huang's answer, Ziyang shook his head repeatedly, indicating that he did not understand.

Pan Huang would give a word to each of his disciples, and Ziyang's word was "stupidity".

Because Ziyang looks very dull, and the word "stupid" fits his temperament.

Now it seems that he is indeed a stupid guy in front of Pan Huang.

Seeing Ziyang shaking his head, Pan Huang shook his head and smiled, without too much explanation.

"Your junior brother's life will be rewritten by himself. Neither you nor I have the right to change it."

"So, wait and see!"

After Pan Huang finished speaking, the portrait in the temple slowly returned to calm.

Seeing this, Ziyang looked at the Wahuang Territory where Ni Cangqiong said he was, and finally sighed and said.

"Junior brother! What kind of fate do you want to change?"

"Master, what should I do?"

Just when he was looking up at the sky, a black light suddenly fell from the sky.

It was a black ball of light the size of a human head, which landed in front of Ni Qianqiong's eyes, and then began to spin.

Soon, the black ball of light opened up a black vortex in front of Ni Qianqiong.

When Ni Qianqiong saw the black vortex, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Is this? Could it be that Master heard my request and gave me instructions?"

Ni Qingqiong looked at the black whirlpool, feeling pleasantly surprised in his heart.

At this time, he was feeling extremely uncomfortable and had no idea which path to take next.

And the black vortex in front of him was undoubtedly his guide.

Ni Qiangqiong did not hesitate, he began to break away from the ice and snow covering his body, and then stood up from the ground.

"What is he going to do?"

At this moment, in Mazu Mountain, Mengchuixue and others also saw this scene outside.

This black ball of light came suddenly and was very strange.

The most important thing is that Meng Chuixue and the others felt extremely terrifying power in the black ball of light.

Ni Qianqiong obviously felt that terrifying energy.

But now, he only has one idea, and that is to move forward.

No matter what is inside, he must step forward resolutely.

Because he believes that this is the only path he can take now.

Therefore, Ni Qiangqiong took a step forward and walked towards the black vortex.

As a result, just when Ni Qianqiong was approaching the black vortex, suddenly, black claws stretched out from the black vortex.

These black hands grabbed Ni Qiong's body and pulled him into the black vortex.

At that moment, Ni Qingqiong was stunned for a moment.

"No, this is the breath of an incorporeal body."

Before Ni Qianqiong had time to react, he was pulled directly into the black vortex by the hand, and was finally completely swallowed into the black vortex.

"Just now, was that the Xu Clan? Did the people from the Xu Clan take Ni Cangqiong away?"

In Mazu Mountain, Meng Chuixue saw Ni Qiong being taken away.

That scene was too shocking, because at that moment, Meng boasted that he felt the infinite power of the virtual clan in the black vortex.

She felt that Ni Qianqiong must have been pulled into a world full of virtual people.

"No, should we inform Jie Tianshan about this matter?"

Ni Cangqiong was taken away by people from the Xu tribe in Mazu Mountain. Although Mazu Mountain and Mazu Mountain were not responsible for this matter, it would be unreasonable to investigate him when the time comes.

What's more, Meng Wuqing's relationship with Ni Qiong, if she refuses to save her, then Meng Wuqing will definitely hate her to death if she finds out!

Therefore, after thinking about it, Meng Chuixue immediately informed the second senior sister Meng Xiyue of the news.

After Meng Xiyue learned that Ni Cangqiong had been captured by the Xu clan, she immediately contacted Jie Tianshan and told Ziyang the news.

However, Ziyang didn't have any reaction after hearing this.

He just sighed and said.

"This is my junior brother's fate!"

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