Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1169 The Final Emperor

The news that Ni Cangqiong was taken away by the Xu Clan reached Jietian Mountain, but the people of Jietian Mountain were unmoved.

Senior Brother Zi Yang knew the truth, but turned a blind eye.

In this regard, Meng Xiyue and Meng Wuqing of Mazu Mountain did not interfere. After all, even the people of Jietian Mountain did not take action, so they had no reason to do anything more.

Moreover, they did not tell Meng Wuqing, who was in solitary confinement, about this matter.

In short, no one seemed to care whether Ni Cangqiong was dead or alive.

Just as Senior Brother Zi Yang said, this was Ni Cangqiong's fate.

Where Ni Cangqiong went, perhaps even Pan Huang and the others did not know.

This might be an opportunity for him, or it might be a disaster for him.

Anyway, Ni Cangqiong took that step in despair. As for what his future achievements would be, whether he would live or die, we could only wait and see.

On this side, Ni Cangqiong was taken away by the Xu Clan and his life or death was uncertain.

On the other side, the turmoil in the Hai Dynasty finally began.

This was a class turmoil. The contradiction between slaves and slave owners broke out completely under the guidance of Hai Xiaoyun and Hai Tu.

Slave uprisings began to rise everywhere.

Hai Xiaoyun even openly expressed his support and support for the slaves to fight for freedom.

It can be said that Hai Xiaoyun played the role of an initiator from beginning to end.

At this time, Hai Xiaoyun was obviously no longer the harmless purple-robed marquis.

He showed outstanding and superb wisdom and played the slave owners around.

Under his strategy, the slaves defeated the strong with the weak and the many with the few.

Many slaves turned over and became heroes, leading groups of slaves to break out from all sides and finally gathered at Hai Xiaoyun's base.

Moreover, the trump card that Hai Xiaoyun had always arranged for the emperor finally appeared.

Zhou Peng was not wrong. The Eighth Prince was indeed Hai Xiaoyun's man.

Hai Xiaoyun and the Eighth Prince Because of the slave liberation incident in the Heavenly Palace, the emperor thought that the Eighth Prince would hate Hai Xiaoyun.

Therefore, in order to strike Hai Xiaoyun, the emperor entrusted the Eighth Prince with important tasks.

The Eighth Prince became the Grand Marshal of the Expedition and controlled half of the imperial court's military forces.

The emperor thought that after obtaining the military seal, the Eighth Prince would sweep away Hai Xiaoyun's slave party.

However, he did not expect that after the Eighth Prince gathered all the troops in the South China Sea, he turned around and pointed the blade directly at the emperor.

When the emperor learned of the news, he was completely stunned.

He never expected that the Eighth Prince was actually Hai Xiaoyun's running dog.

He did not expect that Hai Xiaoyun was so cunning that he could make the Eighth Prince, who controlled half of the empire's military forces, obey his orders.

The result is obvious. The Eighth Prince's army besieged the entire Haomiao City, and the emperor became a turtle in a jar.

So far, the emperor's plan to suppress Hai Xiaoyun by force has completely failed.

As the saying goes, a defeat is like a landslide. The emperor was doomed, and the people around him left and scattered.

Even the prime minister Jin Ziweng hanged himself.

In the end, there was no one around the emperor.

The emperor was alone and sat in the palace hall, feeling lost.

Until Hai Xiaoyun and his men rushed into the hall and looked at the completely defeated emperor.

"Hahahaha, Hai Xiaoyun, you are really good at tricks!"

"I lost, and I lost miserably. But I really want to know, when did you collude with this bastard?"

The emperor looked at the fat man in golden armor standing next to Hai Xiaoyun with his hair disheveled.

He was the Eighth Prince who made the emperor hate him to the core.

Hai Xiaoyun laughed after hearing this.

"This story started a long time ago. At that time, my father, Marquis Zixu, was still alive. I didn't know that I was the emperor's illegitimate son, and I didn't know that Marquis Zixu only raised me by the emperor's order."

"At that time, the court impeached Marquis Zixu for being powerful and disrespecting the imperial power. It was the prime minister Jin Ziweng beside you who advised the emperor to let me enter the palace as a hostage. In this way, he threatened Marquis Zixu."

"What's funny is that I was originally a prince, and entering the palace was like going home for me."

"After entering the palace, you princes abused me. I became a sandbag for you to practice boxing and a target for archery."

"I thought I was the most pitiful person in the palace. However, I didn't expect that there was an even more pitiful fat man in the palace beside me."

After Hai Xiaoyun finished speaking, he looked at the Eighth Prince on the side.

Obviously, the pitiful fat man Hai Xiaoyun mentioned was the Eighth Prince.

After hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly and looked at the Eighth Prince.

At this time, the Eighth Prince stepped forward with a cold expression.

"Haitu, I guess you must have forgotten! What you did to me, I will never forget until I die."

"Back then, you were jealous of my father's favor. You took Hai Ke, Hai Ming and a few other guys to knock me out and pushed me into the deep well of Lanting Palace. Afterwards, you asked a few servants to take the blame."

"Do you still remember?"

The Eighth Prince's words startled the emperor.

He suddenly remembered the past that he had forgotten.

At the beginning, because the Eighth Prince received a compliment from his father, he pushed him into the deep well.

Originally thought he would die, but who knew that this fat guy was so lucky that he survived.

Seeing this, Hai Xiaoyun stepped forward and continued.

"You should remember it! I was the one who saved the little fat guy back then."

It turned out that it was Hai Xiaoyun who saved the Eighth Prince, so Hai Xiaoyun saved the Eighth Prince's life.

When the emperor heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible, didn't you lose your memory?"

The emperor looked at the Eighth Prince and said.

Hai Xiaoyun smiled after hearing this.

"That's because he was still unconscious after I rescued him."

"After his mother, Concubine Yi, knew about this, she went to the Queen to argue. But she didn't expect to be killed by your mother. When the Eighth Prince woke up, he learned that his mother was dead."

"The Eighth Prince is very smart. He endured the pain of losing his mother and the revenge of being killed, pretending to lose his memory and act crazy and stupid."

"You thought he lost his memory and became stupid because he fell into the well, so you let him go."

After hearing this, the Eighth Prince took over Hai Xiaoyun's words and said.

"But I have never forgotten the revenge for killing my mother."

"I have never forgotten what you did to me."

"Do you know how miserable I have been for so many years?"

"I dream of eating you and your son alive all the time."

"When I grew up, I finally escaped from the clutches of your evil mother and obtained a position as an idle king from my father."

"In order to prevent you and your son from suspecting me, I became a mad king who completely ignored the government."

"I sold slaves and established the largest slave kingdom, Tianwang Mansion."

"But in fact, I have been selecting the best talents among these slaves and training them to be my best warriors."

"The so-called slave kingdom is just a base for me to select warriors."

After listening to the words of the Eighth Prince, the emperor completely understood.

It turns out that the Eighth Prince has been his enemy from the beginning.

This is a story of a prince's revenge. After forbearing for decades, the former prince finally got his revenge on this day.

"Haitu, I dream of killing you every day. Do you think I will really help you deal with Xiaoyun?"

"Xiaoyun is my savior. The rescue of slaves in Tianwang Mansion was just a good show directed and performed by us from beginning to end."

"It is to make you believe in me."

"You fool, you have been fooled."

"Hahahaha, hahahaha..."

The Eighth Prince laughed wildly, laughing very happily.

He has been waiting for this day for so many years.

Seeing the crazy laughter of the Eighth Prince, the emperor showed a look of despair on his face.

"Good, good, it's great!"

"Hai Xiaoyun, I really underestimated you. One of you was born by a concubine, and the other was born by a lowly servant. Two bastards with wolfish ambitions have long coveted the throne of my Dahai Dynasty."

"My Hai family is dead!"

The emperor was desperate.

He was calculated by Hai Xiaoyun from beginning to end.

Hai Xiaoyun's scheming completely surpassed the emperor.

At this point, he was already in a situation that was irreversible.

"Emperor, at this point, do you still want to resist?"

"Although my mother was a maid, I, Hai Xiaoyun, have royal blood in me."

"My name, Hai Xiaoyun, is engraved on this family tree, and is your name, Hai Tu, on it?"

Hai Xiaoyun took out the Hai family tree, which was the heirloom of the Hai Dynasty.

On the family tree, there was Hai Xiaoyun's name, but not Hai Tu.

Seeing this, Hai Tu felt lost and knelt on the ground.

"Ancestors have no eyes, ancestors have no eyes!"

The emperor looked up at the sky, and had completely lost his previous momentum.

Seeing this, the Eighth Prince stepped forward and said.

"Haitu, now that things have come to this, do you choose to abdicate voluntarily, or let us pull you off the throne?"

After the Eighth Prince finished speaking, a team of golden armor rushed out from behind him.

The emperor, who saw this scene, closed his eyes silently.

He was dragged down from the throne by the Eighth Prince's soldiers.

At this time, the Eighth Prince looked at Hai Xiaoyun, who was in a group, and said.

"Xiaoyun, it's your turn. Ascend the throne!"

After the Eighth Prince finished speaking, he knelt down on the spot and shouted.

"Please ascend the throne, my emperor!"

As soon as this was said, everyone present knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Please ascend the throne, my emperor!"

Hearing the support of the crowd, Hai Xiaoyun silently raised his head and looked at the throne above the hall.

Then, he took a step and walked towards the throne step by step.

Just as he was about to sit down -

"Wait a minute!"

An unpleasant voice came from outside the hall.

Then, Zhou Peng walked into the hall with Nana and the others.

"Brother Zhou, it's you!"

When Hai Xiaoyun saw Zhou Peng, a smile appeared on his face.

There was complacency and pride in the smile.

Zhou Peng snorted when he saw this.

"Hai Xiaoyun, according to the election law, you are not the emperor yet. He has not lost either."

Zhou Peng's words suddenly made the atmosphere tense.

Hai Xiaoyun ascended the throne with his own method.

But he violated the election law.

Although Zhou Peng did not become his pawn, he must maintain the fairness of this election.

This is also what Jie Tianshan meant.

Hai Xiaoyun asked after hearing this.

"Brother Zhou, this is not necessary!"

"Now that the emperor is gone, it is legitimate for me to ascend the throne."

Zhou Peng replied after hearing this.

"If you want to be truly justified, you have to wait until the end of the campaign."

When Hai Xiaoyun heard this, he smiled.

"Hehehe, that's it. If that's the case, let's start the voting meeting in advance!"

"The reason I don't think it's necessary is because even if we actually vote, I will definitely win."

Hai Xiaoyun was extremely confident, and his confident eyes seemed to be filled with flames.

Zhou Peng looked at him coldly and said nothing more.

"Then let's get started!"

Next, at Hai Xiaoyun's request, the campaign meeting entered the final stage, the voting session.

According to the previous agreement between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qiangqiong, votes from one hundred cities were selected for voting, and then the final tally was carried out.

Although there is still a chance, Emperor Haitu's face is already ashen.

Because just like Hai Xiaoyun said, even when it comes to voting, Hai Xiaoyun still crushes the emperor with an absolute advantage.

Hai Xiaoyun has become a hero in the eyes of the slaves because of his act of liberating the slaves.

It can be said that basically 90% of slaves voted for him.

On the other hand, after the Eighth Prince took charge of the army.

Under military law, almost all soldiers voted for Hai Xiaoyun.

At this point, Hai Xiaoyun's votes have reached 30% of all voters.

The emperor Haitu only received votes from a small number of nobles.

These nobles are just the emperor's old subordinates.

However, how can the power of the noble clan be compared to that of hundreds of millions of people?

You must know that in this world, apart from nobles and hard work.

The largest group is ordinary people.

These ordinary people actually account for the vast majority of the votes.

During the period of liberating slaves, Hai Xiaoyun actually did not forget these most important sources of votes.

Hai Xiaoyun basically attended all of his speeches in person, and he tried his best to infect the emotions of every audience member in every speech.

Hai Xiaoyun not only issued a declaration of freedom, he also issued many propaganda activities that benefited the country and the people.

What land lease system, tax reform and so on.

Hai Xiaoyun actually did more things while liberating the slaves.

These things now seem to be simply making a fool of themselves in the east.

Hai Xiaoyun was liberating the slaves, but on the other hand he was secretly collecting people's sentiments and mastered a lot of intelligence.

Then, by investigating this information, he grasped the real pain points of the people, and in response to these pain points, he made many promises of benefits to these people.

In this way, when it came time for the actual election, these bastards who knew nothing but profit voted for Hai Xiaoyun one after another.

At this point, after the voting ended, Hai Xiaoyun was elected as the true emperor with more than 90% of the votes.

The campaign for the throne initiated by Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qiong has officially ended.

The day after the campaign ended, Emperor Haitu committed suicide in prison.

On the eighth day after the election, the new emperor Hai Xiaoyun officially ascended the throne and became the emperor of the Dahai Dynasty. He proclaimed himself Emperor Yun, was personally canonized by Jie Tianshan, and enjoyed the homage of thousands of princes.

At this point, the battle for the throne of the Hai Dynasty has settled!

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