Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1171: Leaving the Seclusion

After more than a year of seclusion, Zhuo Bufan finally broke through to the Saint Yuan realm.

It’s time to leave Mazu Mountain.

Originally, he came to Mazu Mountain just to look for Meng Chanyi, but now that Meng Chanyi is not here, he doesn't want to stay any longer.

Moreover, he is now a strong man in the Saint Yuan Realm and has met Emperor Wa's requirements.

Now he can leave Mazu Mountain.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan found the Red Emperor.

Chidi saw Zhuo Bufan and was sincerely happy for him.

"Congratulations, Saint Yuan realm is not easy."

After hearing what Red Emperor said, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"No matter how difficult it is, I still have to break through. Because I am not living for myself now."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer, Red Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

It can be seen that Zhuo Bufan has become enlightened.

"Then what are your plans next?"

Chidi asked Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he thought for a moment and then answered.

"Actually, I already have some ideas in my mind."

"After my cultivation reached the Saint Yuan realm, I found that the world inside my body had expanded more than a hundred times. The original spiritual energy and the power of complete rules were born."

"Now this world can accommodate a lot of creatures. So next, I plan to transfer the creatures from the Yin and Yang world to this world first."

Zhuo Bufan told him his plan. After hearing this, Chi Di frowned.

"There are risks in doing this. After all, this is the fusion of two worlds, the indigenous people and the invaders, and a war may break out."

Facing Red Emperor's reminder, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly and then said.

"Indeed, I have also considered this issue. Maybe the time is not mature enough now."

"So, I plan to wait for the indigenous people to grow up before executing this plan. Now I have assigned ten evangelists in the world, and they will spread my thoughts to all parts of the world. I will let the people of this world do well. Prepare for the arrival of new humans.”

Zhuo Bufan's current concern for the Yin and Yang world far exceeds the 'Earth' itself.

Because the world of Yin and Yang has a more important meaning to Zhuo Bufan.

Moreover, in the Yin and Yang world, there are also extraordinary family members, friends, etc.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must transfer the creatures from the Yin and Yang world to the 'Earth' no matter what.

Because only in the 'Earth World' will they be absolutely safe.

After all, the Yin and Yang world falls under the jurisdiction of Da Luotian. As long as Zhuo Bufan's family members are in the Yin and Yang world, Zhuo Bufan will not feel at ease.

Therefore, carrying out life transfer is what Zhuo Bufan must do.

Of course, before that, Zhuo Bufan must let life in the 'Earth World' grow.

When they have enough acceptance, Zhuo Bufan will proceed with the transfer plan.

But before that, Zhuo Bufan had to wait.

"Next, I might go to Tianwai Tian! I don't want to live under God's surveillance every day."

Zhuo Bufan told Red Emperor his next plan.

After hearing this, Chidi nodded in response.

"That's fine. Emperor Wa and the others actually hope that you can leave Daluotian as soon as possible. However, Tianwaitian is very dangerous. You have to be careful wherever you go."

"Is Tianwaitian a real world?"

Zhuo Bufan could tell that Red Emperor had been to Tianwaitian before.

What kind of world is Tianwaitian? It is obviously a bit scary and a bit terrifying.

Chidi replied.

"The sky outside is chaos, only time and primitive energy."

"In addition, there are countless space-time vortexes and chaos beasts!"

"Chaos beast?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

Chidi replied.

"Yes, Chaos Beasts. A non-living existence. They swallow stars, destroy time and space, and destroy everything in sight. Wherever they pass, there is catastrophe. They are the scavengers of the chaotic world, responsible for cleaning up any life. "

"So, once you see the Chaos Beast, you must leave immediately. Otherwise, the Chaos Beast may destroy you."

"Remember, don't try to fight the Chaos Beasts. They are more terrifying existences than the Void. It is impossible for you to destroy them."

"Also, if you encounter a space-time vortex or a space-time rift, you must escape in time. Once swallowed, you may be taken to other worlds."

"Other worlds?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Yes, there are other more crazy and terrifying primitive worlds. Once you enter, if you don't have enough power to break the world wall, you may be trapped in it forever."

"So generally few people go out in Tianwaitian, because the outside world is very dangerous."

"Once you go to Tianwaitian, you may never come back."

Chidi's reminder made Zhuo Bufan realize that Tianwaitian might be more terrifying and dangerous than Daluotian.

"By the way, do you know where to find the Time Lord?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhuo Bufan's main purpose of going to Tianwaitian is actually to find the Lord of Time.

Because only the Lord of Time can fuse Zhuo Bufan, Ji Xuanhao and Luo Tian III.

In response to Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Chidi replied.

"Not many people know about the Lord of Time. It is just a rumor that the Lord of Time is at the end of time."

"But no one knows where the end of time is, because all life in this world is drifting with the long river of time. We can never return to the beginning of time."

"But, in your first life, Luo Tian, ​​found the Lord of Time."

After Chidi finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Has Luo Tian found the Lord of Time?"

"No, to be precise, it was the Lord of Time who found Luo Tian. He gave Luo Tian the Heart of Time. Later, the Three Emperors gave the Heart of Time to Ji Xuanhao."

"This is the only record of a life that has come into contact with the Lord of Time so far. Of course, this is still Luo Tian who was actively looking for the Lord of Time."

"So, it can be said that it is almost impossible for humans to actively find the Lord of Time."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said, "But I must find him."

"I believe you can."

Hearing Chidi's encouragement, Zhuo Bufan also gained confidence.

"In short, you need to be extremely careful when you go to the world beyond heaven."

"Well, I understand. Then I'll leave first."

Zhuo Bufan did not continue to reminisce with Chidi. He left when he should leave and stayed for a long time when he should stay. Life should be free and unrestrained.

Before leaving, Chidi and the saints of Mazu Mountain sent Zhuo Bufan to the outside of Mazu Mountain.

"By the way, has Ni Cangqiong ever looked for me?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and looked at Meng Xiyue and the others.

Meng Xiyue nodded after hearing this.

"If you want to ask Ni Cangqiong, I can only tell you that he was arranged by fate."

"Arranged by fate?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand.

"You have your mission, and he has his mission. Maybe you can understand it better if you say this."

This time, Zhuo Bufan understood a lot.

Everyone in this world has their own destiny.

Everyone has something they need to do.

Just like Zhuo Bufan's destiny, it has been destined for millions of years.

Then a person like Ni Cangqiong must have his own mission.

Zhuo Bufan's mission is to save the world, so what is Ni Cangqiong's mission?

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions.

Maybe the time for him to fight Ni Cangqiong has not come yet!

I had planned to fight with Ni Cangqiong before leaving Daluotian. Now it seems that there is no chance.

"By the way, before you leave, go to Butian City. Maybe you can learn about the Ascension Gate first."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Ascension Gate?"

Meng Xiyue continued.

"Junior Sister Jiang Mi settled all the ascenders of Jieying Gate, and then established an Ascension Gate in your name, so you are the real master of Ascension Gate."

"Established Ascension Gate in my name?"

"Forget it, I probably can't go. Let's do this, I have a suitable candidate, the candidate of Jietian Mountain, Zhou Peng."

Zhuo Bufan planned to let Zhou Peng become the master of Ascension Gate.

"It just so happens that I have to go to the Sea Dynasty, and I will let him inherit the position of the master of Ascension Gate."

Zhuo Bufan was about to go to Tianwaitian, and he didn't have the energy and time to manage the affairs of Ascension Gate.

Meng Xiyue replied after hearing it.

"It's up to you to decide. Take the dust beads and I wish you good luck."

Meng Xiyue knew that Zhuo Bufan was about to go to Tianwaitian.

And Meng Chanyi happened to be in Tianwaitian to help Zhuo Bufan find the Lord of Time. Perhaps they could meet at that time.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan turned around and left Mazu Mountain without saying anything.

Then he rushed towards Panhuang Territory.


It is said that after Hai Xiaoyun ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to fulfill his original promise and liberate the slaves.

Of course, liberating slaves is obviously not something that can be done in a day or two.

There are many obstacles from all sides, and because of the Eighth Prince, he must handle this matter properly.

The most important thing is that the act of liberating slaves is no longer just a matter of their Hai Dynasty.

Several nearby powers have sent envoys to visit the Dahai Dynasty, asking Hai Xiaoyun to consider it carefully.

After all, there are countless slaves in these powers.

After hearing that the Dahai Dynasty was holding a slave liberation movement, these slaves also began to carry out some slave liberation movements in their respective countries.

It can be said that Hai Xiaoyun launched a worldwide slave liberation movement.

It is precisely because of this that Hai Xiaoyun's actions have encountered not only internal but also external resistance.

Of course, for Hai Xiaoyun, liberating slaves is imperative.

Because he promised these slaves that he is the emperor, and his words are as good as gold.

If he does not keep his promise, the empire will definitely be in civil strife.

Hai Xiaoyun is a smart man, and his ability to ascend to the throne is enough to represent his wisdom.

So he knows very well that action must be taken to liberate slaves.

For this reason, Hai Xiaoyun quarrels with ministers in the court every day.

“Your Majesty, the memorial from the Lord of Nanbing City indicates that because of the liberation of slaves, many noble families in the Southern Region have begun to rebel. Led by a man named Hong Liang, they have gathered more than 200,000 elite soldiers and have captured Xujiang City. They are currently resting in Xujiang City and will attack their Nanbing City soon.”

“Your Majesty, this Hong Liang was the Champion Marquis personally conferred by the thief emperor Haitu. After Haitu’s defeat, he led his troops to flee to the Southern Region. Now he is rebelling in the Southern Region, which obviously has ulterior motives.”

In the hall, a minister was reporting this to Hai Xiaoyun.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun pinched his forehead and said.

"Father, please send 200,000 elite troops to reinforce Nanbing City immediately in the early morning. Hang Liang's head on top of Nanbing City. I want to see who dares to oppose me in the future. The matter of freeing the slaves.”

After hearing this, Ya Fu Pu Lao immediately accepted the order.

But at this time, another minister came forward holding a jade tablet.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask your Majesty to postpone the progress of liberating the slaves. Now various places say that the liberated slaves have no home to return to, and resettling these slaves has become a big problem."

"Although His Majesty has issued the slave land law, various cities have begun planning slave land. But it takes time to build these houses."

"And the lives of these slaves are not easy to settle now. They are used to a life of slavery. Now it may be difficult to integrate them back into normal human life."

"Furthermore, many slaves hated their slave owners, and as a result, anti-slavery incidents occurred. Some slaves enslaved the slave owners. The social conflicts that have arisen now have made every city owner troubled. "

"Yes, Your Majesty, slavery has existed in our country for hundreds of thousands of years, and now we suddenly decided to emancipate the slaves. But how to resettle the slaves has become a problem."

"Slaves are a cheap or even free labor force. They are also the basis for the development of our country. Without these free labor forces, we have been greatly affected by the development of many grassroots societies."

"I think there is no rush to abolish slavery. We can liberate some slaves first. After social problems return to stability, we can slowly and step by step liberate the remaining slaves."

"That's right, Your Majesty, the old minister also thinks that this matter should not be taken too hastily. For example, we can not deal with the slaves in many noble families. Firstly, we can stabilize these high-level people in society. Secondly, we are used to the life of being served by these slaves. It’s too difficult for us to go home and do our own laundry and cooking.”

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, our Hai Dynasty's act of liberating slaves has caused dissatisfaction in the surrounding countries. They have now united and asked us to give an explanation. I feel that since Your Majesty has just ascended the throne, it is not appropriate for us to have grudges with our neighbors. Please think again, Your Majesty. ah!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

For a moment, a group of veterans knelt down towards Hai Xiaoyun one by one.

Seeing this scene, Hai Xiaoyun gritted his teeth.

He had to consider the advice of these veterans.

You must know that the power behind every old thing here is unimaginable.

If he, the emperor, cannot win their hearts, he may be dismissed at any time.

Hai Xiaoyun absolutely wants to liberate the slaves in his heart, but these old people are used to the life of being served by slaves.

Freeing the slaves may not be possible until they are dead.

And just when Hai Xiaoyun was worried, a lazy voice suddenly floated from outside the main hall.

"The majestic emperor, do you want to break your promise and talk nonsense?"

After these words floated into the hall, everyone present turned back to look at the person coming outside the hall.

And Hai Xiaoyun sat up from the throne in shock and couldn't help but say.

"Brother Zhuo, you are back!"

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