Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared in the court, shocking everyone present.

Emperor Hai Xiaoyun couldn't wait to stand up from the throne, and then hurried down the hall to personally welcome Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

"Brother Zhuo, you are finally back."

"I have fulfilled my mission and lived up to your expectations. I have become the new emperor of the Hai Dynasty."

Hai Xiaoyun seemed very excited and proud.

He said to Zhuo Bufan with a show-off mentality.

Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm after hearing this.

"Not bad! I thought your chance of winning was less than 10%. You can turn this 10% chance of winning into a complete victory. It seems that you are not as simple as I thought."

Zhuo Bufan actually knew that Hai Xiaoyun was not an ordinary person.

Hai Xiaoyun's mansion is very deep, so it is understandable that Zhuo Bufan chose him as the last choice of the emperor.

Hai Xiaoyun may not be a completely good person, but he is definitely a good emperor.

"Since Brother Zhuo is back, then, father-in-law, do you have anything else to do? If you have something to say, please report it. If not, please leave the court. I want to have a good chat with Brother Zhuo."

Zhuo Bufan's help was crucial for Hai Xiaoyun to become the emperor.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan, Hai Xiaoyun might still be a fugitive now.

In any case, Zhuo Bufan helped Hai Xiaoyun obtain the throne.

So even if Hai Xiaoyun had a deep scheming mansion, he would not dare to act rashly with Zhuo Bufan.

"No need to leave the court. I'm not coming back to celebrate for you this time."

Zhuo Bufan was in a hurry to go to Tianwaitian, so he made a long story short and finished the affairs of the Hai Dynasty as soon as possible.

Hai Xiaoyun frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Brother Zhuo, do you have anything to tell me?"

Hai Xiaoyun could see that Zhuo Bufan didn't come back to reminisce with him this time.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"I do have some things to do. I will leave immediately after I finish my explanation."

"By the way, why don't I see Zhou Peng and Zhuoyue?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhuo Bufan looked around the entire hall and did not see Zhou Peng and Zhuo Yue.

Hai Xiaoyun answered after hearing this.

"That's right, Brother Zhuo. After helping me ascend the throne, Brother Zhou and his companions have left the Sea Dynasty. It seems that they went to the Snow Dynasty. If Brother Zhuo wants to see them, I will send someone to inform them immediately."

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said after hearing this.

"No need. Since they have their own things to do, that's fine. I am also relieved that Zhuo Yue is with Zhou Peng."

"Let's do this. If they return to the Sea Dynasty one day, you can pass a message to them. Let Zhou Peng take Zhuo Yue and his companions to the Wahuang Territory and Jingguo Butian City to find the Feisheng Gate and take over the position of the master."

Zhuo Bufan's main purpose in looking for Zhou Peng was to entrust Zhou Peng with the position of the Feisheng Gate.

Hai Xiaoyun immediately looked at the clerk beside him after hearing this and said.

"Write this down, and then pass the information to Zhou Peng and his companions who are traveling outside."

Hai Xiaoyun naturally helped with everything Zhuo Bufan had told him to do.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

He could see that Hai Xiaoyun was trying his best to please him.

After all, he was a legendary figure in their eyes.

Hai Xiaoyun had just ascended the throne, and he needed a master like Zhuo Bufan to take charge.

If Zhuo Bufan was there, his words would surely have greater weight.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not come back this time to be a backer for Hai Xiaoyun.

Facing Hai Xiaoyun's earnest invitation, Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm.

"Now, it's time to tell you why I chose you in the first place."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone present looked sideways and expressed their expectations.

And Hai Xiaoyun also frowned, he also wanted to know why Zhuo Bufan wanted to help him in the first place.

There is no benefit without early rise, and Zhuo Bufan definitely helped him for a purpose.

However, Zhuo Bufan never said this matter from beginning to end.

For this reason, Zhuo Bufan said.

"When I came to the Hai Dynasty, I actually had another purpose. I had no intention of interfering in your Hai Dynasty's government affairs."

"But the appearance of Ni Cangqiong disrupted my plan halfway, and I had to agree to this duel with Ni Cangqiong."

"If Hai Tu had not stopped me at the beginning, perhaps he would still be sitting on the throne safely now. It's a pity that the guy didn't know the current situation, so you got the throne."

Zhuo Bufan's words were obviously meant for Hai Xiaoyun to hear.

His implication was that if Hai Xiaoyun didn't listen, then he could find someone to replace Hai Xiaoyun.

After all, Hai Tu lost the throne because he offended Zhuo Bufan.

Hai Xiaoyun was a smart man. When he heard Zhuo Bufan say this, he responded immediately.

"Brother Zhuo, please tell me if you have anything to say. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it without hesitation."

"Brother Zhuo's help to me, I will never forget it in my life. So for Brother Zhuo, I can go through fire and water without hesitation. So Brother Zhuo, if you have any request, just tell me!"

After listening, Zhuo Bufan looked at Hai Xiaoyun and smiled.

"You know the current situation better than that guy. In this case, I will tell you my purpose."

"I want to go to your Hai family's ancestral land."

This time, Zhuo Bufan came back. In addition to telling Zhou Peng about the Feisheng Gate, Zhuo Bufan also had an important thing to do, which was to go to the Hai family's ancestral land and take back his Fengtian Seal.

Hai Xiaoyun was stunned after hearing this.

"Hai family ancestral land?"

"It's the royal cemetery of your Hai family."

When Zhuo Bufan said that he was going to the royal cemetery of the Hai family, everyone in the hall looked at him in disbelief.

That was the royal cemetery, the highest level restricted area in the entire Hai Dynasty.

You should know that the Hai family's ancestral precepts clearly stated that no one except the Hai family was allowed to enter the royal cemetery.

Even palace maids and eunuchs were not allowed to enter.

The tomb sweeping work in the royal cemetery has always been done by the Hai family themselves.

The abdicated emperor would be arranged to go to the cemetery to sweep the tomb.

The royal cemetery of the Hai Dynasty is a first-level restricted area.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked to enter the imperial tomb, and everyone in the hall looked at each other in disbelief.

"Why, didn't you just say that as long as I made a request, you would do your best to help? Now it seems that you are in a dilemma?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun is obviously in a difficult situation now, with a constipated look on his face, and his eyes are dodging, not daring to look directly at Zhuo Bufan.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's question, Hai Xiaoyun can only stammer.

"Well, Brother Zhuo, this is like this."

"There is a ban on our Hai family's imperial mausoleum. No one is allowed to enter except the members of the Hai family's royal family."

Facing the ancestral precepts, Hai Xiaoyun still dared not disobey.

Although Zhuo Bufan has done him a favor, he dared not disobey the ancestral precepts of the Hai family.

Otherwise, he would not be able to sit on the throne steadily.

At least the royal family would definitely think that he was committing treason.

Seeing Hai Xiaoyun's embarrassed look, Zhuo Bufan just laughed.

"Hehe, I overestimate you."

"As an emperor, do you know that a word is as good as gold?"

"In fact, I can go to your Hai family's mausoleum anytime I want. With my current ability, I can walk freely in your Hai Dynasty, and there is no so-called restricted area."

"I just follow the rules and agreements, so I came to the palace to inform you. Since you don't agree, then I have no choice but to force my way in."

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to talk nonsense with Hai Xiaoyun and the others.

He must enter the Hai family's mausoleum today.

But as soon as he finished speaking, everyone present became alert.

Among them, many ministers scolded him bluntly.

"You are so bold, you are a commoner, and you dare to speak wildly in the palace hall and dare to trespass into the royal forbidden area. Come on, arrest him and drag him out to behead him."

Obviously, not everyone present knew Zhuo Bufan.

Especially these ministers, they had never even seen Zhuo Bufan.

So in the face of Zhuo Bufan's request, they just regarded Zhuo Bufan as a commoner.

However, as soon as the minister finished speaking, before Zhuo Bufan got angry, Hai Xiaoyun quickly shouted.

"Stop, let's see who dares! Brother Zhuo is the most important guest of my Hai Dynasty, you must not act rashly."

Hai Xiaoyun did this, obviously to save these ignorant people.

He knew very well that if Zhuo Bufan was really angry, then there might be a river of blood in the palace today.

You know, Zhuo Bufan is an existence who can compete with the god Ni Cangqiong.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing Hai Xiaoyun's words.

"You are very sensible. Don't worry, I have some connection with your Hai Dynasty, and I won't do anything to you."

"This time I went to the Hai Dynasty to find the things placed in your royal cemetery."

"I came to take back my things, just returning them to the original owner, do you have any objections?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Hai Xiaoyun even more confused.

"Return the things to the original owner, your things?"

"I don't know what Brother Zhuo wants to take from my imperial mausoleum, I can do it for you."

Hai Xiaoyun now just wants to send Zhuo Bufan away quickly.

Since Zhuo Bufan will not stay to be his backer, Hai Xiaoyun does not want to keep Zhuo Bufan any longer.

The longer he stays, the more things will happen.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said: "This thing is something that your Hai family has guarded for generations. Can you get it?"

Hai Xiaoyun frowned after hearing this.

"My Hai family has guarded things for generations? I have never heard of it."

Hai Xiaoyun has never heard that there are things guarded by generations in the imperial mausoleum of his Hai family.

Zhuo Bufan snorted and laughed.

"It seems that you still don't understand why your Hai family's imperial mausoleum is a first-level restricted area of ​​your Hai Dynasty."

"That is because your Hai family's imperial mausoleum has been guarding an important treasure."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone present looked at him in amazement.

Because what Zhuo Bufan said is not without reason.

"Brother Zhuo, your statement has also been rumored in our Hai Dynasty."

"There are indeed rumors in the streets that there is a treasure hidden in our Hai family's imperial mausoleum. But this is just a legend. There is no such saying in our royal family. If it is really guarding a treasure, then our father will definitely tell me about it."

Hai Xiaoyun strongly denied that he had never heard of any treasure hidden in the imperial mausoleum.

But Zhuo Bufan was so confident that it was obviously not aimless.

"Do you know the first name in your Hai family tree, why is it not Hai?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked Hai Xiaoyun.

Hai Xiaoyun was stunned when he heard it, of course he knew.

"I told you about this. That's because that gentleman is the god of our Hai family. Without him, there would be no Hai family."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and then continued.

"Then don't you understand? The things that your Hai family's ancestral land protects are the sacred relics of your Hai family."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone present was dumbfounded. Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.

"what do you mean?"

Hai Xiaoyun obviously did not understand the true meaning of Zhuo Bufan's words.

Zhuo Bufan just shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, such a stupid emperor, I really don't know how long the Hai family's foundation can last."

"Don't you understand what I said? I am the gods of your Hai family, Ji, Xuan, and Hao!"

Zhuo Bufan finally stopped hiding and revealed his true identity.

He is Ji Xuanhao, the ancestral master of the Hai family, Ji Xuanhao.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun quickly shook his head.

"No, Brother Zhuo, you can't say this nonsense. Even if you are my friend, you can't offend the God of our Hai family. You can't offend his name."

It can be seen that the Hai family really respects Ji Xuanhao as a god.

So even if it was Zhuo Bufan, Hai Xiaoyun had to warn him not to offend Ji Xuanhao's name.

Zhuo Bufan was somewhat touched by this, but there was no dispute that Zhuo Bufan was Ji Xuanhao.

"Forget it, since the explanation doesn't make sense, I'll go get it myself!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to continue talking nonsense.

He thought that if he revealed his true identity, Hai Xiaoyun would more or less give in.

But now it seems that Hai Xiaoyun doesn't trust him at all.

Zhuo was dissatisfied and did not explain further.

After he finished speaking, he prepared to go to the Hai Family Imperial Mausoleum.

Hai Xiaoyun saw this and quickly stopped him.

"Brother Zhuo, you must not do this! We really cannot enter the Hai family's imperial mausoleum at will."

Hai Xiaoyun wanted to stop him, but could he stop Zhuo Bufan?

Zhuo Bufan didn't waste any time and flew directly to the Hai Family Imperial Mausoleum.

The Hai family imperial mausoleum is located on a small island in an inner lake. On this island mountain, there are densely covered ivory and white jade buildings.

When Zhuo Bufan flew over the center of the island, he immediately attracted the attention of several old men on the island.

"Who is it? Dare to break into the imperial mausoleum without permission?"

As soon as he finished speaking, three old men wearing golden clothes flew up and stood in the sky with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at them, then smiled slightly and said.

"It seems that you are the previous generations of emperors of the Hai family!"

"You, the Hai family, have guarded my Heaven Seal for generations. I am moved by your unwavering loyalty."

"Today, I am here to free you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and looked towards the imperial mausoleum under the island.

The next second, he sensed that there was indeed a breath of treasure under the imperial mausoleum.

Immediately, the entire island began to tremble.


Along with a loud noise, only a bang was heard, and a black light rose into the sky from under the earth.

A huge black dragon flew out of the light.

The black dragon roared and soared into the sky. After flying around in the air, it landed in front of Zhuo Bufan, and then condensed into a black seal the size of a palm.

At this point, everyone present was stunned and dumbfounded.

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