Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1173 Battle Through the Heavens

Above the sky, thunderclouds rushed in all directions.

The black dragon roared in the sky, causing waves in thousands of miles and triggering thunder tribulations in all directions.

Hai Xiaoyun and others stared blankly at Zhuo Bufan in the sky.

In front of Zhuo Bufan, a black seal the size of a palm appeared out of nowhere.

On the black seal, an extremely terrifying power was condensed.

With the birth of the artifact, a heavenly tribulation has been triggered above the sky.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan has once again attracted the attention of God.

Seeing the approaching heavenly tribulation, Zhuo Bufan held the Minsheng Sword in his hand, ready to open up a way for the Heaven Sealing Seal.

The Minsheng Sword is the artifact that is least afraid of heavenly tribulation in the world.

With it, Zhuo Bufan is not afraid of any powerful heavenly tribulation.

Now that the Heaven Sealing Seal has been born, its powerful divine power will naturally attract the attention of God.

Seeing the approaching heavenly tribulation, everyone present finally understood that Zhuo Bufan was not joking.

There really is a treasure hidden under the imperial mausoleum of their Hai Dynasty.

Who would have thought that Zhuo Bufan actually knew this secret that even the royal family of the Hai Dynasty themselves did not know.

"Could it be, could it be true? The imperial mausoleum of the Hai family really has the relics of a guardian?"

"Who is Brother Zhuo? Could he really be the savior of our Hai family? Ji Xuanhao?"

Hai Xiaoyun speculated in disbelief.

If Zhuo Bufan is really Ji Xuanhao, then their Hai family must really recognize Zhuo Bufan as their master.

Zhuo Bufan is the god of their Hai family.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether Zhuo Bufan is Ji Xuanhao now.

Anyway, Zhuo Bufan didn't count on the Hai Dynasty.

The Heaven Sealing Seal in his hand has attracted thousands of thunder tribulations, and the sky is covered with thunderclouds. The energy that destroys the world will fall from the sky at any time.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to pick up the Minsheng Sword to resist this tribulation for the Heaven Sealing Seal.

Ao ao ao ao!

With a bang, a black dragon flew out from the Heaven Sealing Seal.

It was the black dragon again. It was even more terrifying than the Xuanguan black dragon that Zhuo Bufan had seen before in Jietian Mountain.

It roared towards the thunderclouds in the sky, unstoppable.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that the Heaven Sealing Seal would take the initiative to attack the Heavenly Tribulation.

You know, that was a Heavenly Tribulation. In the whole world, apart from the Minsheng Sword, is there any existence that is not afraid of the Heavenly Tribulation?


For a moment, the heaven and earth were in a catastrophe, and the universe was thundering.

It struck the black dragon madly.

However, the black dragon was unmoved, and was even more fearless and moved forward.

It turned directly into the catastrophe thundercloud, and then roared in the depths of the thundercloud.

He was swallowing the thunder tribulation, swallowing up those destructive energies one by one.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly retracted the Minsheng Sword.

He wanted to see how powerful this Heaven Sealing Seal was.

So he lifted up the Heaven Sealing Seal in his hand, and then tried his best to release the Yuanli in his body, and then used all his strength to activate the Heaven Sealing Seal.

At this moment, a huge magic circle suddenly projected from the Heaven Sealing Seal in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

The magic circle was suspended in the air, condensing all the energy between heaven and earth.

The next second, countless black dragons rushed out from the magic circle.

Not one, not two, but thousands and countless.

They roared madly at the sky, and the terrifying heavenly tribulation was directly swallowed up.

Zhuo Bufan looked at this scene, stunned.

"Is this the Heaven Sealing Seal? So powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the Heaven Sealing Seal was a divine weapon, a divine weapon created by Ji Xuanhao.

But he didn't expect that the power of the Heaven Sealing Seal was so strong that even the heavenly tribulation was not afraid.

These black dragons released from the Heaven Sealing Seal did not mean to stop after swallowing the heavenly tribulation, but continued to fly towards the sky.

Just as they were about to touch the world wall, the black dragons suddenly began to bite each other.

Then they turned into black characters and stuck tightly to the barrier of the world wall.

Those characters formed chains when the world closed.

Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"No way! Is this going to seal the world wall?"

Zhuo Bufan finally figured it out.

It turned out that these so-called black dragons were just the seal runes of the Heaven Seal.

They intertwined everything and began to seal the sky.

"It's worthy of being the Heaven Seal. It's so powerful that it dares to seal this sky."

Zhuo Bufan was impressed by the power of the Heaven Seal.

He knew that the Heaven Seal was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

As a sword, the Minsheng Sword has no combat ability.

As a seal, the Heaven Seal is so powerful that it makes people palpitate.

Regardless of whether it can seal the sky, at least it has the ambition to seal the world.

"The Heaven Sealing Seal is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Seeing more and more black rune chains begin to cover the sky, at this moment, the sky suddenly roared.


The sky was furious, and then a black hand fell from the sky and tore those rune chains.

"Hand of Heaven!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly.

He didn't expect to see the Hand of Heaven again so soon.

But this time, it was not Zhuo Bufan who triggered the Hand of Heaven, but the Heaven Sealing Seal.

The Heaven Sealing Seal was too strong, so strong that even God had to take action himself.

The Heavenly Hand tore up the sealing rune, but the sealing rune was constantly recast.

Torn apart and closed again, torn apart and reborn again.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

And just when Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked, suddenly a familiar voice came from his mind.

"Escape now!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Huang Wa?"

The voice Zhuo Bufan heard was none other than Emperor Wa.

"Young man, it's time to take action. We are waiting for you outside the sky."

Not only Emperor Wa, Zhuo Bufan also heard Panhuang's voice.

"I see, are you going to escape while the Hand of Heaven is entangled with the Heaven Sealing Seal?"


Zhuo Bufan understood immediately, Emperor Wa and the others asked Zhuo Bufan to take advantage of this moment to fly out of Daluotian.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan naturally saved the file immediately without thinking, and then soared up.

He flew rapidly towards the sky. The closer he got to the sky, the more clearly he could see the terror of that big black hand.

That is the hand of heaven, the true form of God.

This is the third time Zhuo Bufan has seen the Hand of Heaven. Facing the Hand of Heaven, Zhuo Bufan will inevitably have a look of fear in his eyes.

But at this moment, the hands of that day were tearing apart the sealing runes of the Tiantian Seal, and Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to take the Mengchen Pearl with him, trying to escape from the sky.

No one in this world can satisfy God and escape, not even Zhuo Bufan.

Because when crossing the world wall, God will be more or less alarmed.

That's why Emperor Wa gave Zhuo Bufan a dust-covered bead to blind God's eyes.

However, the Dust Bead is not completely able to deceive Tianji.

After all, God attaches great importance to Zhuo Bufan, so it is a bit difficult for Zhuo Bufan to escape relying on Meng Chenzhu.

Unexpectedly, Feng Tianyin gave Zhuo Bufan a divine assist at this time.

With the entanglement of the Sealing Seal, Zhuo Bufan was able to hide from God and pass through the world wall of Da Luotian.

"The wall of the world is ahead."

Zhuo Bufan could already see the existence of the boundary wall. It was a sky filled with colorful rays of light, as if within reach, right above Zhuo Bufan's head.

The sealing runes of the Heaven Seal are still entangled with the Hand of Heaven.

However, the Hand of Heaven is too powerful. Although the sealing runes can be constantly reborn, under the destruction of the Hand of Heaven, the sealing runes have to be defeated one after another.

"No, it seems I can't last long. I have to cross over as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan held the Mengchen Pearl tightly with his left hand, and held the Mercy Sword tightly with his right hand.

The Seal of Sealing Heaven was suspended above his head, resisting the hand of God to tear it apart that day.


Seeing that the boundary wall was right in front of Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan raised the mercy sword in his hand and slashed towards the sky.

This sword condensed Zhuo Bufan's infinite power. The sword energy soared hundreds of thousands of feet into the sky, directly breaking through the sky and revealing a crack in the sky.


Zhuo Bufan was extremely happy in his heart. The sky was opened hundreds of thousands of feet, and Zhuo Bufan flew towards the sky without hesitation.

He slipped inside the walls of the world.

However, the boundary wall is very thick, one hundred thousand feet high. Zhuo Bufan must pass through the boundary wall as quickly as possible.

His speed reached the limit, and all his energy was on fire.

When Zhuo Bufan was about to fly out of Da Luotian.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared from the crack.

Then, a huge eyeball appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"This is the Eye of Heaven?"

Zhuo Bufan was startled by the sudden eyes. Rather than saying that they were eyes, it was better to say that they were a vast galaxy.

However, it looked so much like an eye that it even blinked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that since there is the hand of heaven, there is also the eye of heaven.

The giant black eye in front of you is the Eye of Heaven.

Those were the eyes of God. He peered at Zhuo Bufan through the cracks that Zhuo Bufan had cut.

"I found you, I found you, coward, don't even think about escaping, don't even think about escaping."

Zhuo Bufan's head suddenly exploded, and a mysterious voice penetrated into the depths of his mind.

That was the incorporeal Luo Tian, ​​and he was talking to Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, were you discovered so soon?"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

At this time, another big black hand flew out of the wall of the world.

This is another hand of God.

That day's hand grabbed Zhuo Bufan's face, carrying extremely terrifying destructive power.

"Damn it!"

Zhuo Bufan screamed secretly in his heart, and then, the Sealing Heaven Seal above his head once again released the Heaven Sealing Divine Power.


Along with bursts of roaring sounds, black dragons flew out from the seals, and then bit towards the incoming Hand of Heaven.

Bang bang bang bang...

Although there are countless black dragons, they are vulnerable to the hand of that day.

Those black dragons collided with the Hand of Heaven and were burned to death, but they turned into black runes and stuck tightly to the Hand of Heaven.

These runes began to connect one by one, forming a sealing shackles, tightly binding the hand of that day, preventing it from getting closer to Zhuo Bufan.

There were more and more black chains, and in the end, the hand of that day was completely wrapped and imprisoned.

Just when that day's hand was about to touch Zhuo Bufan, it stopped.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"So strong, such a strong Heaven Sealing Seal."

"It's true that even the sky can be sealed. Is this really created by Ji Xuanhao?"

Zhuo Bufan's admiration for Ji Xuanhao arose spontaneously.

Although he himself is Ji Xuanhao.

Ji Xuanhao clearly only had the realm of Yuanshen, but he created two great artifacts: the File Loading Gate and the Sealing Heaven Seal.

The file loading gate is enough to defy the heavens, and the sealing of the sky is even more direct.

That day's hand was completely tied up by the sealing shackles of the Heaven Seal and could not move forward.

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief, and he relied even more heavily on the Seal of Heaven.

But just when Zhuo Bufan thought he could escape.

Suddenly he discovered that the Eye of Heaven in the center of the crack seemed to be gathering destructive energy.

The Hand of Heaven is sealed, but the Eye of Heaven still exists.

And the Eye of the Sky seems to be even more powerful.

Seeing the black energy gathering more and more.

The next second, a beam of destruction was projected from the Eye of the Sky.

"No, sealing the sky!"

Seeing the destructive light coming, Zhuo Bufan immediately raised the Heaven Sealing Seal again.

Now the Seal of Heaven has become Zhuo Bufan's biggest support.

First there was the power to seal the Hand of Heaven, then Zhuo Bufan believed that the Seal of Heaven could also seal the Eye of Heaven.

When the seal of seal is activated again.

For a time, countless black dragons rushed out from the seal.

The black dragon roared and engulfed the light of destruction.

Those black dragons bit each other and formed a series of sealing shackles, trying to block the terrifying light of destruction for Zhuo Bufan.

However, this time, the destructive light was so terrifying that even a strong man in the Daoyuan realm could not resist it.

The sealing runes of the Sealing Heaven Seal were defeated in an instant.

The sealing shackles immediately fell apart.

The sealing shackles that could seal the Hand of Heaven were easily destroyed by the destructive light.

Then it blasted towards Zhuo Bufan's head with a devastating momentum.

"It's over!"

Seeing the destructive light coming, Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart.

He underestimated God. God's power cannot be stopped by the Sealing Seal.

He closed his eyes silently, and the depths of his soul began to communicate with the archive space.

He was ready to read the file.

Seeing that the light of destruction was about to fall on Zhuo Bufan's head, Zhuo Bufan was already in danger.

At this critical moment, the light of destruction suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, God's roar came from Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"No, no, no! You broke the contract, you broke the contract!"

God roared, and the whole sky seemed to be about to collapse.

The Eye of Heaven that was blocking the crack in the world wall suddenly disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw those eyes disappear.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Emperor Wa's voice came to his mind again.

"Why don't you come out quickly?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he almost didn't think much, and flew towards the sky with a hiss, quickly.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan escaped!

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