Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1174: Heaven Beyond Heaven

Zhuo Bufan experienced the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and finally escaped from Daluotian and came to the world outside Daluotian, Tianwaitian.

When Zhuo Bufan came outside Daluotian, he was immediately shocked by the scene he saw in front of him.

In front of him was endless chaos.

Of course, all this was within Zhuo Bufan's expectation.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was the three unattainable lights that appeared in front of him.

That's right, in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes, there were three wireless rays of light, and there seemed to be three human figures in the light.

Zhuo Bufan has never seen such a tall figure. It can no longer be described as tall. It simply stands tall and tall.

Its height is nearly one million light years, and it is still growing.

Three rays of light sandwiched the entire Da Luotian in the center.

After Zhuo Bufan flew millions of miles away, when he looked back, he was still shrouded in that light.

However, he could already roughly see what those three rays of light were.

Among the three rays of light, there were three huge human figures.

They stood next to each other, then held out their hands and joined them.

It's like the action of three people gathering together to warm themselves up by the fire, except that what is surrounded by the six hands is not flames, but the entire Daluotian world.

That's right, the entire Daluotian world is besieged among the six hands.

Without thinking too much, the owner of these six hands is obviously the legendary Three Emperors.

Emperor Wa, Emperor Fu, Emperor Pan.

It turns out that their true bodies have always been outside Daluotian and are controlling Daluotian.

"It's unbelievable. It turns out that Da Luo Tianzhen has always been controlled by the Three Emperors."

"No wonder Daluo Tiandao doesn't dare to mess around."

When Zhuo Bufan really saw this scene, he realized that the rumors were true.

Da Luotian was really controlled by the Three Emperors.

The golden body of the Three Emperors is even larger than Da Luotian.

In their eyes, Da Luotian is just an ordinary little bead.

It was imprisoned by the peerless power of the Three Emperors, so so far, he has not dared to make a big cleansing move against the humans in Daluotian.

"The Three Emperors are really so powerful. Even Heaven can't go beyond them even a little bit."

Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked.

The existence of the Three Emperors forced the entire Heaven to obey its orders.

It can be said that the three emperors are greater than the sky.

"Congratulations, little friend, you finally escaped from the cage."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was surprised, an extremely old voice came from the ray of light standing on his left.

The voice sounded like that of a dying old man, dying and not long to live.

Sure enough, the Three Emperors are not immortal. Even powerful existences will be swallowed up by the long river of time.

After Zhuo Bufan heard what the other party said, he immediately knelt down in the void and responded with respect and piety.

"Thank you to the Three Emperors for your help. I was able to escape from the cage and escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Your Excellency, the Three Emperors, please accept your respects."

Zhuo Bufan went through all kinds of hardships and finally met the Three Emperors.

Although the Three Emperors were bathed in golden light, what he saw was not real.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that the Three Emperors could see him and hear what he said.

This was his first face-to-face communication with the Three Emperors. The presence of the Three Emperors made him feel very at ease.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the glow on the right.

"The three of us have all seen what you have done in Da Luotian over the years."

"You must have known your mission in Mazu Mountain. And now, you have seen the truth."

The one who spoke was none other than Emperor Wa.

Zhuo Bufan naturally heard Emperor Wa's voice unmistakably.

The Three Emperors control Daluotian in the outer world, and at the same time they are also monitoring everything in Daluotian.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan first came to this world, he has been under the surveillance of the Three Emperors.

It was also at this moment that Zhuo Bufan realized that all the numerous situations he had encountered over the years had not escaped the eyes of the Three Emperors.

"Thank you to Emperor Wa for your cultivation and guidance. I really owe a lot to Emperor Wa for me to be able to reach this point today."

After Zhuo Bufan came to his senses, he immediately knelt down and worshiped Emperor Wa on his right.

At this time, familiar words also came from the ray of light opposite Da Luotian.

"Boy, we are helping you not because we need your gratitude."

"Saving this world is the mission you need to complete."

The one who spoke was none other than Panhuang.

Zhuo Bufan was most familiar with Panhuang's voice.

Because Zhuo Bufan once stayed in Daluotian's Jietian Mountain for a period of time, during which he saw Panhuang's miracles and heard Panhuang's voice.

To this, Zhuo Bufan immediately replied.

"Reply to Panhuang, I understand!"

"The reason why the boy came to this outer world is to find the Lord of Time. Please give me some clear instructions from the Three Emperors, where can I find the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that the Three Emperors should be able to know where the Lord of Time is.

However, Emperor Fu on the left responded after hearing this.

"We don't know where the Lord of Time is. We only know that the Lord of Time is located at the starting point of time."

After hearing Fuhuang's answer, Zhuo Bufan was slightly disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed, little friend. After all, you have met the Lord of Time in your first life. And you are also the person most likely to meet the Lord of Time."

"So seek out the Time Lord and you'll have the best chance of success."

Fuhuang's words made Zhuo Bufan look confused.

He didn't expect that the Three Emperors would put their hope in him, because he was the most confused one.

"Can I do it?"

Zhuo Bufan had a strange look on his face. He had no understanding of the Lord of Time.

"Don't worry, if you really can't find the Lord of Time, you can ask the Lord of Time to come to you. Remember the Heart of Time? You used it to make a good thing."

The reminder from Panhuang in front of him made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

If I can’t find the Lord of Time, will I let the Lord of Time come to me?

I have to say that this is indeed a method.

Moreover, the Lord of Time once took the initiative to search for Luo Tian and gave Luo Tian a heart of time.

Later, Ji Xuanhao, the second generation of Luo Tian, ​​used the Heart of Time to create the Gate of Rebirth.

Zhuo Bufan only got to where he is now by using the Gate of Time to constantly be reborn.

"I understand, Emperor Wa, I would like to ask another question. Senior Sister Mengchanyimeng, are you also looking for the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Meng Chanyi.

After hearing this, Emperor Wa was silent for a moment, thinking about whether to answer Zhuo Bufan.

After a while, she responded.

"That's right, Chanyi went deep into the void to find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time for you."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"It's true. She and I really have that kind of relationship, right?"

By now, Zhuo Bufan no longer doubted the relationship between him and Meng Chanyi.

After hearing this, Emperor Wa also responded.

"Yes, Chanyi is your lover in your first life. She has been waiting for you for a million years, and she may continue to wait for you forever."

"The future of this trip to the chaotic world is uncertain. I hope that after you find her, you can bring her back safely."

Even if Emperor Wa didn't say these words, Zhuo Bufan would still do it.

Now that Emperor Wa has confirmed his relationship with Meng Chanyi, from now on, of course, he can no longer treat Meng Chanyi as an insignificant ordinary person.

"My friend, the chaotic world is full of dangers. Since the three of us cannot leave, we can only rely on you to find the Lord of Time."

Emperor Fu on the left was full of apologies in his words.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Fuhuang, I will definitely be able to find the Lord of Time, complete the great cause, and save the billions of living beings in Da Luotian."

Zhuo Bufan also knew that the Three Emperors were inseparable, so he could only rely on himself to find the Lord of Time.

"Go away quickly! God is angry with this thief because we let you go."

"Presumably, he will send powerful masters from the Void Clan to hunt you down next. Just take care of yourself!"

As soon as the Three Emperors finished speaking, they saw black whirlpools emerging on the world wall of Da Luotian.

From the whirlpool, black figures flew out.

"They are coming, please leave quickly."

Seeing these black figures appearing outside the void, Fuhuang and others quickly urged Zhuo Bufan to leave.

These black creatures that suddenly appeared were all powerful virtual masters sent by Daluo Tiandao to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

They can come to Tianwaitian, and their weakest strength is also in the Saint Yuan realm.

In other words, the cultivation level of each of these pursuers is not weaker than Zhuo Bufan.

The Three Emperors and others need to control Daluo Tiandao, so facing these escaping virtual bodies, they cannot help Zhuo Bufan at all.

This is also the reason why they let Zhuo Bufan run first.

"Go in the direction pointed by me! That is the direction Chanyi is heading to."

At this moment, Emperor Wa suddenly raised his hand, and then a golden light was projected in one direction.

That was the golden avenue pointed by Emperor Wa, and the direction Meng Chanyi was heading to.

Obviously, Emperor Wa hoped that Zhuo Bufan could meet Meng Chanyi.

No matter whether the two can renew their relationship, at least there should be a result between them.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but fly towards the direction guided by the golden light.

On the other side, the virtual body Luo Tian sent nearly a hundred virtual bodies above the Saint Yuan realm to chase Zhuo Bufan.

Among them, there are many existences in the Daoyuan realm, and there are even terrifying existences whose strength is close to the Heavenly Dao realm. They are called the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

There are seven of them in total, and they are virtual bodies transformed by the way of heaven every million years.

Seven incarnations of heaven led hundreds of Xu clan masters to pursue Zhuo Bufan with all their strength.

It can be said that Da Luotian sent out the strongest fighting force of the Xu clan.

In fact, for Da Luo Tian Dao, it would be easier for Zhuo Bufan to escape than to stay in Da Luo Tian Dao.

If it were within Daluotian, the Three Emperors would intervene in its pursuit of Zhuo Bufan.

But outside the Great Luotian, the Three Emperors could not protect Zhuo Bufan in order to control themselves.

This is also the reason why Daluo Tiandao will send the strongest combat force to chase Zhuo Bufan.

It does not allow Zhuo Bufan to exist, because Zhuo Bufan will threaten it and the entire way of heaven.

Above the vast chaotic void, nearly a hundred powerful Void clan members were divided into seven teams, each led by an incarnation of heaven.

They stared in the direction where Zhuo Bufan was about to disappear, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

"According to the order of heaven, kill him and put him in the chaotic void."

"Start the void pursuit order!"

Seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, with seven teams, chased Zhuo Bufan quickly.

The three emperors who saw this scene were very nervous.

They were actually very worried that Zhuo Bufan would be caught by the virtual body sent by the thief God.

But they could do nothing about it.

"Believe him! He has been through many life-threatening situations along the way."

Fu Huang said, looking at the direction where Zhuo Bufan ran away, and his words were full of his trust in Zhuo Bufan.

Wa Huang on the side also said: "It is really not easy to get to this point in three lives and three worlds."

"I am afraid we can't wait for his fourth life! I hope he can find the Lord of Time. We don't have much time."

Pan Huang's words were the most sad.

In fact, in order to control the power of the Heavenly Dao, the three emperors' own power was constantly being consumed.

They have sealed the Daluo Heavenly Dao for millions of years, and they can't hold on for much longer.

Zhuo Bufan can be said to be their last hope.

So no matter what, they all hope that Zhuo Bufan can live well.

Perhaps, when Zhuo Bufan comes back again, everything will be over!

No matter the result is good or bad, the Three Emperors can no longer hold on.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan also knew that his mission was heavy.

Facing the pursuers sent by God, he ran away desperately.

Because he knew that if he died here, then the efforts of three lives and three worlds might really be in vain.

Behind him, the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao each led a group of powerful people of the Void Clan to chase Zhuo Bufan.

"You can't keep running along this golden light, otherwise you will be caught up sooner or later."

After Zhuo Bufan realized this problem, he suddenly turned around and jumped out of the guidance of the Golden Avenue of Wa Emperor and ran in another direction in the chaos.

On the other side, the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao who were responsible for the pursuit were not idiots.

They expected that Zhuo Bufan might jump out of the Golden Avenue halfway, so along the way, their seven teams began to separate and look for the direction of Zhuo Bufan's escape.

This chaotic void is very large, so large that it is boundless.

Zhuo Bufan was escaping in the void while absorbing the energy in the chaos.

Zhuo Bufan cultivated the energy of chaos, so he was like a fish in water here.

Seeing that the pursuers might have been thrown off, Zhuo Bufan finally slowed down.

Then, he began to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the chaos.

Huge stars were flying in front of him, emitting various kinds of light, which looked particularly beautiful.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan's eyes were attracted by a huge comet.

The comet dragged a huge tail and drew a bright light in the starry sky.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan flew quickly towards the comet.

Then he landed on the comet, letting this natural void spaceship take him to the depths of chaos.

No one knew where this comet would go.

Just like Zhuo Bufan didn't know where his destination was.

Where was the Lord of Time and Meng Chanyi he was looking for?

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