Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1175 The Earth's Spiritual Era

Zhuo Bufan stepped on a comet and headed for the depths of chaos.

No one knew what was waiting for him in the depths of chaos.

On the other side, the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao sent by the virtual Luo Tian were aimlessly searching for Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was transformed from the virtual Luo Tian, ​​which was equivalent to the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Its power was terrifying, almost second only to the existence of the Three Emperors.

Even Meng Chanyi, the strongest in the Dao Yuan Realm, was not an opponent of one of them.

And these seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao were the Heaven of Greed, the Heaven of Anger, the Heaven of Stupidity, the Heaven of Pride, the Heaven of Doubt, the Heaven of Hate, and the Heaven of Fall.

These seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao were both male and female, with different forms.

Among them, the Heaven of Greed was a chaotic beast, which could swallow the sky and the earth with one mouth, and was extremely powerful.

As for the Heaven of Anger, he is a fleshy man, blood red all over. With a push of his hand, he can flatten the universe. With burning anger, he can flatten the nine states. He is extremely terrifying.

The Heaven of Crazy, a beautiful woman, wears a pair of colorful phoenix wings, and is infatuated with the Heaven of Naihe. She is one of the few kindhearted people among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

The only shortcoming is that she is too obsessed and persistent. It is precisely because of her persistence that she may cause the greatest trouble to Zhuo Bufan.

As for the Heaven of Pride, he is a blue-haired young man with arrogant and arrogant. Among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, his cultivation is the most terrifying.

The Heaven of Doubt, he is an old man who is about to die. He holds a star cane in his hand and whips the endless galaxy. Although he is an old man, the Heaven of Doubt is powerful and cannot be doubted.

As for the Heaven of Hate, he is a dragon, or more precisely, a dragon without eyes. It is said that when it opens its eyes, the world will be destroyed.

The last Fallen Heaven is another woman among the seven incarnations of Heaven.

Unlike Chi Zhitian, Fallen Heaven is exposed and has a pair of blood-red wings, like a fallen angel.

Although Fallen Heaven is not the strongest, she is definitely the most difficult.

In the past, Fallen Heaven was able to fight Fu Huang alone and made Fu Huang suffer.

The above are the seven incarnations of Heaven.

Although they are of different genders and species, they are actually the incarnations of Heaven, so all their actions are subject to the instructions of Heaven.

Among the seven incarnations of Heaven, the first one to discover Zhuo Bufan was Doubt Heaven, the old man holding the Star Staff.

Because he doubted Zhuo Bufan, the old man was the wisest among the seven incarnations of Heaven.

He guessed Zhuo Bufan's movements, so he led his twelve Xu clan subordinates to chase in the direction where Zhuo Bufan fled.

Doubt Heaven has an alias, called Wang Ce!

Among the twelve Xu clan subordinates under his command, two are Dao Yuan realm cultivators and ten are Sheng Yuan realm.

Among them, the two Xu clan masters in Dao Yuan realm are named Gu Yang and He Tu.

The two have heaven-defying cultivation. Although they are not as good as Meng Chanyi, they can compete with Meng Chanyi together.

In addition, the ten great Sheng Yuan realm masters are not unknown people.

They are all the emperors of the Xu clan.

In other words, the weakest of Wang Ce’s subordinates is not weaker than Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that in order to hunt down Zhuo Bufan, God has sent out a large number of heaven-defying masters.

Zhuo Bufan also knows that this thief God is determined to kill him in the chaotic void.

So this time, the risk of finding the Lord of Time can be said to be unimaginable.

But no matter how dangerous the future is, Zhuo Bufan must move forward on this road.

He has worked hard for three reincarnations for this cause.

This time, he must hold on until the last moment.


Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath.

Then he opened his eyes and exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that the speed of cultivation in Tianwaitian is much better than that in Daluotian."

"Every breath here is the chaotic energy I need."

"These chaotic energy entering the inner world can not only improve my cultivation, but also make the spiritual tools of the 'Earth' continue to evolve."

Zhuo Bufan noticed that the 'Earth' world in his body is now completely full of spiritual energy.

A new world rule has been born, and Zhuo Bufan is ready to further build this new world.

Because Zhuo Bufan must be prepared for both situations. If the Lord of Time cannot be found, then the 'Earth' world in his body may be the last hope of mankind.

Therefore, he deliberately transformed the chaotic energy into spiritual energy and integrated it into the 'Earth'.

He let the 'Earth' officially enter the spiritual energy era.

The 'Earth' that entered the spiritual energy era began to evolve continuously.

Not only did the volume begin to expand infinitely, but also many new species began to appear because of the birth of spiritual energy.

And humans also began to adapt quickly in this era of the birth of spiritual energy.

"Go and see the preachers I chose!"

Zhuo Bufan took advantage of his free time and planned to come to the "Earth" again.

So, Zhuo Bufan came to the "Earth" again, and once again found Zhang Jing who was pretending to be cool.

When Zhuo Bufan found Zhang Jing, this guy was fighting against terrorist organizations with his bare hands.

In order to be competent for the position of preacher, Zhang Jing decided to become a city hero.

While fighting against evil, he conveyed Zhuo Bufan's morality.

Although this guy was once just an ordinary high school student who was as timid as a mouse, he is now able to use spiritual energy skillfully, is strong and strong, and is as hard as iron, invulnerable to swords and guns.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

In the alley, a group of gangsters shot at Zhang Jing crazily with guns.

Because of the birth of spiritual energy and the evolution of the world.

Today's world is not peaceful.

Many people have started to live a life of crime, so in this case, some heroes are needed.

And Zhang Jing is such a hero.

He wore a blue tights and a blue mask, just like a hero in a comic, but he looked very arrogant.

The gangster's bullet hit him in front of him and was blocked by a spiritual energy shield.

"How could it be? What kind of monster is this guy? Bullets can't penetrate him?"

The gangster leader saw Zhang Jing walking towards them step by step, unscrupulously, and began to fall into fear.

"Second brother, take out that thing and blow him to death for me."

The gangster leader has not given up resistance.

At this time, Zhang Jing poured his own spiritual energy into his feet.


The next second, he attacked the gangster like a cannonball.

"Accept the punishment, you are finished!"

Zhang Jing shouted out the most powerful words he chose from more than a hundred signature words, and then punched the gangster in the face.

But at this moment, a powerful rocket shell suddenly attacked him.

"Not good."

Zhang Jing condensed the spiritual energy shield at the first time, but facing the power of the rocket launcher, Zhang Jing's spiritual energy could not resist at all.

In the end, Zhang Jing was blown away.


Zhang Jing was blown away by the sudden rocket launcher and fell heavily on the street.

Zhang Jing was too arrogant after all. Although his spiritual energy was strong, his own cultivation was limited.

He lay in a pool of blood, covering the wound on his chest, and felt the coming of death.

"Give me the rocket launcher, and give him another one."

The gang leader saw that Zhang Jing could not block the rocket launcher, so he prepared to give Zhang Jing another one to get rid of him.


After he locked Zhang Jing, he activated the launch button without hesitation.

For a moment, another rocket flew out of the rocket launcher and bombarded Zhang Jing.

"It's over."

Seeing the rocket attack, Zhang Jing showed a look of despair.

Just when Zhang Jing thought he was dead, suddenly there was a sound of snapping fingers.

Then, the time of the whole world seemed to be still.

Bombs, flames, flying cars, blood...

Everything was still in the air. Time, completely stopped.

At the same time, Zhang Jing's mind, the voice sounded again.

"You are still too weak! As the preacher of this seat in this world, how can you be so weak?"

The speaker was Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhang Jing shouted excitedly.

"Master, is that you?"

Unconsciously, Zhang Jing has already recognized Zhuo Bufan as his master.

Zhuo Bufan did not say much about this.

"Since you recognize me as your master, then I should lend you a helping hand."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a burst of energy suddenly erupted in Zhang Jing's body.

Zhang Jing felt that his body was about to explode.

A wave of heat flowed through his body.

Then, Zhang Jing found that his body was beginning to change.

The physical fitness became stronger, and the body was also undergoing drastic changes.

The five internal organs were all merging with spiritual energy, and a golden bead was born in his dantian.

After the bead was born, it did not end immediately, but continued to evolve and was born into a human-shaped Yuanying.

At the same time, the Yuanying evolved further.

This time, Zhang Jing found that his soul was greatly impacted.

Immediately, Zhang Jing's soul began to become stronger and stronger.

The soul power was actually constantly evolving.

Zhang Jing also found that he could feel any movement within a mile.

Rats in the sewer, bugs underground.

Even the soul of his master Zhuo Bufan.

"I see, Master, I see you."

Zhang Jing did not open his eyes, but relied entirely on the power of his soul to see Zhuo Bufan.

He only saw a man in white standing in front of him.

The man was bathed in holy light, and there was an inviolable divine light on him.

Zhang Jing knew that it was his master, the leader who led him on the path of spiritual practice.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not deny it. He deliberately let Zhang Jing see him.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhang Jing who was kneeling on the ground and smiled.

"Now you have reached the realm of the soul. There is no one stronger than you in this world."

"In other words, you are the strongest."

Zhuo Bufan gave Zhang Jing a powerful cultivation, and this time, Zhang Jing was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

"It's embarrassing, don't cry!"

"Try again now."

Zhuo Bufan said, and snapped his fingers again.

For a moment, the flow of time around began to recover.

At this time, a row of bullets flew rapidly.

Zhang Jing saw this and raised his hand and waved——


With just a slight raise of his hand, a violent storm blasted towards the gangsters.

The entire street was destroyed except for a huge gully that was one thousand meters long.

For a time, the city was filled with smoke and the earth was shaking.

Fortunately, no innocent people were hurt except for those gangsters.

And those gangsters were already wiped out with a casual wave of Zhang Jing's hand.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jing was stunned and looked at his hands in disbelief.

"This, did I do this?"

Zhang Jing stared at his hands blankly. At this moment, his heart was ups and downs.

Apart from the violent spiritual energy in his body, he couldn't feel anything else.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"What? Don't you like such a powerful force?"

When Zhang Jing heard this, he immediately knelt down again.

"No, disciple, I never thought that I would be so powerful."

"Is this really my own power?"

Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said.

"What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's my power or yours!"

"In short, this world is about to undergo earth-shaking changes. I need you to lead all humans to survive well."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Zhang Jing asked quickly.

"Master, are you really a god? What kind of existence are you?"

Zhang Jing was obviously shocked by Zhuo Bufan's magical power.

"Don't flatter me. Now let me tell you something important. I want you to be my evangelist and pass on the method of spiritual energy cultivation. One year later, I want all the people to practice martial arts."

"If you can't do it, then I don't mind another preacher."

Zhuo Bufan's tone was very cold. He must transform himself into an invincible superior being.

He has the power of life and death for all life in the world.

As soon as he heard what Zhuo Bufan said, Zhang Jing was so frightened that he quickly nodded in agreement.

"Master, please rest assured. After one year, I will definitely let all the people practice martial arts and carry forward your martial arts."

Seeing the fearful look on Zhang Jing's face, Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly.

Then he said.

"Good, you're already nervous."

"But don't worry, I won't let you do these things alone."

"Now, let me take you to meet other evangelists!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

The next second, a huge suspended mountain suddenly appeared 30,000 meters above the 'Earth'.

That suspended mountain was born out of thin air and would soon cause a shocking change in the world.

Of course, it is not Zhuo Bufan's task to be responsible for explaining things.

Because this suspended mountain is just the result of Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

As long as he wants, he can turn the whole world upside down.

Zhuo Bufan, who created the suspended mountain, and Zhang Jing, who looked confused, instantly moved to the suspended mountain.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took steps towards the top of the mountain.

Following Zhuo Bufan's movement, palace lofts began to be built around him.

That scene was so dreamy that even a movie wouldn't dare to shoot it like that.

When Zhuo Bufan reached the top of the mountain, the entire suspended mountain had been transformed.

Stairs, palaces, pavilions, pagodas...

The entire suspended mountain has completely turned into a place of miracles.

"Oh my God, is this a miracle?"

Zhang Jing followed Zhuo Bufan and couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamations.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and finally showed a smile.

"Miracle? This is a good name. From now on, this mountain will be called Miracle Mountain!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a magnificent palace was quickly built in front of him.

On the plaque of the palace, three big characters appeared——

Miracle Palace!

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