Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1185 Planting the seeds of good fortune

After Wang Ce sensed the crushed space crystal, he hesitated for a moment, then opened the space channel and teleported towards the location of the crushed space crystal.

However, when they walked out of the space gate...

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

All around you were sounds of horror that made your soul tremble.


Before Wang Ce of Suspicious Heaven could react, the two Xu Sages who followed him had already disappeared beside him.

"No, it's a time and space rift!"

Wang Ce, the suspicious king, reacted immediately. He mobilized the energy in his body with all his strength and began to fly in the direction outside the space-time rift.

However, the terrifying devouring of the space-time rift was vividly displayed at this moment.

"Son of a bitch, this is a trap!"

Wang Ce was not an idiot. He immediately realized that this was a trap specially set for him by Zhuo Bufan.

"King, what should I do now? The swallowing of this space-time rift is too powerful. I feel like my energy and soul are almost completely torn apart."

Now the only one who is still with Wang Ce is the Great Xu Ning Witch.

After all, Ning Wu is also a powerful master of the Daoyuan Realm of the Xu Clan, but facing the terrifying devouring power of this space-time rift, he is actually powerless.

"Damn it, when I escape, I will cut that bastard into pieces."

At this moment, Wang Ce has no time to worry about that Ning Wu. He is now a clay Buddha crossing the river and cannot protect himself.

The devouring of the space-time rift was too terrifying, and he also felt that his body was being devoured again, and even his body was beginning to disintegrate.

If he was just on the edge of a space-time rift, he would still have the confidence to escape.

But now their location is in the middle of the rift in time and space.

Although this position was not the most powerful in Devouring, it made Wang Ce unable to move.

With all his firepower, Wang Ce could only ensure that he would not be sucked in.

"No, if you continue like this, I will be swallowed."

"I can't be swallowed, no."

"Ning Wu, it's time for you to sacrifice yourself. Use all your strength to hit me. I will use that power to eject."

Wang Ce looked at Ning Wu behind him, who was almost unable to resist, and then gave Ning Wu the final order.

After hearing this, Ning Wu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Why, King, do you want to give up on me? I am loyal to you, do you want to give up on me?"

Ning Wu was dumbfounded.

He has always been the most loyal to Wang Ce without any second thoughts.

But he didn't expect that at the critical moment of life and death, Wang Ce didn't think of saving him, but planned to sacrifice him.

Wang Ce yelled after hearing this.

"Ning Wu, if this continues, both of us will be doomed. Give me a helping hand, and after I escape, I will take that kid's head and give it to you as a memorial."

Wang Ce's words made Ning Wu burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Wang Ce, Wang Ce, you are such a despicable and shameless bastard."

"Do you want to escape, catch that kid, and get a reward from heaven?"

"You are so ambitious, you don't deserve the rewards from heaven. There is no way I can help you."

At this moment, Ning Wu finally understood that he was just Wang Ce's pawn.

Seeing that Ning Wu refused to take action, Wang Ce became angry.

"Since you've been fined for drinking, then go to hell!"

After Wang Ce finished speaking, he gathered energy with his backhand, and then struck with a palm towards Wang Ce's position.


That palm hit Ning Wu with energy that could destroy the world.

Ning Wu was hit and finally unable to maintain his balance, and was pushed into the space-time rift by Wang Ce.

At the same time, Wang Ce gained the speed to escape the devouring force of the space-time rift due to the reverse thrust.

"Wang Ce, I curse you to die a good death! Ahhhhh!"

Seeing Ning Wu screaming in agony, Wang Ce remained unmoved and flew towards the outer edge of the space-time rift with all his strength.

However, at this moment, endless energy radiance suddenly blasted in from the periphery of the space-time rift.

Raging fire, millions of thunder, meteorites and stars, vast divine splendor.

Outside the rift in time and space, Zhuo Bufan pushed a huge red giant star from the far side of the starry sky, and then pushed it towards the rift in time and space.

The star was instantly torn apart by the cracks in time and space, and turned into countless meteorites, carrying thunder, lightning, and flames, blasting towards the cracks in time and space.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Boom boom boom!


The entire space-time rift was interrupted, surrounded by earth-shattering energy.

Seeing the terrifying energy pushing towards him, Wang Ce's eyes widened with a look of despair.

"I'll go to your grandma!"


Wang Ce finally let out a cold snort, and the next second, he was hit by countless meteorites.

After finally sacrificing the escape speed gained by his men, he was hit hard in the face in the next second, plunging him into the never-ending abyss of darkness.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Zhuo Bufan slowly exhaled. In order to push the star just now, he spent a lot of strength.

"Huh? Did someone scold me just now?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the crack in time and space not far away and said.

"Forget it, maybe I heard it wrong! But the devouring of the space-time rift is really scary. I wonder if those bad guys have been tricked!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he silently closed his eyes, feeling the eyes of his soul that he had left along the way.

He found that Wang Ce and the others seemed to have disappeared.

"Hey, it looks like I succeeded!"

"Those guys didn't catch up again."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

Then he looked at the space-time rift in front of him.

Since the pursuers did not catch up, this means that they should have entered the space-time rift.

"Hahaha, it's so enjoyable! You're really good at it, you really tricked the incarnation of the law of heaven."

The seed of creation in the palm of his hand saw everything Zhuo Bufan did. After listening to Zhuo Bufan's explanation, he realized how big a trap Zhuo Bufan had used this space-time rift to set for Wang Ce, the incarnation of the way of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "I am forced to have no choice! If I don't think of a way, I will have to be caught up by them and then killed."

What Zhuo Bufan said was true. The situation he was in just now was indeed extremely urgent.

The way of heaven transformed into Wang Ce, getting closer and closer to him, and he was about to catch up.

Zhuo Bufan was also at a critical moment, and he had an idea and came up with such a plan.

What he didn't expect was that this strategy really succeeded.

It is doubtful that Wang Ce was really trapped in the rift of time and space by him.

Although Zhuo Bufan believed that Wang Ce would not die so easily, at least he could breathe a sigh of relief. Wang Ce would no longer be able to pursue him for the time being.

"I don't know if other incarnations of heaven have this thing."

Zhuo Bufan took out the Wheel of Life and said.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the incarnation of Heavenly Dao chasing him was far more than just the Suspicious Heavenly King Ce.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan cannot completely take it lightly.

If other incarnations of heaven also have this wheel of life, I believe it won't be long before they will chase after him.

"It seems that my escape plan is not over yet, what should I do next?"

Zhuo Bufan opened the star map of the Wheel of Life and looked at the red dot of life indicated on the star map.

The nearest red dot of life to him was also light years away.

What to do next, whether to look for this red dot of life or the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the seed of creation in his hand.

"By the way, do you know the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan somehow saved the life of the Seed of Creation. The Seed of Creation is obviously not as rude as before.

For Zhuo Bufan, it also answered all questions.

"You kid are looking for the Lord of Time?"

"Yes, I came to this chaotic void precisely for the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan didn't hide his purpose either.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Seed of Creation responded.

"I only know that the Lord of Time is located at the origin of time. Legend has it that someone in Da Luotian once saw the Lord of Time, and his name was Luo Tian."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was slightly startled.

Isn't Luo Tian himself? He himself knows this news.

"What else? What else do you know?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that this seed of creation knew a lot of information. Maybe he can give himself some inspiration.

After hearing this, Seed of Creation's soul was turbulent and said.

"Sorry, what I know is limited. The Lord of Time is too mysterious. Unless it wants to actively look for you, it is impossible for you to find it."

"For me, I heard that in this chaotic void, there is an ancient race called the Samsara Tribe! They are also called the guardians of time. If you can find the Samsara Tribe, you might be able to find the Ancestor of Time. whereabouts."

The words of Seed of Creation made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"The reincarnation clan? Really, you didn't lie to me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that this seed of creation would really bring him good news.

"Of course, I've only heard it mentioned by people from the Ronin tribe. I don't know exactly what this race is."

The seed of creation replied.

This made Zhuo Bufan a little confused again.

"The Ronin clan? What is that?"

Speaking of the Ronin clan, the Seeds of Creation obviously know more than the Samsara clan.

He responded: "The Ronin are also an ancient race that escaped from that world. They were originally a powerful race of gods, born with godhood."

"It was only later that because it threatened the status of the Xu Clan, Tiandao carried out a major purge of this Clan of Gods."

"But before the purge, a few people knew the news, so they escaped from that world. Then they wandered in this chaotic void. Over time, they became the Ronin clan today."

"The Ronins are born warriors, and they believe in the divine power of the totem divine pattern. The most powerful warrior among them can even seal the chaos beasts into the totem divine pattern within their bodies."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing this.

"So awesome? You can seal all the chaos beasts into your own totem divine pattern!"

"Furthermore, people from the Ronin tribe are naturally warlike. If you want to be qualified to communicate with them on an equal footing, you must gain their recognition in terms of strength."

"So these guys are also very difficult to deal with."

The seeds of creation have been in this chaotic void for millions of years, and the information before each of their seeds can be shared.

Therefore, it can be regarded as well-informed, and a lot of the information it tells will be of great help to Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that I'm going to meet this Ronin tribe for a while."

Zhuo Bufan said with narrowed eyes.

Now that there is news about the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan naturally has to grasp this clue tightly.

So next, his goal is to find the Ronin tribe and find out from them the whereabouts of the Samsara tribe.

Then find the Samsara Clan, and finally see if we can find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time from the Samsara Clan.

Zhuo Bufan, who was originally confused, now has a goal.

As long as he has a goal, he is motivated.

"By the way, what are you going to do next?"

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan looked at the Seed of Creation in his hand.

The seed of creation was destroyed by Wang Ce's extinguishing death fire, leaving only the current seed.

Millions of years of practice are gone. If I want to get back to the top, I don’t know how long it will take.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, Creation Seed also fell silent.

It is thinking about whether to find a star and grow again.

But if we wait another million years, we don’t know how many dangers we will encounter.

Just when the seed of creation was confused, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"Well, I just suddenly thought that my world might be very suitable for your growth. Do you want to go to my world and become my World Tree?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly made a request to the Seed of Creation.

After hearing this, Seed of Creation was stunned for a moment.

"Go to your world? What do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan pursed his lips and smiled, and in the next second, he entered the inner world with the seed of creation.

Coming to the inner world, the Seed of Creation saw the 'earth' full of vitality, and his eyes were filled with a look of longing.

"This is my world. Are you willing to be the world tree of my world?"

Although Zhuo Bufan's world already has complete world rules, many of the rules do not have a unified order.

With the World Tree, the rules and order can be unified.

Because the Tree of Creation is originally a sacred tree that creates and perfects the rules of the world.

"Is it okay? Let me establish new world rules in your world?"

"Of course, but the rules you establish must be under my rules. In other words, your rules are only secondary rules. I have the right to decide all your rules."

The rules that Zhuo Bufan asked the Tree of Creation to establish can only be secondary rules, which is equivalent to the relationship between the Yin and Yang world and the Daluotian world.

Although all the rules of the Yin and Yang world apply to the Yin and Yang world, they cannot affect the high-level Daluotian world.

The rules of the Daluotian world can affect the Yin and Yang world.

This is the relationship between primary and secondary rules.

Zhuo Bufan wanted this tree of creation to build a small world in his own world.

In this small world, you can have your own power of rules.

"I agree, this is fertile soil, and it is also a safe fertile soil. Here, I can grow with confidence."

"Well, I will plant you in the Far East. It is still a barren land. The power of the rules is not perfect."

"You can create your own world there. In the future, I will immigrate a large number of lives into your world, no problem!"

Zhuo Bufan's purpose is obvious. He wants to imitate the governance methods of the Yin and Yang world and carry out regional governance.

Although the Seed of Creation didn't know what Zhuo Bufan was going to do, he didn't hesitate at all.

"Deal, the original purpose of my creation of the world was to provide a home for a large number of lives. If you can send me a lot of lives by then, that would be great."

"Hehehe, don't worry. When the time comes, countless lives will enter your world. As long as you don't have too many."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he planted the seeds of creation in the wasteland of the Far East.

From now on, a small world will be born there, waiting for the arrival of new immigrants.

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