Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1186 The trace of Meng Chanyi

After Zhuo Bufan settled the Seed of Fortune, he finally got a chance to breathe.

Now, he has not only escaped from the entanglement of Doubtful Heavenly King Ce, but also possessed a Void Holy Object, the Seed of Fortune.

With the Seed of Fortune, Zhuo Bufan's new immigrants will have a better life on the 'Earth' in the future.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan went to the Palace of Miracles to learn about the recent actions of his preachers.

These preachers have now spread the method of spiritual practice all over the world, but they seem to have some differences on the matter of preaching.

Some advocate the establishment of a single religion, believing that it is best to spread the doctrine of spiritual practice in a religious way.

Since ancient times, religion has been the way to unite people's hearts.

And they have positioned Zhuo Bufan as the leader, and the name of the religion is the Spiritual Religion!

In the name of the Spiritual Religion, the way of spiritual practice is spread, and it is believed that a crazy spiritual practice craze will soon rise up around the world.

However, another preacher thought that an academy should be established to spread the way of spiritual practice through the nine-year compulsory education system as an educational method.

In this way, there is a compulsory way of practice, and it is very easy to manage and develop.

This proposal is not a method. After all, in today's world, the way of spreading through academies is obviously the most widespread.

Of course, there are also some people who advocate the establishment of sects and factions.

They believe that there are thousands of ways of spiritual practice, and they should be classified and distinguished.

Establishing a sect is different from establishing a religion.

Religion has only one doctrine and is based on faith.

The establishment of a sect is based on factions. The sect is a relationship between academies and religions.

Moreover, the establishment of a sect is conducive to the development of spiritual practice, and mutual competition can promote the practice of all spiritual practices.

At present, it is basically divided into three factions.

The three concepts have obviously caused a lot of conflicts. Everyone is doing their own thing and thinks that their own ideas are the best.

The middleman in charge of mediation, Zhang Jing, the boss of the Miracle Palace, has no intention of managing these things recently.

He is now concentrating on completing the tasks assigned by Zhuo Bufan before.

Zhuo Bufan would bring a few stones to him every once in a while to study the age, which was the top priority for him.

Today, Zhuo Bufan came to the Palace of Miracles again.

But he only saw nine preachers arguing with each other, and the leader Zhang Jing was nowhere to be found.

This made Zhuo Bufan slightly dissatisfied.

"Okay, since you all think your own methods are good, why not divide into three factions and form your own way?"

"Lei Yi, you advocate the establishment of a religion, so I will make you the Archbishop of the Spiritual Religion. Do you have the confidence to establish the Spiritual Religion?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the blond man Lei Yi who advocated the establishment of a religion and said.

After hearing this, Lei Yi immediately bowed to Zhuo Bufan and said: "Lei Yi will not fail the mission of the master."

"Okay, you will take the West as the birthplace of the Spiritual Religion and establish the religious headquarters. I look forward to your performance."

Zhuo Bufan immediately issued an order.

After hearing this, Lei Yi was extremely proud. From now on, he would be the archbishop of the Spiritual Religion, with a transcendent status.

If he could carry forward the Spiritual Religion, his status in the future would be extremely high.

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew what these people were thinking, and he did not interfere too much, because this was exactly what he wanted.

Only by competing with each other can we accelerate growth.

"Then Alina, since you proposed the college system, I will appoint you as the first dean of the Spiritual Religion College. I hope that with your influence, you can spread the college system all over the world as soon as possible. Can you do it?"

The person who proposed the student system was a white-skinned, blue-eyed beauty. She was one of Zhuo Bufan's most loyal preachers.

So Zhuo Bufan was naturally most relieved to entrust the promotion of the college system to her.

Alina answered without hesitation after hearing Zhuo Bufan's instructions.

"Alina understands. Please rest assured, my lord. Alina will definitely not disappoint your holy will."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan looked at a young man with an oriental face on the side and said.

"Lu Yao, since Zhang Jing is not here, you will be the representative of the Eastern preachers. I asked you to develop the sect's power with the local land as the origin. Do you have the confidence?"

Originally, it was most appropriate to give this matter to Zhang Jing, but Zhang Jing is not in the Miracle Palace now, so Zhuo Bufan gave the task to another young man with an oriental face.

In some ways, Lu Yao's ability is far superior to Zhang Jing.

It's just that Zhang Jing is the first preacher appointed by Zhuo Bufan in this world, so he got a little advantage.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Lu Yao immediately knelt down and responded.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Lu Yao has a plan in mind and will definitely carry forward the way of spiritual cultivation."

Seeing that the three major factions are sharpening their knives and preparing for a big fight.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this.

"Well, you go down first! I look forward to your achievements."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the nine preachers left one by one.

For a while, Zhuo Bufan was the only one left in the Miracle Palace.

Zhuo Bufan sat at the top of the hall and squinted silently for a while.

After a long time, a ray of light appeared in the center of the hall.

Then, Zhang Jing walked out of the light.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, Zhang Jing knelt down in fear.

"Disciple Zhang Jing, I greet you, Your Majesty!"

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes, glanced at Zhang Jing, and then laughed.

"Zhang Jing, how long can you keep me waiting?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Zhang Jing feel uneasy.

Zhang Jing hurriedly explained: "Replying to your Majesty, this disciple has just received a communication from Professor Ou Liyang, and he has already guessed the age of the latest stone."

"The disciple thought that he could not delay the task assigned by His Majesty, so he immediately went to get the results."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? So did you get the results back?"

Zhang Jing immediately replied: "I got it. I got the results of the twelve rocks."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, and twelve rocks flew out from a Na ring on his finger, and then placed them on the ground according to their numbers.

Each rock has a research result attached to it.

Zhuo Bufan just scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, and then knew the age of all the stones.

"Okay, let me think that I am a preacher and do this kind of thing to spread the news. It is simply a waste of talent."

"From now on, I will personally look for Ouliang. As for you, I have a new task for you."

Zhuo Bufan actually saw that Zhang Jing was lazy, so he wanted to find something for him to do.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jing did not dare to hesitate and quickly agreed.

"Please give me the task, your Majesty. I will do my best."

"Well, haven't you said before that a quarantine system is required? Since it is quarantine, there needs to be an isolation layer!"

"Because the time has not come yet, I don't know how to set up the isolation interface, so now I want you to do a good on-site inspection and planning for me."

"To put it bluntly, your task is to draw a circle for the indigenous people. As for how big the circle is, it is up to you to decide."

"I hope that when I come back next time, you will have a result."

"Get down!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense. Before Zhang Jing could raise any questions, he waved his backhand and Zhang Jing disappeared into the hall.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan has basically finished explaining everything on 'Earth'.

"Then it's time to return to the chaotic void and start my aimless wandering journey."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he also disappeared into the hall.

Then, he returned to the Chaos Void again, looked at the Wheel of Life in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

"Would you like to go take a look?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the red dot of life closest to him and said.

Then he thought for a moment, and flew towards the red dot of life without thinking.

At least Zhuo Bufan can now be sure of one thing, that is, the red dot of life is not the incarnation of heaven.

The pursuers sent by Da Luotian are all incorporeal bodies, and the incarnation of Heavenly Dao is also a non-living existence.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to appear on this wheel of life.

In other words, the red dot of life closest to him on the wheel of life is a life that Zhuo Bufan has never seen before.

As for what it is, it is still unknown to her.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has no choice, because the information he currently has is not enough, and he needs to learn about the Lord of Time from more people.

So he decided to fix this red spot of life.

For the next half year, Zhuo Bufan was in the chaotic void, moving forward at full speed.

Along the way, he will bring the fragments of passing stars back to 'Earth' and give them to Oriyang for research.

Although the red dot of life was far away from him, no matter how close it was, it was still light years away.

So it took Zhuo Bufan nearly a whole year to fly to the starry sky where his target was.

A year later, Zhuo Bufan finally came close to the red dot of life.

He was very fortunate that the red dot of life did not move during this period.

When he came to the starry sky where the red dot of life was, he immediately chose to save it.

Be careful when sailing the ten-thousand-year ship, Zhuo Bufan should choose to save it.

"I feel it, a very strong force. He seems to be a strong man."

Zhuo Bufan had already sensed terrifying energy fluctuations from the stars before he even got close to them.

That was terrifying energy that was definitely not weaker than Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan himself seemed a little nervous.

Because he was afraid that if the other party was an enemy, he would probably fall into a big war.

Of course, now that he's here, Zhuo Bufan can't just back down here.

Therefore, faced with that terrifying energy fluctuation, Zhuo Bufan chose to respond.

He also began to release layers of mental power ripples, which began to stir up the stars and respond to the other party.

“Buzz buzz!

At this moment, a slight shock came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Then, Zhuo Bufan heard a strange sound.

"Stop! If you take another step forward, you will be my enemy."

The moment the other party approached Zhuo Bufan, the brilliance in his soul made him stunned.

"threaten me?"

"I'm Zhuo Bufan, no offense intended. Why do you reject people thousands of miles away like this?"

Zhuo Bufan was not angry, but showed kindness to the other party.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the other party was silent for a long time.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan heard the other party's voice again deep in his soul.

"No! Please come back!"

The second rejection made Zhuo Bufan a little unhappy.

He came from light years away, and it took him a whole year to see this red dot of life.

For him, time is the least wasteful thing, and he has to see the other party anyway.

"Sir, I have traveled a year to see you. Now I am going back without even seeing your true face, which is really disappointing."

"I have no intention of offending you, I just want to see you, how about saying hello and leaving?"

Zhuo Bufan insisted on moving forward, and it was obvious that his persistence caused dissatisfaction on the other side.

"Boy, do you like to ignore what others say?"

"I said I won't see you! If you take another step forward, don't blame me for starting a war."

These lives have lived in the chaotic void for a long time. They may not have seen other lives for millions of years.

Therefore, they have a natural hatred for other lives.

Just like when Zhuo Bufan first saw the Tree of Fortune, he was also regarded as an enemy by the Tree of Fortune.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan believed that it was not that the other party did not welcome him, but that the other party was also wary.

"Sir, I really don't mean to offend you. You have been practicing here for millions of years, don't you want to talk to someone?"

"Let's put it this way, if you can come out and see me, I will not bother you."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's persistence, the other party was obviously helpless.

Finally, the life deep in the starry sky sighed and said.

"Are you trying to find out about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by the other party's words.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the other party knew what he wanted to ask without even seeing him.

"Sir, you have great magical powers. How do you know what I want to ask?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in confusion.

At this time, the other party responded again.

"Because not long ago, a creature with the same breath as you came to ask me."

"A female creature, very cruel. She started a war with me when she disagreed with me."

"Female? You mean, there is a girl?"

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows immediately.

"Could it be Meng Chanyi?"

The only woman Zhuo Bufan could think of who was also asking about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time was Meng Chanyi.

"I can tell you the direction of that woman. As a condition, you get out of here."

The other party had no good words, but Zhuo Bufan didn't care.

"Please give me your advice."

In addition to finding the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan's more important mission was to find Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi was looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of Time in this chaotic void for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let her take such a risk. He should also do something about this matter.


Just after this or death, a white light suddenly flew from the depths of the starry sky and then projected in one direction.

"She went in that direction, and now you can get out."

The other party couldn't wait to drive Zhuo Bufan away.

After looking at the direction pointed, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then he turned around and flew towards the direction where the rays came from, heading towards the depths of the galaxy.

Zhuo Bufan finally chose to force his way into that guy's territory.

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