Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1187 Time and Space Nightmare Dragon

There are seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao in Daluo Tiantian Dao.

They are Greedy Heaven, Anger Heaven, Foolish Heaven, Pride Heaven, Doubt Heaven, Hate Heaven, and Fallen Heaven.

Among them, Doubt Heaven Wang Ce, although his strategy is unparalleled, was the first to find Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

But this guy was still deceived by Zhuo Bufan, the pit man, and was thrown into the space-time crack by Zhuo Bufan using his own space crystal.

The sudden disappearance of Doubt Heaven Wang Ce caused quite a stir among the other six Heavenly Dao incarnations.

"Wang Ce is missing!"

Ao Zhitian, a blue-haired young man with arrogant arrogance, has the most terrifying cultivation among the seven Heavenly Dao incarnations.

Of course, he is just proud and arrogant.

Among the seven Heavenly Dao incarnations, Ao Zhitian seems to have a boss attitude.

He was the first to discover Wang Ce's disappearance.

Because there is a mutual induction between the Heavenly Dao incarnations.

They can usually communicate using the same spiritual channel, just like the same QQ** stream.

Wang Ce's sudden disappearance was equivalent to his sudden offline from the group.

So Ao Zhitian suspected that Wang Ce might have met with an accident.

Now the major incarnations of the Heavenly Dao are acting separately and it is impossible for them to gather together.

So Ao Zhitian opened the "group chat" at the first time.

"Wang Ce is missing? Where are his men? Are there any other reports?"

The questioning Chen Zhitian was arrogant, with a body of flesh and blood red. He could flatten the universe with a horizontal push.

Burning anger can flatten the nine states, which is extremely terrifying.

Among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, he is the second most powerful, second only to Tyranny.

Regarding Wang Ce's disappearance, he naturally spoke at the first time and expressed his initiative to speak.

"I, I seem to have seen someone from Old Wang."

The third person to speak was a childish voice.

That voice was like a three-year-old child.

There is no need to think too much about the owner of this voice, it is the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Tan Zhitian.

Although Tan Zhitian is the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, he is also the most failed incarnation.

His age is always kept at the young age when he was just born. Just like a child who will never grow up.

But it is undeniable that as the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Tan Zhitian actually has unlimited potential.

Tan Zhitian Hun Dun has the ability to devour everything. It is a terrifying existence born by the Daluo Heavenly Dao based on the Chaos Beast and the Void Crack in the Chaos Void.

If it were not for his immature mind, he would be the boss among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

Unfortunately, his mind will never mature.

"Hun Dun, when did you discover it? Why didn't you tell us?"

Ao Zhitian asked in the tone of a boss.

When Tan Zhitian heard it, he felt a little aggrieved, as if a child was suddenly scolded by an adult.

"I, I don't know. At that time, Wang Lao's people were entangled with a strange human. But that person was not the target we were looking for."

"So I didn't intervene, but later I heard from my men that Wang Lao's men were all killed by that mysterious human."

It turned out that Tan Zhitian Hun Dun had seen the scene where the mysterious wanderer Hun Dun fought with Liu Cheng under the command of Yi Zhitian Wang Ce.

But Tan Zhitian is a guy who doesn't like to meddle in other people's business.

He only received one order, that is, to kill Zhuo Bufan.

So he doesn't care about other things.

After hearing Hun Dun's answer, Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu and Annihilation Tian Xu Kuang said.

"It seems that the old man Wang Ce is in trouble!"

"Did he provoke that mysterious man and was killed?"

"It's possible! There are many masters in this chaotic void. Don't forget that the little girl under the command of the Queen of Wa also came to this chaos. That little girl is extraordinary!"

The little girl mentioned by Ao Zhitian and Annihilation Tian is Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi is known as the first Dao Yuan of Daluotian.

Although her cultivation is at the Dao Yuan realm, her strength has long surpassed this category.

With her strength, she is enough to compete with these incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

After all, she once cut off a corner of the Heavenly Dao.

"Leave that bitch to me!"

When talking about Meng Chanyi, the Fallen Heaven Li Mei, who had not spoken a word, suddenly spoke in the "group".

Fallen Heaven, the last incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, is also the second female incarnation.

She and Meng Chanyi have an irreconcilable hatred.

Because the corner of the Heavenly Dao that Meng Chanyi cut off was her!

When the Heavenly Dao separated the seventh incarnation, Meng Chanyi suddenly slashed with a sword and severely injured the Heavenly Dao.

This forced Fallen Heaven, who was originally expected to gain the strongest power, to give birth prematurely.

It can be said that because of Meng Chanyi, Fallen Heaven could not become the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

So Fallen Heaven hated Meng Chanyi to the bone.

Now that they have come to this chaotic void at the same time, the first target of Fallen Heaven has obviously changed from Zhuo Bufan to Meng Chanyi.

"Li Mei, do you need my help?"

The fifth person who spoke had a very gentle tone.

It is hard to imagine that someone who can make such a gentle soul voice would be the incarnation of Heaven.

In fact, she is the third incarnation of Heaven, Chi Zhitian, Mo Chichi!

Mo Chichi is the third incarnation of Heaven and the second female incarnation.

Facing Mo Chichi's request, Li Mei snorted.

"Don't worry about that stinky bitch, I'm going to kill her myself."

After finishing speaking, Fallen Heaven Limei left the soul channel.

At this time, Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu said.

"Mo Chichi, you are closest to the old guy. Go to the star field where he is and see what happened to this old guy."

"I suspect that this old guy may have a clue about that kid."

Ao Zhitian gave the order to Mo Chichi in the tone of a boss.

After Mo Chichi listened, he did not refuse, but responded.

"I will. As soon as there is news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After saying that, Mo Chichi also left the soul channel.

Obviously, what Zhuo Bufan will encounter next is an even more crazy pursuit.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan didn't know yet that Chizhitian Mo Chichi had already rushed to his star field.

After he determined the direction Meng Chanyi left, he didn't catch up immediately. Instead, he flew towards the depths of the galaxy in front of him.

When Zhuo Bufan flew in the opposite direction to the depths of the galaxy, the life in the galaxy suddenly howled.

"You brat, you broke your promise, shouldn't I tell you to get out? Do you want to start a war?"

The other party was angry. He obviously didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would force his way into his own territory after learning the information.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't respond, but just flew towards the depths of the galaxy. He wanted to find out.

"You are looking for death!"

Zhuo Bufan completely angered the other party, and for a while, huge stars came towards Zhuo Bufan.

These stars are extremely huge and contain terrifying energy.

Bang bang bang bang!

Zhuo Bufan turned into a golden stream of light, penetrated the incoming stars, and finally came to the opponent.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived, he saw a black star in front of him covered with a layer of black mist.

And the mysterious life Zhuo Bufan is looking for is within this fog.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Zhuo is already in front of you, so there is no need to hide, just show up and see him!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and asked.

What penetrated the depths of his soul was an extremely angry voice.

"Get out! You despicable villain, you don't keep your word. You will die a good death!"

The other party was obviously very angry with Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan also understood that he had completely angered the other party this time, so he continued.

"Your Excellency, I don't mean to offend you. It's just that you are in trouble right now. I might be able to help you."

Zhuo Bufan said.

As soon as these words came out, the other party was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I advise you to be kind and get out of here."

"Haha, you don't have to hide it from me. You are paranoid and want to drive me away. It is obvious that you are encountering some trouble now."

"I am undoubtedly disturbing you, but if I can help you get out of trouble, why would you refuse like this?"

Zhuo Bufan actually guessed that the mysterious existence in front of him must be in trouble.

Both his tone and reaction made Zhuo Bufan feel that he was in crisis and didn't want outsiders to know, so he blindly wanted to drive Zhuo Bufan away.

"What do you know, kid?"

The other party was obviously a little surprised, but he didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to guess it.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"Because you are paranoid. You want to drive me away so much because you are afraid that I will enter your domain. But I can feel that your energy is not inferior to mine, so you don't have to be afraid of me."

"Then there is only one possibility. You must be injured now! You are afraid that I will take advantage of you, so you reacted like that."

Zhuo Bufan's words stunned the other party.

Zhuo Bufan was absolutely right, he was injured, and he was seriously injured.

The reason why he drove Zhuo Bufan away was because he didn't want Zhuo Bufan to find out about his injury.

In this chaotic void, all life is selfish.

Once other beings discover that he is injured, they will take advantage of his illness to kill him.

"If you believe me, I can help you."

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You help me? How can you help me?"

the other party asked.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand, and then the Heaven-Mending Technique was entangled in his hand.

The Heaven-Mending Technique can replenish all powers, and it can make up for any injury.

When the other party felt the powerful power of Tian Mending Technique in Zhuo Bufan's hand, his soul trembled.

He obviously also felt that the power in Zhuo Bufan's hand could save him.

"Are you really willing to help me?"

The other party was hiding in the mist, and he obviously did not completely believe Zhuo Bufan.

"Of course, because you helped me. So I will naturally help you."

"What did I help you with?" the other party asked.

"You helped point me in the direction of my companions, and I thought I should save you."

Zhuo Bufan suspected that the injuries on the other party's body might have been caused by Meng Chanyi.

That's why Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to ask for help.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan saw that a huge vortex began to form in the mist above the star in front of him.

As the vortex rotates, the true form of life inside is ready to emerge.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan saw a black dragon appearing in the whirlpool.

It had a pair of huge black flesh wings, lying on the surface of the star, trembling all over.

That was not an ordinary dragon. On its head, there were two huge horns, and on the horns, there were circles of divine runes.

And it also had two vigorous tails, on the tails, there were white gear-shaped bone spurs.

And on his body, there were layers of mysterious gray-black energy.

Zhuo Bufan had never seen this kind of dragon creature, but it was undeniable that this guy was very strong.

Zhuo Bufan noticed that there was a hideous wound on the back of the mysterious black dragon.

The wound exuded terrible energy.

That energy prevented the wound from healing and was also devouring the life of the black dragon.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also found that one of the black dragon's wings was also cut off, completely cut off.

The wound was also covered with that devouring energy.

"Boy, you guessed right, I was seriously injured. But if you want to take advantage of me, don't dream."

"I am the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, I can travel freely through space and time. Once you have any bad intentions towards me, I will run away at the first time. I may not be able to beat you, but if I run away, you will never catch up."

The other party said his trump card, and Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, this kind of creature he heard of for the first time.

The most important thing is that this guy can travel freely through space and time in this chaotic void.

"Hehe, since you are so powerful, how could you be hurt by someone?"

"It seems that the person who hurt you is quite powerful."

Zhuo Bufan laughed.

After hearing this, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon snorted coldly.

"If I hadn't used up my space-time power to avoid that woman before, I wouldn't have been plotted against by those guys who are neither human nor ghost."

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise after hearing this.

"You mean, you weren't hurt by that woman?"

When the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon heard this, he said confidently.

"Of course not, although that woman is very powerful, she has no chance of hurting me."

"But that woman is really strong. I used up all my space-time power to avoid her."

"As a result, I met two guys like black fog at this time. They hurt me severely, so I had no choice but to hide here."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan probably understood.

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was not hurt by Meng Chanyi. The one who hurt him should be the guy from the Void Clan.

It is very likely that they were the subordinates of the previously suspected Tianwang Ce.

"So that's it. It seems that we have a common enemy."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he landed above the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

"Common enemy? What do you mean?"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon asked.

Zhuo Bufan did not answer immediately, but said: "Let me heal you first!"

After speaking, Zhuo Bufan raised his right hand, and a golden light shone in his hand.

Then, the power of the Heaven-Repairing Divine Art began to wrap up the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

Under the power of the Heaven Repairing Technique, the injuries on the Spacetime Nightmare Dragon began to slowly recover...

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