Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 120 Reminiscing about the past [Please recommend]

The guy kneeling in front of Zhuo Bufan and kowtowed was Zhuo Bufan's best friend in the August Tower of Four Seasons Mountain River, Duan Xinghe!

Duan Xinghe was shocked to see Zhuo Bufan suddenly appear in front of him, replacing the place where his ancestors were supposed to be.

"Old Zhuo, you guy, where are my ancestors? Where did you take my ancestors?"

Duan Xinghe shouted that his ancestors were gone.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a headache. He didn't expect to see Duan Xinghe, this funny guy, again so soon.

"You'll know if you look back."

Zhuo Bufan pointed behind Duan Xinghe and said.

Duan Xinghe looked back and saw that behind him, one figure after another appeared out of thin air. When they landed, they looked around in confusion.

"Could it be..."

Duan Xinghe immediately reacted. There was only one possibility for this situation. The annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountain River had arrived.

All people were captured by the Holy Lord Void and brought back from all over the world.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he had just reached the peak of his life, and the next second he became a little day-born in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

He now only hopes that this year will end quickly, and he feels that the days of Fubao are more suitable for him.


No matter what happens next, the first thing Zhuo Bufan does is to save.

His save covers the second door, and the current save status is.

The second office of the castle lord, the Four Seasons Underground Palace, and the mass grave.

"Is this Saint Lord too powerful? I was arrested in the ancestral temple? Is the power of the Saint Lord no longer bound by space?"

"It seems that it is." Zhuo Bufan agrees with Duan Xinghe's words.

Zhuo Bufan learned from the castle lord Mengnu that the Saint Lord of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers is likely to be the previous Yu Zun.

Yu Zun is a venerable person who studies space spells. In terms of space spells, the previous Yu Zun is indeed unmatched.

"Old Zhuo, I haven't seen you for three months. I don't think you've seen each other much! You're dressed so brightly. Have you become rich?"

Duan Xinghe quickly got familiar with the environment he was in, and then observed his old friend again.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan again, Duan Xinghe felt a noble temperament from Zhuo Bufan that he had never felt before.

It's a bit inappropriate to say noble, it's more of a kind of dignified, proud, warm and masculine.

A head of black hair as black as ink, eyebrows as straight as swords, long slanted eyes and black eyeballs, exuding a sharp spirit.

The straight nose makes him look three-dimensional, and the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, that is a proud smile.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's clothes again, it's still the gold-rimmed moon-white robe of Fubao, with a hood on the back, no extra accessories on his body, looks meticulous and quite comfortable.

No wonder Duan Xinghe has a new look at Zhuo Bufan.

In the past, Zhuo Bufan was just a passerby standing in the crowd, and he would not be noticed at all.

However, now, in the underground palace, many people's eyes can't help but focus on Zhuo Bufan.

It seems that he has an attractive aura that makes people notice his existence at the first time.

All of this comes from the blessing of his title of Venerable in the Talisman Temple.

“March 3rd, March 6th, where have you been practicing during this time?”

“It turned out to be March 18th. We went to Twilight City Fubao to practice for half a year. Where did you go to practice?”

“Me? I went to the northern cultivation world, which was really an eye-opener!”

“They say there are the East Evil and the West Demon, the South Monster and the North Emperor. The Tianwu League in the northern cultivation world is worthy of being the world’s number one alliance force. There are so many masters and the martial arts are flourishing. The Northern Emperor is domineering and has the spirit of aiming for the world’s number one.”

“By the way, when I came back, I heard something. I heard that after more than 30 years of silence in the Fuzhu Temple, a new venerable person was finally born, and this venerable person is still very young, from our western cultivation world.”

After hearing what March 18th said, March 3rd and March 6th hurriedly clapped their legs and shouted.

"Isn't it true? This young master came from the Fire Cloud City Talisman Fortress. I didn't expect that this news has spread to the northern cultivation world in just a few days?"

"The Talisman Temple has notified more than 180,000 Talisman Fortresses around the world of this news one after another. It's hard not to know!"


There were several people from the March Building who were discussing the young master.

Zhuo Bufan laughed inwardly after hearing this. Didn't expect that he was already famous?

"I seem to have heard of this young master. But to be honest, I think learning talismans is not very useful. As long as you have money, you still have to worry about not being able to buy useful talismans? Don't you think so, Lao Zhuo?"

Duan Xinghe said lightly after hearing the conversation of those people.

In response, Zhuo Bufan cracked his mouth and didn't say much.

What Duan Xinghe said makes sense. No matter how the talisman develops, it will eventually be made into a talisman. Even people who have not learned talismans can easily use talismans as long as they have strong spiritual power.

This is equivalent to an uneducated person being able to use all kinds of electrical inventions. They don't need to know how these things are made, they just need to know how to use them.

But for the talisman master, this knowledge is power. They not only need to know how these talismans are made, but also trace their origins, master the talismans, and seek the truth.

"By the way, Lao Zhuo, how are your results in the past three months of practice? Are you planning to make a splash at the annual meeting?"

Let's get back to the point. All the Japanese born in Four Seasons Mountain and River were summoned to this underground palace. Obviously, there was only one purpose, which was to attend the annual meeting of Four Seasons Mountain and River.

Whether they could make a splash at this annual meeting was the most important thing.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes, then shook his head and said, "To be honest, there was no result."

Zhuo Bufan has been concentrating on studying new spells for the past three months, and then fighting wits and courage with Shang Xingdao, and died several times during this period.

After several twists and turns, he finally waited for success, but his own martial arts practice did not make much progress.

Duan Xinghe patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, brother, I'll protect you."

"In the past three months, I have practiced Dou Zhuan Xing Yi to the second level, and Liu Xing Jian Fa to the third style. Now, in the first stage of cultivation, I am basically an above-average master."

Duan Xinghe was proud of himself. He has made rapid progress in the past three months. He is confident that he can show his skills at this annual meeting.

"Then I congratulate you in advance." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came to their ears.

"The eighth day of the first lunar month, the ninth day of the first lunar month, I'm back."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan and Duan Xinghe turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice, only to see a yellow-haired boy who was slightly younger than the two of them, waving his right hand and shouting at them.

"It's the guy Twelve, oh no, I remember his real name seems to be, Xiao Chenglang."

Duan Xinghe saw the familiar August Twelve, hurriedly greeted him, and gave him a tight hug.

Zhuo Bufan, however, froze in his tracks, because he saw a familiar man next to Twelve.

"Is it him?"


Please recommend, this week's Sanjiang, I'm feeling uneasy!

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