Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 121 Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, debut [Please recommend]

Following the 12th of August, Xiao Chenglang, came a cold-faced handsome man in a black robe.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, he smiled, and in his smile, there seemed to be an emotion that only Zhuo Bufan could see.

"Chu Ba, this is from La Yue Lou, also the 8th of the 12th month. He said he knew you, so I brought him here."

The man brought by the 12th was the 8th of the 12th month, Tie Yunhe, who had staged a murder with a borrowed knife and escaped with Zhuo Bufan in Fubao.

Zhuo Bufan first looked at the visitor, then smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, I know him, of course I know him, isn't he my old friend?"

Zhuo Bufan walked up and said with a fist.

"It's rare that the special envoy still remembers me. I'm Tie Wuqing, nice to meet you three."

Tie Yunhe didn't say his real name, but used a pseudonym to get to know Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"So it's my old friend! When did you know each other, Lao Zhuo? How come I didn't know?"

Duan Xinghe was very familiar with people, and directly called Tie Yunhe "Old Tie".

Tie Yunhe didn't care too much. His target this time was Zhuo Bufan.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say to him."

Zhuo Bufan was afraid of missing the trap, so he pulled Tie Yunhe aside and said softly.

"Don't make it public about my identity as a special envoy. After all, I was appointed by the Holy Lord. I don't want to cause a sensation."

Zhuo Bufan was just making a temporary remedy, and he didn't know if Tie Yunhe would listen to him.

After hearing this, Tie Yunhe smiled and said, "Don't worry, special envoy, I understand what you mean."

"I came here to thank you. If it weren't for your secret help in the mission of Shanghangdao, we would not have succeeded."

Zhuo Bufan said, "It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning."

Zhuo Bufan was extremely annoyed at the moment. He didn't expect that the lie he told at the beginning had already caused a chain reaction invisibly.



Just when Zhuo Bufan was annoyed by his lie.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the air! Just like the sound waves emitted by a loudspeaker, with a thud, a wave of sound swept the whole place.

Everyone present fell silent instantly.

But the vermilion door on the ten-meter high platform in front of them suddenly opened.

A warm spring breeze blew in from the open door.

The spring breeze was refreshing, as if it was blowing from the plateau, carrying the cool feeling of melting ice and snow in early spring, and the fragrance of flowers in the garden with tender green buds and clusters of flowers.

Then, peach blossoms all over the sky rolled up a whirlwind of petals and fell on the ten-meter high platform.

From the whirlwind of peach blossom petals, four shadowy figures appeared vaguely.

When all the petals fell, the figures of four mysterious figures were revealed.

"It's the Spring Hall Master and the three building masters."

The people of Spring Hall immediately recognized that the four people standing on the high platform, one woman and three men, were the Spring Hall Master and the three building masters of January Building, February Building, and March Building.

The Spring Hall Master, dressed in a peach-pink dress, was a beautiful and eye-catching woman. Behind her stood three building masters dressed in white, wearing masks and white tall hats.

On the three cold white masks, there were one, two, and three written on them! It made people feel a little scared.

"Spring Hall, assemble."

The Spring Hall Master gave an order and ordered the Sun-borns of the three Moon Towers of the Spring Hall to assemble at the far left of the underground palace according to the Moon Tower and personal serial number.

The three building masters also walked down from the high platform, stood at the front of their respective teams, and looked up at the Spring Hall Master on the stage.


Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The Sun-borns of the Spring Hall had just assembled, and suddenly a crisp and pleasant bell sound came from behind the door of the high platform.

Then, a dazzling light shone from behind the door, like a small sun, piercing people's eyes.

In the light, there was also a burning energy.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but squint their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, they suddenly found that four people appeared on the high platform.

Standing in the front was a young man in a golden robe. Behind him stood the three owners of April, May, and June.

"Xiajitang, assemble."

The man in golden clothes raised his right hand and clenched it tightly.

The day students of Xiajitang hurriedly ran to the corresponding stand to assemble. The three owners also walked down the high platform and stood in front of their respective teams.

Zhuo Bufan and his friends who saw this scene immediately understood that it was their turn for Qiujitang.

"Get ready to assemble, bye."

Zhuo Bufan greeted Tie Yunhe, and then hurried to the vacant assembly position in front.

Sure enough, after Xiajitang assembled.

A gust of autumn wind came, bringing endless fallen leaves, falling down. There seemed to be the fragrance of ripe fruits and the chill of autumn.

Afterwards, several familiar figures walked out from the fallen leaves.

The one walking in the front was the head of the Qiuqiu Hall, Granny Qiu, who was holding a cane. Standing behind her were the three masters of the July, August, and September buildings.


Granny Qiu stamped the ground with her cane, and then said in a very serious tone: "Qiuqiu Hall, gather."

As soon as the voice fell, the three building masters walked down the platform and called the apprentices in the building to gather.

Zhuo Bufan also followed the flow of people and walked back to the row of people standing in the August Building.

He was on the eighth day of the eighth month, standing in his eighth position. Of course, because the third day of the eighth month had died, Zhuo Bufan was in the seventh position.

After the Autumn Hall had assembled.

Finally, it was the turn of the last team of the Four Seasons Mountain and River, the Winter Hall.

Whoosh whoosh...

A gust of cold wind blew from outside the red gate, and in the cold wind, there was heavy snow, which made everyone in the audience shiver.

In the university, the Winter Hall Master, an old man with white hair and a beard dragging on the ground, made a brilliant appearance with his three building masters.

The Winter Hall Master should be considered the oldest among the four hall masters.

His white hair was like snow, his beard was like frost, and he was holding a white whisk in his hand. Stroking his beard, he said lightly: "Winter Hall, assemble."

The Winter Hall team had already assembled in an orderly manner.

For a moment, Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, more than 300 daily students, stood in the hall of the underground palace in an orderly manner, and on the high platform, stood the four backbone figures of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

"What a great aura, what a grand momentum, Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, are all members gathered?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt like he was back in school, gathering for a morning meeting.

No one in the underground palace dared to make a sound, and the aura of the four big guys on the high platform made everyone present feel suffocated.

However, the four of them were not the protagonists yet.


Another sound like a huge bell sounded, and the whole underground palace suddenly rose with an energy that made people's heart surge.


The sound was getting closer and closer, just behind the red door of the underground palace.

"Here it comes, the Holy Lord of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, is he coming?"

Zhuo Bufan already felt that a more powerful figure of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers was about to appear!

Please recommend, la la la la!

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