Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1198 Enemies Meet (Updated today, sorry)

It is said that after Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe, sealed Li Mei with his own eyes, he decided to rush back to the tribe as soon as possible.

For Qiankun, the eyes did not affect his vision, because at their level, they no longer needed to use the five senses, but only the soul.

So even without eyes, he could see clearly.

However, without eyes, it means that Qiankun cannot use his most powerful Chaos Beast, the Dark Eye Seat.

Now the Dark Eye Seat and the Fallen Sky Li Mei are completely sealed together.

"Little beast, you are so cruel! In order to seal me, you spent your own eyes."

"If you have the guts, let me out, I will fight you for 30,000 rounds."

Although Li Mei was sealed, she was still very dishonest and kept cursing Qiankun.

This woman has been cursing since she was locked in Qiankun's eyes, and she has never stopped.

"Little beast, I haven't really started yet! Are you scared? I've destroyed the fourth Chaos Beast, what can you do to me?"

"Let me out, I'll spare your life."

"Boy, I see that you have good cultivation and strong strength. I like you, be my little brother!"

This fallen sky Li Mei kept cursing Qian Kun like a shrew.

Qian Kun was not moved at all, just thinking she was a shrew.

When Li Mei was tired of cursing, she would rest, and when she had rested enough, she would continue to curse.

This relationship lasted for more than half a month.

Until Qian Kun was completely accustomed to it, Li Mei was a little uncomfortable when she didn't curse him.

And Li Mei was even more anxious about Qian Kun, and she would feel uneasy if she didn't curse him for a day.

On this day, Li Mei cursed Qian Kun as usual.

"Little bastard, where are you taking me?"

"I'm telling you, I've forgiven you. Now let me out, I won't blame you, and I won't kill you."

"Little bastard, you've locked me up for so long, that's enough. I want to go home."

"I miss Ling Ya and the others, and I miss Xiao Chichi so much!"

Li Mei has recently changed from cursing to begging for mercy.

Because she found that the more she cursed, the more Qian Kun was unmoved.

So instead of asking for trouble, it's better to take the initiative to admit defeat.

Although Li Mei has a perverse personality, she is still very sensible.

And she is not evil by nature, although she is the Fallen Heaven, the most fallen will of the Heaven.

But she is not a complete body, she is a premature baby whose corner of the Heaven was cut off by Meng Chanyi.

It is because of this that Li Mei is not really a sin of the Heaven.

"I'm tired of scolding you, you kid, think about it carefully!"

"I need to take a rest."

Li Mei scolded enough and finally stopped.

Qian Kun exhaled slowly and continued on his way.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Qian Kun's soul field.

"Is there anyone?"

Seeing this, Qian Kun immediately flew in the direction of the life.

When he arrived at the target location, he saw a beautiful woman floating in the void.

She was dressed in white and lying flat in the air. She was wrapped in a layer of light life light, maintaining her life that could disappear at any time.

This woman was not her, but Meng Chan Yi who escaped from the crack of time and space.

Meng Chan Yi was destined to die.

Even if she drifted unconsciously in the crack of time and space, she could escape safely.

After seeing Meng Chan Yi, Qian Kun was stunned.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman, and his mind was completely captured by her.

Isn't this girl in front of him the woman he has always dreamed of?

For a moment, Qiankun unconsciously floated towards Meng Chanyi.

And at this moment, Li Mei suddenly saw Meng Chanyi in his eyes.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous. Li Mei, the fallen sky, instantly exploded.

"Meng Chanyi? This bitch, why is she here?"

Li Mei cursed unconsciously.

Qiankun was stunned when he heard it.

"Meng Chanyi? Her name at this time? It sounds really nice."

At this moment, Qiankun was completely overwhelmed by Meng Chanyi. He had no time to care about Li Mei's curse.

"Is it the breath of a demon? Did she fight with Xiao Chichi?"

"It's impossible. Even if it's a demon, it shouldn't be Meng Chanyi's opponent."

Li Mei, who was still cursing, suddenly calmed down.

Because she knew very well that no matter how she shouted, she couldn't rush out to kill Meng Chanyi.

She could only watch her enemy lying in front of her, and she was helpless.

"No, I must find a way to kill that bitch."

"This is a rare opportunity. This bitch was seriously injured by Xiao Chichi and can't even use the Heaven Repairing Technique. Such an opportunity is impossible to encounter once in a lifetime."

Li Mei wanted to kill Meng Chanyi.

Because she knew very well that maybe only now would she have the chance to kill the woman she hated the most.

"Damn it, this little beast trapped me here. Otherwise, I must eat this bitch alive now."

Li Mei gritted her teeth, but didn't shout.

"Perhaps, I can kill someone with a borrowed knife and let this little beast help me kill this bitch."

"Although it's a pity that I didn't kill her with my own hands. But such an opportunity is really too rare."

Li Mei didn't want to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because once Meng Chanyi regained consciousness, Meng Chanyi, who was equipped with the Heaven-Repairing Technique, would be resurrected with full blood.

"Little beast, my companion is here!"

"Do you know who she is? She is the strongest woman among us."

"I advise you to let me go, otherwise once she wakes up, she will definitely take your life."

In order to harm Meng Chanyi, Li Mei actually said that Meng Chanyi was her accomplice.

Li Mei wanted to use this method to force Qiankun to kill Meng Chanyi.

After all, Qiankun was troubled by these guys again and again, so if Qiankun knew that Meng Chanyi was his accomplice, he might kill Meng Chanyi to eliminate future troubles.

Of course, if it was someone else, Qiankun might really be fooled.

But the person in front of him was Meng Chanyi. When he saw this woman, he had only one thought in his heart, to marry this woman.

Therefore, Qiankun was unmoved by Li Mei's words, but picked up Meng Chanyi, and then took Meng Chanyi to his tribe.

Qiankun was not good at healing, but there was a great witch god in their tribe who could revive the dead.

He wanted to take Meng Chanyi back to the tribe to rescue her.

Li Mei seemed to feel Qiankun's intention and shouted immediately.

"Little beast, think about it, she is my accomplice. Once she wakes up, she will definitely kill you."

"Her strength is far above mine. Not to mention killing you, it's more than enough to destroy your tribe."

"I advise you to let me go. I will take her away from this starry sky and will never bother you again. How about it?"

Li Mei found that Qiankun was bewitched by Meng Chanyi and was very angry.

"Little beast, don't you understand? If you really wake her up, you will regret it."

"I know her best. She is a killing machine born for killing. She will kill all living things she sees. If you want your tribe to disappear in this chaotic void, then just take this woman back. I guarantee that all of you will die without a burial place."

"Shut up!"

Just when Li Mei was madly tempting Qiankun to kill Meng Chanyi, Qiankun was angry.

"Don't worry about what I do. You are the one who deserves death. When I return to the tribe, I will refine you as soon as possible."

"Refine you and use you as my totem. See if you dare to make trouble again."

Qiankun was annoyed to death by Li Mei. He just wanted to quietly appreciate the beauty in his arms.

This Meng Chanyi is really charming. She is exactly the person Qiankun has always dreamed of.

Qiankun doesn't care about her background, because he believes that he can move this woman's heart.

For a long time, the old patriarchs in the tribe have been advising Qiankun to find a partner as soon as possible to continue the bloodline of their ronin tribe.

And in the ronin tribe, all the women admired this most powerful ronin in history.

But Qiankun did not fancy any woman in the tribe.

For him, these people were not worthy of his heart.

He was even more unwilling to find a woman to be his partner just for the sake of passing on the family line and continuing the bloodline.

What he wanted to find was the person he really loved.

He thought he would never meet such a person in his life, but he never thought that such a person really appeared.

Meng Chanyi, this woman wandering in the void, isn’t she the best gift given to him by the Lord of Time?

Qiankun believed that it must be the arrangement of the Lord of Time that made him meet Meng Chanyi.

So, this is the will of heaven that cannot be violated, this is a destined love.

He doesn’t care what Meng Chanyi’s identity is, he will definitely get what he wants.

Holding Meng Chanyi, Qiankun was extremely excited.

He quickened his pace, wanting to rush back to his tribe faster.

Let the elders wake up Meng Chanyi, then heal his eye injury, and finally complete this century wedding.

This is Qiankun's plan, and he is obviously impatient.

However, in his eyes, the fallen Li Mei was so angry that she gnashed her teeth at this moment.

"Damn, damn, damn bastard!"

"This little beast actually fell in love with this bitch. It's really a bunch of dogs and men. I curse you and you will not have a good end."

Li Mei can only curse now to vent her anger.

What's hateful is that she watched Meng Chanyi, right in front of her, but she can't do anything about her.

"Such a good opportunity, such a good opportunity!"

"No, I can't let Meng Chanyi wake up."

"I don't know if I can contact other people. It seems that I have to ask for help."

Li Mei is now trapped in prison and can only watch the enemy and can't do anything.

Now, she had to put aside her pride as the incarnation of Heavenly Dao and ask for help from other incarnations of Heavenly Dao.

She began to use her soul to communicate with the unique soul channel of their Heavenly Dao incarnations, that is, the mysterious "Heavenly Dao Clone Chat Group", and wanted to ask for help.

However, no matter how she contacted, her soul seemed to be cut off and could not enter that soul channel.

"Damn, it must be this brat. As expected of a high-level Chaos Beast, this Chaos Beast has a powerful space-time crack in its body."

"In here, all soul circuits are cut off, and it is impossible to ask for help."

Li Mei realized that it was hopeless for her to ask for help.

"Is there really no other way?"

She looked at the unconscious Meng Chanyi, feeling extremely desperate.

Deep in her soul, she couldn't help but think of Meng Chanyi's past.

At the beginning, in order to fight against the Three Emperors, Tiandao decided to transform all his evil thoughts into the strongest clone, the Fallen Sky.

Once this Fallen Sky is successfully differentiated, it will threaten the status of the Three Emperors, break the balance, and save Tiandao from being trapped.

However, Tiandao's conspiracy was discovered by the Three Emperors.

Of course, the Three Emperors could not let Tiandao successfully differentiate the Fallen Sky.

So, Queen Wa found Meng Chanyi.

Just when Tiandao was differentiating, Meng Chanyi appeared and cut off a corner of Tiandao.

It was precisely because of this that Tiandao failed to differentiate the strongest Fallen Sky.

Because of Meng Chanyi's sword, Li Mei became a premature baby, a failure, and his strength fell to the weakest of the seven clones.

This is also why Li Mei hated Meng Chanyi so much.

In order to seek revenge, Li Mei challenged Meng Chanyi again and again.

She failed nine times in a row.

Meng Chanyi had become the mountain that she could not cross.

Although she challenged him so many times in a row, Meng Chanyi never killed her.

Instead, after each battle, she would use the Heaven Repairing Technique to make up for Li Mei's lost cultivation and soul.

Even so, Li Mei did not appreciate it. She still hated Meng Chanyi even more.

However, after a long time, Li Mei would have her own thoughts.

She was thinking, if Meng Chanyi had not slashed that sword, what would she be like now?

Perhaps, she has already become a killing machine of the Heavenly Dao.

There is no humanity, only completely corrupted killing.

She would not be as arrogant and eccentric as she is now, and she might not have any personality at all.

Because she is the most powerful clone of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao will not allow her to have any feelings.

Losing all her feelings in exchange for invincible strength, is this really what she wants?

Li Mei sometimes envies Mo Chichi very much.

Because the differentiated personality given to her by the Heavenly Dao is her obsession.

Because of this, Mo Chichi can taste all the personalities in the world and be crazy about them.

And she was just the fall of the Heavenly Dao from the beginning!

So sometimes, Li Mei would be glad that she is not a complete form of the Fallen Heaven.

If there is only fall, then how boring her life will be.

Although Li Mei still hates Meng Chanyi to the bone, every time she hears news about her, she will be like chicken blood, shouting to kill that bitch.

But Li Mei actually let go of the hatred in her heart a long time ago.

She doesn't hate the Heaven, she is not so obsessed with hatred.

After thinking it through, she will learn to let it go.

Of course, she still has to shout, Meng Chanyi is still a mountain she can't cross.

She has to kill Meng Chanyi and cross this hurdle.

“We’re here!”

Just when Li Mei was thinking about how to kill Meng Chanyi.

Suddenly, Qian Kun said softly while thinking about Meng Chanyi in his arms.

Li Mei looked ahead and saw a bright blue star in the deep sky, surrounded by seven stars, quietly suspended in the void.

That was the base of the Ronin tribe, Ronin Star!

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