Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1199 The Leader Returns

Qian Kun held Meng Chanyi and flew towards the Wanderer Star in front of him.

This Wanderer Star is originally a high-speed flying star. In addition to serving as defense satellites, the seven stars around it also exist as energy propulsion.

Wanderer Star, just like its name, has been wandering all its life.

This is related to the nature of the Wanderers, because the Wanderers are born to be a wandering race.

They have rebellious blood in their bones.

The Wanderers were the first race to escape from Daluotian. It is rumored that the ancestor of the Wanderers was the mother of the Three Emperors and the junior brother of Mazu.

In the chaotic era of all races, he had already felt the problem of the Heavenly Dao at that time.

The originally ruthless Heavenly Dao suddenly had its own ideas and was ready to clean up the lives it thought should be eliminated.

This dangerous idea made the ancestors of the Wanderers decide to take their people and escape from that beautiful world.

From now on, that world lost a race, and the chaotic void gained a Wanderer tribe.

The Ronin have been wandering in the chaotic void, so they are very familiar with it.

At this moment, Qiankun brought Meng Chanyi and Li Mei back to the Ronin Star.

Seven huge satellites formed a powerful seven-star magic array to protect the central Ronin Star.

If Qiankun did not have the pass key, he would definitely be attacked by the seven-star magic array.

Qiankun took out a huge seven-star banner, which was the pass key of the seven-star magic array.

When he released the seven-star banner, the seven-star magic array that was originally gathering energy stopped working.

Not long after, a group of galaxy warships flew out from the Ronin Star.

Those warships were all black and made of special materials.

On the hull, strange purple energy flowed.

Li Mei took a look and was slightly surprised.

"This is the Purple Chaos Stone? It is said that this stone can absorb any energy."

"Oh my God, are all these warships made of Purple Chaos Stone?"

"You should know that in Daluo Heaven, this kind of stone is known as the best refining material. A fingernail-sized stone can make countless masters crazy."

As the incarnation of Daluo Heaven, Li Mei naturally knows these things.

Purple Chaos Stone is very rare in Daluo Heaven.

Because this kind of stone does not exist in Daluo Heaven, but exists in the chaotic void.

This kind of stone can absorb energy. A purple chaos stone as small as a fingernail can withstand the full force of a Saint Yuan Realm strongman.

So many people will forge this purple chaos stone on their weapons.

When fighting, it can be used as a powerful defensive means.

Imagine two opponents of equal strength.

The sword in the hands of one of them is forged with this purple chaos stone.

But the other one does not have this magical object.

When both sides used their trump cards to make the final blow, the guy who had the Purple Chaos Stone activated this magic stone and completely absorbed the opponent's big move.

But the opponent was powerless against his own trump card.

Then the winner was obvious.

Although most of the Purple Chaos Stones are disposable and can only resist one or two big attacks.

But this is still the strongest means to turn defeat into victory and survive in desperate situations.

Therefore, many great powers in the Saint Yuan Realm will go to the Chaos Void to look for this Purple Chaos Stone after reaching this realm.

But such treasures are difficult to find even in the Chaos Void.

Because this Purple Chaos Stone is actually a mysterious star called "Soul Yuan Star", which was formed at the time of destruction.

This "Soul Yuan Star" is a star that can release chaotic energy.

Unlike other stars that emit light and heat, "Hun Yuan Star" will only release chaotic energy from the beginning of its birth.

It can be said that in the entire chaotic void, most of the chaotic energy is released from the "Hunyuan Star".

This "Hunyuan Star" exists for 10 billion years. After 10 billion years, the chaotic energy will burn out, and then the entire star will begin to collapse, forming a space-time crack.

Therefore, the formation of each space-time crack is actually the destruction of a "Hunyuan Star".

When the "Hunyuan Star" was destroyed, not only did the space-time crack appear, but also a kind of the most rare stone in the chaotic void, which is the purple chaos stone.

This purple chaos stone is actually the product of the destruction of the "Hunyuan Star".

However, because the space-time crack was born at the same time when the "Hunyuan Star" was destroyed.

So generally speaking, this purple chaos stone will be involved in the space-time crack, and then it will be crushed into countless pieces by the space-time crack and discharged from the other end of the space-time crack.

This is why the purple chaos stones found so far are basically small fragments.

Because they were shattered by the cracks in time and space at the moment of their birth.

The surface of the dozens of warships flying in front of them was completely inlaid with a layer of purple chaos stones.

This number was simply unimaginable.

It was the first time that Li Mei saw so many purple chaos stones. Such a warship might be able to withstand the full force of their incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

"Incredible, this guy's tribe actually collected so many purple chaos stones. With such a fleet, they can completely walk in the void and be domineering."

Li Mei obviously underestimated the strength of the Ronin.

The Ronin have lived in the Chaos Void for millions of years, so it is not surprising that they can collect so many Purple Chaos Stones.

And these are not the real trump cards of the Ronin.

"It seems that if we want to deal with the Ronin, we may have to summon all the Heavenly Dao incarnations."

"But our target is not the Ronin, so they should not waste time here."

The fleet in front of Li Mei knew that the Ronin were not simple.

It would definitely be a battle that would hurt both sides if they wanted to annihilate the Ronin.

But this time, the Heavenly Dao incarnations did not come for the Ronin, their target was Zhuo Bufan.

So Li Mei wanted to summon reinforcements to attack the Ronin, but it would obviously not be recognized by other Heavenly Dao incarnations.

So what should we do next?

Li Mei must think of a good way and then escape.

Just as Li Mei was thinking hard, the Ronin's Purple Extreme warships had arrived in front of them.

The leader of them was also the largest warship on the scene.

On the warship, there was a woman in a golden dress. She picked up a golden horn and stood in front of the warship. She blew the horn towards Qiankun and the others.

The sound emitted by the horn was actually able to penetrate the soul.

Rather than saying it was a sound, it was better to say it was a spiritual wave.

At this time, Qiankun also took out a small horn, blew it, and responded to the other party.

As if hearing Qiankun's response, the woman in golden clothes, with a group of men in black robes, excitedly flew down from the warship.

Soon, a group of people landed in front of Qiankun.

After seeing Qiankun, the woman was very excited at first.

But after seeing Mengchanyi in Qiankun's arms, she frowned slightly, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

Of course, this was all fleeting.

The woman did not show it, but ran towards Qiankun.

"Welcome back, leader!"

Although the woman's eyes changed quickly, they were still discovered by the careful Li Mei.

Li Mei would not have mistaken that jealous look.

After seeing the woman, Qian Kun nodded slightly at her, then walked forward and said.

"Kaira, during my absence, have there been any foreign invasions?"

Qian Kun was the leader of the Ronin tribe. Facing the woman named Kaira in front of him, he showed his majesty as a leader.

After hearing this, Kaira quickly took out a scepter inlaid with a mysterious gem.

The scepter was golden in color, but it was not made of gold. It was forged from a more magical metal ore.

There was a black mysterious gem as big as a fist on the top of the scepter.

In addition, there were six eyeball-sized gems of different colors around the top of the scepter.

Each gem was surging with different energies.

Some were full of the power of space, some were full of the power of time. Some were full of the power of life, and some had the power of death.

Obviously, this is a very powerful scepter. It is the supreme artifact of the Ronin tribe. It is said that it can change the fate of the Ronin tribe.

Only the leaders of all generations can master the infinite scepter.

When Qiankun left the Ronin Star, he handed the infinite scepter to this Kaila.

Because Kaila is the most outstanding female leader of the Ronin Star, and the most prestigious person in the Ronin Star besides Qiankun.

Qiankun left the Ronin Star to seek a new home for the Ronin Star.

Because the future is uncertain and life and death are unknown, he dared not take the highest artifact of the Ronin tribe away, but gave it to Kaila for temporary safekeeping.

Now that Qiankun has returned, it is time to return it to him.

Kaila knelt on one knee, held the scepter high with both hands, and handed it to Qiankun.

"To reply to the leader, everything in the tribe was fine during your absence."

"Now that the leader has returned, this infinite scepter should be returned to its original owner."

As Kaila said, she looked at Qiankun.

Since Qiankun was holding Meng Chanyi in both hands, he had to put Meng Chanyi down first to receive the scepter.

In fact, this was also Kaila's little thought.

Because in this way, Qiankun had to put down the beauty in his arms.

This Kaila was recognized by the entire Ronin tribe as the most suitable woman to be Qiankun's wife.

In the entire tribe, many people even called her the leader's wife, and she herself had long been accustomed to such a title.

She had already regarded Qiankun as her man.

She still remembered what she had said to Qiankun when Qiankun left the Ronin Star and handed the scepter to her.

She told Qiankun that as long as he returned safely, she would marry him.

Qiankun did not agree at that time, but did not deny it.

This Kaila thought that Qiankun agreed, so she had been looking forward to his return.

Now she saw Meng Chanyi in Qiankun's arms, how could she not be jealous!

Qiankun certainly did not know these little thoughts of Kaila, he looked at the scepter handed over by Kaila.

He had to take the scepter, so he had to hand Meng Chanyi to an old woman in a gray cloak.

"Seventh Elder, take this girl to Grandma Li for treatment, and tell Grandma Li to cure her at all costs."

"She will be my future wife."

When Qiankun said this, Kaila, who was kneeling in front of him, trembled obviously, and the scepter in her hand almost fell.

But fortunately, Kaila kept her composure and did not run away on the spot.

However, this scene was seen by Li Mei.

Li Mei could see that at that moment, this woman named Kaila wanted to tear Meng Chanyi to pieces.

However, Kaila was calm and only Li Mei could see what she was thinking.

On the surface, she pretended to be calm.

But the elders behind her were shocked.

None of these elders expected that the leader Qiankun would say such a thing.

You should know that the entire Ronin tribe has prepared to attend Qiankun and Kaila's wedding.

They have even set up the wedding room for the two newlyweds and are waiting for Qiankun to return.

As a result, Qiankun suddenly told them that his bride was not Kaila, but the strange woman he brought back.

What's going on? Is this going to disappoint Kaila's years of waiting?

In their opinion, Kaila is the woman who best suits Qiankun.

Only when the two of them are united can they produce the most powerful warrior and continue the powerful bloodline of Qiankun.

Of course, they have to listen to Qiankun's orders.

Because he is the leader of the Ronin tribe and the strongest man of the Ronin tribe.

In the future, the entire Ronin tribe will rely on his leadership to move towards revival.

So these elders were silent and dared not say a word.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and execute the order."

"Don't make any mistakes, otherwise I will hold you accountable."

Qiankun said to the seventh elder in an almost threatening tone.

After hearing this, the seventh elder did not dare to neglect it at all, and quickly took Meng Chanyi from Qiankun's hand, and then hugged Meng Chanyi and rushed back to the Ronin Star.

After watching Meng Chanyi leave, Qiankun came back to his senses and looked at Kaila in front of him.

Then, he picked up the infinite scepter in Kai's hand and said.

"Get up!"

"Go and summon all the elders to the joint meeting room. I have something to announce."

Qian Kun finished speaking and looked at Kaila. But Kaila was unmoved.

It was obvious that her mind had not yet come back to her senses, and she was still thinking about what Qian Kun had just said.

What does "She will be my Qian Kun's future wife?"

"Kaira, did you hear that? Why don't you go and execute the order?"

Qian Kun called again, and Kaila came back to her senses.

"Oh, I'll do it right away. I'll take my leave first."

After Kaila finished speaking, she didn't say anything more to Qian Kun, and she didn't even have the tenderness she had thought of.

She quickly flew back to Ronin Star.

Seeing Kaila's flying figure, Li Mei, who was hiding in Qian Kun's eyes, smiled coldly.

"This little girl, it turns out that she is interested in this little beast. Haha, this is interesting."

"Maybe I can use her hand to get rid of Meng Chan Yi."

Li Mei began to think about her conspiracy again.


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