Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1200 Purple Chaos Stone

At the same time, on the other side of the starry sky.

Zhuo Bufan woke up again and sat quietly on Xiao Xi's back.

Xiao Xiang looked at Zhuo Bufan's silent appearance and said worriedly.

"Boy, if you want to hit or scold me, just say something!"

"If you don't say a word like that, you're going to scare someone to death!"

Xiao Xiang actually blamed herself a little. After all, it had a certain responsibility for Meng Chanyi's disappearance.

However, in that case, it can only save one.

Zhuo Bufan is no match for Meng Chanyi. If he is not saved, he will definitely die.

So at this point, Xiaoxiang did nothing wrong. It was right to save Zhuo Bufan.

As for Mengchanyi, it is powerless.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan is not an unreasonable person. He understands that Xiaoxiang has tried his best in this matter and no one is right or wrong.

So after waking up, he seemed very calm.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to find Meng Chanyi.

"Little Nightmare, how long is the space-time rift we traveled through?"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan spoke. He did not intend to blame anyone harshly now, including himself.

After all, he himself has tried his best.

"I can feel that the Tian Mending Technique I applied to her is still there, which means she is still alive. No matter what, we must find her first."

After hearing this, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon quickly replied: "It should be about ten light years."

"That's a newly formed space-time rift, it's not that far away."

"I think your woman should be not far from us and can be found."

The words of Time and Space Nightmare Dragon made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

He immediately took out the Wheel of Life and began to detect Meng Chanyi's location.

"Looking at it this way, Chanyi should still be on the wheel of life."

Zhuo Bufan opened the Wheel of Life, glanced at the star map, and then frowned.

Because on the wheel of life, I don’t know when, there were many more red dots of life.

There are at least a hundred red dots of life in the entire star map.

"so much?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised, thinking that life should be rare in this chaotic void.

But in the large galaxy they came to, it seemed that there was a lot of life.

Some life light sources are unusually bright, as bright as the Tree of Creation that we have seen before.

There are three or four such very bright light sources.

"It seems that we have come to a starry universe with many lives!"

"However, Chanyi was seriously injured and her vitality is obviously weak, so her life red dot should be very weak."

"So what I'm looking for is a red dot of life with a weak light source."

Zhuo Bufan analyzed it for a while, and then began to look for a weak light source of life on the star map.

Soon, he identified three red spots of life with weak light sources.

The No. 1 life light spot is nearly a light-year away from him. It is also the closest life red spot to him, located in his upper right corner.

The light source is weak and isolated.

This is Zhuo Bufan's best guess that it is most likely the light spot in Meng Chanyi's life.

Life Light Point No. 2 is in his lower left corner, about two light years away from him. It is also quite weak and isolated.

This light point of life is also possible. So Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

The light spot of life No. 3 is the weakest in his upper left corner. But the light spot is moving at high speed, and there is a very powerful light of life that coincides with it.

Moreover, the strong and weak life light points are moving towards the brightest life light point on the star map.

To be honest, the No. 3 life red dot was the light dot that Zhuo Bufan least thought possible.

Although this light spot is the faintest, it is very consistent with Meng Chanyi's current situation.

However, Zhuo Bufan believed that Meng Chanyi should be wandering alone in the void now, and this situation did not exist.

Moreover, this red dot of life was three light years away from him, which seemed a bit far away.

So it is most unlikely.

However, the most unlikely is often the truth. This No. 3 life red dot is Meng Chanyi.

As for the very powerful red dot of life, it is Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe.

And the brightest red spot they were rushing to was the Ronin star.

All the lives of the Ronin tribe on the Ronin planet gathered together to form the brightest source of life light in the starry sky.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't guess this, let alone the situation where Meng Chanyi might be rescued, so he felt that No. 3 was the most likely.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not rule out this No. 3 light spot because he believed that anything was possible.

If the life red dots No. 1 and 2 cannot be found, then Zhuo Bufan will naturally look for No. 3.

After locking the three targets, Zhuo Bufan immediately selected the first red dot of life and rushed towards it.

Little Nightmare also seemed to be working very hard, unleashing her space-time power with all her strength, making various space jumps along the way, and rushed to the No. 1 life red dot.

At this rate, they can reach the first red point of life in less than a month.

Now Zhuo Bufan, the number one red dot in his life that he is fully expecting will be Meng Chanyi.

He had no other wishes, he just hoped to find Meng Chanyi as soon as possible.

"Boy, I'm sorry about your woman."

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't blame himself, Xiao Xiang still felt a little indebted.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"You don't have to apologize, I know you tried your best."

"If you want to blame it, blame me for being too weak. I thought I could protect her, but after all, I am just a speck of dust in this chaotic void."

Zhuo Bufan didn't blame Xiaoxiang, he actually blamed himself for being too weak.

If he were a little stronger, he wouldn't be able to face a strong Dao Yuan realm and would have to run away blindly.

If he could be stronger, he could protect Meng Chanyi.

So, in the final analysis, he is too weak.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan blaming himself so much, Xiao Xiang also felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, it suddenly thought of something and said.

"Zhuo Bufan, I have something to give you."

After Xiao Xi finished speaking, a small space vortex suddenly appeared above his head.

Then, a space bubble with a diameter of one meter flew out from the space vortex. .

In that space bubble, there are countless tiny purple gravels. .

Those purple gravels were surrounded by unpredictable light and shadow, which Zhuo Bufan had never seen before.

What makes Zhuo Bufan even more incredible is that no energy fluctuations can be felt among these purple fragments.

You must know that energy waves exist in everything in the world. Even a small stone on the roadside will have energy.

It is impossible for things to exist without energy at all.

That's why Zhuo Bufan felt a little surprised.

"What's this?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the purple gravel in front of him and said.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu replied.

"This is the Purple Chaos Stone, a stone that was born after the death of the Hunyuan Star."

"It can absorb any energy between heaven and earth, it is very powerful."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Absorb any energy from heaven and earth?"

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Xiao Xiu prompted Zhuo Bufan to say.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he took out a piece of purple chaos stone the size of a fingernail from the space bubble.

Put it on your fingertips and watch carefully.

To be honest, he didn't see anything interesting about it.

But Little Nightmare said.

"Now pour your energy into this purple chaos stone, and you will know how terrifying it is."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he began to inject the chaotic energy in his body into the purple chaos stone the size of a fingernail through his fingertips.

At first, Zhuo Bufan thought he would break into pieces with just a pinch. There is no way that such a small stone can withstand his chaotic energy.

However, Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that this purple chaos stone was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much energy he poured into it, this small stone had no feeling at all.

"Are you kidding? I still don't believe it."

Zhuo Bufan began to increase his output power.

From the fingers to the palm, the majestic energy poured into the fragment like a torrent of water.

But after another ten minutes, Zhuo Bufan, a small stone the size of a fingernail, had not been filled yet.

Nearly half of the chaotic energy in Zhuo Bufan's body has been consumed.

"Boy, that's enough! It's almost there. If you keep pouring it, it should explode soon. Once it explodes, it will be equivalent to the release of all the chaotic energy poured into it at the same time. The power is absolutely amazing."

Zhuo Bufan was originally not going to admit defeat, but he stopped after hearing Xiao Xi's reminder.

Zhuo Bufan stopped and sighed.

"This small piece of stone actually swallowed up nearly half of my energy. It's terrible."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why Xiaoxiang said this thing was a treasure.

"Hehe, this Purple Chaos Stone is a treasure that many guys in the Chaos Void are desperately trying to fight for."

"Don't look at this small piece of stone, it's not very eye-catching."

"They have artifacts that can both defend and attack."

"They can absorb the energy released by others, and at the same time, they can also produce more terrifying power when they explode."

"So the general way of using Chaos Stone is to first absorb other people's offensive energy. Then when it is almost no longer able to absorb it, throw it as a weapon to the opponent."

"The energy generated by the explosion of this small piece of purple chaos stone is enough to shatter the stars."

After listening to Xiao Xi's words, Zhuo Bufan looked at the purple chaos stone fragments in front of him in astonishment.

There are at least fifty to sixty thousand of these fragments. This is definitely a treasure!

"Why didn't you take out such a good thing earlier?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

If they had taken it out earlier, they wouldn't be unable to withstand the attacks of those Daxu.

But after hearing this, Xiao Yu shook his head.

"I collected this thing from that time rift, because when the Hunyuan Star died, not only was this Purple Chaos Stone born, but a space-time rift was also born."

"So generally speaking, this Purple Chaos Stone will be swallowed up by the time rift, and then shattered into small pieces."

"With these Purple Chaos Stones, we will be able to protect ourselves from now on."

Xiao Xiang originally planned to keep these purple chaos stones as a means of self-protection.

But it felt that it owed Yu Zhuo Bufan, so it shared the chaos with him.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved after hearing this.

"Little Nightmare, thank you for your kindness. However, you have collected these purple chaos stones with so much hard work. You don't have to owe me anything for Chanyi's matter."

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of accepting this generous gift.

But after hearing this, Xiao Yu said.

"Boy, this is not just an apology. More importantly, you and I are companions now. You need them more than I do."

"Now we have a life-and-death relationship, so these Purple Chaos Stones are the same no matter who is in their hands."

"Just accept it first. If you encounter an enemy, I will be responsible for escaping and you will be responsible for defense. Now that we have these Purple Chaos Stones, at least we don't have to be as embarrassed as before."

For Xiao Xiang, it is best not to hope that Zhuo Bufan will become a peerless master immediately, because that is impossible.

As long as you have the ability to protect yourself when you run for your life in the future.

Zhuo Bufan also knew what Xiao Yan meant. After all, training became more difficult as you progressed.

Zhuo Bufan's promotion from Saint Yuan Realm to Daoyuan Realm will definitely not happen overnight.

You must know that the peerless genius Ni Cangqiong has spent a hundred thousand years unable to break through from the Saint Yuan Realm to the Dao Yuan Realm.

Zhuo Bufan had just entered the Saint Yuan realm less than two years ago. Even if he was the strongest genius in history, he would not be able to enter the next stage of training so quickly.

It is unrealistic to try to catch up with others' hundreds of thousands of years of hard work after just one or two years of practice.

Zhuo Bufan knew that he couldn't rush now, so he accepted Xiaoxi's proposal.

He collected all the purple chaos stones and said.

"Okay, I will accept these treasures. Don't worry, we will live and die together from now on."

Zhuo Bufan accepted all the Ziji Chaos Stones.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu was moved.

"I trust you."

Xiao Xiang thought about the time when he traveled through the rift in time and space. In order to protect it, Zhuo Bufan put a layer of defense on it regardless of his own safety.

It was at that moment that Xiao Xiang decided to follow Zhuo Bufan from now on.

In this chaotic world full of dangers, weak existences like them can only survive by relying on each other.

"Well, let's move forward at full speed. We will definitely find your woman."

After Xiao Xi said that, he activated the power of time and space again, and then made a short space jump.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, calmed down and entered a state of cultivation.

He is now racing against time, and every little bit he can improve is a matter of time.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that the Mo Chi Chi who had been sealed in the inner world by him had woken up.

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth slightly, obviously holding a grudge against this woman he didn't understand.

Of course, he hates all the virtual beings. After all, these guys are here to hunt him down.

In a rage, Zhuo Bufan entered the inner world, and then came to the mysterious valley where Mo Chichi was imprisoned.

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