Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1201 Heaven is ruthless

This valley was created by Zhuo Bufan.

It is specially used to imprison Mo Chichi.

After all, Mo Chichi is not an ordinary Xu clan. She is the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. Her strength is extraordinary and must be treated specially.

In the center of the valley, there is a black pagoda.

Inside the pagoda, there are magic arrays formed by various regular energies. No one except Zhuo Bufan can enter this place.

In the center of the pagoda, Mo Chichi is completely sealed in the pagoda.

In order to trap Mo Chichi, Zhuo Bufan even suspended the Heaven Seal above Mo Chichi's head.

The sealing energy that continued to fall from the Heaven Seal completely sealed Mo Chichi in the pagoda.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan can rest assured.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Mo Chichi again, he found that this woman had changed a little compared to what he had seen before.

The Mo Chichi that Zhuo Bufan saw before was wearing black armor, surrounded by the energy of death, and her eyes were full of terrifying murderous aura, giving people a very evil feeling.

But now Mo Chichi is wearing a white dress, with a radiant glow on her body, without any evil power at all, and even has an inexplicable sense of holiness. .

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan found that Mo Chichi did not shout or make a fuss, and was locked up in the pagoda very calmly.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan coming, she even bowed slightly and saluted.

"Thank you!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Why thank me?"

Zhuo Bufan was not friendly to Mo Chichi, after all, Mo Chichi hurt Meng Chanyi. In some ways, Zhuo Bufan still hated Mo Chichi a little.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi turned to answer.

"Thank you for sealing my demon. To be honest, it is difficult to suppress that clone with my own strength."

"The Saintess Chan Yi is really powerful. If you hadn't appeared, even the demon would not be able to defeat her!"

The current Mo Chi Chi is not a demon.

The demon is only one of Mo Chi Chi's ten thousand clones, and the strongest one.

The demon has a strong possessive desire. Once she appears, she will be out of control and will forcibly occupy the dominant position of ten thousand clones.

On weekdays, Mo Chi Chi, who is temporarily in the dominant position, is in the state of human.

Mo Chi Chi likes to be a human, which is also her real state.

But before, in order to stop Meng Chan Yi, she had to take the risk of releasing the demon.

In the state of demon, Mo Chi Chi only kills and destroys.

In this state, the human is powerless and can only watch the demon kill innocent people.

This is why Mo Chi Chi is grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't sealed the demon, Mo Chi Chi would still be in the state of being possessed.

She didn't like that state, and she looked very ugly in that state.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what Mo Chichi was like, but his hatred for Mo Chichi didn't diminish at all.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll let you go if you say thank you?"

"If I guess correctly, you should be the incarnation of heaven!"

"You chased me to the point where I had no way to go up to heaven or down to earth. You and I are mortal enemies, so don't think I'll be merciful if you say a few nice words."

"From now on, you stay here honestly and never turn over."

The reason why Zhuo Bufan hated Mo Chichi was more because Mo Chichi hurt Meng Chanyi.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan would not forgive this woman.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't kill Mo Chichi, Zhuo Bufan might have taken action long ago to avenge Meng Chanyi.

Mo Chichi acted very indifferent to Zhuo Bufan's words.

"I have nothing to say if I fall into your hands."

"You have the right to do anything to me."

"Are you not afraid?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Chichi, and the woman's behavior surprised him.

Although Mo Chichi was in prison, she was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, she had an expression of letting Zhuo Bufan deal with her. Perhaps for her, this look now is also a kind of practice and liberation.

"Life is full of suffering, which is a kind of practice."

"I am the fool of heaven, and I am the fool of heaven. For me, any tempering is practice."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she looked at Zhuo Bufan.

The moment when Mo Chichi's eyes stared at him, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Because he saw an extremely pure look in Mo Chichi's eyes.

Clean and clear, without any turbidity. Life is full of suffering, but it can't make her heart and soul suffer.

"In that case, then you should stay here honestly!"

"Don't expect me to let you go, because letting a tiger go back to the mountains is not a stupid thing I would do."

"You and I are enemies after all, I advise you to do it for your own good."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left the Sealing Tower.

The conversation with Mo Chichi made him understand one thing, that is, Mo Chichi did not seem to be as unforgivable as he imagined.

Mo Chichi and Mo Chichi are two different people.

For a long time afterwards, Zhuo Bufan would enter the Sealing Tower once a day to strengthen the seal.

Mo Chichi is Chi Tian, ​​as the incarnation of the way of heaven, she is too powerful.

Zhuo Bufan was not sure in his heart that he could seal her with the Heaven Seal.

So he had to pay attention to Mo Chichi's status at any time. Once this woman showed a tendency to break free from the seal, Zhuo Bufan would banish her to the void as soon as possible.

And Mo Chichi seemed to be used to Zhuo Bufan's arrival every day. This woman was not upset because she was sealed.

Instead, she told Zhuo Bufan calmly about the disasters that each of her clones had experienced.

After just a few days of getting along, Zhuo Bufan found that this woman did not seem to want to escape.

Although she was ordered by the Heavenly Dao to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

But now that she was captured by Zhuo Bufan, she felt an indescribable sense of relief.

"Do you know why the Heavenly Dao wants to differentiate our personalities?"

Mo Chichi seemed to understand the answer that Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask, so she asked.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he heard it, and did not reply.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi continued.

"Because the Heavenly Dao is ruthless!"

Zhuo Bufan was touched when he said this, and suddenly wanted to know what Mo Chichi wanted to say next.

"The Way of Heaven is ruthless, but thousands of years ago, a human polluted the Way of Heaven, causing it to have emotions that it shouldn't have."

"Since then, the Way of Heaven has had more and more emotions. Greed, anger, obsession, hatred, arrogance, etc!"

"Because that human made the Way of Heaven have these emotions that it shouldn't have, the Way of Heaven hates humans to the core. It believes that humans are the calamity of heaven and earth, and that the existence of humans will only destroy its world."

"So from that time on, the Way of Heaven had a thought, which is to destroy humans and clean up humans."

"This is what you humans call the Great Clearing Catastrophe. I believe someone has told you about it!"

Mo Chichi's words made Zhuo Bufan's heart a little dusty. He felt that the relationship in Daluotian didn't seem to be as simple as he thought.

Humans polluted the Way of Heaven, causing the Way of Heaven to have emotions that it shouldn't have. It can be said that humans are to blame for their own actions.

Of course, Mo Chichi's words are only one-sided and cannot be completely believed.

"Do you know where our Heavenly Dao clones come from?"

Mo Chichi looked at Zhuo Bufan again, but Zhuo Bufan still didn't answer, because Zhuo Bufan believed that Mo Chichi would tell him on his own initiative.

Sure enough, seeing that Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions, Mo Chichi continued to answer.

"It was actually the Three Emperors of you humans who proposed to split the Heavenly Dao clones."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Three Emperors?"

He couldn't believe that it was the Three Emperors who gave birth to the Heavenly Dao clones.

"That's right. In order to stop the great catastrophe of the Heavenly Dao, the three emperors joined forces and actually sealed the power of the Heavenly Dao."

"After sealing the Heavenly Dao, the three emperors negotiated with the Heavenly Dao."

"They can eliminate these emotions that the Heavenly Dao should not have."

"The three emperors also intend to use this method to return the Heavenly Dao to its ruthless state."

"So, with the help of the three emperors, the Heavenly Dao differentiated us, the clones with all his negative emotions."

"But you also saw that the three emperors did not differentiate the positive emotions of the Heavenly Dao. Perhaps the three emperors intend to make the Heavenly Dao a kind, loving, and tolerant existence!"

"But the Heavenly Dao is ruthless. Since it is the sky, it should not have any emotions. Even if there is only one emotion, it will continue to derive other emotions. Just like at the beginning, the Heavenly Dao only gave birth to one emotion, and from that emotion, we gave birth to thousands of emotions."

Mo Chichi's words made Zhuo Bufan speechless.

Zhuo Bufan had never expected that Mo Chichi and the others were actually the clones of the Heavenly Dao at the request of the Three Emperors.

Of course, this was actually the first plan of the Three Emperors.

In fact, from the very beginning, the Three Emperors had been planning to separate these inappropriate emotions of the Heavenly Dao and make it return to the state of the Heavenly Dao being ruthless.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to separate these emotions.

For tens of millions of years, the Heavenly Dao has only divided out seven clones so far.

And each clone is its negative emotion.

"We all know about you. You are just a pawn of the Three Emperors."

"Your first life Luo Tian is the only one who successfully differentiated into two major races, the virtual body and the human race."

"The reason why it was able to hide from the world and successfully differentiate was still the Three Emperors' behind-the-scenes planning."

"The Heavenly Dao needs a host, and it will only choose the virtual body as a parasite."

"The Three Emperors sent the virtual body Luo Tian to the Heavenly Dao from the very beginning, and at the same time, hid the existence of the human body Luo Tian."

"After the Heavenly Dao parasitized the virtual body Luo Tian, ​​the era of Daluo Tian was officially opened. And the Three Emperors were also secretly cultivating the human body Luo Tian."

"In order not to be discovered by the Daluo Heavenly Dao, they let it enter reincarnation twice and continue to grow until you appeared in the third life."

"So, from the very beginning, your fate has been determined, do you understand?"

As the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Mo Chichi naturally knew about Zhuo Bufan.

From Zhuo Bufan's first life Luo Tian, ​​as soon as he entered this world, he had already entered the game of the Three Emperors.

In order to prevent the catastrophe from coming, the Three Emperors prepared several plans.

The first plan was to differentiate all the emotions of the Heavenly Dao and return it to its ruthless state.

Obviously, this plan failed after a million years of implementation.

Because it is extremely difficult to differentiate an incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

So the Three Emperors had to do something else.

They planned to refine a true and holy person to take over the Heavenly Dao. Let the human race become the host of the Heavenly Dao.

But doing so is very risky.

The first risk was that it was easy to be discovered by Heavenly Dao, so they had to send Luo Tian into reincarnation twice.

The second risk is that they don't know whether the person they selected is qualified to be the host of Heaven's Dao.

You know, human nature is a complex complex of seven emotions and six desires.

If this cultivator has impure thoughts, the harm to the world may be even more serious.

"Do you know why Heaven wants to hunt you down?"

Mo Chichi looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this. He felt that what Mo Chichi was going to say next would make him doubt his life.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan didn't answer, Mo Chichi continued.

"Because Tiandao does not believe in you humans, once you merge with the virtual body Luo Tian, ​​you will become Tiandao's new host."

"Humans are very complex creatures and are easily controlled by emotions."

"Tiandao was just an emotion contaminated by human beings, and it caused such a catastrophe. Once you become the new host of Heavenly Dao, it is hard to believe how the world will change."

Mo Chichi's words indeed made Zhuo Bufan feel confused.

If what Mo Chichi said is true, then it would definitely be a huge risk for the Three Emperors to choose Zhuo Bufan as the host of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan asked himself, is he qualified to be the host of heaven? Are you qualified to look at the world with the ruthless eyes of heaven?

He is a human being and he has seven emotions and six desires.

He will blame himself for what happened to Meng Chanyi, and he will also hate the pursuit of the incarnation of Heaven.

He will be happy to find his wife and daughter, but he will be sad because of his sister's death.

You will be troubled by problems related to your cultivation, and you will be entangled in emotional matters.

After all, he is extraordinary.

If he is allowed to become the host of Heavenly Dao, it may indeed be counterproductive.

"This is why we want to hunt you down."

"To be honest, I don't want to hunt you down. Instead, I really want to see what the world will be like if you become the host of Heaven."

"Instead of letting Heaven be ruthless, it is better to let Heaven be affectionate. Perhaps, this is what you three emperors think!"

"In the final analysis, the emotions that Tiandao possesses are incomplete and not rich."

"How interesting it would be if it had full human emotions!"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan with interest.

His eyes were filled with anticipation, which made Zhuo Bufan tremble slightly in his heart.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Jimo's eyes, calmed down, and then snorted for the rest of his life.

"You think I will believe what you say?"

"Sure enough, I shouldn't talk nonsense to a woman like you. Just do it right. I won't come again."

Zhuo Bufan did not dare to continue listening.

He turned around and disappeared into the seal tower.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan disappear in front of his eyes, Mo Chichi smiled faintly.

"Escape will not solve any problem. You will come back."

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