Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1202 Pre-war preparations

Zhuo Bufan did not completely deny what Mo Chichi said.

However, there are some issues that he needs to think about on his own. He sat on Little Nightmare's back, lost in thought.

Although he is just a pawn of the Three Emperors, he also has his own ideas.

Being completely controlled by others is not his extraordinary personality.

On the other side, above Ronin.

Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe, summoned all the elders of the tribe and gathered in the conference hall.

Then, he opened his empty eyes.

From his eyes, a red ball of light with a diameter of one meter flew out.

In the ball of light, a woman dressed in blood lay on the ground, looking around, looking pitifully at everyone present.

This woman who pretends to be pitiful is the fallen Tianli Mei.

"Another woman?"

The moment she saw Li Mei, Keira in the crowd was obviously unhappy.

Qiankun went out for a trip and brought back two women.

Moreover, these two women were both stunningly beautiful, which made Keira a little jealous.

The matter of Meng Chanyi has not been resolved yet, and now another Li Mei appears. How can Keira, who has always been regarded as the main palace of Qiankun, accept this?

The other elders present also looked at him differently and were a little confused.

They didn't know what exactly happened to the leader during his outing.

Why did he bring two women with him when he came back?

"Great Elder, please take a look, who is this woman?"

Qiankun sat on the throne and looked at a bald old man beside him.

There were dense tattoos carved on the old man's head, and it was obvious that a chaos beast was imprinted on his head.

After hearing this, the great elder walked up to Li Mei, and then, the tattooed curse mark above his head began to release black light.

Black light filled the top of the head, forming a jellyfish-like creature.

Huge head, countless tentacles.

The tentacles of the "jellyfish" penetrated directly into the ball of light, and then landed on top of Li Mei's head.

"The opportunity has come!"

Seeing this, Li Mei smiled inwardly, but of course she didn't show it.

The great elder's body trembled slightly. Within a moment, he retracted all the tentacles of the "jellyfish" and then looked back at Qiankun.

"If I go back to the leader, she should be a creature from Daluotian. She is cultivating Daluotian's unique Luotian vitality."

As soon as these words came out, all the elders present took a deep breath.

"Da Luotian?"

"Is it a life form of the Void Clan?"

"Does the legendary Daluotian really exist?"

"Da Luotian is the ancestral land of our Ronin clan, and it is also our undying enemy."

"Chief, what are you going to do?"

Some of the elders were panicked, some were frightened, and some were angry.

Anyway, because of the appearance of Li Mei, everyone's hearts are uneasy.

"Elders, don't worry, I sealed her with the Dark Eye Seat. Although she is very powerful, she can only listen to me now."

After hearing this, the elders present all worshiped Qiankun.

"Chief Shenwei, how does the leader plan to deal with it?"

The Great Elder looked at Qiankun who was sitting on top and said that after Qiankun heard this, he walked down from the throne.

Then he came to Li Mei and asked.

"Tell me, what is your purpose in leaving Daluotian?"

"Is it unethical to our Ronin clan to pursue and kill me blindly?"

This is not because Qiankun is paranoid about being persecuted, but because he has been intercepted and killed by the Daluo Tianxu clan over and over again.

And the opponents that come are getting stronger every time. He almost couldn't suppress Li Mei.

Therefore, this Qiankun has reason to believe that Li Mei and the others are coming for him.

If this is the case, then it is probably not just for him, but for the entire Ronin clan.

Faced with Qiankun's inquiry, Limei remained unmoved and didn't answer a word. Just snorted coldly.

After hearing this, the elders present were all frightened.

"What? Did Da Luotian discover our existence?"

"Isn't chasing the leader aimed at our Ronin clan?"

"How is it possible? Our Ronin clan has long been at odds with Daluo Tianjing River. Leader, what is going on?"

These elders were indeed a little scared when they heard that Da Luotian might be chasing them.

After all, Daluotian is very powerful and is a recognized sacred place in the chaotic void.

If Da Luo Tianzhen is really hunting down their Ronin tribe, it may be a catastrophe for the Ronin tribe.

But only the leader Qiankun knows what the situation is.

In this regard, everyone looked at Qiankun.

After hearing this, Qiankun said with a cold eyebrow.

"I have indeed been operating near Da Luotian recently, but for some reason I was targeted by Da Luotian's lackeys."

"They attacked me three times, either targeting me or our Ronin clan."

"It wouldn't be a big worry if they were just targeting me. What I'm afraid of is that these minions are targeting our clan."

"So, next I hope that everyone will be ready to start a war at any time, and the whole clan will be in a state of war preparation."

"As for this woman, I will handle it well."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he opened his empty eyes again, and then took the Li Mei in front of him into his eyes.

"Next, I will start to deploy the mission, and I also ask all the elders to work together to fight against the powerful enemy."

"First Elder, you are responsible for the pre-war deployment. The second elder will cooperate with you."

Qiankun looked at the great elder on the side.

As the most virtuous and respected person in the Ronin clan, although his cultivation level is not high, he is extremely intelligent and has extremely high prestige, second only to his leader.

It would be best for the First Elder and the Second Elder to cooperate in pre-war deployment.

After hearing this, the two elders took orders one after another.

After that, Qiankun looked at the third elder who was second on the left.

"Third Elder, you are responsible for patrolling and guarding, and leading the scout department to conduct round-the-clock monitoring."

The third elder has messy hair shawl and is wearing silver armor. He looks majestic and quite powerful.

His cultivation in the Ronin clan is second only to the leader Qiankun.

After receiving Qiankun's order, he obliged without hesitation.

"Please rest assured, leader, my subordinates will ensure the safety of the clan members. Not even a speck of dust will be spared."

Hearing what the third elder said, Qiankun nodded with satisfaction.

"With the third elder as the commander of the scout army, I will naturally feel at ease."

Then, Qiankun looked at the old man with white hair and vicissitudes of life next to the third elder and said.

"Fourth Elder, you are responsible for maintaining the seven-star array and ensuring that the array has sufficient resources."

The Fourth Elder is the god of formations of the Ronin clan, and the entire seven-star formation on the Ronin planet is his masterpiece.

Therefore, it would be best for him to be responsible for the maintenance of the seven-star formation. This is his job.

After hearing this, the fourth elder stepped forward and kowtowed.

"Please rest assured, leader, as long as I am here, the Seven-Star Formation will not let go of any enemy."

Qiankun looked at the confident fourth elder, smiled slightly, and said.

"With the four elders here, I am naturally at ease."

"Then Fifth Elder, you will be responsible for the training of the fleet. The Ziji fleet is a sharp sword for our Ronin clan. In the battle, we must be invincible."

The Ronin Tribe's Ziji Fleet, as he said himself, is an extremely sharp sword.

The Ronin clan is proud and proud of the Ziji fleet.

With this fleet, they are enough to resist the most powerful enemy in the Chaos Void.

As an elder with great leadership ability, the Fifth Elder naturally has a duty to do so.

"Your Majesty, I accept your orders!"

Finally, Qiankun looked at the Sixth Elder.

"Sixth Elder, I have more important things for you to do."

"The Ziji Battleship is a powerful weapon for our Ronin tribe, but it is not easy to build the Ziji Battleship. It requires a large amount of Ziji Chaos Stones."

"Sixth Elder, you have the most extensive information about the Chaos Void, and you also know where to find the Purple Chaos Stone."

"So, I will give you the most difficult task of finding the Purple Chaos Stone. Sixth Elder, can you do it?"

After Qiankun finished speaking, everyone present looked at the Sixth Elder.

The sixth elder is the youngest elder. Of course, his qualifications are not young.

Facing Qiankun's proposal, he frowned slightly and thought for a moment.

He knew that this task was very difficult, because the Purple Chaos Stone was something that could only be encountered but not sought.

However, now it was about the life and death of the Ronin clan, and he had to accept this task without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, I accept your orders!"

The Sixth Elder decisively accepted this most arduous task.

After hearing the Sixth Elder's affirmative words, Qiankun nodded with satisfaction.

"That's great!"

"If the Sixth Elder can find the Purple Chaos Stone, he will be the hero of our clan."

Qiankun breathed a sigh of relief, because this most difficult task was completed.

Finally, Qiankun looked at Keira who was standing aside.

"Keira, as the matriarch, I have to give you a task."

Qiankun looked at Keira and said.

Keira obviously hadn't recovered from her thoughts and didn't answer immediately.

"Keira, do you hear that? Keira?"

Qiankun called many times, but Keira finally responded.

"Ah! Brother Qiankun, what did you say?"

Seeing Keila's absent-minded look, Qiankun couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter with you? Why have I found you uneasy since I came back?"

"Also, I should have told you that in the conference hall, you can only call me leader."

When Keira heard this, she knelt down in fear.

"I'm sorry, sir, but please tell me that Keira will do her best and never delay."

Seeing Keira so nervous, Qiankun sighed.

"Forget it, I forgive your rudeness. Now I have to give you a task. You are responsible for the logistics. Once the war starts, your task will also be very important. Do you understand?"

After hearing Qiankun's words, Keira responded without hesitation.

"Please rest assured, chief, Keira will definitely fulfill her mission."

Keira took over the task and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Qiankun shook his head and said nothing more.

"Okay, everyone, you go down and get ready first, and I'll go to Po Li's place."

"Seventh Elder, go with me."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he looked at the seventh elder on the side.

The seventh elder glanced at Keira, then looked at Qiankun, and nodded.

"My lord, I obey!"

After saying that, the seventh elder followed Qiankun and left the meeting hall under everyone's gaze.

The leader couldn't wait to see the woman he rescued, which naturally aroused concern among everyone present.

Especially Keira, she should obviously be the leader's woman, but now, the leader doesn't even look at her.

Keira just knelt in the middle of the hall, a little at a loss.

At this time, when the other elders around him saw this, they shook their heads and left.

They elders have no say in the leader's decision.

In the end, only the great elder was left in the hall.

Before the great elder left, he reached out and patted Keira on the shoulder, sighing.

"Keira, no matter what, the great elder supports you."

"The Great Elder has watched you and the leader grow up together. In my eyes, you and Qiankun are a perfect match."

"So, boldly pursue your happiness!"

After the great elder finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Keira sobbing silently in the hall.

On the other side, the leader Qiankun brought the seven elders to the witch temple where Li Po was!

Li Po is the greatest witch god of the Ronin tribe. She can revive even the dead.

Therefore, Qiankun gave Meng Chanyi to her for treatment, believing that he would be able to revive this beauty who made his heart beat.

Arriving outside the main hall, Qiankun looked at the Seventh Elder beside him, and then said to him.

"Seventh Elder, there was something I didn't say just now in the main hall. In fact, I want to give you a personal mission."

Qiankun naturally has his own purpose in bringing the Seventh Elder along.

Although the Seventh Elder is a female, her cultivation is extremely high and she is considered one of the best among the women of the Ronin clan.

That's why Qiankun gave her what he considered the most important task.

"Seventh Elder, I hope you will help me protect my woman and protect the Witch Temple."

"I have been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have never been so attracted to a woman. When she wakes up, I will marry her."

"So no matter what, you must help me protect her safety. No one is allowed to approach the Witch Temple except Li Po."

This Qiankun is obviously serious.

He had feelings for Meng Chanyi that he shouldn't have.

After hearing this, the seventh elder frowned tightly. She wanted to refuse, because once she agreed to the leader, she would be sorry for Keira.

However, she has always treated Keira like a granddaughter.

However, Qiankun seemed to know that the Seventh Elder wanted to refuse, so he gave the order forcefully.

"This is not a request, this is an order."

"Once anything happens to her, Seventh Elder, don't blame me for being ruthless."

When Qiankun said these words again, there was a trace of murderous intent on his body, which made the hairs on the hair of the seventh elder stand on end, a chill ran down his spine, and his soul trembled slightly.

This is the majesty from the leader and she cannot violate it.

"I obey your orders."

The seventh elder had no choice but to grit his teeth and accept the task that she never wanted to take on, to protect Meng Chanyi.

Protect this strange woman.

Seeing the seventh elder's agreement, Qiankun smiled slightly and quickly helped him up.

"Seventh Elder, there is no need to be polite, get up quickly!"

"Then let's go in first and see what Li Po says."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he walked into the Witch Temple with his hands behind his back and a smile.

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