The seal is broken, and the situation is chaotic again.

Li Mei thought she could escape and avoid the clutches of Qiankun.

However, before she flew out of the Ronin Star Realm, she was stopped by Qiankun.

"Little bastard, why are you making trouble with me?"

"Get out of my way quickly, I will forgive you and will not cause any more trouble with you!"

Li Mei wanted to escape, after all, she was not sure about fighting with Qiankun now.

If she was in full condition, how could she be here to dawdle with Qiankun and compromise.

Of course, Qiankun was not a fool. He knew that after letting this cunning woman go, she would definitely ask for help.

So Qiankun decisively stopped her.

"Who broke the seal for you?"

"I don't believe that you can break my 90,000-layer seal with your own ability."

Qiankun knew that someone deliberately let Li Mei go.

And he could basically guess who it was.

After all, in Tiandang Mountain, apart from his master Tianjiang and the former leaders, he couldn't think of anyone else who could break his seal.

After hearing this, Li Mei said bluntly: "Your ancestors are more sensible than you. They know that the consequences of catching me will be disastrous."

"Boy, I advise you to be sensible and stop blocking the way of Empress Li Mei. Empress, I can forgive the past and will never embarrass you."

Li Mei repeatedly gave in and just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

However, what greeted her was Qiankun's sky-covering hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, you want to leave, it's impossible!"

As soon as Qiankun finished speaking, the sky-covering hand attacked Li Mei.

Before Li Mei could react, the surrounding environment had changed dramatically.

The two of them came to a chaos. It was Qiankun who used the hand of reincarnation to transfer the battlefield.

After all, the next battle may explode a galaxy.

If the power is too strong, it may sweep across the entire Ronin Star and cause unimaginable damage to the Ronin Star.

Therefore, this battle must not be started near Ronin Star.

Li Mei saw that Qiankun was determined to fight, and knew that she might not be able to get away this time.

"You ungrateful little beast, let me teach you a lesson today."

As soon as Li Mei finished speaking, the God-strate Whip in her hand turned into a purple dragon and roared towards Qiankun.


The purple dragon roared, sweeping the entire chaos with its overwhelming power.

Finally, it hit Qiankun with a bang.

However, Qiankun was completely unmoved, standing in place, with a domineering body, thundering and shaking the earth.


The purple dragon was destroyed in an instant, and at the same time, Qiankun stretched out his hand and grasped the other tip of the God-strate Whip.

For a while, he and Li Mei were in a confrontation.

"Stupid, do you still think you are my opponent now?"

Qiankun resisted Li Mei's move, remained motionless, and counterbalanced.

This made Li Mei realize that she was really no match for Qiankun now.

"Little beast, let go of the God Whip of the Queen."

Li Mei pulled the God Whip, but she found that the other end of the God Whip was tightly grasped by Qiankun, and she was not moved at all.


Li Mei gritted her teeth, and the harder she pulled, the more she found that the God Whip of the Queen had been completely grabbed by Qiankun.

"Since you want it, the Queen will give it to you."

As soon as Li Mei finished speaking, she condensed a powerful purple lightning, which was transmitted from one end of the God Whip to the other end of Qiankun.


Accompanied by the sound of purple lightning, it was transmitted to Qiankun's body almost instantly.

For a moment, endless lightning and thunder power bombarded Qiankun.


The purple lightning, like purple poisonous snakes, bit on Qiankun's body, and then hit it with a snapping sound.

But Qiankun's body was completely intact and unharmed.

The Ronin tribe is civilized by blood, and with a domineering body, it can cross the galaxy.

Qiankun can even cross the time rift without the help of the power of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

This is the blood power that the Ronin tribe is born with. Their bodies are already impeccable and powerful.

Facing Li Mei's many powerful moves, Qiankun did not fight back once, but endured them all.

Obviously, Qiankun wanted to use absolute power to overwhelm Li Mei.

He wanted Li Mei to know that no matter what she did, it was a desperate resistance.

Her only choice was to follow Qiankun back to the Ronin Star.

"Little bastard, you die."

Seeing that the purple thunder she released was easily resisted by Qiankun, Li Mei's anger burned again.

This time, she surged out her few powers, which were the original divine power of the Fallen Sky and the will of the Heavenly Dao that she had cultivated for 100,000 years.


As Li Mei screamed hoarsely.

For a moment, Li Mei's aura suddenly changed horribly.

Her body began to be entangled by crazy energy, and her originally snow-white skin began to break into countless cracks.

In the cracks, ghostly fire was released, and the whole person was no longer human.

Her face became hideous and terrifying, with bloodthirsty fangs in her mouth, and the two pairs of snow-white wings behind her turned into white bones in an instant.

On the white bones, a cold fire ignited.

This is Li Mei's fallen form, and it is also the side she is most reluctant to show.

Li Mei in her fallen form is very ugly, and even she herself does not want to see this appearance.

But now, she has no choice.

In order to escape from here, she must fall.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The sound of thunder and lightning interweaving was released from Li Mei again.

The purple lightning released by Li Mei in her fallen form was hundreds of times more powerful than before.

For a moment, the entire chaotic void was shrouded by the purple lightning on her body.

The surroundings were full of crackling sounds of destruction.

This time, the purple lightning was able to destroy the space.

The surrounding space, under the pressure of Li Mei's fallen form, has begun to collapse.

The space vortexes that were born began to crush this piece of chaos together.

"Heavenly Tribulation, Fallen Purple Thunder! Destroy!"

The Heavenly Tribulation is the divine power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Every incarnation of the Heavenly Dao controls a kind of Heavenly Tribulation.

And the Heavenly Tribulation controlled by Li Mei is this Fallen Purple Thunder.

A black ball of light condensed all the purple thunder around her.

It was compressed into a ball of energy with infinite destructive energy, and then blasted towards Qiankun.

"Don't block it this time if you dare!"

Li Mei smiled. This was the strongest attack she could use so far.

Of course, this was not the true power of the Fallen Purple Thunder. It was only one-third of the true power of the Fallen Purple Thunder.

But even so, Li Mei was confident enough.

One-third of the heavenly tribulation was enough to blast Qiankun into pieces.

As long as Qiankun didn't dodge or avoid it, and didn't defend. Then Qiankun would die!

At least, Li Mei thought so.

But just when Li Mei was proud of her wishful thinking, she saw that Qiankun on the opposite side really didn't dodge, let alone offer a trace of defense.

He just used his left hand to hold his God-stirring Whip tightly.

He was ready to withstand his most powerful attack.

At that moment, Li Mei widened her eyes. There was surprise and excitement in her eyes, but there was also some worry, and even a bit of inexplicable worry.



This time, everything around was destroyed, and the energy that could destroy the world was released, sweeping across a million miles of space.

Layers of space were all disintegrated, and a huge black hole was born.

Countless energies began to gather in the black hole.

Li Mei, who watched this scene, finally let out a heavy breath like a deflated ball.

At that moment, she felt relieved.

"Too conceited, do you really think you can withstand my heavenly tribulation?"

"It's a pity, you are indeed a powerful man, so powerful and charming."

Li Mei admitted that Qian Kun was powerful and that she saw a rare aura of charm in Qian Kun.

Just before her heavenly tribulation fell on Qian Kun, she was even overwhelmed by Qian Kun's unyielding and unshakable aura.

However, for Li Mei, it was all over. This powerful man who made her fall in love was destroyed by conceit.

"Since you are so proud, I will spare the lives of your Ronin clan."

"My queen, I will remember your name, Ronin clan, Qiankun!"

Li Mei sighed, ready to take back her God-stirring Whip, and then turned to leave.

But at the moment when Li Mei pulled the God-stirring Whip, he found that the other end of the God-stirring Whip was sending a firm and unmoving force.

At that moment, Li Mei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Not dead yet?"

Li Mei looked at the black hole in front of her, and saw a figure slowly walking out of the black hole.

He walked out of the black hole, and his body was completely immune to the swallowing of the black hole.

At that moment, Li Mei couldn't help but slowly raise her head.

Because she felt that the body was so tall and so strong.

She was just like an ignorant woman looking up at a mountain.

The terrifying pressure made her soul feel trembling.

"You, you, you..."

Li Mei pointed at Qiankun and couldn't say a word.

Because her soul had completely begged for mercy.

The Heavenly Dao clone of Daluotian was completely conquered at this moment.

That's right, Li Mei was conquered, conquered by Qiankun's domineering power.

At that moment, Li Mei lost all thoughts of resistance.

She was like an unruly horse, and after being completely tamed, she was left with only obedience.

The fallen Li Mei finally fell into her own weakness.


Qiankun, who was at the other end of the divine whip, suddenly pulled the divine whip.

Li Mei, who had lost her resistance, was pulled over, and finally was hugged tightly by Qiankun's broad chest.

"Stupid woman, are you still running away now?"

Qiankun looked at Li Mei, who was held under his arm with one hand, and said calmly and coldly.

Li Mei's eyes were already dull at this moment.

She raised her head and looked at Qiankun's face. At that moment, she seemed to see the light.

This is Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe, who completely conquered the incarnation of Heaven with his absolutely powerful strength.

From this moment on, the fallen Tian Limei completely fell under the domineering majesty of Qiankun.

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