Qiankun conquered Li Mei without moving a single move, and then brought him back to Ronin Star.

This time, Qiankun didn't even seal Li Mei under Tiandang Mountain.

He just sealed her soul with a seal.

Then he put a chain made of divine iron around Li Mei's neck.

Qiankun held the other end of the iron chain and firmly controlled Li Mei in his hands.

Li Mei was like an obedient pet, staying completely by Qiankun's side.

It was as if this battle had made Li Mei doubt her life.

"From now on, you are my slave, and I am your master. Do you understand?"

Qiankun conquered Limei with his powerful strength.

After hearing this, Li Mei lowered her head with dull eyes.

At this moment, Li Mei had completely lost his fighting spirit. This made Qiankun also breathe a sigh of relief.

After conquering Li Mei, Qiankun took her back to Ronin.

There was no time to celebrate the victory of the leader, Qiankun took Li Mei directly to Tiandang Mountain.

"You came?"

As soon as he returned to Tiandang Mountain, the soul of Tianjiang appeared in front of Qiankun.

When Qiankun saw this, he couldn't help frowning.

"Master, why do you want to break the seal on her body?"

"You should know very well that she is an extremely dangerous existence. Letting her go is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

Qiankun said, pulling the chain around Li Mei's neck.

Seeing that Li Mei was subdued by Qiankun again, Tianjiang breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they also know how dangerous Li Mei is, and Tianjiang certainly hopes that Qiankun can conquer Li Mei.

However, Tianjiang remained silent in the face of Qiankun's questioning.

"I'm sorry, kid, it's indeed the fault of us old men for releasing this sealed object."

"But why I released her, I won't tell you."

It is impossible for Tianjiang to betray Po Li.

Seeing that his master was so determined, Qiankun naturally didn't hesitate to question him.

After all, his master is already dead, so why bother a dead man.

"Master, I don't want you to hide anything from me."

"I can let go of what happened today, but for the sake of safety, I will not seal her in Tiandang Mountain again."

"From now on, she will stay with me as a slave."

Qiankun was worried that the soul of the ancestors in Tiandang Mountain would release Li Mei again, so this time, he would completely control Li Mei in his hands.

"Okay, let's go back."

Tianjiang said after hearing this.

"Before you go back, take this old boy back!"

"He seemed to have been possessed by the spirit of this girl before, and now he is dying."

After Tianjiang finished speaking, he saw the great elder's body slowly floating into the air.

When Qiankun saw this, he was slightly startled.

"Great Elder?"

Then he suddenly turned his head and looked at Li Mei.

"Did you do it?"

Li Mei was shocked by Qiankun's eyes and immediately nodded honestly.

"Humph, you are indeed cunning. I underestimated you."

Qiankun immediately recalled that day in the meeting hall, when the Great Elder ventured into the seal in order to find out Li Mei's identity.

It must have been at that time that he was taken over by Li Mei's soul.

"I understand, don't worry, Master, I will take the Great Elder back to heal his injuries."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he took Li Mei and the Great Elder back to the clan.

Looking at Qiankun's leaving figure, Tianjiang shook his head silently.

"Boy, I hope you can forgive us."

After Qiankun returned to the clan with Li Mei and the Great Elder, he immediately came to the Witch Temple.

To save the Great Elder, we naturally have to rely on Po Li's strength.

Moreover, Qiankun also wanted to come back and see Meng Chanyi.

However, when Qiankun and the others came to the Shaman Temple, they did not see the seven elders guarding the outside of the Shaman Temple.

Seeing this, Qiankun suddenly felt that something was wrong.

So he rushed into the Witch Temple.

As a result, as soon as he entered the Witch Temple, he saw Keira.

"Kayla, why are you here?"

Qiankun looked at Keira and asked immediately.

Keira looked at Qiankun, and then looked at Li Mei beside Qiankun.

She didn't expect that Qiankun would subdue Li Mei so quickly and arrive at the Witch Temple so quickly.

"I, I came to see my mother-in-law, but she is not in the palace."

Naturally, Keira can't talk about their plan now, let alone get involved in it.

When Qiankun heard this, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Take care of the Great Elder!"

After Qiankun finished speaking, he threw the Great Elder to Keira, then she pulled Li Mei's chain and rushed into the Witch Temple.

He rushed to the room where Meng Chanyi was staying as soon as possible, only to find that there was no one in the room.

"Where are the people?"

Afterwards, Qiankun immediately released his soul, and the powerful power of the soul covered the entire Ronin planet.

As a result, the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi were not found.

"Where are the people?"

Qiankun quickly returned to the courtyard, looked at Keira, and asked.

Keira was startled by the sudden madness of Qiankun and shook her head repeatedly.

"I don't know, my mother-in-law and the others disappeared when I came."

After hearing what Keira said, Qiankun obviously didn't believe it.

But now is not the time to question Keira. The top priority is to find Meng Chanyi.

"Where are the Fourth Elders?"

The soul of Qiankun moved towards the seven stars in the sky in shock.

The fourth elder who was responsible for guarding the Seven Stars Formation was shocked and responded immediately.

"I am here, what do you want, Chief?"

"Investigate immediately, when did Li Po and the others leave Ronin Star."

The Seven Stars Formation outside Ronin Star is one of the most important defense barriers of Ronin Star.

Similarly, they also play a surveillance role.

After hearing this, the fourth elder immediately began to investigate the entry and exit records of the Seven Stars Formation.

Soon, he found the time and direction when Li Po and the others left.

"Reporting to the chief, Li Po and the seventh elder left an hour ago and went in the opposite direction of our Ronin Star."

After hearing the answer from the fourth elder, Qiankun didn't say much.

He clamped Li Mei under his arm with one hand, then flew up into the sky with a bang, turned into a black light, and chased in the direction where Li Po and the others left.

"Why did you betray me?"

"Why did you betray me?"

At this moment, Qiankun was obviously overwhelmed by anger. He was now full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

He just wanted to find Meng Chanyi as soon as possible, he didn't want to lose that woman.

Now, he finally understood who secretly released Li Mei and who secretly planned all this.

What a feint to the east and attack to the west, Qiankun never expected that the people he trusted the most betrayed him.

"Found it!"

Qiankun's soul range first discovered Li Po and the Seventh Elder, and then he chased them at the fastest speed.

Li Po and the Seventh Elder obviously didn't expect that Qiankun would find them so quickly.


Qiankun brought Li Mei and appeared in front of Li Po and the Seventh Elder.

After seeing Qiankun, Li Po and the Seventh Elder were stunned.

"Chief, Chief!"

The Seventh Elder was so scared that he lowered his head quickly.

"Where are the people?"

Qiankun didn't pay any attention to the Seventh Elder's salute, but questioned them.

"Li Po, I ask you where are the people?"

Qiankun's words were full of anger, he gritted his teeth, and wished he could swallow Li Po.

Seeing this, Li Po silently closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, chief, please kill the old woman!"

"I have sent that girl away."

Li Po obviously refused to tell the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

After listening to Li Po's words, Qian Kun finally couldn't hold back his inner anger.

He finally found a woman he loved deeply, but everyone in the tribe wanted to betray him.

This made Qian Kun very angry.


Qian Kun was furious, and his power shook the galaxy. Many meteorites around exploded into ashes in an instant.

Qian Kun raised his hand and slapped it on the top of Li Po's head.

"Chief, don't!"

The seventh elder who saw this scene shouted hurriedly.

She obviously didn't expect that Qian Kun would really want to kill Li Po.

Seeing Qian Kun's hand fall, Li Po silently closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

At this critical moment, Li Mei, who was suddenly caught under Qian Kun's arm, suddenly brightened up.

"Meng Chanyi!"

Qian Kun stopped immediately after hearing this.

Then he raised his head and saw a white shadow in the depths of the dark and deep void, like a startled wild goose, with fluttering clothes, coming slowly.

She was like a holy light, walking towards Qian Kun.

When Qian Kun saw her, an indescribable joy appeared on his face.

At that moment, Qian Kun's hostility was all baptized by the holy light.

Meng Chanyi, the most beautiful woman in Daluotian, was like the brightest star in the chaotic void at this moment, slowly walking towards them.

"How is it possible?"

"Didn't you leave?"

Seeing Meng Chanyi coming, Li Po showed a very disappointed expression on her face.

Because they had spent all their efforts to send Meng Chanyi out.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chanyi would come back at this time.

Meng Chanyi flew towards Li Po, then showed an extremely gentle smile and said.

"Mother-in-law, I just want to come back and ask, how to get to Daluotian?"

After hearing this, Granny Li was stunned.


"Yes, I only remember that I came from Daluotian. But now, I can't go home!"

After hearing this, Granny Li looked at Meng Chanyi woodenly.

At this time, Li Mei looked at Meng Chanyi in amazement and said.

"Meng Chanyi, do you still remember who I am?"

Meng Chanyi looked at Li Mei, shook her head slowly, and said.

"Do we know each other?"

After hearing Meng Chanyi's answer, Li Mei was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"Hahahaha, do we know each other? Meng Chanyi, you actually forgot who I am?"

"You woman, do you want to pretend to have amnesia and forget everything you did to me?"

Li Mei was obviously the first to discover that Meng Chanyi had lost her memory.

Faced with Li Mei's inquiry, Meng Chanyi felt puzzled.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

"I only remember that I am a disciple of the Queen of Mazu Mountain. I should go back to teach my junior sisters."

"Excuse me, do you know how to get to Mazu Mountain?"

Meng Chanyi looked at Li Mei with a cute face, which made Li Mei laugh secretly.

"Hahaha, the arrogant Meng Chanyi has lost her memory! She actually lost her memory!"

"It's so fun, so fun!"

Obviously, it's just as Li Mei said.

The peerless Meng Chanyi has lost her memory!


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